Fengchen Xiuji

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Fengchen Xiuji (Japanese: Tomochen Xiuji [3-4] /とよとみひでよし [37] English: Toyotomi Hideyoshi; March 17, 1537 - August 18, 1998) [1] , Youming Riji Pill [54] , formerly known as Kishito and Yuchai Xiuji, [2] It's Japan Sengoku reach Azuchi-Momoyama period Daming, Gongqing, Tiantianren, famous politician Militarist , following Muromachi bakufu Later, he was one of the three heroes of the Warring States Period who united Japan for the first time with the title of "World People" (the other two were Oda Nobuna Tokugawa Jiakang )。
Fengchen Xiuji is Weizhang State Family background of poor farmers in villages and towns of Aichi County [3] , originally Light foot (Subordinate infantry). Later, he rose as a result of serving Zhitian Xinchang. Change of Instinctive Temple After, on Zhitian Zhu Jiachen won the internal struggle and became the real successor of Zhitian Xinchang [4] Served in the 13th year of Tianzheng (1585) Customs , Syria From one , served concurrently in the 14th year of Tianzheng (1586) Minister of Supreme Government , granted Fengchen , and then pass Guan Bai to the adopted son Fengchenxiu Times And claimed to be“ Taige [54] A new feudal system was established: the identity of scholars, peasants, industrialists and businessmen was determined. Reward emerging industry and commerce, and support urban development. Promulgated in the 16th year of Tianzheng (1588) Dao Shou Ling , collect civilian weapons, implement Separation of soldiers and peasants , making samurai live in cities. In terms of religion, protect Buddhist temples and suppress Catholicism Dissemination and persecution of Spain missionary It is the first time to ban teaching and lock up the country in the future.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi's policy has epoch-making significance the medieval times Feudal society to modern times Curtain vassal system Some achievements have been made in transformation. Later in his reign, he gradually became fatuous and suspicious, and launched Wenlu Qingchang's Battle He died on August 18, the third year of Qingchang (1598). [5-7] After his death, Tokugawa Kakang, a minister, seized the opportunity to seize power.
Reference for overview drawing: [57]
Full Name
From a Yuchaido Jilang, minister of the Supreme Council of Guanbai, Feng Chen, courtier Xiuji [52-54]
Japanese auspicious pill kinoshita tokichiro Hideyoshi Kinoshita Yuchai Xiuji Hideyoshi Fujiwara Fengchen Xiuji Ping Xiuji [54]
courtier [52]
Toyotomi [52]
Ethnic groups
Daiwa family
one's native heath
Weizhang State Aichi Junzhong Village
date of birth
March 17, 1537 [56] (Taige Pure Nature Record records that he was born on January 1, the fifth year of astronomy (February 2, 1536))
Date of death
August 18, 1598
Place of death
Fujian City
Burial place
Toyokuni Shrine
In office time
July 11, 1585 to 1591 (Term of office)
Oda Nobuna (People from all over the world)
Toyotomi Hideyori (Feng's elder)
Key achievements
End the Warring States Period, complete the reunification of Japan
Implement the separation of soldiers and peasants, and stabilize social order
Establish unified feudal lord politics and rectify the land system
Highest office
From a minister of Guanbai and Taizheng Positive one [54]
Monkey, bald mouse, Mumiantongji, Fengtaige [54]
Fengguo Daming God (later robbed by the Tokugawa shogunate)
Legal name
Guotai Yousong Hall Lingshan Junlong Grand Residence

Character's Life


be from a poor family

Birthplace of Toyotomi Xiuji
February 6, the sixth year of astronomy (March 17, 1537) [56] , Toyotomi Xiuji was born in Tail sheet [8] Aichi County A poor farmer's family in Nakamura (Aizhi County today Nagoya city Nakamura District ), originally named Fujihiro. Father Mu Xiami's right guard is Nishita Our close soldiers, [9] He was originally a poor farmer (it is said that he was a subordinate warrior), and his mother, Ah Zhong, was later Grand Administration Office The father, Muyama and Weimen, was the father of Oda Shinchang Nishita The iron cannon is light enough. He was injured and disabled in a battle, so he could not go back to the battlefield and went home to work as a farmer, but soon died of serious injuries. Unable to live, her mother took seven year old Tomotomi Xiuji and her sister Ayou to marry a man from the same village, Zhu Ami. Gave birth to a younger brother Fengchen Xiuchang With sister Ah Xu( Asahi Ji )。 The stepfather, Zhu Ami, is rough tempered, and because Xiuji was born thin and often referred to as "monkey", he is very disgusted with Fengchen Xiuji, and often adds fists and feet to his scolding. He ran away from home because of disagreement with his stepfather.
Fengchen Xiuji was born in the lower class, and Ningning After marriage, he called himself "Muxia". When he was young, he was named Riji Maru (ひよししるるるるるるるきしたとときちろとととききちろとととききききちち〩), and nicknamed Monkey (see Taige Su Sheng Ji, it is said that because of his hard life and malnutrition since childhood, he was short and described as a Bald rat (see the letter sent to Ning Ning by Nishida Shinchang). The Pictorial Taige Record records that Xiuji's birth date is January 1 (February 2, 1536), but the actual birth date of Toyotomi Xiuji is February 6 (March 26, 1537). [7]

Wandering Jianghu

As Fengchen Xiuji was not born in a prominent family, there are very limited literature records about his early life, only about knowing that he once worked in Weizhang, Sanhe, Junhe and other places when he was young. In his youth, Hideyoshi Toyotomi was probably a rogue seeking a position as a warrior. Toyotomi Xiuji's birthplace Tail sheet be situated between kyoto There is a fertile plain between it and the eastern country, which can be said to be an advanced area second only to Kyoto. This place is bustling with businessmen, so they can contact information from all over the country. In this environment, of course, Toyoton Xiuji also got some business information, and he was born smart. On the journey, he changed Yongle money into a portable commodity, "wood wool sewing needles", and then sold the needles to make profits as travel expenses. During Fengchen Xiuji's departure from home, he Meinong Met the local tyrant Bee Whiskers He Xiaoliu (Feng Xuhe Zhengsheng), who later became an important general of Toyotomi Xiuji. [10]
Finally, Toyotomi Xiuji finally achieved his wish and entered Yuanjiang Country (Today Shizuoka Prefecture )Matsushita Jiabing Wei is a domestic servant. Fengchen Xiuji's first job is to help the owner with slippers. As it was his greatest wish to work at the samurai's home, Fengchen Xiuji worked hard, and soon received the attention of Jiabingwei, who promoted him to be a cashier administrator. However, the good times didn't last long. His ability and diligence were envied by his colleagues. A large group of people often hurt him in front of Jiabingwei. Although Jiabingwei repeatedly protected him, they couldn't stop people from slandering him. Finally, he was dismissed after Jiabingwei explained the reason in good faith. Feng Sen Xiuji worked at the home of Panasonic Jiabingwei for four years. Although he was fired, he still thanked Jiabingwei for his promotion and care. Later, after Toyotomi Hideyoshi dominated the world, he sent people to look for Panasonic Jiabingwei, and gave him the territory of 3000 stones at Jiuneng, Yuanjiang, and let him be name [11]

To become an official

Oda Nobuna
In the 23rd year of astronomy (1554), Toyotomi Xiuji returned Weizhang State , the lord who defected to Weizhang Oda Nobuna (おぶなが). He became a Zhitian His family ministers. At first, Toyotomi Hideyoshi was only a servant, but his intelligence was appreciated by Nobuna Ikeda, and gradually he was promoted from servant to junior warrior. He is deeply loved by Zhitian and has been promoted in the position of Zhitian Family.
Yonglu About three years (1560), Toyotomi Xiuji became a weaver Light foot Group leader (foot light is a farmer soldier temporarily recruited, and the group leader is equivalent to the team leader), and participated in the famous Bucket and narrow war (おけはざまのたたかい)。 It is said that after the war, because of his achievements, he believed that Asano Changsheng 's adopted daughter Ningning (ね ね) Betrothed to him. In the fourth year of Yonglu (1561), Fengchen Xiuji married Ningning. To destroy the current Sichuan Family Governor Toshikawa Yiyuan Later, Zhitian Xinchang and the independent Songping Yuankang (Later, Tokugawa Kakuang) made alliance to stabilize the eastern defense line, and then turned back to attack the north Meinongguo Of Saito Yilong
In the ninth year of Yonglu (1566), after repeatedly defeating Saito Yilong, Zhitian Xinchang decided to build Sunomata , but strong general Shibata Shengjia And Sakuma Shinsei Failing successively. Toyotomi Hideyoshi gave orders in the face of danger. He successfully completed the task with the help of Bee Xu He Zhengsheng. It is said that Motamata City built a city overnight, which was further appreciated by Nobuna Zhida and praised by later generations. After the construction of Minamata, Zhida Xinchang moved Jucheng to Xiaomu Mountain City (previously in Qingzhou City), which is closer to Meinong. Not long ago, Meinong happened Bamboo Half Soldier Guard Take it easy with 17 horsemen Daoye Mountain City (Saiteng's residence in the city), after the event, half of the soldiers gave up the city of Daoye Mountain. After learning this, Fengchen Xiuji summoned the half guards to his command with the gift of "three visits", and called them to surrender with the help of the half guards Meinong Three People Rice leaf iron Ando Shoujiu Family Complete )。 The next year, Zhitian Xinchang sent troops to the city of Daoye Mountain, Saito Longxing Defeated and captured. After that, Xinchang moved Gifu City (i.e. Daoye Mountain City)“ World Martial Arts ”The war to unify Japan began in the name of.
Meamata "One Night City" built by Xiuji

