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Transaction efficiency

Economic terminology
Transaction efficiency refers to one Regional economies Chinese trading activities (and Business activities Speed or efficiency of business activities (linked to administrative activities).
Chinese name
Transaction efficiency
Foreign name
Transaction efficiency
Trading or business activities
Test speed or efficiency

Formation and development

The earliest proposal and the city business The issues related to transaction efficiency are Adam Smith He is Research on the Nature and Causes of National Wealth The book discusses the relationship between transportation efficiency and business The relationship of the transaction. He believes that water transport is more efficient than land transport. If there is no development of water transport, the market will grow Division of labor The development of will be affected.
Then, Marx stay Capital Several places in the Capital turnover He pointed out that "the improvement of transportation means will definitely shorten the moving time of goods." "With the development of transportation means, not only the speed of space movement has been accelerated, but also the space distance has been shortened in time." He was analyzing Differential rent When forming, he also mentioned the problems related to traffic efficiency. He pointed out that "by adopting Means of transportation And make the location convenient. "
Thune In the book "Isolated Countries: The Relationship between Agriculture and the National Economy", Transportation expenses For humans production management Business activities The impact is huge.
Weber pointed out in the Industrial Location Theory - the Pure Theory of Location that the transportation cost is Industrial layout The decisive factors play the most powerful role in the basic orientation of industry. Therefore, enterprises production costs The place with the lowest transportation cost is the place with the lowest transportation cost, which is the transportation area rule.
Marshall In the Principles of Economics, he pointed out that "every time the price of transportation tools drops, and free exchange of ideas between remote places becomes more convenient, the role of various factors in the distribution of employment in a certain place will change." Here, he analyzed the impact of the improvement of transportation tools on the geographical distribution of industry, but he did not analyze the reasons, and“ transportation cost ”From Mainstream economics Deleted from.
Since the late 1980s“ New Economic Geography ”The advent of the new era has brought back the problem of space and transportation costs Mainstream economics Medium.
New Economic Geography ”Representatives of paul krugman It is believed that urban agglomeration is the result of the interaction of the two forces of cohesion and diffusion. because production factors The inseparability of the investment portfolio enables enterprises to gather together to realize scale economy It is profitable, and the geographical distribution and transportation cost send market demand Diversified. stay economic globalization Under the influence of, transportation cost The reduction of will promote enterprises to concentrate in certain areas to reduce fixed cost To make transportation cost Minimize, it tends to choose the location in market demand Big place, but big market demand depends on the location choice of other enterprises. In fact, the issue of transaction efficiency has been raised here.
But the first person who proposed the concept of transaction efficiency was the famous Chinese emerging classical economist Yang Xiaokai He put forward and applied this concept many times in his papers and monographs in 1988 and 1991. New Economic Geography And new classical economics transportation cost But there are significant differences. New Economic Geography Emphasize transportation technology, transportation equipment infrastructure yes transportation cost The important role of; New classical economics emphasizes not only the above functions, but also politics system Legal rules And its effect on the whole Economies Transaction efficiency, urbanization and economic development Impact.
from transportation cost transaction cost To transaction efficiency is a great leap of thought. Transaction efficiency can be avoided transaction cost Not considered transportation cost As well as the difficulties faced in the analysis of economic development. At the same time, it overcomes transaction cost The problems that are difficult to quantify and operate in the analysis of economic development give new significance to transaction cost theory and new institutional economics.


