a bank of clouds

[yún céng]
Chinese words
zero Useful+1
Clouds, generally Layering 's cloud. Clouds are mainly formed by the gradual condensation of rising water vapor and falling temperature. The cloud layer is divided into many types, and the height of each layer is different, forming a unpredictable cloud landscape. [2]
Clouds mainly fall into two categories—— Cumulus Stratiform cloud , cumulus also includes Cirrocumulus Altocumulus Cumulonimbus cloud Cumulus, stratiform clouds include cirrostratus Stratospheric cloud nimbostratus Stratocumulus , stratiform clouds.
Chinese name
a bank of clouds
Foreign name
cloud layer
yún céng
Citation explanation
Stratified clouds

Lexical concept

Pinyin :yún céng
Basic explanation
[Cloud layer] Layer by layer clouds; Stratified clouds.
Citation explanation
Stratified clouds.
Tang Li Dong《 Shushu Monastery 》Poem: "The name is Jiangsi Pagoda, and the sign is hung into the clouds."《 Cloud Collection Seven Sign 》Volume 21: "Above the three realms, there is no color root. I am in the clouds." [1]

Basic meaning


Formation process

a bank of clouds
We often see the sky sometimes cloudless, sometimes white clouds blossoming, sometimes dark clouds. Why does the sky sometimes have clouds and sometimes not? How did clouds form? What does it consist of?
Clouds floating in the sky are composed of many small water drops or ice crystals, some of which are mixed together. Sometimes it also contains some large raindrops, ice and snow particles. The bottom of the cloud does not touch the ground and has a certain thickness.
The formation of clouds is mainly caused by water vapor condensation. As we all know, the closer to the ground, the higher the temperature and the denser the air in the atmosphere that is more than ten kilometers above the ground; The higher the altitude, the lower the temperature, and the thinner the air.
On the other hand, the water surface of rivers, lakes and seas, as well as the water of soil, animals and plants, evaporate into the air at any time and become water vapor. When water vapor enters the atmosphere, it will form clouds and rain, or condense into frost and dew, and then return to the ground, seep into soil or flow into rivers, lakes and seas. Then it evaporates (sublimates) again and condenses (coagulates) again. It goes round and round.
Cirrus cloud Up to about 10000 meters

Category Introduction

Here are nine cloud forms. The word "product" indicates that the cloud is massive (regardless of size), and the word "layer" indicates that the sky is full of gloomy clouds. Each type gives the approximate distribution Altitude The higher the clouds, the better the weather. stay polar regions The same type of cloud will appear in the lower altitude sky.
Cirrocumulus : small round cumulus, which looks like ripples, is often called“ Fishscale sky ”, usually 5000~8000 meters above sea level, which usually indicates that there will be unstable weather system It will be rainy and windy. Agricultural proverbs The sky is full of fish scales, and the wind blows even if it doesn't rain ”It refers to such a cloudy sky.
Altocumulus : Similar to cirrocumulus, it indicates good weather, but its Coverage Wider, thicker clouds, dark in white. It usually occurs after a rainstorm and is suspended at an altitude of 5000~6000 meters.
Cumulonimbus cloud
Cumulonimbus cloud : It is a low-level thundercloud with dark color. The tower cloud layer can reach 6000 meters high, and the flat cloud layer at the top is called anvil top. product Rain cloud It often brings strong storms, rain, thunder and lightning. The upper layer is similar to the false cirrus cloud, and the top layer is similar to the false rain cloud.
Cumulus: easy to identify, fluffy white clouds, like Tuan Tuan Cotton wadding, floating in the air. If we separate from each other, it will be a fine sunny day again. However, if it grows bigger and bigger, and there are more and more fronts, it is likely to bring a sudden rainstorm. Cumulus clouds in the sea and blue sky usually indicate that they are not far from land, and their height is generally not more than 2500 meters.
cirrostratus It is formed by ice particles and looks like the lines of white clouds. These are the only clouds that can produce halos around the sun or moon. If the cirrus cloud expands, it means the weather is sunny; If the cirrus cloud shrinks, it means that it will rain; If the sky is covered with cirrus clouds, the sky above the cirrus clouds will darken and gradually form Cirrocumulus , which indicates the coming of rain and snow.
Stratospheric cloud : in the sun or moonlight Under the light, it looks like a gray curtain. If Moist air Close, Cloud disk It disappears, and the cloud layer becomes thicker and darker until it rains, with a height of 2500~6000 meters.
nimbostratus : It is a low-level dark cloud, which is shrouded in the air, meaning that there will be rain within 4 hours, usually lasting for several hours.
Translucent stratocumulus
Stratocumulus : Low level Imbricate A layer of clouds, usually covering the whole sky. The clouds are thin and sunlight can be transmitted. They may bring thunder shower , but it usually disappears in the afternoon, leaving a clear and bright blue sky. The height is less than 2500 meters.
Stratiform cloud: the lowest cloud layer, like dense fog in the sky, is often mistaken for a mountain when it first appears dense fog They are not very natural rain clouds, but can also form drizzle. If it gets thicker at night and covers the morning sky, it will usually be a sunny day, and the height will not exceed 2500 meters.
(Note: troposphere : The range from the surface to the height of 8 to 15 kilometers is called the troposphere)

Glossy Table

Cloud name
Morphological changes of clouds
Weather omen
Like a feather Damask yarn , floating continuously
It symbolizes sunny
Like the scale waves on the water, it is a group of cirrus clouds
Very high
Very thin
No rain or snow
Like a cotton ball, it appears in the morning and dissipates in the evening
About 2000m
Gentle sunshine
Like snow white sheep on the grassland, it is oblate and orderly arranged
About 2000m
It's sunny
The cirrus clouds gather and move forward like white silk curtains covering the sky
Clear to cloudy
The cirrus clouds become thicker and thicker, like ground glass covering the sun
It will rain and snow
High level clouds become thicker, dark gray clouds cover the sky
Rain and snow continued
Cumulus clouds quickly form into towering cloud mountains, and dark clouds cover the sky
thunderstorm hail