the supreme arrogance of a person with great power

In the 11th year of Yonglu (1568), the former general of the war against barbarians Zuli Yihui (by Sanhao Kill) brother Full profit and justice come Meinongguo Seeking help, he sent troops in the name of helping the general's family Shangluo (meaning entering Beijing). In the same year, Toyotomi Hideyoshi changed Yoshiro to Takeshita Hideyoshi. In the second year of the Yuan Dynasty (1570), after defeating Sanhao Family, Zu Liyizhao was elected general. Then Nobuna Zhitian sent troops on the ground of disobeying the general's order Vietnam Chaocang Family, Zhitian Xin Long March Asakura Yoshikage because Shallow well management When forced to retreat during the raid, he got a hint of betrayal from his ally Masato Asai in Kinazaki, and was attacked by the Asai army during the retreat. Hideyoshi Toyotomi was responsible for this battle Rear hall , protect Oda Shinagawa Tokugawa Jiakang Safe evacuation. It was called“ Behind Jinqi Hall ”。
Changbin City
In the first year of Tianzheng (1573), Makoto Zhida defeated Masato Asai, who committed suicide. The former ownership of Asai belonged to the Zhitian family. Fengchen Xiuji, 37 years old, was awarded the title for military service Near the river country Today, the city lord of Bincheng leads the shallow well, so he leads the north near the river with 220000 stones. He renamed the city Changbin City And began to rank among the heroes of the Warring States Period. At the same time, he selected the famous general of Zhitian Family Shibata Shengjia And Niwa Nagahide Each word in the name creates a new one Miao characters —— Feather firewood , which is called Featherwood, Building the front and keeping the good fortune (building the front and keeping the good fortune is an official position).
In the fourth year of Tianzheng (1576), Toyotomi Xiuji supported Shibata Shengjia in Beilu to fight Shangshan When Fengchen Xiuji saw that Shengjia had the upper hand, he immediately evacuated. As a result, Shengjia was Battle of seizing Sichuan The defeat made Shibata Shengjia and Zhitian Xinchang dissatisfied. stay Zhitian Xinzhong Under the command of, Toyotomi Xiuji participated in the attack Matsunaga Hisahide The battle. In the fifth year of Tianzheng (1577), Chisong Zefang bessho nagaharu Under the leadership of the political officials of the small temple, Tomotomi Hideyoshi was appointed to take the strategy Local China , Ren Harima sovereign , according to the city Jilu City , not long after receiving the order araki murashige Betrayed Nobuna Zhitian, Toyotomi Hideyoshi fought with them.
In the seventh year of Tianzheng (1579), Fengchen Xiuji was the envoy Ukita clan Completely submit to Zhitian In the eighth year of the reign of Emperor Tianzheng (1580), another institute, Changzhi and Huangmu Village, were severely defeated, and another institute was arrested and committed suicide; Araki escapes, and his family is killed by Zhitian Xinchang. Fengchen Xiuji starts with Mori and Shan Mingshi Fighting, captured Bird Capture City , Sanmu City Gao Songcheng Fengchenxiuji and other important strongholds here played a long siege tactics - food cut-off, so that the enemy opened the city early to surrender. The famous campaigns such as "bird fetching out food" and "flooding Gaosong City" not only stopped Maori's eastward advance, but also forced them to land Ukita Naoie , even gross profit is hard to resist. [12]
Take Sichuan by hand

China's return

Xiuji's military adviser Heitian Xiaogao (officer and soldier)
In the tenth year of Tianzheng (1582) Change of Instinctive Temple (ほ ん ん じ へ ん), 46 year old Xiuji accidentally learned the news of the death of Yoshida Shinzo as early as possible, and implemented“ China's return ”(ちゅうごくおおがえし)。 At that time, the powerful and important officials of the Zhitian Family were not around Xinchang, while Toyotomi Xiuji led 30000 troops into the preparation and was attacking the Maori Army by water Gao Songcheng Gaosongcheng is a natural key, surrounded by marshes. Fengchen Xiuji's military adviser Kuroda Kanbei (Officers and soldiers) It is suggested to divert water to irrigate the city. Fengchen Xiuji mobilized the neighboring villagers with an exceptional high price. It took 12 days to build a three kilometer long and seven meter high dike around the marsh area of Gaosong City, and then introduced the river water to make Gaosong City a water city floating in the lake. Ten days after the water attack, Kikkawa Motoharu Gross profit Second Male) Xiaozaochuan Longjing (Maoliyuan is just three men) Led 15000 reinforcements to arrive, but they could only set up an array on the mountain overlooking the feather firewood army, unable to move. Because as long as the feather firewood army breaks a corner of the dam, the turbid current is likely to engulf the whole city.
Those who raised flags to revolt at that time Wise Light Show On the same day, he wrote a confidential document and sent it to the Maori Army, asking the Maori Army not to surrender. Unexpectedly, the emissary did not know that Gaosong City had been trapped in a water attack. When he arrived at Gaosong City in the west, he could not enter the city at all, and he was arrested after breaking into Fengchen's camp by mistake. Fengchen Xiuji learned about the Instinct Temple incident at about 10:00 p.m. on June 3, and then listened to the military adviser Kuroda officials and soldiers He decided to hide the bad news and immediately made peace with the Maori Army. The Maori Army worried that Nobuna Veda would bring reinforcements, and sent envoys long ago, but they did not agree with each other's terms, and the peace was temporarily on the rocks. Fengchen Xiuji secretly asked the Maori Army to make peace Hui Qiong of Anguo Temple Go to the city alone to persuade the city lord, but the city lord promised to commit suicide by cutting his stomach on the condition that he would not kill people in the city. These are all carried out privately behind the Maori reinforcements.
At three o'clock on the afternoon of the 4th, in front of the prosecutor sent by Fengchen Xiuji, it was said that after the city owner left the city by boat, he carried out a belly piercing ceremony in the lake. After exchanging vows, Toyotomi Xiuji immediately withdrew from the array. At that time, Toyotomi Xiuji probably worried that the Maori army would follow him, so he didn't rush back directly Jilu City On the afternoon of June 6, he led his troops to evacuate from Gaosong City, and spent the night in the marsh city of Beiqian (east of Okayama County) within Zhitian's sphere of influence. Arrive at Jilu City at night on the 7th; Depart from Jilu City in the morning of the 9th and arrive at Mingshi at night; On the morning of the 10th, we set out from Mingshi and arrived at the Hyogo at night; Depart from Hyogo in the morning of the 11th and arrive at Niqi in the afternoon; From the morning of the 12th Nizaki Depart and arrive at Futian at night; Go to battle on the 13th Yamazaki , at 4pm in the rain and Wise Light Show The army started the war and defeated the Zhizhi Guangxiu Army two hours later.
Fengchen Xiuji Yamazaki Battle Defeat Wise Light Show. Finally, when Zhizhi Guangxiu escaped, he was killed by the villagers who hunted the fallen samurai. Xiuji seized the opportunity to control the Kyoto area, but could not prevent the sectarian division within the Zhitian family. Mainly split into Shibata Shengjia Oda Nobukatsu Zhitian Xinxiao And Yuchai Xiuji and other factions. [11] [13] [54]
Flood Gaosongcheng