New classical economists Yang Xiaokai The concept of transaction efficiency was first put forward in 1988 and 1991, and has been applied for many times in his papers and monographs since then, which has taken a key step in understanding transaction efficiency. Unfortunately, he did not systematically elaborate on its meaning, content, structure and influencing factors. According to the available data, the first definition of transaction efficiency is Fudan University economics Doctor Zhao Hongjun. He believes that "transaction efficiency refers to a country within a certain period of time Economies Chinese trading activities (and Business activities Related) or business activities (linked to administrative activities). "Specifically, transaction efficiency can be measured by the number of homogeneous transactions or business activities completed in a unit time, that is, if a country has more transactions or business activities in a unit time, the transaction efficiency of that country will be higher; Or it can also be measured by the average time consumption of completing a single transaction or business activity, that is, the shorter the time for a country to complete a single transaction or business activity, the higher the transaction efficiency of that country. " Dr. Zhao Hongjun's discussion on the meaning of transaction efficiency is groundbreaking.
but Fudan University Of economics Gao Fan, a postdoctoral fellow, believes that the main body of transaction efficiency can be at the macro national or regional level, as well as at the micro level of enterprises, families and residents. At the same time, he believes that business activities associated with administrative activities are actually transactions between different subjects, and the significance of distinguishing between transaction activities and business activities is not significant; In addition, the measurement of efficiency can be expressed as the speed of time, but time is not the criterion for measuring efficiency, and there are multiple dimensions such as performance quality. Therefore, he believes that "transaction is the most basic activity in human economic society. However, the formation, development and completion of transactions need conditions and inputs. Therefore, transaction efficiency can be defined as: Economies The input-output relationship of transaction participants in carrying out transaction activities in a specific period of time. " "The input of trading activities is shown as the time, financial and material resources to complete the payment of the transaction. The output of trading activities is usually closely linked with the income of the trading partner. Therefore, assuming that the transaction is homogeneous, the trading efficiency can be expressed as the number or frequency of homogeneous trading activities completed in a unit time on a macro level, and the trading efficiency is related to this number or frequency positive correlation At the micro level, trading efficiency is expressed as the degree of time or material input required to complete homogeneous transactions within a specific range of time. Trading efficiency is inversely related to such time or material input. " Dr. Gao Fan's discussion on the meaning of transaction efficiency is more practical, more detailed and specific.
However, it is not enough to analyze transaction efficiency only through output input ratio. If the trading activity can not bring any utility No matter how high the ratio of output to input is, it cannot be regarded as efficient. From the perspective of transaction activity itself, the fundamental reason why a transaction can be completed is that both parties or one party of the transaction can obtain utility or benefit from the transaction. Utility refers to the satisfaction people feel when consuming goods or services. Utility generally consists of three elements: first, the function of objectively existing goods or services to meet needs; Second, people's understanding and utilization of goods or services; Third consumer The need exists. Benefits are economic activity The effective part of the result, that is, after deducting the cost net profit
There are three basic elements of transaction efficiency: first, the quality and quantity of goods or services traded in a unit time; Second, the utility of such goods or services; The third is the benefits obtained by traders in trading. One of the three is indispensable. If it is not based on obtaining certain quality and quantity of goods or services within a certain period of time, it is impossible to talk about utility and efficiency, let alone their maximization; If we only pay attention to the quality and quantity of goods or services, but ignore the value orientation of their utility, then goods or services cannot be traded, and thus benefits cannot be realized; If one sidedly emphasizes the benefits, and pays no attention to the quality and quantity of goods or services, the benefits will eventually be damaged. Therefore, transaction efficiency should be the combination and configuration of the relationship between things, people and things, and people and people under the condition that all the three elements above are met. It is directly reflected in the relationship between transaction efficiency and transaction cost The ratio of, that is, transaction efficiency=transaction benefit/transaction cost. Among them, transaction efficiency is in direct proportion to transaction efficiency transaction cost Inversely.

