Central Africa

Central Africa
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synonym Central African Central Africa
Central Africa refers to several countries in the middle of the African continent, usually including Central African Republic Chad Cameroon Equatorial Guinea Gabon Republic of Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo Sao Tome and Principe 8 countries. Area: 5.365 million Square kilometers Population 142.5 million (2019), mostly Bantu language family and Sudanese languages Black. Central Africa is traditionally considered as the central region of Africa, which refers to the region from sahara desert And African continent The vast area in depth surrounded by the western bulge, excluding East African Rift Valley west. The water volume in this area is totally dependent on Congo River And its tributaries, Drainage area after Amazon The northern part of the region belongs to the Sahara Desert, and the central part belongs to Sudan grassland , Southern Congo Basin , Southwest Subordinate Guinea Plateau The Congo Basin covers an area of about 3.37 million square kilometers. The lowest point in the center is only 200 meters above sea level, and the surrounding plateaus and mountains are generally more than 1000 meters above sea level. Produced diamond Occupy the world total output About 30%, Manganese ore It accounts for 12%. Copper, cobalt, uranium, tin, radium, niobium, tantalum and other minerals account for an important position in the world. Palm Oil, palm kernel Natural rubber Cocoa is also very important.
Chinese name
Central Africa
Foreign name
English: Central Africa
French: Afrique central
Central African Central Africa
official language
French sango etc.
population size
143 million (2019)
Major religions
Islamism Catholicism Christianity etc.

Relevant theories


Statement 1

Central Africa is a core region of the African continent and is generally considered to include burundi , Central African Republic Chad Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda (Core 5 countries)

Statement 2

8 countries Usually includes Central African Republic Chad Cameroon Equatorial Guinea Gabon Republic of Congo Democratic Republic of the Congo Sao Tome and Principe 8 countries It covers an area of 5.365 million square kilometers. The population is 143 million (2019), mostly Bantu language family and Sudanese languages Black.
Africa Central region. The terrain is undulating, from north to south Tibesti Mountains Chad Basin Azande Plateau Congo Basin , bottom Guinea Plateau And Lunda- Katanga Plateau , of sahara desert Sudan grassland Tropical rainforest belt diamond , copper, manganese, cobalt, gold, uranium, tin, radium, niobium, tantalum, iron and other minerals occupy an important position in the world. rich tropical forests , production Brown oil Palm Kernel, rubber cocoa Etc. The economy is dominated by agriculture, followed by mining, and most of them are low-income countries.

Statement 3: 7-10 countries

central section Africa That is what is customarily believed Central Africa , referring to sahara desert And African continent The vast area in depth surrounded by the western bulge, excluding East African Rift Valley west. The water volume in this area is totally dependent on Congo River And its tributaries, Drainage area after Amazon
It is customary to include the following 7 countries
Central African Republic
Republic of Congo (referred to as "Congo Brazzaville")
Democratic Republic of the Congo (referred to as "DRC")
——Sometimes Chad Zambia and zimbabwe The three countries are also considered as Central African countries.

American literature


original text

Middle Africa
(as used by the United Nations when categorising geographic subregion s) is an analogous term that describes the portion of Africa south of the Sahara Desert, east of Western Africa, but west of the Great Rift Valley.[1] The region is dominated by the Congo River and its tributaries, which collectively drain a greater area than any river system except the Amazon. According to the UN, the nine countries of Middle Africa are Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon , and São Tomé and Príncipe. All of the states in the UN subregion of Middle Africa, plus those otherwise commonly reckoned in central Africa (11 states in total), comprise the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS).
The Central African Federation (1953–1963), also called the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, was made up of what are now the nations of Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Similarly, the Anglican Church of the Province of Central Africa covers dioceses in Botswana, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. These states are now typically regarded as parts of Southern Africa or Eastern Africa.


Central African
the United Nations () is a similar term used to describe the part of Africa south of the Sahara Desert, east of West Africa, but located in the west of the Great Rift Valley. (1) The region is dominated by the Congo River and its tributaries, which is collective. Erie removal Amazon Outside, more than any River system Large drainage area. According to the United Nations, the nine countries in Central Africa are Angola Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon and Ohio All countries in all regions of the United Nations in Central Africa, plus countries generally estimated in Central Africa (usually 11 states), include Economic Community of Central African States (ECAS)。
The Central African Federation (1953-1963) is also known as Rhodesia And Nyasaland Federation Malawi , Zambia and Zimbabwe. Similarly, the Episcopal Church of Central Africa also covered botswana , Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe. These states are generally regarded as Southern Africa or East Africa Part of.

