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Industry Alliance

Cooperation mode
Industry Alliance refers to seeking new scale, standard, function or positioning to ensure the market advantages of all partners, and responding to common competitor Or to push the business into new fields Resource integration A mode of cooperation.
Alliance members can be limited to enterprises in a certain industry or cross industry enterprises in various parts of the same industry chain. Generally, there is no capital connection among alliance members, and all enterprises are equal and operate independently.
Chinese name
Industry Alliance
Foreign name
Industry Alliance
A cooperation mode
Number of main types

Generate advantages

Due to the combination of enterprises, the industrial alliance can form a greater synergy and influence in a certain field, which can not only bring new customers, markets and information to member enterprises, but also help enterprises focus on their own core business development. be relative to M&A Industrial alliance can realize a large range of resource allocation with low risk and avoid M&A The integration process may take months or even years, thus becoming an important means for enterprises to complement each other's advantages, expand development space, improve industry or industry competitiveness, and achieve extraordinary development.


Beijing New Energy Automobile Industry Alliance
Since the late 1970s, industrial alliances have been established in the United States, Europe, Japan, etc developed country And regions are thriving. According to statistics, since 1985 growth rate Up to 25%. Among the largest 1000 enterprises in the United States, 16% of their revenue comes from various alliances. Since the 1990s, industrial alliances have also begun to take shape in China, TD-SCDMA Industry Alliance, Broadband Alliance WAPI Alliance igrs Wait a lot High tech field The industrial alliance of is rising day by day. At present, industrial alliance has become an important form of industrial organization Industrial development Enterprise growth especially High tech enterprises The rapid growth of is of great significance.
The benefits of industrial alliance can be said to be very significant, compared with M&A Isomode The industrial alliance can achieve a wide range of Provisioning It avoids the integration process that may take months or even years in mergers and acquisitions, thus becoming an important means for enterprises to complement each other's advantages, expand development space, improve industry or industry competitiveness, and achieve extraordinary development.

