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Cloud God

The Gods of the Four Seasons in Chinese Traditional Mythology
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Cloud God is a god in ancient Chinese mythology. His position is a god who specializes in the change of seasons and weather. The official name is Cloud Master. Yushi. Lei Shi. The specific characters are“ Fenglong ”。
Chinese name
Cloud God
Cloud God
Meaning of words
The ancient god of weather change
Official name
Yun Shi, Yu Shi, Lei Shi, Feng Shi.
Chinese novels
Cloud God
for years


Ancient records

"Chu Ci Li Sao": I make Feng Longyi cloud.
Note: Feng Long, Yun Shi. One is Lei Shi.
Nine song cloud king note cloud: God, Fenglong.
The five ministers said, "Cloud God, Fenglong.". Press, Feng Long, or Yun Shi, or Lei Shi. Screen, or cloud division, or rain division, or wind division.
According to the "Return to Tibet", the abundant divination (prediction) will tell us about the clouds. Then the cloud teacher also.
According to the Biography of Emperor Mu, the Emperor ascended to Kunlun and was buried in Fenglong. Guo Puyun: Fenglong Divinator (Forecaster) got the grand divination from Yu Yun. So he became a Lei Shi.
Huai Nan Zi said: In the spring and March, a lot of rain comes out.
According to Zhang Heng's Metaphysical Ode, the sound of the earthquake is strong, and the night is not bright. The mouth of Yun Shi is intersected with each other, and the rain fills it with paint.
Then Fenglong and Leiye. Cloud teacher, screen also.