Establish political power

Yu Xiaomu · Long hand battle against Hideki Tokugawa Kakang
In the same year, Yuchai Xiuji Shibata Shengjia Niwa Nagahide Ikeda Hengxing The four people held a meeting in Qingzhou City to discuss the inheritance of Zhitian. As a result, Toyotomi Hideyoshi suppressed Shengjia from actually becoming the leader of Zhitian Family with the support of Niwa Nagashi and Ikeda Hengxing. Fengchen Xiuji received the support of most Zhitian people and family officials at the Qingzhou Conference, and supported the fledgling Zhitian Xinzhong The eldest male three mages (called after Yuan Fu) Hideki Zhitian )Succession Zhitian Home supervisor But this offended Shibata Shengjia, who was also an important official of Zhida, and led him to support Zhida Shinzo Zhitian Xinxiao Confront Toyotomi Xiuji. The next year (1583), the two sides broke up. Toyotomi Xiuji first forced Shin Hsiao to surrender. Later, Yuchai and Shitian Army fought in Jianyue. At first, Shitian won the battle, Nakagawa Qingxiu He was killed by a surprise attack, but Fengchen Xiuji led his troops to the front line, which changed the situation sharply, and finally Fengchen Xiuji won. Follow the Yuchai Army to surround the North Villa, Shibata Shengjia and his wife Oichi He burned himself to death, another important minister Takagawa Yiyi Then he was forced to live in seclusion, and soon Zhitian Xinxiao was forced to cut his throat. Dan Yu Changxiu and Ikeda Hengxing surrendered, largely pacifying the forces of Zhitian's family to turn against the rich, minister and Xiuji.
In the eleventh year of Tianzheng (1583), Fengchen Xiuji Ishiyama Hongan-ji Osaka City was built on the former site of Otomo Sorin It is called "an unparalleled city in the Warring States Period", but the castle also has shortcomings in defense Osaka Winter Battle Medium, Makita It was built to strengthen the defense. This city of Daban was burned down by the Dechuan Army in the 20th year of Qingchang (1615) [14] , today Osaka City The code of heaven was rebuilt with reinforced concrete in November 1931.
In the 12th year of Tianzheng (1584), the second son of Zhitian Shin who worked with him Oda Nobukatsu He joined forces with Tokugawa Kakam to oppose Toyotomi Hideyoshi, so Yuchai Jun and the two men launched a history“ Xiao Mu, Long hand Battle ”(こ き な が く た た か い). At the beginning of the war, the Yuchai Army, which had the advantage of military strength, directly attacked the Tokugawa territory, and the two sides faced off at Xiaomu Mountain. To break the deadlock, Toyotomi Hideyoshi sent Ikeda Hengxing and other troops to sneak attack on Tokugawa Kakang territory Mikawa But on the way, he was ambushed by the Tokugawa army, Ikeda Hengxing and the general known as "Ghost Musashi" Sen Changke When he died in battle, Hideki Toyotomi subdued Shinxiong Zhida with his amazing diplomatic skills, and Jiakang was forced to retreat. The Tokugawa army and Yuchai army reached a no war peace agreement, and Jiakang sent the second man Tokugawa Xiukang As a hostage.
Battle Map of Humble Mountains

Unify Japan

Fengchen Xiuji
Xiaomu, the long hand war forced Xiuji to pacify the East The Grand General of Yizheng The concept of power has to be changed. So in November of the twelfth year of Tianzheng (1584), he was promoted from three powerful Nayan (ごんいなごごん), and embarked on the road of public minister. In March of the 13th year of Tianzheng (1585), Fengchen Xiuji was appointed as the second leader· Naidaijin (ないだいじん)。 Hou Fengchen Xiuji sent his brother Fengchen Xiuchang Xiaozaochuan Longjing Wait for the generals to attack and unify Four countries Of Changzong Oubu's surname , force them to surrender and only keep them Tuzuo One country. In addition, Fengchen Xiuji sent Takatora Todo The leader's army has pacified the Zahe people, the leader Suzuki Be beheaded. In addition, Fengchen Xiuji sent heavy troops to attack Vietnam Sassa Narimasa The belligerent army encircled the area, and Sasaka surrendered without fighting. On July 11 of the same year, Toyotomi Xiuji took advantage of a dispute between photographers over Guan Bai's position as the former Guan Bai Long before guards Of Jude son Hideki Fujiwara takes office from one· Customs (かんぱく) [54]
On September 9, the 14th year of Tianzheng (1586), Toyotomi Xiuji was granted the new surname by the Emperor of Zhengqin“ Toyotomi ”(とよとみし),“ Fengchen ”It has also become the successor“ Fujiwara ”、“ Genji ”、“ Ping's ”、“ Orange ”The fifth surname after the fourth surname. However, "Fengchen" failed to carry forward as the other four families, because it only passed on for two generations and then died out. After obtaining the surname of "Fengchen" and changing its name to Fengchen Xiuji, Xiuji took her sister Asahi Ji Married to Tokugawa Kakang as the main family, and took his mother Grand Administration Office He was sent back to Tokugawa and became a hostage. Tokugawa's henchmen were from Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Take office on December 25 Supreme Minister (だいじょうだいじん) [54] In the same year, Kyushu name Otomo Sorin Ask Fengchen Xiuji for support. In the 15th year of Tianzheng (1587) Jiuzhou Expedition , sent Feng Chenxiu to lead the army to attack Shimadzu A branch of, subdue Shimadzu. After the war, Shimadzu was assigned to Samo and Dayu. Prohibition in the same year Christianity In the 16th year of Tianzheng (1588), Fengchen Xiuji began to implement“ Dao Shou Ling ”(かたながりりかたなながりがりりかかかたたな12394. From the 17th year of Tianzheng (1589) to the 18th year of Tianzheng (1590), Fengchen Xiuji launched Battle of Ogata , off Hou Beitiao , basically unifying Japan.
In the seventeenth year of Tianzheng (1589), a family minister of the later Beitiao family Minamata Bangxian Captured Sanada Masayuki Under jurisdiction Famous Walnut City As a result, Hideyoshi Toyotomi ordered all Japanese daimyo to conduct a crusade against the Tojo clan. Those who disobey will be punished by losing their territory. Fengchen Xiuji led 200000 troops to attack Beitiao, captured all branches of Beitiao, and gradually moved towards Odawara Castle surround. July Hojo Ujimasa Beitiao Zhizhi Father and son open the city to surrender. The two brothers, Zheng and Zhao, committed suicide by cutting their stomachs, and Shi was sent to exile Gaoye Mountain After the war, Toyotomi Xiuji granted new territories to all the famous people. [15]
In the 19th year of Tianzheng (1591), Fengchen Xiuji gave the position of Guan Bai to his nephew Fengchenxiu Times , claiming Taige (The honorific title of the former Guan Bai). Later, he launched the last Japanese civil war in his life - pacification Nine Household Affairs The chaos. Dispatched Pusheng Township Shallow wild long politics and Ishida Mitsunari Syndication northeast region Daming quells the rebellion. In the same year, Toyotomi Xiuji ordered the tea man Qianlixiu Abdominal suicide for unknown reasons.
Route Map of Osaka City

Expedition of Korea

Fengchenxiuji military uniform
After Toyotomi Hideyoshi united Japan, he managed the country well. After years of war, Japan was peaceful for a time. He saw that Japan had settled down, so he sprouted a great Asian empire, and he was determined to exert himself in a wider space than Japan. First, conquer North Korea , conquer China again, conquer again India
In the first year of Wenlu (1592), Fengchen Xiuji sent 140000 troops to invade Korea West Japan Most of them are famous. Among them Ukita Hideie As Marshal, Konishi Yukinaga Kato Kiyoshi Pioneer, Kuki Yoshitaka He is the commander of the navy, with 140000 infantrymen, 8250 sailors and more than 700 warships. He crossed in April of the first year of Wenlu (1592) Korean Strait , landed at the front line of Busan and Qingzhou, and officially kicked off the invasion of Korea. [16]
In the early days of the war, the Japanese army, which had experienced a long time in the battlefield, attacked and occupied King Jing of Korea with great speed Seoul And Pyongyang, the alternate capital, and quickly occupied a large number of major cities in North Korea, leading to the border of the Ming Dynasty. King of Korea Ask the Ming Dynasty for help immediately. After Fengchen Xiuji captured Seoul in May, he proposed to move the capital to Beijing and offer 10 "countries" around Beijing as imperial land to Gongqing Salaries He gave his subordinates 10 times of the original territory, and even appointed Feng Chengxiu as the Datang (China) Guanbai, the Japanese Guanbai was held by Yuchai Xiuqiu or Yuxiduo Xiujia, and the Korean people were ruled by Yuchai Xiusheng or Yuxiduo Xiujia.
The first year of Wenlu (1592), Ming Shenzong Dispatch Liaodong Commander Li Rusong by Commander in chief Song Yingchang, the right aide of the Ministry of War, led more than 40000 soldiers to cross the Yalu River on December 26 of the same year to enter the DPRK to fight against the Japanese army. In the Ming Dynasty (more than 40000 people) and the three naval supervisors in Korea Li Shunchen Under the counter attack of the Japanese army, the Japanese offensive was blocked. Battle of Pyongyang After that, on March 20, the number of people gathered in Seoul was 6520.
In the fourth year of Wenlu (1595), Fengchenxiuji exiled Fengchenxiuji to Gaoye Mountain, and then killed Fengchenxiuji. In addition, he also made Fengchenxiuji supporters intimate, including Maeno Changkang wait forsomeone. The reason for the death may be that the public opinion at that time spread that "killing the living Guanbai" (the nickname of Feng Chenxiuji) had committed a disorderly act in the past, and Feng Chenxiuji planned to use a young second male Toyotomi Hideyori As the heir of the family, Fengchen Xiuji decided to put the people concerned to death.
Assessment Map of Korean Expedition