Main types

In practice, there are five types of industrial alliances Enterprise innovation Played an important role in:
creative industry Creative Industry Alliance refers to seeking new scale, standard, function or positioning in the field of creative industries to ensure the market advantages of all partners and deal with common competitor Or to push the business into new fields Resource integration A mode of cooperation. Creative industries are also called creative industries. It refers to those enterprises that derive development impetus from individual creativity, skills and talents, as well as those activities that can create potential wealth and employment opportunities through the development of intellectual property.
Industry Alliance
China Creative Industry Alliance (China Creative Industry Alliance, abbreviated as CCIA) is a collaborative development alliance for creative industrialization initiated by national well-known creative institutions and supported by leaders of relevant ministries and commissions of the State Council, under the guidance of relevant committees of the CPPCC National Committee and national ministries and commissions, to promote China's creative industries to become highly cultural and High technology At present, it is the only national creative industry cooperation alliance in China that is united to promote the development and prosperity of the national creative industry and ultimately achieve the goal of becoming a creative power. The Alliance has expert committees, several regional committees, industry committees, and creativity Industrial Research Institute And the Fund Council.
On February 9, 2012, the Office of the Education, Science, Culture, Health and Sports Committee of the CPPCC National Committee China Creative Industry Alliance People's Political Consultative Conference Newspaper And other units“ Development of creative industries ”Symposium. Li Wuwei, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee, attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee Ministry of Culture , the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Education, the General Administration of Press and Publication, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, the Chinese Association for Science and Technology and other representatives of central and relevant national ministries and commissions, some members of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and the chairman of the presidium of the China Creative Industry Alliance, the former party group of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology, the former deputy director of the General Administration of Press and Publication, the chairman of the presidium of the Alliance Li Dongdong Attend the symposium. The participants held extensive discussions and exchanges on the current situation and development prospects of China's creative industries, including those promoting the development of the national design industry Relevant policies Suggest and construct the concept of "Creative Paradise" and change the culture Resource allocation mechanism Methods Cultural and creative industries The leading role of development. At present, the development of creative industries in China mainly exists Radiant force Not strong enough Talent training mechanism Unsound and other problems. Participants believed that government support should be strengthened and Combination of production, teaching and research Give play to the role of China Creative Industry Alliance, set up an industrial development research institute and other measures to promote the development of China's creative industry, and make China gradually become a "creative industry power" from a "creative industry power".
R&D alliance is a commonly used inter enterprise organization in innovation, whose goal is to solve the problem of industrial Generic Technology Question. The specific role of R&D alliance in enterprise innovation is:
① Lower research and development costs Share R&D risks. Technology R&D The investment of Uncertainty As it grows larger and larger, it is difficult for a single enterprise to bear the costs and risks of R&D alone.
Industry Alliance Standards
② R&D Resource complementarity Technology integration trend and enterprise specialization trend requirements Industry, education and research We should strengthen R&D cooperation and jointly complete innovation through resource complementarity. ③ Learn together. Enterprises pay more and more attention to learning. Common learning includes learning abroad advanced technique The members of the alliance learn from each other's strengths.
④ Shorten the R&D cycle. Competitive globalization Enterprises are required to continuously shorten the cycle of technology research and development, and obtain market opportunities through product first mover. The R&D alliance has concentrated industrial strength to accelerate the speed of member enterprises' entry into the market.
A typical case is the R&D cooperation industry alliance adopted by Japan and the United States in the semiconductor industry competition. From 1976 to 1979, the Japanese government supported Fujitsu Hitachi , Mitsubishi Electromechanical, Nippon Electric and Toshiba 5 major Japanese semiconductor companies vlsi VLSI consortium, which helped Japanese enterprises achieve technology catch-up In 1987 U.S. government Supported by IBM TI 、Lucent(AT & T)、 Digital Semiconductor、Intel、Motorola、 AMD 、LSILogic、 National Semiconductor Harris Semiconductor、Rockwell、 Micron Technology and HP A total of 13 major semiconductor companies have established the Semiconductor Technology Research and Development Cooperation Industry Alliance (SEMATECH) to help American semiconductor enterprises return to the world's first competitive position
