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Jingzhaofu Road

Name of the first level administrative division in Jin Dynasty
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Jingzhaofu Road, the name of the first level administrative division in the Jin Dynasty, is composed of Song Dynasty Towards the set Yongxing Military Road It is changed from the original place to the place of governance Jingzhao Mansion Chang'an , Shaanxi Xi'an )It owns one prefecture and seven states. It is slightly equivalent to today's Guanzhong and Shangluo regions in Shaanxi, and western Henan.
Chinese name
Jingzhaofu Road
In today's Guanzhong and Shangluo regions of Shaanxi, Henan west
Set time



Yifu, Jingzhao Mansion Seven states: Zhenzhou Shangzhou Guozhou Qianzhou Tungchow Yaozhou Iowa , a total of seven states.


The second year of Huangtong in the Jin Dynasty (1142, the 12th year of Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty)
In August, the Southern Song Dynasty cut the area north of the Great Sanguan Pass in Qinling Mountains of Shaanxi Province to the Jin State.
In the same year, the Jin Dynasty changed Yongxing Military Road to Jingzhaofu Road and governed Jingzhaofu, which belonged to one prefecture and six states. One House, Jingzhao House; Six states: Shangzhou, Guozhou, Qianzhou, Tongzhou, Yaozhou and Huazhou. In 1215, the third year of Jin Xuanzong's Zhenyou reign, Zhenzhou was established Hancheng County (Today's Shaanxi Hancheng Urban area), Linghancheng He Yang (Now Heyang County, Shaanxi Province). It belongs to Jingzhaofu Road. So far, Jingzhao Mansion has jurisdiction over: One Mansion, Jingzhao Mansion; Seven states: Zhenzhou Shangzhou Guozhou Qianzhou Tungchow Yaozhou Iowa , a total of seven states.