Death in old age

Qing Chang On August 18, 1598, Fengchen Xiuji died of illness Fujian City Before Fengchen Xiuji died, he led five elders to assist his young son Toyotomi Hideyori (とよとみ ひでより)。 Its fundamental purpose is to restrain the rise of Tokugawa Kakukang with the collegial system to ensure Fengchen regime It can be passed down from generation to generation. intrusion Korean Peninsula The Japanese army of Ishida Mitsunari Leaded Go-Bugy Under the arrangement, he concealed the news of Xiuji's death from the Ming Dynasty, then made peace with the Ming Dynasty and gradually withdrew from Korea. However, the Japanese suffered huge losses in this battle, which also buried an important cause for Tokugawa Kakang to become the general of the war against barbarians in the future. The relationship between Japan and North Korea was not restored to normal until the 11th year of Qing Chang's reign (1607). [11] [17]
After the death of Toyotomi Xiuji, the political balance arranged by him was soon broken. The Five Elders Tokugawa Jiakang (とくがわいえやすすすとくががわいえやすすす) has the most influence, which makes the internal forces of Fengchen Family have different factions. Soon, one of the five elders Toshiie Maeda Also passed away, one of the five pursuits Ishida Mitsunari They began to oppose Jiakang and collude with each other. Finally, the eastern army led by Tokugawa Kakang, and the western army led by mori terumoto Led by, the two armies dueled in the fifth year of Qingchang (1600), known as Joint Battle of Guanyuan Later, Tokugawa won the war, and Ishida was executed. In the eighth year of Qingchang (1603), Tokugawa Kakang The Grand General of Yizheng The Fengchen Family has been declining since then. Qing Chang From the 19th year (1614) to the 20th year of Qingchang (1615), Tokugawa Jiakang launched Osaka Winter Array and Osaka Summer Array The Fengchen Family was completely destroyed.
Joint written statement of Feng Chen's five elders

Measures for politics



  • Improve the system
Osaka City in Toyotomi Xiuji Era
In politics, select the most powerful from the big names“ Five Elders ”(Tokugawa Jiakang Toshiie Maeda Maoli Huiyuan, Yuxi Doxiujia, Xiaozaochuan Longjing Uesugi Kagekatsu To help manage national affairs; Appoint competent trusted members“ Go-Bugy ”(Asano Changzheng, Ishida Sancheng Maeda Gen'i Changbun Zhengjia Zengtian Changsheng )Be responsible for the actual work; From the "Three Middle Aged"( A young horse is born Horio Yoshiharu Nakamura Yishi )Responsible for the coordination and communication between the five elders and the five pursuits.
Fengchen regime The ruling system of Tokugawa is quite complete, but there are also many hidden worries: Tokugawa Kakang has more than 2 million stones in the local territory, and in the central government, Tokugawa Kakang also holds heavy power, so finally Tokugawa Kakang replaced Toyotomi Xiuji and won the world. [12]
  • Collect weapons
In the seventeenth year of Tianzheng (1588), Fengchen Xiuji issued an order to prohibit people from possessing weapons such as long knives, short knives, long guns and muskets, which is known as the "Daoshou Order". Although before that, there were other generals who carried out the order of Dao Shou, it was not as thorough as that of Toyotomi Xiuji, and it was national. How many weapons did the countryside have at that time Kaga The weapons confiscated by Jiangnuma County can be seen: Samurai sword One thousand seven hundred and three Waist knife Fifteen hundred and forty pieces Long spear One hundred and sixty, five hundred rake knives, seven hundred knives. in addition Dewa Xianbei County confiscated 250 samurai swords, 2730 waist swords, 336 long guns, 26 muskets, 76 bows, 12 armors and 5 helmets. After the implementation of Xiuji's "Daoshou Order", the farmers' force can be said to have suffered a heavy blow.


  • Unify Japan
In the tenth year of Tianzheng (1582), the attack Local China , surrounding Gaosong City (near present-day Gangshan City), and Mori Droiyan. In the same year, after Zhitian Shinchang was killed by Zhizhi Guangxiu, the minister, he made peace with the Maori family, returned to fight against Zhizhi Guangxiu, and supported Zhitian Shinchang's young grandson Hideki Zhitian Is the successor. But Nobuna Ikeda, the general Shibata Shengjia To establish Zhitian Xin's eldest son, Zhitian Xin's filial piety. In the eleventh year of Tianzheng (1583), Fengchen Xiuji Sutra Battle of Humble Mountains Destroy the allied forces of Shengjia and Zhitian Xinxiao. In the same year, Osaka City was built as the base for unifying Japan. In the 12th year of Tianzheng's reign (1584), he made a peace Tokugawa Jiakang The Allied forces fought against Kobayashi, and made peace after losing. They allied with Tokugawa Kakang to establish the position of the successor of Oda Shinchang. In the 13th year of Tianzheng (1585), Fengchen Xiuji led 100000 troops to pacify Four countries feudal lord Changzong Oubu's surname In the following year, they will control the military and political power. In the 15th year of Tianzheng (1587), 300000 troops were mobilized to forge ahead Satsuma (now in the west of Kagoshima County), and then pacify Kyushu In the 18th year of Tianzheng (1590), 260000 troops were dispatched to destroy Hojo , Pingding Aoyu To complete the great cause of Japanese reunification. In the second year of Wenlu (1593) Hokkaido It was officially incorporated into the territory of Japan.
  • Invasion of Korea
Busan Town Martyrdom Map
In the first month of the first year of Wenlu (1592), Fengchen Xiuji issued the order to send troops to Korea. In May, Fengchen traveled to Korea Joseon Dynasty With the opportunity of infighting among the parties and relaxation of military preparedness, President Xiaoxi and Kato Qingzheng were sent to invade Korea with more than 140000 troops. After landing in Busan, the Japanese troops drove straight in, occupied Seoul, Kaesong and Pyongyang within two months, and then headed straight to Xianjing Road to approach the Chinese border. In January of the next year, the general of the Ming Dynasty Li Rusong Led more than 30000 troops to join the war in North Korea. In February, with the support of the Chinese army, the Korean army and civilians recovered Pyongyang and Kaesong through fierce fighting. In view of the strong Japanese troops stationed in Seoul, the Ming army encircled but did not fight, cut off the enemy's supply lines in the suburbs, and burned the enemy's grain depot. In May, the Japanese army was forced to retreat to the coastal cities of Gyeongsang and Jeollah, and sent envoys to demand peace, in an attempt to use the opportunity of negotiations to rally forces to make a comeback.
In August of the second year of Wenlu (1593), the two sides began to "negotiate peace" tomorrow. Due to Japan's harsh territorial claims, the negotiations finally broke down. Since February of the second year of Qingchang (1597), Fengchen Xiuji has successively increased 140000 troops and hundreds of warships have repeatedly attacked the DPRK. The Japanese army landed in Busan, led by the two armies of President Xiaoxi and Chiang Kai shek Kato, and marched side by side in the east and west, occupying three routes of Qingshang, Jeolla, and Zhongqing. Li Shunchen Based on the remaining 14 ships and 100 refitted civilian ships, the navy was rebuilt in October Mingliang Strait Encounter the Japanese (133 ships, 7200 people), use favorable terrain and tidal conditions to smash more than 30 enemy ships, and kill more than 10 Japanese soldiers. (The battle is controversial, and the Korean version is adopted here.) In August of the third year of Qingchang (1598), Toyotomi Xiuji died of illness and withdrew from the army in his will. By the end of the year, the remaining Japanese troops had fled or been annihilated, and the war was over.
In addition to farmers, the Japanese army also forced a large number of ceramic, printing, embroidery and other masters to come to Japan, which greatly improved the level of Japanese ceramics. The spread of Tao Huo characters has driven the publishing trend in the Edo era in the future. Zhu Zi scholar Jiang Hang Brought to Japan Zhu Zixue Great influence. This is an unintentional cultural product of the war of aggression. [18]


