zero Useful+1

Bivariate function

Mathematical noun
Function of two variables and Unary function Similarly, the notation f and f (x, y) have different meanings, but it is customary to use the notation "f (x, y), (x, y) ∈ D" or "z=f (x, y), (x, y) ∈ D" to represent the binary function f on D. The notation f representing the binary function can also be arbitrarily selected. For example, it can also be recorded as z=φ (x, y), z=z (x, y), etc [1]
Chinese name
Bivariate function
Foreign name
function of two variables
independent variable
X and y
Define Fields
Value range
In the space rectangular coordinate system Oxyz curved surface


set up
Is a two-dimensional space
One of Nonempty subset , called mapping
Is defined in
A binary function on, usually written as
, where point set
Is called the Define Fields
be called independent variable
be called dependent variable .
In the above definition
A pair of values of Ordered real number group
)Value of corresponding dependent variable
also known as
At point
At function value , recorded as
, i.e
. Function value
The set formed by the whole of is called function
Of range , recorded as
, i.e
. [1]

Basic concepts

Interior point, exterior point, boundary point
One on a given plane point set
, for
For example, any point on the plane must be one of the following three points:
of interior point
If for point
, there is a
, make U δ (M zero )⊂⊂⊂⊂⊂ E, that is to say, it exists in
The full and small open circle for the heart belongs to
, then
Is the inner point of E
Outer point
If for point
, there is a
, make U δ (M zero )Ø E=Ø, that is, there is a
Fully small open circle and
If not, it is called
Point outside E
of Boundary point
If for point
, arbitrary make U δ (M zero )Existing in
There is something wrong
The point is that
U δ (M zero )∨ E ≠ Ø and U δ (M zero )⊄ E, then called
Boundary point of [2]
Accumulation point
set sth. up
, point set
, if for any given
, point P Decanter neighborhood
There are always
The point in the is called
Gathering point of [3]
Open set, closed set, boundary
If point set
The middle point is all
The inner point is called
Is an open set; If point set E contains all boundary points of E, then E is called a closed set
The set of all boundary points is called
The boundary of
. [2]
Connected set
If any two points in set E can be completely
Middle broken line When connected, it is called
by Connected set . [2]
Open area, closed area
Connected open sets are called regions or open regions
The set of points formed by an open region connecting its boundaries is called Closed region . [4]
Bounded set, unbounded set
For planar point sets
, if there is a positive number
, so that E ⊂ U (O, r), where
Is the origin of coordinates, so it is called
by Bounded set , otherwise
by Unbounded set . [4]


Let function of two variables
Of Define Fields by
Of Accumulation point . If a constant exists
, for any given Positive number
, there are always positive numbers
, properly used
If it is true, it is called constant
Is the function f (x, y) when
The limit of time, recorded as
, also recorded as
In order to distinguish from the limit of a function of one variable, we call the limit of a function of two variables a double limit [5]
It must be noted that the existence of double limit means
Tending in any way
all Infinite approach In A. Therefore, if
In a special way, such as along a fixed line or curve
Even if
We can not conclude that the limit of the function exists from the infinite approach to a certain value
Tend to
If it tends to different values, then it can be concluded that the limit of this function does not exist
As for the limit operation of binary functions, there are similar algorithms to those of univariate functions [6]


If the function
At point
Limit exists at and is
, i.e
, then called function
Continuous at
If the function
In area
If every point within is continuous, it is called a function
Internally continuous [7]
All binary Elementary function It is continuous in its definition area. The so-called definition area refers to the area contained in the definition area or Closed region . [8]
Binary on Bounded Closed Domain D continuous function , must be on D Bounded , and can obtain its Maximum and minimum value .
A bivariate continuous function on a bounded closed domain D must obtain any value between the maximum and minimum
The continuous function of two variables on the bounded closed domain D must be on D Uniform continuity . [9]
set up
If for any given positive number
, there are always positive numbers
, so that for
Any two points on
, as long as
, then
Upper uniformly continuous [9]



Partial derivative

Let the function of two variables
Arguments for
keep Constant value
, at this time
Becomes an independent variable
Of Unary function If this unary function
At wechat Business If exists, the derivative is called a function
At point
Place pair
Of Partial derivative (or partial derivative ), recorded as
. [10]
For example, the function z=x two +xy+y two On (x zero ,y zero )Partial derivative z of x at x (x zero ,y zero )It's a function of one variable z=x two +xy zero +y zero two At x zero Derivative at, i.e. z x (x zero ,y zero )=2x zero +y zero .
If the function has a partial derivative at every point (x, y) in the region D
The two partial derivatives are also binary functions of x and y in D [11]
Bivariate function
Two partial derivatives of
It is still a bivariate function about x and y. If these two partial derivatives are then evaluated for x or y, the second order partial derivative of function z=f (x, y) is obtained. Obviously, there are four second order partial derivatives of bivariate functions, which are
They are also indicated by the following symbols:
The second and third second-order partial derivatives above contain partial derivatives for different independent variables, which is called mixed partial derivatives [12]
Re alignment of second order partial derivative
The third order partial derivative, the fourth order partial derivative
Higher order partial derivative( Higher order partial derivative ).

Total differentiation

Let function of two variables
At point
Of Neighborhood Internal definition, if the independent variable
Each increment
, then
Is a function
At point
Of Full Increment .
If there are constants A and B, make the function at point
Full Increment of
It can be expressed as
, where
, then
Is a function
At point
Of Total differentiation , recorded as
, then the function is called
At point
It can be micro everywhere
If the function is in the region
If any point within is differentiable, the function is called
The interior is differentiable
If function
At point
Where differentiable, then function
At point
Both partial derivatives exist at, and
, where
yes Total differentiation Constant in the definition
If function
Two partial derivatives of
If the function f (x, y) is continuous at
It can be micro everywhere [13]

Geometric meaning

set up
Is a surface
A little bit up, over
Make a plane
, intersect with this surface to get a curve, which is in the plane
The equation on is
, we can get: derivative
, i.e. partial derivative
The geometric meaning of is curve
At point
Tangent at (recorded as:
The slope of the shaft [14]