The goal of industrial chain alliance is to build a competitive industrial chain. The specific role of industrial chain alliance in innovation is to promote innovative products to form a competitive industrial chain as soon as possible. The competitiveness of innovative products in the market depends on the competitiveness of the entire industrial chain, that is, innovative products need to obtain upstream and downstream product support, and the supporting products need to be competitive in the market. The industrial chain of innovative products is often difficult to rely on market mechanism Rapid formation, industrial chain alliance promotes the formation of industrial chain through cooperation between enterprises.
Chinese enterprises have proposed the third generation mobile Communication technology standards After TD-SCDMA, its commercialization process will face the challenges of industrial chain Coordinated development Question. The commercialization of mobile communication technology standards requires the whole system to advance synchronously: the lag of chips, system equipment, terminals, applications, test equipment and any other link will hinder the pace of commercialization. With the support of relevant government departments, domestic enterprises have established TD-SCDMA industry alliance, which has effectively promoted the commercialization of TD-SCDMA innovation.
China Digital Home Industry Alliance
The goal of the market cooperation alliance is to jointly develop the market. The specific role of market cooperation alliance in innovation is:
① Jointly explore the user market of innovative products. Because a single enterprise is unwilling to independently bear the market start-up cost of innovative products, or innovate Enterprise strength It is too weak to develop the market independently. Innovative enterprises jointly develop the market of innovative products through industrial alliances.
② Via Joint procurement Reduce the cost of innovative products. Small and medium-sized enterprises are difficult to achieve in the initial stage of innovative product development scale economy , joint procurement is Innovative SMEs reduce Purchase cost Important means.
③ Reduce innovation costs through shared infrastructure. Enterprises need to share some infrastructure in innovation, including sharing Experimental equipment , Share Testing equipment shared data Libraries to reduce the cost of innovation. Some shared facilities can be Market supply Some shared facilities are difficult to provide in the market due to strong specificity, and industrial alliance is a better solution.
④ Via Network interconnection Realize economies of scale on the demand side. Some innovative products have strong network characteristics. The realization of network interconnection between innovative enterprises can improve consumer welfare, thus promoting the marketization of innovative products.
Zhongguancun Science Park There are a large number of innovative SMEs. With the support of government departments, a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises have formed market cooperation industry alliances, such as Changfeng Alliance , Software Export Alliance Next generation Internet Alliance Medical Device Alliance Biomedicine outsource Alliance, etc. These alliances have lowered the threshold for innovative SMEs to enter the market and improved the success rate of innovative SMEs in the park.
WAPI Industry Alliance and Broadband Wireless IP Standard Working Group
Technical Standards Alliance The goal is to develop the industry technical standard The specific role of technical standards alliance in innovation is to commercialize innovative technology through technical standards. The technical standard itself has public goods However, some technical standards contain a large number of innovative technologies and related intellectual property rights, which are related to huge commercial interests and become the object of active competition for enterprises. Formulated by Technical Standards Alliance competitiveness Technical standards are conducive to the application of new technologies, the development of the whole industry and protection consumers'benefit
igrs It is a technical standard formulated by Chinese enterprises. Domestic leading electronic information enterprise association TCL Hisense Konka , Great Wall Changhong Skyworth When leaders set up the flash link technical standard Industry Alliance, which formulated the technical standards of Flash Connect and led the development and upgrading of the technical standards of Flash Connect. The V1.0 version of the Flash Connect standard formulated by the Flash Connect Technical Standards Alliance contains 204 items Invention patent , all owned by the flash link alliance enterprises. In 2005, Flash Connect has become the national industry recommendation standard. ISO/IEC, July 2006( International Organization for Standardization International Electrotechnical Commission )By voting to formally accept Flashlink as a candidate technical standard, it broke the deadlock that no proposal in this technical field in China has been adopted by ISO/IEC for more than ten years, and it is another important breakthrough in the internationalization of China's electronic information technology standards. igrs The industrial alliance is an open organization, which not only integrates the domestic Enterprise resources , is also actively seeking to use international resources to improve the global competitiveness of flash link technical standards.