  • economic policy
Toyotomi Xiuji's economic and trade policies are mostly inherited from Zhitian Xinchang, which developed the trade of southern barbarians, and revitalized commerce with Lezuo Leshi and Zhu Yinchuan trade; We will also standardize the economy by controlling cities and minting money.
  • Taige inspected the land
Taige inspected the land ”It means to re measure the area of land and investigate crop production. In the 19th year of Tianzheng (1591), Toyotomi Xiuji began to conduct a nationwide inspection. In fact, Fengchen Xiuji began to inspect the land since the 11th year of Tianzheng (1583). Before that, other military generals in the Warring States Period had also done the work of inspecting the land in order to rebuild the collapsed land system. The reason why the "Taige Prefecture Inspection" is of special importance is that it represents that Hideki Toyotomi has completed the work of Japan's reunification, and also that he made a national strength investigation in advance for the purpose of sending troops to North Korea in the future. In addition, after the strict land inspection by Toyotomi Xiuji, the harvest of each field is clearly counted. Farmers have the right to cultivate, and must shoulder the obligation to pay annual tribute. The exploiting class (Haonong) between farmers and the government has disappeared since then. [6] [19]


Christianity was spread to Japan with missionary Shabiluo in the 18th year of astronomy (1549). Thirty three years later, in the 10th year of Tianzheng (1582), the number of Christians in Japan has reached 150000. It can be said that there is one Christian among 100 Japanese. It can be seen that the spread of Christianity is very fast. However, in the 15th year of Tianzheng (1587), Hideyoshi Toyotomi issued an order prohibiting Christian missionaries from entering Japan. The biggest reason is that Hideyoshi Toyotomi was afraid that the Christian generals would donate to the church, and the situation similar to the uprising of believers in the same religion would occur again. The first article in the ban mentioned that Japan is a divine country, which means that Japan has begun to absorb European civilization and is no longer in the circle of India and China. Some people say this is the earliest“ De Asianism ”。

Historical evaluation


Self assessment

  • Toyotomi Hideyoshi replied to the Korean credentials: More than years ago, countries were separated from each other, which disrupted the national agenda, abolished the rites of the world, and did not listen to the government, so I am very grateful for this. In three or four years, I learned to master the war against traitors, bandits, and foreign islands According to this Chery, as an enemy, nature will destroy and war will take everything. Since the world is under great governance, people are nurtured and have compassion for loneliness, so people are rich and rich, and the local tribute is ten thousand times more. Since the founding of our dynasty, Luoyang has been a grand event of the imperial court. [20]

Japanese evaluation

  • Pool macros : How can the cause of heroes be theorized as usual. Their behavior is like a flying horse, which is difficult for ordinary people to catch. Fengchen Xiuji is an ancient hero. As an ancient hero, he depicts the great cause of ancient times. [23]
  • Tanaka: Strategically, Toyotomi Hideyoshi tried to use peaceful means to persuade his opponent to surrender. If the opponent did not comply, he would use force. This means was learned from his lord, Shinzo Zhida. [24]
  • Tian Baoqiao Jie: Fengchen Xiuji takes the post of Guan Bai. Both the name and reality are the pillars of the martial arts family Public First. [25]
  • Tetsuo Ohoda: From the way Toyotomi Hideyoshi fought, let's not talk about the battle of taking chances, and never fight a war with risks. Generally, we launch campaigns from the front that will be won from the beginning. Of course, due to the different situations, there are also situations that do not follow the wishes of Toyotomi Xiuji. But basically, the characteristic of Toyotomi Xiuji's war is that it is absolutely impossible to launch campaigns that may fail. [26]
  • Tsujitsu's help : It is generally believed that Fengchen Xiuji is a very bold and unrestrained hero, but from his deeds, most of them are thoughtful and thoughtful. Fengchen Xiuji is by no means a man who goes on expedition purely for the purpose of sending troops. [27]
  • Inoue Shengjiu: founder of Panasonic Konosuke Matsushita With a unique business philosophy, he is often compared to Fengchen Xiuji, that is, from an unknown person to a person who seizes the world. Fengchen Xiuji is trying to open up a new road in a turbulent world, and he is going forward bravely with his life as a stake. It is his resolute character that best illustrates his greatness. [28]
  • Yoshida Mao After Toyotomi Hideyoshi united Japan, he managed the country skillfully. Japan, which had been troubled by war for many years, was peaceful for a time. He saw that Japan had become stable, so he sprouted a great Asian empire, and he was determined to exert himself in a wider space than Japan. First of all, we should conquer Korea, then China, and then India, to build an Asian empire including Japan, China, India, and Korea. [46 ]
  • Konosuke Matsushita The reason why a generation of Japanese celebrity Hideyoshi Toyotomi is great is that he is good at absorbing the wisdom of others. Not only the ally, but also the enemy's wisdom, which finally won the admiration of the world. We must cultivate our basic concepts in this respect. Fengchen's bearing, determination and full authorization are the learning objects for business operators. [28]
  • Yoshimura Takehiko et al《 Iwabo History of Japan 》:
    • ① More importantly, this inspection Taige inspected the land It also denied the cooperative production mode, and created a one person farming system with no middle layer exploitation. This mode of production has gradually been extended to the whole country, and even the original production in Gyeonggi has also determined a new farming method with small families as the production unit. It is worth noting that the Taige land inspection did not force the whole country to implement small-scale peasant management, but actually retained the production relationship between landlords and small-scale farmers to a certain extent. Such as the record of "Sanlang Zuoweimen's Eight Works of Subgeneration" retained in the local inspection account book. In short, the "actual cultivated land responsible person" including small farmers is of great significance, which can be said to be an epoch-making institutional reform. In this way, the Taige land inspection, which inherited the rope driving land inspection that Xinchang began to implement in Beilu in his later years, is undoubtedly a land reform aimed at liquidating the land collection relationship in the Middle Ages and realizing the self-reliance of small farmers. [39 ]
    • ② Some critics believe that Xiuji's implementation of a series of laws and regulations changed the principle of free migration and escape that was allowed throughout the Middle Ages to prohibit farmers from owning the above freedoms, tightly bound them to the land, and strictly restricted their identity. Only the narrow channel for people to serve the public in the martial arts also obviously led to the lack of social flexibility and mobility. [38 ]
  • Saburo Ienaga Japanese Cultural History 》With the birth of Daimyo, the feudal order naturally formed in various regions began to be institutionalized. On the basis of the scattered Daimyo, the people who established a unified regime were Nobuna Ikeda, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, and Kakang Tokugawa, the so-called "three heroes". In particular, Fengchen Xiuji implemented the "Taige Land Inspection", swept away the remnants of the manor system and established the feudal land system He strictly defined the identity differences among warriors, merchants and farmers, prohibited identity changes, and promulgated“ Dao Shou Ling ”The prohibition of farmers from holding weapons has drawn a pause for the metabolism caused by the downfall. These are epoch-making measures to establish the feudal ruling system of warriors based on the identity order of scholars, farmers, businessmen and businessmen. However, before entering the so-called "Three Heroes" era, the society still maintained an open atmosphere since the previous generation, and the international community also carried out frequent traffic and trade with countries around the world. The spirit of courage and enterprising is still strongly respected. Therefore, in the cultural field, there is also a strong characteristic of fierceness and boldness that can not be seen in the future. [42]
  • Taro Sakamoto History of Japan:
    • ① Xiuji is a rare military general and politician with great talent, and at the same time, he is also a person with an open mind and understanding of human relations and reason that is suitable for achieving this unity Xiuji's unification policy, for the most part, inherits and develops Xinchang's policy, but in terms of each specific measure, even if it is completely like that, its implementation spirit is quite different. Xinchang is harsh and unkind to people, and his killing is indiscreet, while Xiuji is tolerant of thousands of people, treats people with warmth, and tries to avoid killing innocent people. In some of Xiuji's posthumous notes, we can see his tender and delicate love for his father, son, wife and concubine, which is full of words. It is this beautiful spirit of benevolence that not only Xinchang does not have, but also many Warring States military officers do not have. [41]
    • ② Xiuji has completed reunification in the country and established great achievements, but he has no ambition in diplomacy and has failed to achieve results, revealing that he is, after all, a frog in the well talent confined to the island's interior and lacks the knowledge and insight to cope in a complex international environment. The Korean War launched by him, although it has achieved desirable results in various campaigns and strategies, is totally reckless on the whole. His complacency due to the success of the first battle and even the formulation of various measures after the conquest of the Ming Dynasty showed that he was too optimistic about the situation, did not understand the seriousness of real international relations, and was naive as a child. He looked at Korea, China in the Ming Dynasty and other countries like Kyushu and Kanto in Japan. Dispatching envoys to send books to urge them to pay tribute, and sending troops to fight without paying tribute, which was a common technique he used when unifying the country. The reason why he started the Korean War is generally believed to be that he wanted to resume the Kanhe trade with the Ming Dynasty and Korea. However, it should be known that the trade that he asked the other party to pay tribute was exactly the opposite of the former Kanhe trade in terms of the subject object relationship. In the first stage of foreign negotiations, he may want to start from Japan's superior position to carry out trade. When the requirements are not met, in the second stage, he wants to conquer the other party by force. The Korean War was caused by such a process. The demand for trade is the reason of the previous stage, not the whole reason. The most basic reason is that he has the illusion that he can treat foreign countries as well as domestic ones. The background of this illusion is that after the Japanese pirates became active for a long time, they felt that China and Korea in the Ming Dynasty were not terrible distant countries, but very close. The role of this feeling seems to be taken into consideration. [41]
    • ③ This war (The battle of invading Korea) It took seven years before and after, and countless soldiers and soldiers broke bones in foreign countries, but got nothing. For Xiuji, I am afraid it is a lifelong regret that cannot be justified. At any time, the aggressive ambition that is out of strength is the root of the demise. Just because China and Korea were in decline in the Ming Dynasty, and other countries did not let him go, so Japan did not fall into a dangerous situation, but only accelerated the demise of the Fengchen regime, which is really lucky. [41]
  • Watanabe Shiyou:
    • ① Fengchen Xiuji is lively, quick in thinking, good at change, literary and military, aggressive, powerful and respected by thousands of people. In his later years, Fengchen Xiuji was different from others. Instead of being aggressive, he indulged in extravagant life, built Qiongtai pavilions, and spent money with 3000 beautiful women. Fengchen Xiuji has consumed the country's financial resources, but Fengchen's power has not been consolidated. This is a tragedy for Toyotomi Xiuji. [48 ]
    • ② Since the reign of Yuan Gui and Tianzheng, there has been a great deal of chaos in the world. Toyotomi Xiuji fought from south to north and subdued all the heroes. Today, only Guandong and a corner of Northeast China remain where unification has not yet taken place. The social order began to stabilize, the weather was favorable, the grain was abundant, and a peaceful and prosperous age of singing and dancing appeared. [47 ]
    • ③ Within ten years, Hideyoshi Toyotomi had unified the whole country of Japan. From Aoyu in the northeast to Samo in the southwest, they obeyed Hideyoshi Toyotomi's orders. The conquest of Korea is a great event in Japan's history, and only a figure like Toyotomi Hideyoshi can do it. Tokugawa Kakang attaches great importance to internal affairs, and cannot do such things as condemning North Korea. Fengchen Xiuji is belligerent and does not like peace. As long as he is alive, he wants to be militaristic. This is the expression of Fengchen Xiuji's character. Toyotomi Hideyoshi plans to use the aftershock of unifying Japan to conquer Korea, and then march into China, India, Persia, and sweep across Asia. However, before the conquest of North Korea was completed, Toyoton Xiuji died. Born in the war years, Toyotomi Xiuji is used to destroying the old patterns. Fengchen Xiuji's ambition is accompanied by tragedy. Fengchen Xiuji is eager for quick success and quick success, neglects internal operation, and does not notice the signs of fatigue of soldiers and weariness of warriors. The disaster caused by this resulted in fratricidal ties and heavy burden on the people, which eventually led to the death of Fengchen Xiuji. For the Fengchen Xiuji family, the foreign war did not benefit them at all, but accelerated the downfall of the Fengchen Xiuji family. From the national perspective, the expropriation of North Korea may not be harmful, and the profits and losses are equally divided. Diplomatically, Japan has left a negative impression on North Korea that will never be eliminated. However, since then, both Korea and China have been afraid of Japan, and the Qing Dynasty also inquired about Japan through Korea. If Toyotomi Xiuji focuses on the internal affairs of foreign wars, he will achieve greater results. [49 ]
    • ④ Fengchen Xiuji is ambitious, and plans to let the emperor inherit the throne in the Ming Dynasty and rule over more than 400 states in the Ming Dynasty. Toyotomi Hideyoshi's plan is unprecedented in Japanese history. Toyotomi Hideyoshi sent envoys to Ryukyu, the Philippines and India to pay tribute. Hideyoshi Toyotomi planned to incorporate all the places he knew into the territory of Japan at that time. If the Ming Dynasty is conquered, Hideyoshi Toyotomi will sit in Ningbo, which is the nearest to Japan, to achieve the goal of pacifying Asia. Feng Chen Xiuji was born in an island country. It is rare for him to have such great ambitions. Even people on the mainland may not have such ambitions. Unfortunately, for Japan at that time, the Korean Strait was too wide, Japan's maritime technology was not yet developed, and Japan did not have a powerful navy like Britain. Toyotomi Hideyoshi's grand blueprint was just a paper war. [50 ]
    • ⑤ Eda is strong and ruthless, and can control his subordinates. Hideyoshi Toyotomi started as a pawn under Nobuna Zhida and achieved the great cause of unifying the world, far surpassing his contemporaries at that time and all the heroes in the world. The times make heroes, and Fengchen Xiuji seizes the opportunity. Not only that, Tomoto Hideyoshi was intelligent, agile, and had made great achievements under Nobuna Ikeda, which made him shine in the history of Japan. Fengchen Xiuji is very confident and dignified, and can achieve a great cause. Fengchen Xiuji attaches importance to efficiency, military importance and speed. As long as it can achieve results, it is not necessary to stick to details. [51 ]