influence factor

There are many factors that affect transaction efficiency. Among them, the material conditions, transaction technology and transaction that meet the transaction needs system It is an important factor affecting transaction efficiency.
The material condition is an important factor affecting the transaction efficiency. Material conditions mainly include natural resources , geographical location infrastructure And goods or services available for trade. Good natural resources and geographical location conditions are conducive to improving transaction efficiency. For example, the southeast of China has fertile soil, mild climate, abundant rainfall, dense rivers, dense population, and developed economy, which lays the foundation for the southeast to have higher transaction efficiency. However, the northwest of China is mostly high mountains, deep valleys, dry climate, shortage of rainwater, sparsely populated areas, and economically underdeveloped areas, whose natural conditions to improve transaction efficiency are poor. Good infrastructure It is an important factor affecting transaction efficiency. Roads, railways, airports, stations, docks Port , communication ports and other infrastructure conditions directly or indirectly affect the efficiency of transactions. all infrastructure Better regions have high transaction efficiency; Where the infrastructure is poor, the transaction efficiency is low. stay economic globalization In the deepening era, the construction of expressways, aviation facilities, deep-water ports, information facilities, financial and insurance facilities, education and training facilities, etc. has been accelerated, which has greatly changed the space-time situation of transactions and rapidly improved the efficiency of transactions. The premise of transaction is that there should be enough tradable goods or services. If the economy is developed, there will be more tradable goods or services, and vice versa. The tradable goods or services and other material conditions are the material basis for improving transaction efficiency.
Trading technology is another important factor affecting trading efficiency. Technology refers to the process, operation methods and skills developed by people based on practical experience and natural science principles. Trading technology refers to the operating methods and skills developed by people based on trading practice experience and trading principles. Trading technology and infrastructure And trading tools, but trading technology is not equal to the technology and production Technology of trading instruments. Trading technology mainly includes logistics information flow Capital flow And labor flow technology. The transaction technologies around logistics mainly include packing , storage storage transport physical distribution management Technology. advanced Logistics technology It can save a lot Logistics time , saving Circulation cost , lower Circulation cost And improve transaction efficiency. The transaction technology around information flow mainly includes communication, information collection, information dissemination and other technologies related to transactions. Advanced information trading technology can speed up communication and reduce Information Asymmetry To reduce the cost of information search and processing, thereby improving transaction efficiency. Transaction technologies around capital flow mainly include those related to transactions Investment and financing Technology. People need finance Provide settlement exchange letter of credit Factoring negotiable securities , Insurance trust lease conduct financial transactions , Consultation capital operation And financial derivative transactions, which need advanced financial technology support, such as Credit Card ATM E-banking , real-time trading system, remote data exchange, database mining network terminal Etc. Advanced financial technology can expand the scope of transactions, speed up transactions, improve transaction quality, and reduce transaction cost And improve transaction efficiency. The transaction technologies around labor flow mainly include Labor mobility , trading technology. The improvement of labor trading technology can expand the trading volume and reduce the transaction cost Improve transaction efficiency.
transaction system It is also an important factor affecting transaction efficiency. system It is a normative system that restricts people's behavior. transaction system Yes Trading behavior The normative system of restriction includes formal system and informal system. The trading system mainly includes Property right system , price system, market system credit system And monetary system. property right system It is the premise of transaction. Only goods or services with clear property rights can be traded. A perfect property rights system can clarify the property rights of the transaction party, reduce the cost of property rights identification and disputes arising from property rights, and thus improve the transaction efficiency. Price system It refers to the system for formulating and implementing the price of products or services related to transactions. A standardized price system is conducive to the smooth conduct of trading activities and the improvement of trading efficiency. market system It refers to the transaction scale of the counterparty and the norms or rules of market competition. Perfect market system It is conducive to the expansion and realization of transaction scale even bargain And fair competition, expand the scale of transactions, improve the quality of transactions, and improve the efficiency of transactions. credit system It refers to the rules of conduct for the trading party to comply with the trading rules and perform the contract. The essence of market economy is credit economy , once you don't keep your word Trading behavior Will be suspended or suspended. Perfect credit system It is an important guarantee for expanding transaction scale, reducing transaction friction and improving transaction efficiency.

Main approaches

In a dynamic world, only by pooling resources Configure Resources The place is the center. Only the center with high transaction efficiency can collect and allocate resources. If the transaction efficiency is low, the speed of resource flow will slow down; If the transaction efficiency is lost, the central position will also be lost, and a new center will be formed in another place with high transaction efficiency. To maintain its central position, cities need to maintain high transaction efficiency. If we want to develop, we must constantly expand the transaction scale and improve the transaction efficiency. To improve transaction efficiency, we must improve material conditions, improve transaction technology and perfect transaction system In real economic life, it is mainly manifested in the acceleration of logistics, information flow, capital flow and labor flow. Therefore, the main way to improve transaction efficiency is to speed up the flow of logistics, information, capital and labor.

Logistics acceleration

The quality of transportation conditions directly affects the logistics speed. industrial revolution Before, the main means of transportation was horse drawn carriages. The carriage has limited carrying capacity, slow transportation speed and high cost, so the logistics speed is slow. Therefore, people's trading activities are limited to a narrow space. With the invention of steam engine and internal combustion engine and their wide application in the transportation industry, the transportation speed has been greatly accelerated, the transportation volume has been increased, and the transportation distance has been extended; And greatly reduced transportation cost And improved the transaction efficiency. along with economic globalization New international division of labor Formation of Trade With the development of intra product trade, the volume of goods and labor transactions has increased sharply, so it is urgent to improve transportation conditions and speed up logistics.
Speed up logistics needs to be strengthened Infrastructure construction We should proceed from reality and speed up the construction of expressways and high-speed railways. To constantly improve logistics technology and build Logistics network And electronic network to improve the technical level of logistics equipment and improve logistics efficiency. Strengthen logistics management and organize effectively Logistics resources , effectively integrate the existing transportation, warehousing, distribution and processing resources, scientifically and reasonably carry out multimodal transport, and achieve en route transportation Handover transportation Seamless connection, real-time information processing and feedback, and provide other services on the logistics chain. Vigorously develop Third party logistics and Fourth Party Logistics Promote the transformation of systematic transportation and warehousing enterprises into third-party logistics or fourth party logistics. Through integration and development, make full use of and reasonably allocate logistics resources, give full play to the maximum capacity of logistics, so as to reduce logistics costs and improve transaction efficiency.

