human resources

Terminology in the field of management psychology
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Human Resources (hereinafter referred to as "HR") refers to personnel, which is most widely defined as Human Resources Management Work, including six modules: Human resources planning , recruitment, training, performance, compensation and Labor relations Etc. It is mostly used in the HR department of the company. It is also an important position in the company. Corporate Personnel recruitment , training, employee assessment, employee salary, employee transfer are all related to personnel.
Human resources refer to those who are at working age, under working age or over working age but have Labor capacity Of the population. Human resources also refer to those owned by people in an organization that can be used by the enterprise within a certain period of time, and Value creation The general term of education, ability, skill, experience, physical strength, etc. that play a role in contributing.
Human resources or enterprises and institutions The ability (resources) of the personnel required for an independent business group.
Chinese name
human resources
Foreign name
Human Resources (HR)
Applicable fields
Management psychology
Personnel and labor resources the labor resources of talents
Dave Ulrich (Dave Ulrich)


Human Resources (HR for short) refers to the sum of the population of working age, under working age and over working age but capable of working in a country or region. Or expressed as: subtract from the total population of a country or region Incapacity The population after. Human resources also refer to the general term of education, ability, skills, experience, physical strength, etc. owned by people in an organization within a certain period of time that can be used by the enterprise and contribute to value creation. In a narrow sense enterprises and institutions The ability (resources) of the personnel required for an independent business group.

Main connotation

Human resources are broadly defined as a society with intelligence Labor capacity and physical labor The sum of people with ability includes quantity and quality. In a narrow sense, it is defined as the manpower owned by an organization to manufacture products and provide services.
human resources , also known as Labor resources Or labor force, which can promote the whole economy and social development The total population with labor capacity. Economics aims to create Material wealth And invest in Production activities All elements in are generally referred to as resources, including human resources Material resources , financial resources, information resources, time resources, among which human resources are the most valuable resources and the first resource. Human resources include quantity and quality. The most basic aspects of human resources, including physical strength and intelligence, include physical fitness, intelligence, knowledge and skills from the state of practical application. Human resources, like other resources, also have characteristics, availability and limitation.
Generally speaking, the number of human resources is population size , whose mass refers to Economically active population Physical fitness Cultural knowledge and Labor skills Horizontal. A certain amount of human resources are Social production Necessary for precondition Generally speaking, sufficient human resources are conducive to the development of production, but their quantity should be consistent with the production of material resources material goods The production of, not only consumes a large number of new products, and the surplus manpower can not be employed, but also has a negative impact on social and economic development. Economic development mainly depends on economic activity population quality With the wide application in production Modern science and technology The quality of human resources will play an increasingly important role in economic development.
Basic aspects include physical strength and intelligence. If viewed from the practical application form, it includes four aspects: physique, intelligence, knowledge and skills. have Labor capacity People who can participate independently, not just those who have certain mental and physical strength Social labor People who promote the development of the whole economy and society. Therefore, human resources include not only the population with labor ability within the working age, but also the population participating in social labor outside the working age.
At working age, due to the Socio economic conditions Different regulations on working age are different. Generally, the lower limit of working age is set at 15 years old and the upper limit is set at 64 years old. In China, employees are generally 16 years old. The retirement age of employees is 65 years old for men (excluding 65 years old when they retire) and 60 years old for women (excluding 60 years old). Therefore, the working age range in China should be 16-64 years old for men and 16-59 years old for women.

Conceptual discrimination


Population and human resources

Basic Introduction
Population resources It refers to the total population of a country or region. It is the most basic number. All human resources institutions resources of talents They all originate from this most basic population resource, which is mainly represented by the number of people.
Human resources refer to the number of talents in a country or region scientific knowledge , strong labor skills Value creation Those who play a key or important role in the process. resources of talents It is a part of human resources, that is, high-quality human resources.
It should be said that the essence of these three concepts is different. The essence of population resources and talent resources is human, while the essence of human resources is brain and physical strength. Essentially, there is nothing between them Comparability As far as population resources and talent resources are concerned, their focus is different. Population resources are more of a quantitative concept, while talent resources are more of a qualitative concept. But there is one kind of quantity among the three Inclusion relationship In terms of quantity, population resources are the largest, which is the quantitative basis for the formation of human resources. The part of population resources with certain mental and physical strength is human resources; and resources of talents It is also a part of human resources. The part with higher quality in human resources is also the least in quantity.
In proportion, human resources are the smallest, which are generated from human resources, and human resources are generated from population resources.