Other country evaluations

  • [Ming Dynasty] Zhuge Yuansheng:
    • ① He is resourceful and decisive. He can intimidate people and make good use of people.
    • ② The laws and regulations are strict, and there is nothing you can do without. No retreat is allowed in case of fire. Those who turn around will also be killed, so they are invincible. [21]
  • [Ming] Xu Guangqi
    • ① To the letter, the Long March was launched in all directions, and a few officials were subdued without daring to differ. This man's clever plan is unfathomable and ten times more beautiful.
    • ② Xiuji, who rises from humble position, and Guan Bai, who has a long history of accidents, is suddenly lucky to be a senior general on the other island. [45 ]
  • [Korean] Liu Chenglong : Fengchen Xiuji has a rough face and a dark complexion, but his eyes are shining. [22]
  • [Republic of China] Cai Dongfan : Hiroshi Hiroshi of Japan, though he is a Shixiong, invades Korea and harasses Badao. It is not true that he is determined to expand the territory and not seize Korea. [58]
  • [Republic of China] journalist and personal secretary to Sun Yat-sen : Toyotomi Hideyoshi has levelled all the domestic heroes, defeated Korea, and Japan's martial arts have reached its peak. After the Tokugawa family inherited the hegemony of the Fengchen family, the political relics were well prepared. [40 ]
  • James McClain: When he inherited the mantle of Nobuna Ikeda in 1582, Hideki Toyotomi had more than 250000 warriors, musketeers, spearmen, marksmen and foot soldiers under his command, which was one of the largest armies in the world at that time. Fengchen Xiuji resolutely led the army to Shikoku and Kyushu Island, wiped out some daimyo, and subdued others through intimidation and persuasion. In 1587, after Fengchen Xiuji established his hegemony in these two places, he moved northward, occupied the countries in Kanto in the autumn of 1590, and soon accepted the surrender of the northernmost daimyo of Honshu Island. The reunification of Japan by force was thus completed. [44]
  • Andrew Gordon: Xiuji is not outstanding. He was born in a humble family. He was originally a "light foot" in the infantry. People of his time even ridiculed him as a "monkey". It is said that his wife was also called a "bald mouse". If you don't judge people by their appearance, Xiuji is actually an outstanding strategist. Xinchang's style is to distinguish between gratitude and resentment, kill all enemies, and grant land to subordinates. Xiuji is different. He adopts a good alliance strategy. Although he is not polite to opponents, he will be generous to accept them as long as they are willing to join their camp and swear allegiance. So Xiuji expanded very quickly and took control of Japan in 1591. Xiuji inherits the system left by Xinchang while adding new ideas and systematizing it. In order to ensure that all celebrities have no different intentions, he established a hostage system. In order to completely disarm farmers, in 1588, he issued a "Dao Shou Order" in his territory, ordering farmers to hand over weapons. He also launched large-scale wars to invade Korea in 1592 and 1597, which caused numerous damages and threatened to conquer China. The Jesuit missionaries came to Japan to preach around 1550, and the disciples became more and more. Xiuji also prohibited them from doing activities in Japan. By 1598, Xiuji's power reached its peak, and its power spread throughout Japan, becoming a national Communist Party leader. [43]

Anecdotes and allusions


Strange looking

According to the more reliable historical data, Taige Susheng Ji, and other biographies, Xiuji really looks like a monkey, so his nickname is Monkey. This is not just a rumor. There is evidence left in the existing letter of Nobuna Zhida. In addition, in his letter, Eda Shinchang also revealed that Xiuji also had a nickname, "Bald Mouse". After Xiuji's middle age, her hair gradually thinned. In order to make herself more dignified, she often painted eyebrows and pretended to have a beard when she went on the expedition in her later years.