Accelerate information flow

stay economic globalization In the era of deepening informatization, the flow of people, logistics and capital can not be separated from the flow of information. The speed of information flow directly or indirectly affects the speed of the flow of people, logistics and capital. Therefore, the speed of information flow is one of the important factors affecting transaction efficiency. Accelerating the speed of information flow can improve transaction efficiency. The information flow is mainly composed of electronic information transmission network and non electronic information transmission network. Electronic information transmission includes telephone, telegraph, television, radio, audio and video, audio-visual, data communication, computer network, etc; Non electronic information transmission mainly includes postal service, newspapers, magazines, books briefing , information, advertising technology promotion, consultation, cultural expo, etc. Speeding up the construction of electronic information transmission network and non electronic information transmission network will inevitably speed up the speed of information flow.
After the invention of the telegraph in 1837, great changes took place in the field of communication. This invention made it possible to transmit information through an electric pulse on a copper wire. Since then, people have continued to explore and innovate in the field of communication information society Informatization is changing people's production The way of life is also changing transaction mode modern information technology The structural impact on trading activities is mainly reflected in the gradual demise of wholesale business in trading activities. Retailers and production The direct linkage between departments is becoming the main trend. The "quick response system" composed of information technology and information system is the main driving force to promote this trend. The application of computer and communication technology has greatly reduced the labor resources and time consumed in the whole transaction process. Commodity barcode The extensive use of the can enable traders to grasp the information of goods entering and leaving at any time and save trading time; electronic data trading system bring dealer You can set Purchase Order , delivery order, payment notice and other information that needs to be transmitted by manpower and transportation tools are transmitted electronically, reducing the transaction cost And improved the transaction efficiency. The largest commodity chain store in the United States Wal-Mart (Wal Man) is an advanced and successful company in the application of information technology. Wal Mart Retail Stores Every point of sale in the Commodity sales The information is stored in the computer and directly transmitted to the supplier through the electronic data exchange system. The supplier will determine when and how much to deliver based on these information goods To which retail store. This approach eliminates many intermediate links, such as salesman, intermediate accountant, warehouse and warehouse keeper, transportation department and freight transport Drivers, etc. Greatly reduced transaction cost , improved the transaction efficiency. Epsom Australia Ltd., located in Sydney, reduced the advance booking time of guest rooms by 66%, the storage time by 50%, the labor force by 43%, and the operating cost of the warehouse by 25% through the use of information technology.
tradition retail It is set up around the traffic arteries. stay developed country More commonly, supermarkets connected with highways have formed a "shopping culture" with the characteristics of the 20th century. The development of information technology is changing this situation. The "shopping culture" in the 11th century still revolves around the expressway, but it is no longer the expressway by car, but information superhighway Has. E-commerce and international business network are likely to become the main features of the "shopping culture" in the 21st century. In order to adapt to the characteristics of this era, we need to vigorously promote the informatization process. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the Infrastructure construction Including building a modern information port, improving infrastructure such as communication networks, digital television networks and the new generation Internet, and gradually forming a full coverage high-speed broadband, backbone interactive network, and public data transmission platform. In terms of the construction of non electronic information transmission network, we should continue to build a good postal network, run newspapers and magazines, establish a network of books and materials, run cultural relics and exhibitions, and give full play to the important role of non electronic information transmission network. Through efforts, build an information highway to facilitate and speed up information exchange and reduce transaction cost And improve transaction efficiency.

