Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine
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Traditional Chinese medicine is the study of traditional Chinese medicine fundamental theory And clinical application, which are specialized in traditional Chinese medicine Basic discipline one of. The content includes the concept of traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, the origin and development of traditional Chinese medicine; The origin and collection of traditional Chinese medicine, the concept of traditional Chinese medicine, and how to develop it on the premise of ensuring its efficacy Genuine medicinal materials Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing The concept, purpose and method of; The concept of the nature of traditional Chinese medicine, the mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine in treating diseases, Compatibility of traditional Chinese medicine The purpose and principle of TCM, the concept of "seven emotions" of drugs, and the law of application of TCM; Drug contraindication Concept and main contents of; Dose and usage, relationship between dose and efficacy, basis for determining dose and traditional Chinese medicine Decocting method And so on.
Chinese name
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Foreign name
Traditional Chinese Pharmacy
Chinese materia medica
A science of studying traditional Chinese medicine
Discipline code
thirty-six thousand and forty [3-4]


traditional Chinese medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine was accumulated by our ancestors in the long-term medical practice, and it is an excellent ancient Chinese medicine cultural heritage An important part of. According to records, there were“ Shennong Tastes Herbs ”The legend of. "Shennong era" is about the same as Neolithic Age At that time, people already had Primitive agriculture We have gradually learned about the properties of various crops and natural things and their medicinal properties. The so-called "taste" means that the drugs used at that time were known through the human body's own experiments Therapeutic effect Of. Some medicines can cure two opposite diseases, which is the peculiar feature of some traditional Chinese medicines. For example, angelica can cure Menorrhagia Or too little, Schisandra can raise and lower blood sugar Double effect three seven Baiyao has both hemostatic and blood activating effects.
The meaning of herbal medicine: the ancients said that "all kinds of herbs are the most, and all kinds of herbs are based on herbs". Since the source of traditional Chinese medicine is mostly botanical medicine, and the use is most common, the ancient people called pharmacology "herbal medicine". The ancient books and documents of this herb are very rich, recording the invention and development of the Chinese people Medicine The wisdom of Chinese nation Important content in the cultural treasure house. In modern times, with the spread of western medicine in China, Materia Medica So it was gradually renamed as "Traditional Chinese Medicine".
Because of ancient times working people Most of the drugs used are plants, and most of them are herbs, so almost all of the ancient Chinese pharmacology works are called "herbal medicine". The earliest monograph on pharmacy in China《 Shennong's Herbal Classic 》, appeared in the Han Dynasty. Tao Hongjing, a Taoist thinker and medical expert in the Qi and Liang Dynasties in the Southern Dynasty, added 365 newly discovered drugs and compiled《 Collection of Materia Medica 》。 During the Tang and Song Dynasties, the imperial court organized special personnel to collate and revise books on Chinese medicine. Tang dynasty Su Jing Prepared by et al New Materia Medica It is the first one issued by the Chinese government pharmacopoeia the Ming dynasty Li Shizhen Another success《 Compendium of Materia Medica 》The book has 52 volumes, contains 1892 kinds of drugs and 1160 drawings, which has made great contributions to the development of Chinese medicine. China's pharmaceutical works are the result of generations of descendants enriching and supplementing the works of their predecessors.
As for traditional Chinese medicine, it is also called Han nationality pharmacy. It originated from the ancient Han nationality and was developed by the ancient Han nationality scholars Theoretical system It was also formed in the ancient Han nationality. It belongs to the Han nationality cultural system
in China Ethnic medicine In addition to Chinese (Han) pharmacy the zang or tibetan people Pharmacy Miao nationality Pharmacy Dai nationality Pharmacy, Mongolian Pharmacy Uygur ethnic group Pharmacy the Korean nationality Pharmacy, etc.

development history



In primitive times, our ancestors were able to contact and gradually understand these plants and animals and their impact on human body due to eating plants and hunting, which inevitably led to some kind of pharmacodynamic reaction or poisoning, even death, so that people knew how to distinguish and choose when looking for food. In order to fight against diseases, the above experience enlightens people to pay attention to the efficacy and toxicity of some natural substances. After countless conscious experiments and observations, the ancients gradually formed their initial knowledge of medicine.
The invention of wine promoted the progress of traditional Chinese medicine. Primitive society In the later period of Natural fermentation In the enlightenment, he also gradually mastered the brewing technology of wine. to Shang Dynasty The wine making industry is very prosperous. Wine is not only a kind of drink, but more importantly, it has many functions such as warming blood vessels, promoting medicine potential, dissolving Chinese medicine and so on. Therefore, the ancients called wine "the best medicine".