Six Fingers Xiuji

In the relevant books recorded by Maeda Lijia and Freud, Xiuji had six fingers on her right hand and one more finger on her thumb, but later Xiuji didn't want a scandal to happen and deliberately hid the six fingers.

expansionist ambitions

The feudal lord Hideyoshi Toyotomi, who unified Japan by force, proposed the idea of mainland expansion. In the sixth year of Tianzheng's reign (1578), Fengchen Xiuji stated his "grand ambition": "To look at North Korea and China, this is the destiny of his ministers". In the 12th year of Tianzheng (1584), Toyotomi Xiuji, who was the minister of Taizheng, put forward an expansion plan with a timetable: after occupying Korea, Japan occupied Beijing in the beginning of the second year of Wenlu (1593), Japan moved its capital to Beijing in the third year of Tianzheng (1594), and then entered India. As early as the 18th year of Tianzheng (1590), Fengchen wrote a letter to the king of Korea, "I want to go through your country, beyond the mountains and seas, and directly into the Ming Dynasty, so that all four hundred states can join our customs". In the first year of Wenlu (1592), the initial stage of Japan's first invasion of Korea went smoothly. Hideyoshi Toyotomi began to plan to move his capital to Beijing and "stay in Ningbo House" to "respect the holy will and occupy Tianzhu India". [29]

Receive Ming Emissary

Wen Lu In September of the fifth year (1596), Fengchenxiuji welcomed the envoys of the Ming Dynasty. The envoys of peace of the Ming and the Korean dynasties discussed the future, and Xiuji feasted them. However, after reading the credentials of the country, I learned that Hehe was actually conferred the title, and Daming wanted to make Xiuji the king of Japan. Xiuji felt cheated and said angrily, "I am in control of Japan. If I want to be a king, I will be a king. How can I wait for the marquis's seal? If I want to be a king, how can I deal with the emperor?" He wanted to kill the envoys of the Ming Dynasty and dissuade others, so he ordered the Ming envoys to be expelled.

Canonize a king

The edict of Emperor Wanli to confer Fengchen Xiuji
In Wanli Resisting Japan and Aid Korea In January of the fourth year of Wenlu (1595) after the war, the Ming Dynasty sent envoy Feng Chen Xiuji as the king of Japan, and Shen Weijing went with him. The contents of the imperial edict are as follows: "The Emperor Fengtian undertook to deliver the imperial edict, which said," Sacred benevolence and broad transportation, every day and earth will bear, we will respect the emperor's order. General Pu and the sunrise at the corner of the sea will not help us. In the past, our emperor gave birth to many things. Gui Niu Long Zhang was given to Fusang far away; Zhenmin Big Seal was given to the mountains of the country. Then the waves of the sea rose, and occasionally the wind occupied the gap. ". At the time of its prosperity, Zierfeng, a minister of peace and prosperity, rose up as a sea power and respected China. Xichi is an envoy to Xinmulaitong. Knock at the ten thousand mile pass in the north, and be willing to ask for attachment. Love is both firm in submission and gracious in tenderness. I hereby declare you as the king of Japan, and grant you an order. In the play of the dragon Ben Zhi letter, wearing the crown on the surface of the sea, popular flower clothing, fixed the vassal guard in the Chinese dynasty, and you should study the official position. Follow the rules carefully, and feel the great kindness of the emperor. There is no substitute for money and sincerity, only clothes and words, and always respect voice education. Oh, yes! "
This imperial edict, now in Osaka Museum, is written in the customary imperial style, just like a copy of the imperial edict Small country The tone of condescending and rewarding. However, another said that although Fengchen Xiuji was very reluctant, he still accepted the Ming government's title on the surface. Shen Weijing faked a thank-you note of Fengchen Xiuji on his way back to the country and submitted it to the court by another envoy. The fake thank-you note was seen through by the Ming court. [30]

Main works

"Song of Passing Away": It comes like morning dew and dissipates like morning dew. This is my life. Osaka's past is like a dream in a dream. (The dew drops, the dew disappears, the body moves, the wave speed moves, the dream moves) [55]

interpersonal relationship



Wives and concubines

  • Main room: Ningning (Gaotaiyuan, Beijing Government Office , Xiuji was called Gaotaiyuan after his death)
  • Side room: South Hall (Yuchai Xiusheng's mother)
  • Lateral chamber: Yodo-dono (Asai tea, the eldest daughter of Asai Chang Zheng, and the mother of Feng Chenxiu Lai)
  • Side room: Dezi (Sichuan Vice Zhengjun female)
  • Side room: South Bureau( Mountain name Fengguo Female)
  • Side room: Pine Pill Hall (dragon son, father Jinggaoji , his mother Asai's elder sister)
  • Lateral chamber: Jiahe Hall (Moa, the third daughter of Qiantian Li's family)
  • Lateral chamber: Jiafeiji Master Narita Female)
  • Lateral chamber: Three Pills Hall (Zhitian Xinchang female)
  • Side room: Three Stripes Hall (Tiger, Pu Shengxian and Xiunv)
  • Side room: Jilu Hall( Weaving Field Letter Bag Female)
  • Side room: Guangze Bureau (Minghujing Shengnu)
  • Side room: Laurel Court (Island, Zuli Lai Chunnu)
  • Lateral chamber: An Le Yuan (A seed's prescription, before incense, the local maid)
  • Lateral chamber: Fashani (Yuxi Duoxiu's mother)



Adopted son
Adopted daughter
  • Hao Xuan (Qian Tian Li's daughter, Yu Xiduo's main house)
  • Jiahe Hall (Four daughters of Qiantian Lijia, side room of Toyotomi Xiuji)
  • Ju Xuan (Qian Tian, a common daughter of Li family, died early)
  • Xiao Xuan (Zhitian Xinxiong, the head of Tokugawa Xiuzhong, died early)
  • Dashan Yard (the eldest daughter of Fengchenxiu, Maoli Xiuyuan Main room)
  • Ohatsu (Chief Minister Asai's second daughter, the most senior official in Beijing)
  • Duji
  • Yuxiduo Zhijia Girl( Kikkawa Hiroie Main room)
  • Bee Xu He Zhengsheng Female (Chief Executive Office of Kuroda)
Jude son

Family ministers

Personnel list
Early courtiers
Zhitian old minister
Cheap Yue Seven Guns
Five Elders
Toshiie Maeda (After death by Maeda Toshinaga Succession) Tokugawa Jiakang mori terumoto Xiaozaochuan Longjing (After death by Uesugi Kagekatsu Succession), Yuxi Doxiujia
Third Middle aged
Yellow Mother Clothes People
Qingmu Yizhong Imu Yuansheng, Shiwei Zhiyi, Ito Changshi, Inoue Daosheng, Inoue Laici, Zhuziyi Zhitian Xingao Xiaoye Mugong Township, Junzongbao Sengoku Hidehisa Tianjin Sichuan personal travel, Tianjin Tianjin trust Oda Shenglong , Yomatsu Shengbao, Nakajima, Zhongxi Shouzhi, Nagara Yunazawa Xuan, Ono Murakami Ji'an, Hasegawa Chongcheng Hachisuka Iemasa , Service Department Yizhong Fast water and long life Saito Zhixuan Dance arsenal (Maeno Zhongkang) God Son Tian Zhengzhi , Jipukan Youweimen, Sanhao Fangyi, Maori Jicheng, Sen Kezheng Yamauchi Yifeng Branch Guangjia
Obey Xiuji's important advisers and generals
Takenaka Shigeharu
Black fields like water (officers and soldiers)
Bee Xu He Zhengsheng (Small Six)