Accelerate capital flow

according to Marx On《 Capital 》Analysis in, Impact Capital turnover speed Factors other than Productive capital in fixed capital and working capital In addition to different proportions Production time And the length of circulation time. In addition to the length of transaction time and the quality of transportation conditions, the main factors affecting the transaction capital flow are the development of the financial industry. The situation of the financial industry directly affects the speed of capital flow. With the deepening of economic globalization and informatization, accelerating financial reform and innovation and realizing financial modernization are of great significance for accelerating the speed of capital flow.
The modernization of the financial industry is mainly to introduce information technology to realize Financial informatization Experience worldwide shows that in all information intensive economic activity China's financial industry always takes the lead in introducing advanced information technology. Information technology has greatly improved the efficiency of banks. On the one hand, the application of information technology improves the efficiency of business processing; On the other hand, the application of information technology promotes banks to Redesign its operation flow , making business processes more reasonable, faster, and more resource efficient with the support of information technology. For example, automatic teller machines (ATMs) not only facilitate customers, but also greatly reduce the workload of bank tellers. It has been calculated that in the United States, a bank teller can handle about 200 transactions every day, work about 30 hours a week, and earn an annual salary from $8000 to $20000, plus various benefits and vacations. An ATM can handle 2000 transactions per day, work 168 hours per month, cost about $220000 per year, and do not need benefits and leave. Another example“ Electronic check ”It can greatly save manpower and material resources, no longer need to fill in checks, credit review, mail, account entry and other miscellaneous procedures, and is extremely efficient.
There is a lot of work to be done to promote the informatization of the financial industry, but mainly the following three tasks:
First, build the internal information system of each bank; The second is to build information systems among banks, especially between banks and the central bank; Third, the information between CCB and customers Payment system
To build a modern financial network, we need to build Financial regulation And the Money Financing Network financial regulation Coordination network, capital flow safety network, financial market network Intra city bills Settlement switching network bank card One city network and unified enterprise within the region personal credit Information network, "Bank Securities"“ Bancassurance ”, "Securities and Insurance" collaboration network. We should vigorously promote financial reform and innovation financial instruments , more advanced financial technology and better financial service To provide quality services. We should attach importance to letters of credit, factoring, securities Insurance The development and application of financial instruments such as trust, leasing, wealth management, consulting, project financing and capital operation will improve the paperless, electronic and networked level of finance and ensure that funds are raised, used and dispatched with lower costs, less risks and higher efficiency. At the same time, we should increase the openness of the financial industry to attract more foreign-capital financial institution Established in China branch And introduce modern financial concepts, advanced financial technologies and new financial instruments. Strive to realize finance modernization It can expand the financial scale, reduce the financial cost, accelerate the speed of capital flow, so as to achieve the purpose of improving transaction efficiency.

Accelerate labor flow

Labor flow is a decisive factor affecting transaction efficiency and urban development. Logistics, information flow and capital flow all depend on people and need people to operate. People play a decisive role in improving transaction efficiency. Therefore, labor flow is the decisive factor to improve transaction efficiency. Labor flow is not equal to population flow, but it contains labor flow, which is the main part of population flow.
countryside Surplus labor A large number of people flow into cities because the expected benefits of cities are higher than those of rural areas, there are more employment opportunities, and the benefits and payment costs are larger than those of rural areas, that is, their transaction efficiency is higher than that of rural areas. developed country In the early and middle stages of industrialization and urbanization, a large number of rural labor force have gone through the process of flowing to cities, and China is no exception. At the beginning of the reform and opening up, China's floating population was less than 2 million, exceeding 30 million in 1990 and 60 million in 1994. In the past five years, the number of floating population in China has increased by 6 million to 8 million every year. comprehensive analysis National Bureau of Statistics Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Labor and Social Security, National Population and Family Planning Commission and other relevant departments statistical data At present, China's total floating population has reached 120 million to 140 million, accounting for 1/10 of the national population. According to relevant experts' estimates, at least 250 million people will be transferred from rural areas to cities and towns between now and 2015, and the floating population will probably exceed 400 million.
of large number Rural surplus labor It flows to cities and towns, becoming the main force of labor flow in China. Due to the imbalance of urban development, the population of cities with lower transaction efficiency will flow to cities with higher transaction efficiency. along with economic globalization With the deepening of the process, many foreign population and overseas students also flow to Chinese cities. These constitute a huge labor flow in China at this stage. In order to ensure the orderly flow of labor flow and accelerate the speed of labor flow, the most important work is to do the following:
First, continue to deepen Economic system reform , establish and improve Market system , give full play to the market Resource allocation The fundamental role of Market economy system And form a space and environment conducive to improving transaction efficiency, and eliminate barriers to the free flow of labor between urban and rural areas and between regions.
Second, further reform of household registration system Simplify the procedures of labor force transfer, and allow farmers to have relatively free rights of migration, residence and employment. In particular, we should separate welfare from household registration social security Social protection, access to education and others public service Remove from the household registration status, so that urban and rural residents can enjoy the same treatment.
Third, strengthen the construction of labor intermediary organizations. Accelerate the development and strictly regulate labor intermediary service market Improve the intermediary network, reduce the cost of search, negotiation and contract signing between labor supply and demand parties, and reduce transaction cost And improve transaction efficiency. Fourth, we will strengthen the informatization and networking of the labor market. Strengthen the construction of various talent information databases, make full use of the time-space advantages and quick functions of the network, establish a domestic and foreign oriented talent exchange interface information content Large, extensive and efficient modern labor market. Fifth, establish labor supply and demand forecast system Make a good prediction of talent supply and demand, guide the flow and training of labor, promote the reasonable flow of labor, and reduce transaction cost And improve transaction efficiency.