Zhongguancun Creative Industry Alliance was established
At present, the purpose of building an alliance should be to share risks cost reduction Gradual steering lifting Innovation Industry alliance is undoubtedly shared by enterprises Technological innovation risk An effective way to reduce R&D costs, but if the alliance is only considered from this perspective, after the cooperation ends, each party's own innovation ability It may not be improved. It is necessary to build an industrial alliance so that resources among enterprises can flow horizontally in both directions or in multiple directions, thus improving the innovation of partners. Especially in the current situation of increasingly detailed industrial division industrial structure The important trend of change is that the global layout of the industry and the phenomenon of industrial clusters are increasingly prominent. It is difficult for a single enterprise to achieve success in the market with its single product and business applications. To innovate, it is necessary to build an industrial chain.
However, it is difficult to quickly form a new industrial chain only by relying on the market mechanism. The industrial chain alliance can quickly promote the evolution and formation of the industrial chain through cooperation, and realize the transformation from a small-scale alliance to a networked industrial chain alliance by building a multi-channel, multi-level, and multi angle network alliance. Take TD-SCDMA as an example. After the standard was proposed, its commercialization process faced the problem of coordinated development of the industrial chain, requiring the whole system to advance synchronously, including chips, system equipment, terminals, applications Test equipment The lag of any link will hinder the pace of commercialization. With the support of relevant government departments, domestic enterprises have established TD-SCDMA industry alliance, which has effectively promoted the commercialization of TD-SCDMA innovation.
At the same time, the industrial alliance strategic target We should also shift from regionalization to globalization. The globalization referred to here not only means that the regional technical cooperation Global Technology Alliance It also means that the products after cooperation will change from meeting the needs of consumers in the region to meeting the needs of global consumers, that is, to push the market towards globalization. In the long run, it is only stronger than that outside the region complementarity Or enterprises with strong strength Homogeneous product Time advantage, so as to further occupy the global market consumer market
With the global Telecommunication industry The most successful GSM in development Technical standardization For example, the technical standards of the Alliance Openness To a large extent, it has increased the competitive advantage of this alliance. Compared with GSM Technological competitive advantage Because of the low openness of CDMA Market expansion They are lagging behind. adopt Strategic alliance With internal technology sharing, high openness of technical standards and incentive policies for technological innovation, the GSM Technology Standardization Alliance has solved the contradiction between intellectual property protection and technology standardization, and has successfully won World Mobile in international competition Communication market And occupy the world mobile communication market leading role
The government's incentive policies are closely linked with the industrial alliance, especially in catch-up countries. For example, in the late 1980s, mobile communication in South Korea technological development At the beginning, the Ministry of Information and Communication of South Korea ignored the domestic part Telecom operators And the equipment supplier, and regard CD - MA as the Mobile communication standard , and presided over the establishment of Samsung LG The strategic alliance for CDMA technology development, which is composed of government research institutions, has made South Korea a leader in mobile communication technology from a country with backward telecommunications technology. This is our message Communication industry The future development provides a good reference, and also puts forward higher requirements for the government on how to accurately grasp the market and technology development trends.
As an important means for enterprises to enhance their innovation capability and an important organizational mode for joint development of enterprises, industrial alliances can form a greater synergy and influence in a certain field by virtue of the combination of enterprises, which can not only bring new customers, markets and information to member enterprises, but also help enterprises to improve their core competitiveness. along with regional economic integration With the further deepening of the globalization of the world economy, the industrial alliance will be fully developed worldwide and continue to show its strong vitality.