Difference in human capital

Human resources and human capital Both concepts are based on human beings, and the objects of study are all human brainpower and physical strength. From this point of view, the two are consistent. Moreover, modern human resources management theory Most are based on human capital theory; human capital theory It is the key content and basic part of human resource management theory; The accounting of human resources economic activities and their benefits is based on the theory of human capital; Both are studying human resources production factors It comes into being when it plays an important role in economic growth and development.
First of all, in relation to public wealth and social value The relationship between the two is different. Human capital is formed by investment, which emphasizes the value of the ability or skill acquired at a certain cost. The cost of investment can be recovered with greater returns in the process of improving productivity. So workers put their own mental and physical resources into Production process To participate in value creation, we should obtain corresponding Labor remuneration and economic interest It should be said that the relationship between social value and social value is a relationship between cause and effect.
Human resources are different. As a kind of resource, the mental and physical strength of workers play an important role in the creation of value. Human resources emphasize the production creative ability It can create products, create wealth and promote economic development in the production process. It and society Value relationship It should be said that it is traceable to the cause.
Secondly, the angle and focus of their research are also different. Human capital is the form of capital existing in the human body through investment, which forms human brain and physical strength physical capital The value condensation on people is to study the role of people in economic growth from the perspective of cost-benefit. It emphasizes the cost of investment and its recovery Investment cost How much value does it bring Value added The focus of attention is on the issue of income, that is, whether investment can bring income and how much income it can bring. Human resources, on the other hand, regard people as the source of wealth Input and output To study the role of human resources in economic development from the perspective of impetus How strong.
Finally, the measurement forms of human resources and human capital are different. As we all know, resource is the concept of stock, while capital has both Stocks and Flows The same is true of human resources and human capital. Human resources refer to the total amount of physical and mental power that people have in a certain time and space to contribute to value creation and can be used by organizations. Human capital, if viewed from the perspective of production, is often associated with flow accounting, which is manifested in the continuous accumulation of experience, the continuous improvement of skills, the constant change of output and the constant loss of physical strength; If from Investment activities It is not related to stock accounting from the perspective of Education and training , migration and health.

Development history

1. John R· Comus In 1919 and 1921, the term "human resources" was used in two books, "Industrial Honor" and "Industrial Government", but the meaning of human resources is far from what people understand in the 21st century.
2. At the beginning of the 20th century, people understood that the meaning of human resources was that management masters Peter Drucker It was first proposed and clearly defined in Management Practice in 1954. He believes that human resources have qualities that other resources do not have at present, namely“ Coordination capacity , integration ability, judgment and imagination "; It is a special resource that can only be developed and utilized through an effective incentive mechanism, and can bring visible economic value
3. After the 1960s, American economist W· Schultz and Gary Becker Modern human capital theory This theory believes that human capital is embodied in the capital of people with labor ability, expressed by the number and quality of workers, and it is formed through investment. This theory makes the concept of human resources more popular.
4. In Human Resources of National Wealth, British economist Harbison wrote that "human resources are the ultimate foundation of national wealth natural resources It is a passive factor of production. People are the active force to accumulate capital, develop natural resources, establish society, economy and politics, and promote the development of the country. Obviously, if a country cannot develop people's knowledge and skills, it cannot develop anything new. " Since then, there have been more and more studies on human resources, and scholars have also put forward more and more explanations on the meaning of human resources. [1]

Six characteristics

As a special resource, human resources have the following characteristics.


People have Subjective initiative , be able to carry out activities purposefully and transform the exterior purposefully Material world Its initiative is reflected in three aspects.


Human resources, different from any other resources, are living resources owned by human beings themselves and existing in the human body, so human resources are both producers and consumers. Human resources contain rich knowledge content, which makes it have great potential, and other resources have unparalleled high value-added.