Qin and Han Dynasties

Shennong's Herbal Classic
The earliest monograph on pharmacy in China《 Shennong's Herbal Classic 》[The Book of Songs for short], appeared in the Han Dynasty. The book contains 365 kinds of drugs, which were written by several doctors in succession. Representative work: Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica (hereinafter referred to as "the Classic"), which is the earliest existing monograph on pharmacy in China.
Author: The book was not written by one person at a time, but experienced a long process of enrichment and improvement.
be published in book form Time: Although the specific time of its completion is still controversial, it will not be later than the second century AD.
Number of drugs: 365.
Editions: The original book of "Benjing" has been lost since the Ming and Qing dynasties, and is composed of textual research, collation and compilation by scholars since the Ming and Qing dynasties.
Main contents and Academic value
1. Its "preface" part briefly summarizes the Four Qi and Five Tastes The difference between toxic, non-toxic, health preserving and disease curing is divided into upper, middle and lower grades, which is called "three grade classification" later.
2. Under each drug, the correct name, nature and taste, main functions, growth environment are introduced in turn. Some drugs are followed by aliases, origin, etc.
3. Most of the recorded functions of the medicines are simple and effective, and their use is unfailing.
4. This Classic systematically summarizes the pharmaceutical achievements before the Han Dynasty Materia Medica Its development has far-reaching implications.

Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties

representative work: Collection of Materia Medica
Tao Hongjing
Author: compiled by Liang · Tao Hongjing. Completion time: about 500 AD.
Number of drugs: 730.
Main contents and academic value:
1. The "Preface" section first reviews the development of the science of materia medica, and then annotates and develops the preamble articles one by one academic level
2. In view of the situation that there were many fake and inferior medicinal materials at that time, the theory and operating principles on a large number of harvesting, identification, processing, preparation and combined drug taking were supplemented.
3. "General drugs for all diseases", "cases of detoxification and gold and stone", "cases of taking drugs and avoiding eating" (the original book has no title, and the above title is used by later generations), etc. are added, greatly enriching the content of the general theory of pharmacy.
4. In each discussion part, it is the first to use drugs natural quality The method of classification is to divide 730 kinds of drugs into jade, grass and trees, insects, animals, fruits, vegetables Rice food And seven famous unused categories, among which the order of drugs is arranged according to the classification of three products.

Sui and Tang Dynasties

Plants recorded in Tang Materia Medica
representative work New Materia Medica [Also called《 Tang Ben Cao 》], Yes Chinese history The first official revision of this herb. Author: Li Ji Su Jing The compilation, etc., relies on the country's administrative power and sufficient human and material resources.
The book was completed in the fourth year of Tang Xianqing [659 AD].
Number of drugs: 844.
Main characteristics and academic value:
1. The book has added a drug map, which is attached with Text description This method of image text comparison creates World Pharmacy Precedents of books.
2. Both form and content have new characteristics, which not only reflects the high achievements of pharmacy in the Tang Dynasty, but also has a profound impact on the development of pharmacy at home and abroad.