Character controversy

The cause of Xiuji's death is still a mystery, and the authorities keep it secret. [14] There are different versions, including cerebral syphilis, dysentery (red dysentery, epidemic dysentery, etc.) [31] And so on. Shen Weijing in the Ming Dynasty said that he was poisoned. [32] Ruolin Liguang, a brain neurosurgeon, put forward a new view in 2009 that he died of beriberi. In old age, due to aging, the excellent judgment of youth is no longer available, and even incontinence occurs. [11] This is also one of the reasons for the demise of the Fengchen family.
Shen Weijing's theory of poisoning Toyotomi Xiuji can be seen in many Korean historical records, [33] It is also confirmed in Japanese historical records in the Edo era. Xiangchuan Zhengju (1613-1660) wrote a section of "Taige Gonghong goes to work" in his "Yin De Tai Ping Ji" Shen Weijing The record of poisoning Fengchen Xiuji is quite detailed.
Since the end of June, the public and noble officials of Taige have been uneasy, and their illness has gradually become serious On August 18, the third year of his reign, he went to Fujian City to celebrate his death. He was 63 years old It was said that the cause of Taige Gong was in September the year before last. When the guerrilla general Shen Weijing came to the court to pay homage to the Taige Duke, he took the pills from his arms and took them. The Duke Taige asked, "What kind of medicine is this?" But Jing replied, "This is a good medicine for rejuvenating the old." The Duke Taige asked again, "I am old, and the medicine for rejuvenating the old is what I want even if I leave Japan. What can I get?" But Jing offered it. Huiyuanqing, Lijiaqing, Shanchengfang and others were present. Duke Taige also gave this medicine to these three people. Li Jiaqing and Hui Yuanqing thought that they had never heard of such medicine in ancient times. It was strange, so they planned to take it and put it in their arms. Shanchengfang swallowed it and died in the same year as Taige Duke. The guerrilla general thought that if the Taige Duke had a long life, he would surely fight against the Ming Dynasty and dominate the world. If so, I should give up this body to save people in the Ming Dynasty. This is great loyalty. Therefore, the fake poison is good medicine. I also take it to serve the Taige Duke. That's what I heard. Duke Taige was trapped in the canal [34]
In fact, this message was sent by the maid of Hideyoshi Toyotomi's concubine (the daughter of Hirokuni Yamamoto) (the daughter of the second son of Hirokuni Yoshioka, a fan man) to the author's grandfather, Xiangchuan Chunji (then the deacon of Hirokuni Yoshikawa, the leader of the vassal state of Zhou Fangyan). Although the five pursuits at that time blocked the news of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's death, because of insider activities, Xiangchuan Chunji soon learned this information and reported it to the Lord Hiroshima Yoshikawa. [35]
According to the textual research of Kawaguchi Changru (1772-1835), a scholar in the Edo era, there are also relevant records about Shen Weijing's poisoning of Feng Chen Xiuji in the Records of Demon Interpretation and the Records of the Rise and Fall of the Martial Arts School at that time. The contents are as follows:
Only serve Xiuji with respect and drink the herbal medicine in the clip bag. Xiuji asked him, but respectfully said, "This is a wonderful medicine for prolonging the age." Xiuji begged for it. But Jing said, "How can we know that the death of a foreign country is not poison?" Xiuji begged for it, but he respected his close officials who ordered him to test. After five or six days, the courtiers felt refreshed. Take Xiujixin. Li Family and Longjing also beg for clothes. Before long, Longjing died, Xiuji and Lijia also died one after another. [36]
This passage is much similar to the "Taige Gonghong goes to work" in the above cited "Yin De Tai Ping Ji", which tells that Fengchen Xiuji asked Shen Weijing for a "wonderful medicine for prolonging the age" that could help him to return to his youth, but he was finally poisoned and killed because of it. But it seems more reasonable to take a near official to test the medicine. The contents of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's family officials, Maeda Lijia and Kozaokawa Longjing, who also died after taking this medicine, are slightly similar to those described above Discord [35]

Commemoration for future generations

Temple shrine in the tomb
Toyokuni Shrine
After his death, Fengchen Xiuji was buried at the top of Amituo Peak (Fengguo Temple) in Dongshan District of Kyoto (Fengguo Daming God), and Fengguo Shrine was built to offer sacrifices. After the demise of the Fengchen Family, Tokugawa Kakang deprived the title of Daming God, but did not demolish the shrine. In Fengchen Xiuji's main room Gaotaiyuan At the request of (Ning Ning), part of the outer garden was demolished while the inner garden and the hall were preserved. Some buildings are Katagiri Katsumoto They moved to Baoyan Temple and Dujiufu Xuma Shrine. The third generation general of Tokugawa, Tokugawa Guangshi, confiscated the shrine, which was completely destroyed, and the Fengguo Shrine became a wasteland. During the Meiji period, we offered sacrifices to Fengchen Xiuji at the Yangguang Dongzhao Palace in Dechuan Jiakang, Toyokuni Shrine Was rebuilt. In addition to the Kyoto Fengguo Shrine, there are other shrines dedicated to Xiuji Osaka Fengguo Shrine, Changbin Fengguo Shrine Nagoya Fengguo Shrine. Osaka and Nagoya are Xiuji's territory, and Nagoya is Xiuji's hometown.

Artistic image


Literary image

Ancient literature
Fengchen Family Pattern
During the Edo period, a number of Xiuji Generation Records were published. Among them, the most representative work is Taige Ji. There are many works with the same title of Taige Ji, but because of the different authors, the title of Taige Ji is again titled with the author's name. For example, Xiaosetfu Temple His work is called "Record of the Taige in Fu'an"; The work of Kawaguchi Sanlang's right guard door is called "Kawaguchi Taige Ji". If the title is only Taige Ji, it generally refers to Fu'an Taige Ji. In addition, there was also a picture book Taige Ji with illustrations, written by Takeuchi Quezhai, and Okada Yushan's drawing, which naturally became a best seller at that time. However, it must be noted that no matter what version of Taige Ji is, its content is quite far from the historical facts, and it records various interesting anecdotes, but it is unknown whether it is historical facts or the story fabricated by the author.
  • New Book Taige Ji (Author: Yoshikawa Yingzhi)
  • "A Tale of Taige in Different Versions" (author: Shan Gang Zhuang VIII)
  • "A Tale of Demons Talking about Taige" (Author: Feng Taro Yamada)
  • A Dream in a Dream (Author: Jin Benyang)
  • Xiuji and Lixiu (Author: Yasuo Nokai)
  • The Shackle of Xiuji (Author: Kato Hiroshi)

Film and television image

Specific information
1965《 Tokugawa Jiakang 》(Performer: Yamamoto Kei
1981《 Joint Battle of Guanyuan 》(Performer: Yuno Chongji
Tokugawa Jiakang, 1988 (actor: to be tested)
2013《 Clear beard meeting 》(Performer: Daquanyang
2016《 Nobunaga Concerto 》(Performer: Yamada Xiaozhi
2017《 Battle of Guanyuan 》(Performer: Kenichi Takito
NHK River Drama
In 1971, NHK Dahe Drama "Spring Bandao" (played by Nakamura Zhihe)
1973 NHK River Drama《 Tales of National Robbers 》(Actor: to be tested)
In 1978, NHK Dahe Drama Golden Days (played by Xu Xingquan)
1981 NHK River Drama《 Female Taige 》(Performer: Nishida Minhang
1983 NHK River Drama《 Tokugawa Jiakang 》(Performer: Takeda Tieya
1987 NHK River Drama《 One eyed Dragon Zhengzong 》(Performer: Shintar Katsu
1989 NHK River Drama《 Chunri Bureau 》(Performer: Takaya Fujioka
1992 NHK River Drama《 KING OF ZIPANGU 》(Performer: Nakamura
1993 NHK River Drama《 Wind of Ryukyu 》(Played by: Chuchi Nakamura)
1996 NHK River Drama《 Xiuji 》(Performer: Naoto Takeuchi
2000 NHK River Drama《 Kui Dechuan Third Generation 》(Actor: to be tested)
2002 NHK River Drama《 Li Jia and Song 》(Performer: Shine on Xiangchuan
2006 NHK River Drama《 Merit Crossroads 》(Performer: Handle specification
2009 NHK River Drama《 are heaven , earth and man 》(Performer: Takashi Sasano
2011 NHK River Drama《 Jiang, Princess of the Warring States Period 》(Performer: Kishiya Wulang
2014 NHK River Drama《 Military divisions, officers and soldiers 》(Played by: Naoto Takeuchi)
2016 NHK River Drama《 Zhentian Pill 》(Performer: Fumiyo Kohinata
NHK Grand River Drama in 2020《 Kirin is here 》(Performer: Sasaki Hidetosuke
2023 NHK River Drama《 How to deal with family health 》(Performer: Shi Yi
Other TV plays
In 2003, Fuji TV Station's Taige Tale: Man Called Monkey (played by: smap
2005 TV Drama《 Tales of National Robbers 》(Played by: Okada Yide)
In 2006, Asahi TV Station's Taige Ji: The Man Who Won the World (played by: Nakamura Bridge
2013 Fuji TV《 Female letter leader 》(Performer: Yosuke Isigawa
Asahi TV in 2013《 Xinchang's Chef 》(Performer: Zhaowu Year
2014 Fuji TV《 Nobunaga Concerto 》(Played by: Takashi Yamada)
Glory Co., Ltd.:《 taikou risshiden v 》Series
Glory Co., Ltd.:《 Samurai Warriors 》Series (dubbing: Hubei Zongkuan Ishikawa Hideo
Glory Co., Ltd.:《 Musou Orochi 》Series (dubbing: Yinglang Ishikawa)
Glory Co., Ltd.:《 Nobunaga's Ambition 》Series
Capcom:《 Ghost Warrior 》Series
Capcom:《 Sengoku Basara 》Series (dubbing: Okiayu Ryotaro