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Kyoto Prefectural University

Public universities in Japan
Kyoto Perfect University (KPU) Kyoto Prefectural Agricultural School And Kyoto Prefectural Girls' Specialized School As a parent university, it was founded in 1949 and is located in Fujioto City, Kyoto, Japan.
The Kyoto Prefectural University has three departments: the Ministry of Literature, the Ministry of Public Policy, and the Ministry of Life and Environment. Its literature department consists of four major disciplines: Japanese and Chinese, European and American speech and culture, history, and food culture. Due to the unique historical and cultural atmosphere of Kyoto, its history subject is the signature major of Kyoto Prefecture University, with a deviation value of about 68.0, which makes it extremely difficult to enter [2] At the same time, Kyoto Prefectural University is also the only university in Japan to set up the discipline of food culture [1]
Chinese name
Kyoto Prefectural University
Foreign name
Kyoto Prefectural University
Time of establishment
Public University
Kyoto, Japan
Current President
Build mountains and worship
School official website

School information

Kyoto Prefectural University
Founded in 1895
Country: Japan
Province/state: Kyoto Prefecture
City: Jingdu
Is it certified by the Ministry of Education of China

School Profile

Kyoto Prefectural University
When Kyoto Prefectural University was founded, there was only one university science and engineering The university has a total of 21 lectures in 6 majors, with less than 500 students. Kishita Guangji was the first president. A few years later, three separate universities were set up, including law, medicine and arts. At that time, the whole university had five separate universities. Four years later, a new university decree was issued, and the branch university was renamed as a department. The original legal science and economics At the same time, it was upgraded to a department. After years of efforts, the Ministry of Agriculture and some research institutions have been established. The scale of the school has developed greatly, and the number of students has doubled. After the incorporation of Kyoto No.3 High School, the Humanities Department was established on this basis, which later developed into today's Department of Education. After the war, in accordance with the new education law, all new systems were implemented, the word "empire" in Imperial University was removed, and the destruction and influence of militarism on Kyoto government universities were eliminated, including the implementation of coeducation, cleaning up the teaching staff, abolishing some inopportune lectures, adding the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Pharmacy and some research institutes, and the education of graduate students was greatly developed, Open the door to the outside world.

Undergraduate major

Ministry of Literature
European and American Speech Culture Discipline
Japanese and Chinese Literature
History discipline
Public Policy Department
Public Policy Discipline
Social Sciences for Welfare
Life Environment Department
Biomolecular Science Division
Department of Agronomy and Life Sciences
Food Health
Environment and Information Science Section
Environmental Design Discipline
Forest Science Section

Postgraduate major

Literature Research Section
Chinese literature Chinese literature (Japanese literature, Japanese linguistics, Chinese literature)
English and American Literature (English Studies, American Literature, English Studies)
Historiography (Japanese historiography, Japanese cultural historiography, Japanese historiography, Japanese cultural historiography, Western historiography, Western cultural historiography, and cultural heritage)
Public Policy Research Section
Public policy (public policy theory, public policy theory, welfare society theory, social law, labor policy, civil law, regional society theory, local finance theory, environmental policy, administrative law)
Welfare sociology (welfare sociology, welfare sociology research, comparative social welfare theory, social welfare methodology, social welfare policy theory, health care and medical welfare theory)
Life Environment Science Research Section
application life sciences Plant Breeding , vegetable and flower gardening Fruit Horticulture Cell engineering, resource botany, agricultural management Applied entomology , nutrition science, food science, food environmental safety, food science, health science)
Environmental science (forest physiology and ecology, forest botany, forest planning, forest resource recycling, biological material properties, residential environment)



Entrance fee

282000 yen (submitted at admission)


535800 yen (per year)

living expenses

Rent, utilities and daily expenses in Beijing
50000~100000 yen (per month)

Financial Aid Statistics

Kyoto Prefectural University
Scholarships of the university are mainly raised from April to May. There are a wide range of scholarships, including those for private foreign students: International Japanese Cultural Research Exchange Consortium Scholarship for Foreign Students, Sasakawa International Student Award Society Scholarship, and Hiroshima Nakajima International Scholarship for Foreign Students.