Song dynasty

Compendium of Materia Medica
The revision of the books of the Song Dynasty was carried out on a national scale following the precedent of the Tang Dynasty. In the Song Dynasty, the official manuscripts include:
1. Published from 973 to 974《 Kaibao Herb
2. Publication in 2006《 Jiayou Replenishment Herb
3. Published in 061《 The Classic of Materia Medica 》。 The Illustrated Classic of Materia Medica, also known as the Illustrated Classic of Materia Medica, is the earliest extant printed atlas of materia medica in China.

the Ming dynasty

Author of his masterpiece Compendium of Materia Medica: Li Shizhen
Completion time: 1578 for the first draft, 1592 for the final draft, and 1596 for publication.
Number of drugs loaded: 1892 (374 new).
Main content and style: 52 volumes, about 2 million words, more than 1100 drawings, and more than 11000 copies attached. Each treatise is divided into 16 parts and 60 categories. Under each medicine, it is divided into name rectification, name interpretation, collective solution, correct and wrong Repair , smell, main treatment, invention, and additional prescription, one by one.
Main achievements and contributions: Compendium of Materia Medica is a collection of achievements in Chinese pharmacy before the 16th century Languages , history, geography, plants, animals, minerals, metallurgy, etc. This book was spread overseas at the end of the 17th century, and has been translated into many languages. It has also made world-wide recognized contributions to natural science.

the Qing dynasty

Li Shizhen
The characteristics of Qing Dynasty research:
First, because Medicine It is necessary to further supplement and revise the deficiencies of Compendium of Materia Medica, such as Zhao Xuemin Supplement to Compendium of Materia Medica 》。
Second, in line with clinical needs and in line with practical principles, the Compendium of Materia Medica Quintessence , compiled into important materia medica, such as Wang Ang Preparation of Materia Medica 》、 Wu Yiluo Materia Medica Renews 》、 Huanggong Embroidery Seeking truth from primitive script 》。
Third, due to the influence of textual research, it was recompiled from ancient documents Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica , such as Sun Xingyan Gu Sightseeing Editions of others; Or annotate and play the "Classic", such as Zhang Lu Fengyuan in this sutra 》、 Zou Shu Syndrome clarification of the classic 》。
Fourth, a large number of herbal monographs in the Qing Dynasty also provided new content for comprehensive herbal medicine.
Fifthly, there are complete categories of monographic materia medica in the Qing Dynasty, including some excellent works.

the Republic of China era

After the Revolution of 1911, western culture and western medicine were further spread in China, which had a great impact on the development of Chinese society and medicine significant impact , followed by a wave of total negation traditional culture The development of traditional Chinese medicine has been hindered by the trend of thought of. However, with the efforts of people with lofty ideals, the science of materia medica, with its tenacious vitality, has made new progress in inheritance and development.
The pharmaceutical characteristics of the Republic of China are mainly shown as follows:
① With School of Traditional Chinese Medicine With the establishment of, a number of Chinese medicine handouts have emerged to meet the needs of teaching and clinical application. These Chinese medicine handouts enrich the discussion on the functions and indications of various drugs.
② The emergence of large reference books such as pharmaceutical dictionaries was a major event in the study of materia medica in the Republic of China. There are achievements and influencers among them Chen Cunren Of《 Chinese Pharmacology Dictionary 》(1935), the first influential large-scale pharmaceutical dictionary in modern times.
③ The modern research of materia medica has started, and botanists and biologists have done a lot of work in determining the varieties of Chinese medicine and investigating the data. Many pharmaceutical workers are committed to Traditional Chinese Medicine Chemistry and pharmacology Research.

Contemporary achievements

The People's Republic of China was founded Since then, we have attached great importance to the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine, and formulated a series of corresponding policies and measures Modern natural science Technology and National economy The science of materia medica also has a series of development.
Literature of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Since 1954, local publishing departments have Ministry of Health The arrangement and suggestions of the Chinese medicine literature were actively collated and published. In terms of this draft, it has been photocopied, republished or commented《 Shennong's Herbal Classic 》, Newly revised Materia Medica (fragmented), Certificate Materia Medica《 Herbal medicine of southern Yunnan 》、《 Summary of Herbal Products 》、《 Compendium of Materia Medica 》And dozens of important ancient herbal monographs. Since the 1960s, achievements have also been made in compiling and replying the lost materia medica, some of which have been officially published, which is of great significance to the study of materia medica.
Academic achievements
At present, there are many new books on traditional Chinese medicine, and they are complete in categories, raising the traditional Chinese medicine to a new level from all angles. Among them, each edition can best reflect the academic achievements of contemporary Chinese materia medica《 Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China 》、《 Records of Traditional Chinese Medicine 》, Chinese Herbal Medicine Collection《 Chinese Medicine Dictionary 》, Primary Color Atlas of Chinese Materia Medica, etc.

