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Industrial environment analysis

Important work of industrial environment development
To study and analyze an industry, we should first look at the impact on the development of the industry factor The longitudinal comparison analysis method is adopted here to cut industry The development history is used to study and analyze the development environment of the industry.
Chinese name
Industrial environment analysis
Foreign name
Industrial environment analysis
Research and analyze an industry
Analysis basis
Factors affecting industry development
Industrial classification
Chaoyang Industry and Sunset industry
Advanced level
Emerging industries And traditional industries

Key points of analysis

Since the development prospect of the industry is related to many factors, different classification standards are reflected according to different factors. There are several common divide method.

Industrial classification

According to the industry's future expectations, it can be divided into sunrise industry and Sunset industry For example, biotechnology and information industry are sunrise industries with a bright future light As the saying goes, "The road is tortuous and the future is bright." It may become Sunset industry The steel industry and textile industry It's obvious Sunset industry The future development prospects are not optimistic. Chaoyang Industry and Sunset industry It is relatively developed capitalist country For example, the microelectronics industry has become increasingly mature developing country It has just started and is in the position of a sunrise industry. Therefore, developed capitalist countries tend to transnational corporations In the name of investment, transfer of domestic production technology and equipment reach developing country Seeking benefits. Therefore, Chinese enterprises should also timely "introduce and go abroad" to explore foreign markets. Economics Unbalanced regional and urban and rural development may also lead to unbalanced industrial development, Emerging industries From the east to the west and from cities to villages has become a trend. In addition, the government's policy support gives enterprises a healthy and healthy development environment. If the development strength of the enterprise is relatively weak, compete If the power is not strong, why not transfer the development strategy of the enterprise to the west or take the road of "surrounding the city from the countryside" to seek the long-term development of the enterprise.
According to the advanced level of technology adopted by the industry, it can be divided into Emerging industries In general, traditional industries are Sunset industry Most emerging industries are sunrise industries. Because there are certain restrictions on the development cycle of the industry. From birth, development, prosperity and decline, the development cycle of an industry is estimated to be 120 years according to the traditional industry. According to the degree of dependence of the industry on resources and technology, the cycle of the industry fluctuates, either long or short. Generally speaking, the greater the dependence on resources, Industry cycle The shorter it will be, for example, in the steel and textile industries; The greater the dependence on technology, the longer the industry cycle, such as biotechnology, space technology, etc.
Generally speaking, the birth of an emerging industry does not indicate a huge profit Because the market response is relatively slow at this time, the product may not be consumer It is accepted that the market capacity is very small. For example, in the computer industry in the 1950s, almost no one would buy computers. industry At the initial stage of development, the entry threshold is relatively low, especially in some labor-intensive and resource intensive industries, such as textiles compete Less pressure, enterprises Profit space It is relatively large, and has not formed a standardized market order, and is in a period of rising together. When the enterprise develops to a certain stage, the market gradually becomes saturated and the industry becomes mature. Several integrations within the industry have formed a state of peaceful coexistence among enterprises Differentiation Strategy has become a new development trend, and products have begun to be refined and personalized to meet the needs of consumers of different ages, ethnic groups and classes demand This actually saves society cost , reducing the waste of resources caused by product surplus.
price war Has no longer become a major compete Means Differentiation Strategy is the symbol of mature industry market. At this time, due to Profit space Reduction of, cost Constraints, supplier System and sale The network also tends to be stable, which will not produce much change, and there will also be a stable amount of industrial products and substitutes Price comparison Relationship, not too much consumer And turn to other consumer goods. This kind of balance is relatively stable in the industry, but unstable among enterprises. Generally, large enterprises are new technologies research and development The introduction of new technologies will break this balance. In fact, if the development speed of one industry is significantly higher than that of other industries, the quantity of substitutes will increase Price comparison If the relationship changes, it will attract consumers of substitutes to transfer to this industry, including the transfer between countries profit It will also shift with it, producing a chain reaction of the whole society and even the world. For example, the computer industry has changed the global Economics Structure. Depending on the situation, promote or slow down the development of other industries. Therefore, the British cotton textile industry led to the rise of the British Empire, which is precisely why.
The development cycle of the industry (also known as the life cycle) is flexible. For the sake of simplicity household electrical appliances industry For example. In the early 1980s, China's home appliance market had just started. The so-called market was lacking. With the acceleration of reform and opening up, Chinese home appliance enterprises were surging. The first thing to do was to establish a complete enterprise, seize the opportunity to occupy the market, the so-called "seize the market". At this time, the market development is relatively easy, and the government policy supports the industry There are few restrictions for development. The industry division is not yet mature, and can not form a positive internal industry compete Only the potential advantages of enterprise development speed and marketing network compete This undercurrent surges. Because the search and development of new markets industry Internal competitive opportunities cost It is much smaller, and the new market established is relatively stable, ROI It is also higher. Well known enterprises in this period include Konka TCL Skyworth Hisense , Lehua, Xiahua, Panda, etc. At this time, the main feature of the enterprise is to expand the production scale and create market capacity. However, the market has a certain space, that is, limited. When the market is divided up. This virtually prevented other enterprises from entering the industry.
When industry The development of profit As a result of the unlimited pursuit of, enterprises began to seek different ways and their own advantages to expand outside. Other enterprises will also have similar strategic tendencies, not to mention wait to die. So the internal compete Inevitably, the annexation war of major enterprises began. Maybe there were only a few winners, or maybe there was no winner Color TV The price war is a good one case This involves the strategy and tactics of enterprises. The strength and scale of different enterprises in the industry are different, resulting in different enterprise strategies target And survival philosophy. For example, in 1998 Haier After stabilizing the domestic market, we put forward internationalization Strategy. But in the face of intense compete , contemporaneous period Gree air conditioner Initial stage of target It is based on domestic development until prosperity finally emerges. This is the time consumer At this time, enterprises should not blindly expand their scale without paying attention to product quality and brand effect
Entering the 21st century, especially after 2007 household electrical appliances The industry has become mature, and its performance characteristics are as follows: 1. The market growth has slowed down, compete More intense, has reached the "meager profit is the goal" situation. 2. Inter enterprise compete More about technology and cost The competition, more emphasis on cost advantage and service quality. 3. Market segmentation is no longer a simple regional division. The market division is more flat and hierarchical, and the products are more refined. 4. The industrial production capacity began to be surplus. 5. As the technology is more mature, the change is mainly about production and Operation management pattern 6. Enterprises began to seek foreign markets compete The pressure increases and is greatly affected by international trade barriers and prices. seven profit margin It is uncertain whether the gradual decline is a long-term trend or a temporary phenomenon; 8. Profit decline of middlemen - price negotiation Ability improvement. Therefore, the industry entry threshold in this period was extremely high, and other enterprises basically had no room to set foot in this industry, household electrical appliances Industrial compete Basically Haier Hisense , TCL, Konka Skyworth And two sale network Gome Competition with Suning. Therefore, the development of enterprises is inseparable industry The market is changing, but no matter how it changes, it can not escape the law of the industry's development cycle. Enterprises should attach importance to the analysis of macro environment and meso environment (industry environment analysis) while attaching importance to the analysis of micro environment, that is, their own analysis. Only in this way can they achieve both goals at one stroke, and will not cause enterprises to make conventional mistakes, or even strategic mistakes. According to the actual situation and different stages, different enterprises can industry Develop different strategies target In order to clearly see their own position, and even the position of the industry. This analysis method can also be applied to the analysis of other industries, and will not be repeated here.