Artificial language

Chinese Language and Literature Terminology
zero Useful+1
synonym Artificial language (Artificial language) generally refers to artificial language
Artificial language (literal translation of artificial language) is the literal translation of constructed language (conlang for short). People who are keen on constructing languages are generally called conlanger. For various purposes, the language produced by some people is either committed to world harmony or free communication idealist , or writers with special interests, or members of illegal or secret organizations.
Chinese name
Artificial language
Foreign name
constructed language
artificial language planned language
Artificial language
poland people Chaimen Hoff (Zamenhof) Esperanto
Reason for invention
Human communication, communication and linguistic needs

Various languages

The most famous practical artificial language:
Chaimen Hoff
Polack Chaimen Hoff (Zamenhof) Esperanto (Esperanto), based on European language, 16 articles in total rule of grammar , no exception, approximately simplified Romans Language, using 28 variants latin alphabet , one vowel and one tone. At present, there are about 3000 Esperanto speakers [1] The number of fluent users is estimated at 100000 to 2 million.
Other famous artificial languages:
yes Ido (Ido)、 Monda (Mondlango)、 Logical language (Lojban), Sasyamei, etc., but except for their faithful followers, few people attach importance to them.
Emoticons The sentence pattern of "embarrassing people, embarrassing people", which is people-oriented, is vivid and interesting. Yan characters support subject predicate Subject predicate object And so on. [2]

Reason for invention


Realistic communication

The following is an artificial language invented to facilitate human communication in reality.

Personal hobbies

Because of my deep study of linguistics and my preference for creative language. It is usually inseparable from "artistic creation".
canadian Artificial Pichian Tonga invented by Sonja Kisa
Jean Franç The Soresol language of ois Sudre

Artistic creation

For novels, plays, movies, game etc. artistic form The language used in the hypothetical world of.
As a language in literary works, nothing is more famous than Tolkien Authored《 The Ring 》Languages such as Elvish (Elvish) mainly includes Quenya (Quenya) and Sindalin Sindarin, Westron, Entish, The Black Speech, Orkish, Khuzdul, Adû naic, Westron, etc. Among them, the vocabulary and grammar of the two languages of the spirit are the most perfect, and many readers can understand and use them to write. The most different thing between Tolkien's artificial language and Esperanto is that his language has its own development track, with many irregular grammar and historical difficulties, so it looks more like a natural language.
Main entry: language of Arda
The languages used in other works of art are also listed below:

Linguistic structure

Language constructed to demonstrate certain linguistic phenomena

Secret communication

Language formed by children or members of secret organizations for secret communication
  • pig Latin (Pig Latin)
  • Qi Daiwen (Č idy win)
  • Spring Code : In fact, it is used by bandits, gangs and secret organizations cant It can also be called artificial language, but most of them only use specific sentences to express specific meanings (such as "Tianwang Gaidihu") or use certain expressions to replace the names of commonly used words (such as "Wan'er"), which is not a real language with grammar and full vocabulary. According to legend, European religious organizations“ Druid ”Have your own language Druid , but it is unknown whether it is true.

Other experimental purposes

  • Yerkes (a kind of "word" composed of pictures, indicating pictures with hands instead of pronunciation to express meaning, used to communicate with chimpanzee Communication)

Interstellar communication

To contact aliens, the first thing we encounter is undoubtedly what language Communication tools Problems. This issue has always been a hot topic, and also an important subject for scientists to study. Scientists believe that cosmic people should be more advanced and developed intelligent creatures than earth people, so their language should also be very developed. One of the signs is that language is highly mathematical. So scientists try to use language Mathematical method This is the basic idea of studying and designing cosmic language.
Netherlands Mathematician and astronomer Hans Frodensell once designed a mathematical based cosmic language (Lincos), which is based on the emission of radio waves To express different meanings. For example, short radio wave signals can represent numbers, and long radio wave signals represent addition and subtraction symbols. Different combinations of them can be used to express different meanings. Contemporary U.S.A astronomer Carl Sagan Convinced that no matter how different the technological civilizations in the universe are, there is a common language—— Mathematical language Chinese mathematicians and linguist Zhou Haizhong In the paper "Cosmic Language: Design, Transmission and Monitoring", it is pointed out that mathematical language has clarity monosemy , compactness universality , abstraction Logicality It is an ideal tool for interstellar communication. [3]