theoretical basis


Traditional Chinese Medicine Concept

The concept of traditional Chinese medicine still has a vague understanding among many ordinary people, even professionals. Natural medicine ”It is not the same as "traditional Chinese medicine". The concept and connotation of "traditional Chinese medicine" are by no means the same. Although most Chinese medicinal materials are taken from "nature", some can also be directly used for medicine, but this is not really "Chinese medicine" in the true sense. It is not a general term to call it "Chinese medicine". First, it refers to all kinds of processed pieces. In addition to removing impurities and facilitating preparation and administration, the role of processing is more important to eliminate or reduce the toxicity and side effects of drugs, change the performance of drugs and enhance the efficacy. with Rehmannia glutinosa For example, raw rehmannia glutinosa Clearing away heat and cooling blood , used Wine steaming After drying the mature rehmannia glutinosa, it will be warm and Nourishing the kidney The effect of enriching blood.
The total score of processing is Water system Fire system , water fire combination, etc. Water preparation includes washing, bleaching, soaking, stains Water flying Etc; Fire system includes calcining, firing, simmering, frying, baking, roasting, etc; Water fire combination includes steaming, boiling, quenching, etc. Each method contains several specific methods, and its connotation is extremely rich. These processing methods have now become a national treasure level secret. Secondly, traditional Chinese medicine refers to Four Qi and Five Tastes , monarch, minister, assistant, envoy and other characteristics and laws, rather than arbitrary hybrid, and then according to needs, or soup, or pill, or powder, or cream... It can be seen that "traditional Chinese medicine" and "natural medicine" can neither be confused nor replaced.

Compatibility theory

Chinese herb flower
Compatibility refers to the selective use of two or more drugs according to the needs of the patient's condition and the characteristics of the drug. The occurrence and development of diseases are often complex and rapidly changing, often showing the combination of the false and the real Mixed cold and heat . Several diseases coexist, so it is difficult to take into account all aspects with one drug alone. Therefore, more than two drugs are often used simultaneously in clinical practice. When drugs are used together, there will be some interactions between drugs. If some drugs can enhance or reduce the original efficacy, some can inhibit or eliminate side effects, and some can produce or enhance toxicity side reaction Therefore, when using more than two kinds of drugs, it is necessary to choose Drug compatibility Relationship issues. Predecessors single substance drug The application of drugs and the compatibility relationship between drugs are called "seven emotions". Among the "seven emotions", the compatibility relationship is emphasized in the other six aspects except for single practitioners. The details are as follows:
Single line
That is, it does not need to be compatible, but only used A medicine The disease can be cured, which is called single line. For example, Qingjin Powder is used to treat lung heat and hemoptysis with scutellaria baicalensis alone.
That is, drugs with similar performance and efficacy are used together to enhance the original efficacy. If gypsum is combined with anemarrhena asphodeloides, it can significantly enhance Clearing away heat and purging fire Treatment effect; Rhubarb and Mirabilite Cooperation can obviously enhance the therapeutic effect of attacking and purging heat; Scorpion centipede When used together, it can obviously enhance the effect of antispasmodic and antispasmodic.
That is to say, there are some commonalities in performance and efficacy, or although the performance and efficacy are different, the drugs with the same therapeutic purpose are used together, and the efficacy of the main drug can be improved by taking one drug as the main drug and adding another drug as the auxiliary. For example, when Astragalus membranaceus is used to invigorate qi and water and Poria cocos is used to invigorate water and spleen, Poria cocos can improve the therapeutic effect of Astragalus membranaceus on invigorating qi and water.
Fear each other
That is, a drug Toxic reaction Or side effects, which can be alleviated or eliminated by another drug. Rusheng Pinellia ternata and Born Nanxing The toxicity of Rhizoma Pinelliae and Rhizoma Nanxingwei can be reduced or eliminated by ginger.
That is, one drug can reduce or eliminate the toxicity or side effects of another drug. For example, ginger can reduce or eliminate the toxicity or side effects of raw Pinellia ternata and raw Nanxing, so ginger kills them.
It can be seen from this that mutual fear and mutual killing are actually two expressions of the same compatibility relationship, which are mutual treatment between drugs.
That is, when two drugs are used together, one drug can reduce or even lose the original efficacy of the other drug. As evil as ginseng Semen Raphani , because Semen Raphani can weaken the tonic effect of ginseng.
That is, the combination of two drugs can produce or enhance toxic reactions or side effects. Such as“ Eighteen evils ”、“ Nineteen dreads ”Several drugs in.
In addition to the single line, the change relationship of the above six aspects can be summarized as four, that is, in the case of compatibility application:
① Some drugs are produced by Synergy To improve the curative effect, we should make full use of it in clinical medication;
② Some drugs may counteract each other to offset and weaken the original efficacy, so attention should be paid to when using drugs;
③ Some drugs can reduce or eliminate the original toxicity or side effects due to interaction, and must be considered when using toxic or strong drugs;
④ Some drugs produce or enhance toxic and side effects due to interaction, belonging to Incompatibility In principle, matching shall be avoided.
Based on the above, it can be seen that from single medicine to compatible application, it is gradually enriched through a long process of practice and understanding. The compatible application of drugs is the main form of traditional Chinese medicine. Drugs are combined according to a certain method, and a certain proportion is determined to make an appropriate dosage form, which is called a prescription. Prescriptions are the development of drug compatibility and the higher form of drug compatibility application.