Human resources and general resources such as mineral resources Different, mineral resources can generally be stored for a long time. If they are not mined, their quality will not be reduced. Human resources, on the other hand, will be wasted and degraded if they are stored but not used. Nature of work Different, human talents play a role Optimal period It is also different. Generally speaking, 25-45 years old is the golden age for scientific and technological talents, and 37 years old is the peak. Timeliness requires that human resources development should focus on people's age, which is most beneficial Professional requirements And implement the most powerful incentive. [2]


Human resources are different in a specific society and era social formation , different cultural background Will reflect and affect people's values Behavior Thinking method Human resources Social Require special attention to society during development political system Country policies laws and regulations as well as Cultural environment Impact.


Human resource development Continuity (Sustainability) means that human resources are resources that can be continuously developed. Not only the use process of human resources is the development process, but also the training, accumulation and creation process.


HR is renewable resource Through the continuous replacement and renewal of each individual in the population and the process of "consumption production re consumption reproduction" of labor force, its regeneration can be realized. The regeneration of human resources is governed not only by biological laws, but also by human consciousness and will, human civilization The impact of development activities, New technological revolution Constraints.

Eight characteristics

The characteristics of human resources refer to the special nature of human resources, the special quality that other resources do not have, and the scientific and practical performance of human resources.


Human resources are the internal storage and external expression of the value of human beings. They are inseparable from human vitality, and are related to human dignity and rights. Inalienability is mainly manifested in:
(1) Can't squeeze, can't cheat, can't seize;
(2) All unscientific methods will cause waste of human resources;
(3) All improper means will lead to the destruction of human resources;
(4) Respecting, supporting and meeting people's needs is the best way to play the role of human resources.
Therefore, they can not be deprived, and can only be consciously used and played through good management and development in the appointment.


Biology is the cause and result of human resource behavior characteristics. Biological existing two-way Material movement , there are also two-way Psychomotor It also has one-way resistance movement. The biological nature will inevitably bring about the difficulty and complexity of the use and development of human resources.


The sociality of human resources is mainly manifested as: belief, tradition, crowd, era, Regionality , nationality, nationality , professional, hierarchical, cultural. Sociality reflects people's standpoint Ethics value orientation Mode of thinking And Behavior mode , for human resources development It provides the basic ideological basis.


The cultivation, storage and utilization of human resources are directly related to the age of people. Different age stages reflect the different degrees of different types of human resources. This reflection of different time limits is also a natural law Results of constraints. It is used by human resources social policies And technical means. For example, in adolescence, mainly training educational resources Deposit increase stage; Young and middle-aged period, mainly the period of resource utilization and play; The old age is mainly the stage of exploring the value of surplus resources. The timeliness of human resources shows that they are effective, timely and timely, Overaging Little or ineffective use; Use must vary according to class and purpose. [3]

Capital accumulation

Human resources are the living capital of economic and social development and the most realistic productive forces. This kind of capital is formed by continuous cultivation, education and maintenance, and is the result of long-term accumulation of investment. The results show that:
First, investment goes with one's life, and capital accumulation goes with one's life;
Second, the amount of active capital formed by investment is reusable;
Third, the rolling use of resources (capital) will inevitably lead to unlimited value-added.
Capital accumulation requires that in the process of human resource management and development, investment must be increased to support good cultivation, education and maintenance.


Stimulation comes from people's psychology of meeting needs. The excitability of human resources is manifested in practice as follows: the stimulation of pulling force, the stimulation of synergy and enlightenment, the stimulation of driving force, and the stimulation of stimulating force. Excitement is Potential development It provides a theoretical method, which is excitation mechanism The starting point of.


Initiative is human Self worth Implemented Autonomous movement Behavior is the premise for human resources to play its role. Activity is shown as positive activity and negative activity, and its role in society is different. Human resources policies should enable them to give full play to positive initiatives, and reduce and avoid negative initiatives.

Carrier property

Carrier is the ability of human resources to load, transport and transfer, which is the inevitable result of the inalienable nature. The carrier of human resources depends on: First, it is really capable of carrying; Second, it really carries useful resources; Third, it can really output the source of bearing. The carrier of human resources provides a prerequisite for the exchange of talents.