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mainstream culture

A cultural type
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Mainstream culture (also known as official culture) is advocated and has a major impact on a society and an era Culture
Every period has the mainstream culture at that time feudal society The mainstream culture of Confucian culture , from Martial Emperor "Abolish all schools of thought and respect Confucianism only". Until the end of the Qing Dynasty, all emperors in the past dynasties advocated Confucianism. Since the Middle Ages in the West Christian Culture Mainstream. China is now in the process of socialist construction. The country advocates a socialist culture with Chinese characteristics, which is undoubtedly the mainstream culture. However, some people put forward different views, thinking that“ Socialist culture with Chinese characteristics ”This concept is too big. Marxist culture is the mainstream culture of contemporary China.
Chinese name
mainstream culture
Culture advocated by a society and an era and having major influence
Cultural type
Official culture

Cultural forms

The mainstream ideology is a cultural form formed in the cultural competition, which has a high degree of integration, strong communication and wide recognition. The modern scientific and technological revolution is having a tremendous impact on the development of contemporary human culture, which is unparalleled in the past.
The change of cultural production mode, the innovation of dominant media forms and the rise of new cultural forms have caused a comprehensive change in the original cultural and artistic ecological pattern. Closed, backward, narrow cultures and cultures lacking competitiveness will be forgotten by cultural consumers in the cultural market.
Some popular cultural and artistic forms that once played a leading role and were welcomed by the masses will gradually lose their leading position and be marginalized. Some traditional cultural forms have been transformed or given new life by modern technology, while other traditional and national cultures will mainly rely on National protection To maintain the ecological balance of human cultural resources.

Form construction

Cultural Industry and Cultural Economy
In modern society, everything about Ideological culture The effective communication, ideological construction and cultural economy can only be realized through culture industry Scale and means, therefore, Cultural economy In fact, behind the competition is the competition of the comprehensive strength of the country and the nation national culture From closing to opening, from cultural hostility to cultural integration, from cultural input to cultural output, to achieve cultural win-win.
mainstream culture Because of its historical public identity, it often takes the advantage of identity to stick to its position. Its ideology is rigid, its content is vague, its form of expression is commanding, its means of communication is rough and simple, and its development mode shows a trend of self mutilation of empowerment and involution.
Facing cultural communication channel With the trend of diversified and personalized cultural consumption, the mainstream ideology seems to be unable to cope with it, and has a sense of losing its position. mass culture The powerful, fast and imperceptible educational function is realized in the process of cultural enjoyment that consumers feel lively, good-looking, stimulating and enjoyable.

Form of expression

mass culture The form of expression, mode of communication and operating mechanism of the cultural communication system are not ideological, but the cultural communication function it carries bears the heavy burden of cohering people, inspiring people and inheriting civilization. We should not block its communication channels because of its ideology that is different from the mainstream culture, nor should we curb its development because of the impact on the mainstream culture. The mainstream culture can become the backbone of cultural integration and civilization inheritance only if it is deeply rooted in the fresh soil of popular culture and absorbs national, popular and scientific cultural nutrition.