The monarch and his subjects were originally political terms. In ancient times, the emperor and princes were called monarchs, and those who assisted the monarch were called ministers. There were strict hierarchies between monarchs and ministers. Ancient pharmacologists introduced it Drug compatibility In the formula, it is composed of formula basic principle
As early as the early Western Han Dynasty be published in book form In "Simple Questions · The Most Important Theory", Qibo answer Yellow Emperor When it comes to "making monarchs and ministers by means of a square", it is said that "the monarch is the one who is in charge of the disease, the minister who assists the monarch, and the envoy who is in charge of the minister"《 Shennong's Herbal Classic 》He said, "There are monarchs, ministers, assistants, and envoys for medicine, and they should be publicized by the prime minister.". He Bozhai of the Ming Dynasty further explained: "In the treatment of diseases, each medicine has its own master, who is the ruler, who is the assistant, who is the minister, and Monarch medicine On the contrary, those who help, assist; He who leads the meridians and uses the medicine to cure the disease to the place of illness, uses it ". The function of the medicine of monarch, minister, assistant and envoy is clearly stated.
More specifically, the sovereign medicine is aimed at the main disease or Principal evidence , one or several drugs can be used as needed; Courtier medicine It is a drug that assists the monarch to strengthen the treatment of the main disease or syndrome, or plays a major role in the concurrent disease or syndrome Therapeutic effect Drugs; Adjuvant It is used to assist the monarch and his subjects in the treatment, or to treat secondary symptoms, or to eliminate (reduce) the toxicity of monarch and his subjects, or to Anti adjuvant The medicine is used to guide menstruation or regulate menstruation.
With《 Typhoid theory 》Middle first party“ Mahuang Decoction ”As an example, main indications Exogenous wind chill Of Table Demonstration Monarch medicine—— Ephedra (3) It is warm, sweating and relieving exterior to dispel wind and cold, and releasing lung qi to relieve asthma. The official medicine - Ramulus Cinnamomi (2 liang), Xinganwen, Wenjingheying, helps Ephedra to perspire and relieve exterior symptoms. Adjuvant—— Almond (70), bitter and warm, lower lung qi and help ephedra asthma. Medicate—— Fried liquorice (1) Bitter and warm, and the concoction of various medicines also restricts the excessive sweating of Ma and Gui. The hemp, cinnamon and apricot all enter the lung and have the effect of guiding the meridian, so the medicine of guiding the meridian is no longer used. Ephedra, cassia twig, almond and roasted liquorice have different medicinal properties, which restrict and complement each other, Coordination role , forming a powerful medicine to conquer the fortress of exogenous cold, Clinical efficacy It is very remarkable and has become a famous prescription for thousands of years Classic prescription Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescriptions The composition of clinical practice It is basically an organic whole. The core of cultural connotation is confucian The "and" emphasized.