Basic Introduction


Climate and Nature

Central Africa is located on both sides of the equator, and the east is Savanna climate In the west Tropical rainforest climate The temperature is above 20 degrees all year round.
Broad Savanna It provides a natural place for various animals to live. Since Central Africa is located on both sides of the equator, the changes of rainy season and dry season in the two hemispheres are just opposite. The rare animal migration on the planet can be seen every May, June, October and November.
Tropical rain forest There are tall tree , lush Shrubbery , dense weeds and vines entwined among trees, which make it difficult for people to pass Tropical plant kingdom. In the tropical rainforest, there are many kinds of animals, including birds with gorgeous feathers and those who are good at climbing chimpanzee , burly elephants, rivers and lakes Hippo and crocodile [1]

Race and tribe

The main residents of Central Africa are Black race , mostly engaged in farming and nomadism. They have black or brown skin, well-defined faces, curly black hair, deep black eyes, fat lips and wide nostrils. This is the unique sunshine and humidity in tropical Africa Climatic environment Caused by. Broad nostrils are conducive to heat dissipation; Dark skin can resist ultraviolet rays Penetration. Due to the differences in regions, religions, languages and traditions, thousands of tribes have formed in Central Africa. [1]

Chiefs and Kings

chief [1]
Black African Tradition tribal state Of Social organization structure It is composed of family, village community (tribe) and kingdom. Chiefs and kings, in Social class Of Pyramid Next to gods and ancestors. They hold the secrets of nature, human beings, animals and Grains The prosperity of the whole family is tied to one person.
In the 14th and 18th centuries, in central Africa Congo River Basin One after another Kingdom of Congo Kuba Kingdom And the Dallon Empire. In the 15th century, the Kingdom of Congo became the most powerful kingdom in the Congo River basin, and it was also Africa's hoeing in the Iron Age Agricultural civilization Representatives of agriculture and handicraft industry Quite developed. [1]

Tribal connection

Maasai (Masaï)
The Maasai people are the most famous people in Africa today nomadic people One, with a population of nearly 1 million, is mainly distributed in the tropical grassland areas in southern Kenya and northern Tanzania. Today's Maasai people, on the one hand, still adhere to the traditional Nomadic life On the other hand, it has also been more involved in the local tourism industry. [1]
Hutu nationality (Hutu) and Tutsi (Tutsi)
Hutu and Tutsi mainly live in Rwanda and burundi Is the largest ethnic group in both countries. According to statistics, 84% of Rwandans and 85% of Burundians Homo Hutu. The Hutu people are very similar to the Tutsi people. Their language, physique and culture are not very different. The main differences are Social class Tutsi people Ruling class Hutu people are generally poor people in the lower class. There have been many major armed conflicts between the two ethnic groups. Among them, the most striking one is the one in 1994 rwandan genocide For Hutu people Machete , wooden stick Hoe They massacred Tutsi and their own people who advocated national reconciliation, resulting in the killing of nearly 1 million Tutsi. [1]
Monbutu people, also known as Monbutu people, refer to the ethnic groups in Central Africa living in the south of Azande region in the northeast of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. They occupied the territory of the original pygmies, and later absorbed a large number of people Sudan People and Bantu people, therefore, have become several ethnic groups with different cultures and languages. To make a living by hoeing fishing , hunting, gathering and cattle raising. Universal implementation polygamy System, livestock It's real bride-price Part of. Their art, especially their amazing skills in architecture, pottery making and sculpture, impressed early travelers deeply. Modern Menggebetu people still attract the attention of artists with elaborately carved knives, wooden honey containers, statues, musical instruments and jars. [1]
Wubandi people, also known as Mogwandi people, live in the upper reaches of the Ubangi River in the south of the Central African Republic and the north of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Traditionally, men were responsible for hunting, fishing and cleaning land cultivation And women are responsible for collecting Wild food , weeding, planting and harvesting. along with Monetary economy With the development of the society, it is more and more common for strong men and women in the countryside to migrate to cities in search of jobs. The Ngebandi people used to be famous soldiers. The knives and spears made by their craftsmen were of high quality. They once traded with many neighboring ethnic groups. Now they are in Africa work of art Treasures in the eyes of collectors. [1]
Banda is a cross-border ethnic group in Central Africa. It mainly lives in the Central African Republic, with about 1.62 million people (in 2002). It is also distributed in northern Congo (Kinshasa) (820000), southeast Sudan and northern Congo (Brazzaville), and can be divided into branches such as Linda, Mono, Yakla, Bili, Bengo, etc. They adopt paternity Succession system , living in small villages with scattered houses, ruled by tribal leaders, mainly engaged in agriculture, planting corn cassava , peanuts and Sweet potato Etc., also engaged in a small amount of animal husbandry or fishery. [1]
Baya (Gbaya)
They live in the southwest of the Central African Republic, the middle east of Cameroon, the north of the Congo Brazzaville, and the northwest of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Their number was about 820000 at the end of the 20th century. They speak languages with their neighbors Banda and Ngbandi relationship Closer. The Baya people follow a paternal inheritance system, and traditionally there is no national organization. In the past, military chiefs were elected only in times of crisis, and were later removed from power. The village head of Baya people is responsible for arbitration Civil disputes , is a symbolic leader. [1]