theoretical analysis

TD-SCDMA Industry Alliance
stay market economy Enterprise and market are the two main types of coordinated production Resource allocation Mode. Within the enterprise, production depends on administrative management To coordinate. Outside the enterprise, market price Regulate production and coordinate production through market transactions. In practice, there are a large number of inter enterprise organizations in the market, and industrial alliance is one of the important types. Why does the form of industrial alliance appear in the market instead of solving problems through enterprises or markets? Some theories analyze the reasons for the formation of industrial alliances from different perspectives.
Externality theory It believes that industrial alliance is an organization that internalizes the common problems of industry. There are a lot of common industrial problems in the market. The industrial alliance is Externalities A way of internalization. In the view of a single enterprise, the common problem of industry is an external problem. As enterprises attach importance to industrial commonness and consciously establish industrial alliances, industrial commonness becomes an internal problem of industrial alliances. At present, an important development trend is the combination of government policies and industrial alliances. Externality is an important goal of government policy, and the government can often achieve better results by formulating policies to support industrial alliances to solve common industrial problems. Industry alliance is an enterprise led and market-oriented organization, and the government often solves external problems by supporting industry alliance rather than Direct intervention Production activities More effective.
Transaction cost theory It is believed that industrial alliance can save costs under certain conditions. Ronald H. Coase believes that enterprises and markets are two alternative ways of resource allocation. The operation of both ways has costs, and the market way needs to pay for the market transaction cost , enterprise mode requires payment business organization cost. reasonable Enterprise boundary In "marginal organization cost=marginal transaction cost" Equilibrium point Williamson believes that transaction costs are mainly formed by three factors: the uncertainty of the transaction process, the specificity of assets, and the regularity of transactions. Industry alliance is a means of resource allocation between enterprises and markets. In some cases, industrial alliances can reduce transaction costs in the market and also save organizational costs for enterprises. For example, industrial chain cooperation and industrial alliance can reduce market transactions Special assets And professional division of labor can avoid the company Internal investment The organization cost is too large.
Communication and Information Industry Alliance
Resource based theory Think that industrial alliance is an enterprise acquisition External resources Important means. Enterprise essence It is a collection of resources, Enterprise resources With“ Heterogeneity ”And "incomplete liquidity", so the enterprise has rare, unique and difficult to imitate resources and capabilities Continuous competitive advantage Source of. When an enterprise encounters common problems in the industry, a single enterprise often does not have enough resources to solve the problem, including technology, market, capital, intellectual property, brand, public relations, etc. Industry alliance is an effective tool for enterprises to jointly invest resources to solve common industrial problems.
scale economy Theory and Economies of scope The theory holds that industrial alliance helps to realize economies of scale and economies of scope. In some cases, especially in the process of growth, it is difficult for enterprises to achieve economies of scale or economies of scope independently. The industrial alliance can help the enterprises in the alliance to jointly realize economies of scale or scope, such as Joint procurement , joint sales Joint development perhaps Co investment The basic equipment has reached economies of scale. The economies of scale or scope formed by industrial alliances also have some special advantages: enterprises can concentrate on core business On the other hand, it can avoid the impact of scale expansion Big enterprise disease , can maintain flexibility in many aspects, etc.
Organizational Learning Theory It believes that industrial alliance is a platform for enterprises to learn together. because External environment of the enterprise As the uncertainty of is getting higher and higher, enterprises must continue to learn in order to obtain opportunities for survival and development. Enterprises acquire new knowledge and skills through learning to seek competitive edge In the context of globalization, international competition is increasingly fierce. Under external pressure, enterprises within a country begin to seek cooperation to improve their competitiveness. An important reason for enterprises to participate in industrial alliances is learning, including mutual learning among alliance enterprises and joint learning of foreign advanced technology by alliance enterprises.