Poison is not poison

Tracing back to ancient times Shennong Times《 Huainanzi · Maintenance Training 》According to the record, "Shennong... tasted the taste of hundreds of herbs and the joys and sorrows of water springs, so that people could know where to hide. At that time, 72 poisons were encountered in one day." Therefore, in ancient times, all medicines for curing diseases were generally called "poisons". According to the book "Simple Questions, Different Prescriptions are Appropriate", "The disease is born within the body, and its treatment is appropriate for poisons." In the ancient people's view, drugs are divided into three parts, which actually refers to the characteristics of drugs; Later, it was specifically used to refer to drugs with greater toxicity. The Medical Q&A explained this: "The husband's medicine is poison, so Shen Nong distinguishes Herbs It is called 'tasting poison'. The cure of medicine is nothing more than using poison to extract and detoxify. " Zhang Zhongjing, the medical sage, has a more incisive theory: "Medicine is called grass, wood, insects, fish, birds, animals, etc., which can cure diseases. All of them are called poisons". "Anyone who can avoid evil and calm down can be called poisons." Shennong encountered 72 poisons in a day, which means that he identified the characteristics of more than 70 kinds of drugs in a day. The characteristics of medicine can cure the disease and save people if used correctly, but it will kill people if used incorrectly.

Four Qi Therapy

traditional Chinese medicine
Chinese medicine has "qi", what is "qi". The answer that it can cure disease is yes. On《 Shennong's Herbal Classic 》Chinese saying: "Medicine is cold, hot, warm and cool Four Qi 。” "Hot medicine is used to treat cold, and cold medicine is used to treat heat." Thus came the "four qi" of medicine. There are 27 meanings of "qi" in TCM theory. This "qi" is not a concept in daily life, but specifically refers to the "medicinal nature". Its ancestors interpreted the characteristics of medicine with cold, hot, warm and cool, which is more specific and scientific than "poison". The tonic of traditional Chinese medicine is not only rich in content, but also unique in cultural interest. It can nourish qi, heart, blood, kidney Invigorate the spleen Invigorate the liver Invigorate the lung Tonifying yin , tonifying yang, etc. The corresponding prescriptions are Heart Tonifying Pill Bugan Powder Bufei Powder Siwu Soup Guipi Decoction Tonifying yin pill Buxue Rongjin Pill Buzhong Yiqi Decoction Sijunzi Soup Qiju Dihuang Pill Liuwei Dihuang Pill Lily Gujin Soup Buyang Huanwu Decoction Bushen Cishi Pill Bufei Ejiao Decoction There are dozens of single medicines with the above functions. Such complements are mostly complements Dirty gas This "complement" means conditioning and strengthening; This "qi" refers to physiological function That is to use drugs to regulate and enhance the physiological functions of the five zang organs and six fu organs, so that they can play a normal role, fully reflecting the role of traditional Chinese medicine in treating the root causes of human functional organs. In the Shennong's Classic of Materia Medica, medicine is divided into the top, middle and bottom three grades (i.e. "category"), and it says: "The top medicine nourishes the life, the traditional Chinese medicine nourishes the nature, and the bottom medicine cures the disease." It also says: "The top medicine... is the king, and the top medicine governs the life Should days ”, "Chinese medicine... serves as a minister, and supports people's health", "prescribing drugs... serves as an assistant, and treats diseases in response to local conditions".
The so-called "nourishing life and nature" highlights the efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine in recuperating the human body, so as to ensure the normal function of the body and various organs and tissues, which is one of the reasons why many people believe in traditional Chinese medicine. This is the progress of traditional Chinese medicine, but also its characteristics, which is also full of cultural significance. This characteristic of traditional Chinese medicine is reflected in each medicine one by one, because it is very important for curing diseases. Use heat for cold disease Sexual drug , for fever It is necessary to use cold medicine. Here, the nature of medicine is opposite to the nature of disease. The so-called opposites complement each other, which is a specific manifestation of medicine culture. If not, if "heat is used to benefit heat (hot medicine is used to treat hot diseases, the next sentence is similar to this), and cold is used to increase cold", it will lead to "internal injury of essence and qi, and no (present) outside", which is a serious mistake in treatment (Hanshu · Yiwenzhi · Wenji Lue). Sun Simiao On《 Great medical integrity 》Zhong seriously criticized those doctors who "are cold and cold (cold disease, but cold makes the disease even colder, the next sentence is similar to this), hot and warm", and "are aggravating (aggravating) the disease", which will lead to death. In traditional Chinese medicine, this method of medication is called "positive treatment", that is, routine Therapeutic method Another“ Counter treatment ”。