Weapons and hunting



Hunting is an important part of the life of Central Africans. Some Central Africans even do not farm for generations, but only collect and hunt for a living. The hunting tools mainly include bows, arrows and spears. Setting traps and collective hunting are the ways that Central Africans are good at using. They lured the animals into a certain enclosure through collective strength, and hunted them with spears after they fell into the trap. [2]
1. Spear
Spears are also called spears or javelin The oldest spear is made by sharpening its end with a long straight stick. Later, the spear tip gradually developed from steel or copper alloy etc. Metallic materials The spear handle is usually made of wood, and a few are Metal manufacturing The common spears in Central Africa are throwing spears, stabbing spears Short spear , barb spear, coin spear and wand Spear, etc. [2]
2. Stick
According to its shape and function, sticks can be divided into walking sticks, throwing flying sticks and hitting sticks. There is a stick on the top of the cane to increase the hit impact force The flying stick can throw targets at a long distance. It is especially effective when hunting small animals, but it is generally not lethal in battle. The hitting stick is usually made of hard and long wood. [2]
3. Bow and arrow
Most bows and arrows in Central Africa are used for hunting, but in some areas they are also used for war. The arrow body is made of bamboo, rattan or light wood. The arrow point may be simply sharpened or quenched from one end of the arrow body, and some may be fitted with wooden or metal arrows. In order to increase its lethality, sometimes poison is applied to the arrow.

Weapons, ceremony and authority

Rituals are an integral part of traditional Central African life. individual Growth needs Experience“ circumcision ”And Rite of passage Etc; To hold sacrificial ceremonies for ancestors or deceased leaders; Some tribes also hold cannibals to celebrate the victory of the war; Tribal leaders need to use ritual weapons to highlight their authority.
1. Ngulu knife and decapitation ceremony
When an important leader dies, some slaves or prisoners of war will be executed to accompany the leader to the afterlife. Engulu Dao is usually used in the decapitation ceremony, so this knife It is also called execution knife. At the time of execution, victim Head and a bent small tree trunk Connected, the head of the victim will be shot far away at the moment when the hand rises and falls. [2]
2. Bird axe and coming of age ceremony
Bird head axes are mainly found in Gabon and western Congo (Brazzaville). Bird head represents crow Hornbill Its head and beak are large and downward curved. Crow hornbill is highly respected by local people and is full of mysterious magic. This kind of bird headed axe is mostly used in adult ceremony.
3. Ritual axe
Ritual axe is the symbol of status or kingship. And OMAHAWK Compared with them, they are more richly decorated. Some are decorated with copper or other rare materials, some have exaggerated and luxurious shapes and sizes, and some Axe handle Or the edge of the axe is decorated with a statue.
4. Tomahawk
Axes are early weapons commonly used around the world. However, because its function is only limited to chopping, many areas are replaced by knives or short spears, because these weapons can be used to cut, kill, or even block, giving soldiers greater freedom of action and improving combat effectiveness. Until recently, the tomahawk was still the main weapon in many parts of Central Africa.
5. Flat axe
The flat axe has flat or horizontally concave axe peaks, and some axe tips bend downward toward the handle. The handle and frontal surface There are exquisite decorations on them, and some of them are carved with figures at the connection of handle or axe edge. The flat axe was originally a tool of a sculptor or blacksmith, but later lost its original function and became a symbol of status or class. The flat axe is usually carried on the shoulder and can be used as a weapon in case of danger.
Sabres and scimitars are mostly found in the ancient Congo Kingdom. The blades are curved and have only one edge. The sabre is a kind of scimitar. The blade is located 10-20 cm away from the outside of the curve or the tip. It is mainly used for splitting. Some machetes can be used for stabbing, but many are items representing prestige. [2]
7. Circular knife
There are two types of disc knives in central Africa, symmetrical and asymmetrical, which are found in the central and eastern Congo (DRC) and southern Cameroon. Symmetrical disc cutter is symmetrical about the middle line of the longitudinal axis, which is round, elliptical and water drop shaped; The asymmetric disc cutter is usually in the form of water drops. The disc knife is very rare and exquisitely made. It represents prestige. [2]