Reasons for rise

Since the middle of last century, the global industrial alliance has been rapid Development trend The rapid development of industrial alliance has a profound socio-economic background.
Technological progress and globalization are the two engines driving the change of global economic structure. The change of global economic structure shows the following trend characteristics:
Change trend at the market level. With the deepening of globalization and Development of information technology market competition There are two important characteristics. everything Local market Globalization of competition, i.e. in the local market Local enterprises To compete directly with global multinational companies. Second Enterprise market Globalization, that is, enterprises that only existed in the local market are paying more and more attention International operation In order to make use of both domestic and foreign resources and markets to improve Enterprise competitiveness
Change trend at the industrial level. region Industrial cluster The phenomenon has become increasingly prominent, which has promoted the industrial Global division of labor Layout; The industrial chain is getting longer and longer, Industrial division The cooperation within the industry is getting closer and closer; many High tech industry Demonstrate technical and Capital intensive The characteristics of innovation are large investment and high risk; The integration of technology promotes the integration of industries, that is, there is a trend of technology sharing, business intersection and product integration among industries; technical standard The impact on industrial development and enterprise competition is growing.
Change trend at the enterprise level. In response to globalization and industrial structure In terms of strategy, more and more focus on core competitiveness, and constantly reorganize in terms of business to improve the efficiency of the company; The professional development trend of enterprises makes enterprises increasingly rely on the development environment of the whole industry, and enterprises show more and more external characteristics in strategy.
technological innovation The change trend of the level. fundamental research , applied research and Product research The relationship between them is getting closer and closer, and the conversion cycle between them is getting shorter and shorter. The cooperation among industry, university and research is becoming increasingly important; Developed countries promote the establishment of a global Intellectual property protection The competition of system and intellectual property has become an important part of enterprise competition and even national competition.
Changes in economic structure have led to increasingly prominent industrial commonalities
3G Industry Alliance was officially established
The changes in the global economic structure have led to increasingly prominent common problems in the industry, that is, the development of a single enterprise is increasingly dependent on the development of the entire industry Development level And the development environment of the industry. The common problems of the industry are mainly reflected in five aspects:
Generic Technology R&D. Globalization urges enterprises and governments to attach importance to joint research and development of common technologies. Before the opening of the market, the competition of domestic enterprises in common technology is conducive to industrial technological progress. After market opening, the repeated investment of domestic enterprises in common technology may reduce the industrial International competitiveness International competition urges countries to attach importance to joint research and development of common technologies. Some countries regard common technology R&D as industrial policy ( technology policy )Important content of. In addition, the acceleration of technological progress also urges enterprises to attach importance to joint research and development of common technologies to reduce the risk of innovation uncertainty.
Formulation of technical standards. According to the definition of international standards (ISO), technical standards refer to "one or a series of mandatory requirements or guiding functions with details technical requirement And related Technical proposal The purpose is to make relevant products or services reach a certain level safety standards Or the requirements of entering the market. " The technical standard itself is public goods However, some technical standards, especially IT industry The technical standards of ", which contain a lot of intellectual property rights," have become an important weapon in industrial competition. Technical standards involve complex Interests , its formation process needs stakeholder Full consultation (based on International Organization for Standardization And International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Guide No. 2 (ISO/IEC Guide 2 1991) issued jointly in 1991, General Terms and Their Definitions in Standardization and Related Fields: "Standards are for the benefit of all parties concerned, especially for achieving the best Economy , with due consideration to the use conditions and safety requirements of the product, and with the cooperation of all relevant parties, carry out orderly activities Implementation standards Process.).
Supporting industrial chain. Industrial chain supporting means that enterprises in the industry jointly provide products or services to users through upstream and downstream cooperation of products. As the industrial division of labor becomes more and more detailed, the professional technology becomes more and more profound, Technology investment As it grows larger and larger, a single enterprise has no power to complete the investment in the entire industry chain. Industrial chain supporting facilities are developing country Common problems in the process of industrial catch-up, because developed country It has led the development of the industrial chain, and the innovative products of enterprises in developing countries must be mature with those in developed countries Technical competition Product chain relevant Enterprise investment Our confidence is often insufficient.
Industry Alliance
Market threshold for small and medium-sized enterprises. The market threshold of small and medium-sized enterprises refers to the survival of small and medium-sized enterprises in market competition Basic conditions , including whether the enterprise has reached the necessary Economic scale To complete large-scale procurement or realize scale economy And whether the enterprise has the necessary market capacity. The globalization of local market competition has compressed the living space The potential of overseas markets also provides a huge opportunity for the development of local SMEs. The key to meet the challenges and opportunities is whether SMEs can cross the minimum market threshold. New technology industry related Social rules The social rules of industrial development refer to the social rules related to the development of new technology industries, including laws, regulations and government policies. These social rules hinder or promote the market demand Is the basic condition for industrial development. For example, a country can only develop environmental protection Laws, regulations or policies, social organization And individuals will increase investment in environmental protection, Environmental protection industry Can develop.
The common problems of industry have an objective demand for industrial alliance. Because a single enterprise lacks the enthusiasm or ability to solve common industrial problems, common industrial problems can only be solved by the government, or by enterprises forming an industrial alliance. The combination of government policies and industrial alliances is an important development trend, that is, the government promotes the development of industrial alliances by supporting the development of industrial alliances Industrial innovation The industrial alliance is market orientation Is more efficient than the government Direct intervention High.
The adjustment of government policies has promoted the rise of industrial alliances
In the context of globalization, many governments have a new understanding of industrial alliances: on the one hand, economic globalization Weakened the government's commitment to Market monopoly Concerns. because Global industry With the intensification of competition, the government began to re recognize that the market was in monopoly“ Relevant markets ”The expansion of the market scope has prompted the government to relax its commitment to Cooperative innovation The restrictions on the development of industrial alliances have been greatly reduced. On the other hand, economic globalization has prompted the government to pay more attention to the International competitiveness The government has improved Industrial competitiveness From the perspective of, we should attach importance to supporting industrial alliances to solve common problems in industrial development, especially in industrial innovation.
Take the United States for example. The United States has strict antitrust legal system , which has a great restrictive effect on the industrial alliance. Due to the deepening of globalization and the intensification of international competition, the United States has realized that enterprise cooperation and innovation can improve the American economy The importance of international competitiveness, and began to learn from Japan Cooperative R&D Experience. The United States passed the National Cooperative Research Act (NCRA) in 1984, allowing enterprises to Pre competitive technology Cooperative research and development. In 1993, the National Cooperative Research and Production Act (NCRPA) was passed, which actually amended the previous law and expanded its scope to Production field In 2004, the United States added the Standards Development Organization Promotion Act (SDOAA) to relax the technical standard Organizational Antitrust Limitations. At the same time, the US government has given strong support to some R&D cooperation industry alliances. For example, the U.S. government has given a large amount of funding to SEMATECH, and has taken this cooperation model as Government funding Template for cooperative research and development.