Weapons and Traditional Warfare

In the early 20th century, Africa had different Military organization Some are still in the village or clan stage, while others have evolved into tribal or kingdom systems. Between different clans, the looting or invasion caused by the looting of goods, livestock, women and children is a small war, with few casualties. However, large-scale wars between ethnic groups occur among organized armies, with more casualties. Regular soldiers are usually equipped with Spear , shield Throwing Knife , daggers, sickles, weapons or bows and arrows. [2]
1. Western sickle weapon
Sickle weapons are mainly used for splitting. The blade is located at the inner bend, the handle is generally short, and the tip of the outer bend is very sharp. According to its source, it can be divided into two categories: the west and the east. [2]
Western sickle weapons may be derived from the improvement of throwing knives, which are mainly distributed in southern Cameroon, northern Congo (Brazzaville), southern Central African Republic, northern Congo (Kinshasa) and southwestern Sudan. Since the local people move from grassland to tropics rainforest In the process of regional migration, the flying knife brought is not practical in the rainforest, so it was improved into a sickle shaped weapon for splitting.
2. Eastern sickle weapon
The eastern sickle weapon has a long wooden handle and a relatively short iron blade. Most of the blade is obviously bent forward, and the front that bends backward is generally thick and blunt. Its prototype is farming tools, which may be derived from early Asia Immigrants.
These weapons are mainly distributed from north to south Ethiopia South to northern Zambia and southern Tanzania; From east to west, it is found in the easternmost part of the Democratic Republic of Congo the indian ocean coast. [2]
3. Dagger
Daggers in Central Africa are mostly symmetrical, while curved daggers are rare. Most people in other parts of the world hide daggers close to their bodies, but people in central Africa are used to wearing daggers in conspicuous places.
4. Sword
The swords in Central Africa can be divided into long and straight regular swords, curved swords and African unique short swords, but regular swords are not common in Central Africa.
5. Short sword
The short sword in Africa is shorter and wider than the general sword, which is between dagger and sword. The sword end can be pointed, round, or even widened. The sharp sword can be used for splitting and stabbing, but the round and enlarged front end sword can only be used for splitting.
6. Shield
Wooden shield
In Central Africa, the shield is the most important and widely used defensive weapon. resist Missile The shield will be large enough for the soldier to hide behind, while the shield against impact will be more solid.
There are many different ways to make shields. According to material, there are leather shield, metal shield, wood shield, woven wood shield, wicker woven shield or Mixed materials Dun, etc. [2]
Decorative shield
The decorative shield has rich and beautiful patterns, but in addition to its decorative function, it is also a way to identify identity on the battlefield. Sometimes, members of a tribe or group will use shields with the same or similar patterns, so that members can distinguish their own ethnic groups.
As the shield can not provide any protection against firearms, with the introduction of firearms, the shield withdrew from the battlefield earlier than other traditional weapons. In some areas, the use of shields has remained only in ritual and dance.

Weapons and social life

In Central Africa, weapons also affect people's civil life One of the characteristics of weapons in Central Africa is that they are decorated with woven, embossed or metal materials. The weapons with image sculptures contain the belief of Central Africans. People believe that the power of weapons can be enhanced through the totem of sacred ancestors or animals, and ordinary combat weapons or tools can be transformed into religious tools to improve the efficiency in war or hunting. The users of such weapons are mostly senior nobles, chiefs, prophets or psychics. [2]
In addition, in Central Africa, weapons also have Switching function , especially those weapons that are large and made of precious materials. Weapons can be used for various important transactions in a man's life, such as marriage or land purchase.

Throwing Knife: Africa's Main Contribution to the World's Weapons

This ingenious and deadly weapon was invented and developed in Africa, and then gradually improved in Central Africa. They are infantry used to attack horses and hold large shield The main weapon of the enemy. [2]
Throwing knives are designed to strike enemies or animals from a long distance. It consists of a trunk and Handlebar And at least one branch. according to geographical position There are two types of subdivision: north and south. The throwing knife in the north is longer, similar to "F" in shape, and is often distributed from grassland to desert. Throwing knives in the south are generally short and have various shapes. They are mainly distributed in savannah and tropical rainforest areas. [2]