Medication Curious Tales

In addition, there is also tonic. Shennong's Herbal Classic 》Chinese saying: "The medicine has five tastes: sour, salty, sweet, bitter and bitter.". In Plain Questions · Xuanming Five Qi Chapter, it is clear that:“ Five tastes (i.e. entering organs): acid enters the liver, bitter enters the heart, sweet enters the spleen, pungent enters the lungs, and salt enters the kidney. It can be seen that the medicine tastes different and has different effects. The reason is that sour taste can absorb astringency, bitter taste can release dryness, sweet taste can supplement, slow down, bitter taste can disperse, and salty taste can soften and firm. According to the medicinal function of the five ingredients and the situation of entering the corresponding viscera, they can also play the role of "tonifying" (or nourishing, or conditioning).

correlation theory

Traditional Chinese medicine has its own pharmacology, as mentioned above; And its philosophy is often ignored or unknown. Philosophy is to teach people how to understand things at a higher level Know the world And find out the rules to better guide the transition from the "kingdom of necessity" to the "kingdom of freedom". Here is just a brief talk about the philosophy of medicine.

Medicine has yin and yang

traditional Chinese medicine
"Yin and Yang" is originally Ancient Chinese Philosophy A concept in, which summarizes the two different attributes of the universe, from the universe to the vegetation Fish worm The contradiction and opposition of Generality and individuality All of them. Only some concepts related to nature, medicine and human body are selected here to show one thing: heaven and earth, sun and moon, men and women, hardness and softness, movement and stillness, ascending and descending, life and death, long-term elimination, cold and heat, good and evil, benefit and loss, increase and decrease, qi and blood, viscera《 Shennong's Herbal Classic 》It said: "Medicine has yin and yang, and children and mothers are brothers." Later generations of pharmacists often use "yin and yang" to explain pharmacology. Doctors in Jin Dynasty Li Gao In the chapter of "Medicine and Method" in "Ten Books of Dongyuan · Tangye Materia Medica", it is said: "It is warm, cool, cold and hot, Four Qi Yes. Warm is the sun of the sky; The cold is the shade of the sky. This is the Yin and Yang of heaven... It's sweet, sweet, light, sour, bitter, salty, and has five flavors. Sweet and sweet, the sun of the earth; Bitter and salty, the earth is also cloudy. This is the yin and yang of the earth. Those with weak taste are Yang in Yin If the taste is thin, it will be smooth; The thick taste is yin in yin, Thick taste Then let go of the bitter, bitter, salty and cold. Those with thick qi are Yang in Yang , gas thickness fever , sweet and warm; The weak qi is Yin in Yang If you have a thin breath, you will vent. It is also sweet and mild, cool and cold... The smell of sweet and bitter will be Yang, and the sour and sweet will be Yin. " Through yin and yang, it not only explains the characteristics of medicine, but also clarifies the efficacy of medicine General and Regularity

Treatment is counter treatment

"Zhengzhi" is mentioned in the second part, and“ Counter treatment ”。 Contrary to the positive treatment, the reverse treatment is to treat Positive treatment Used in case of rejection Therapeutic method Among them are“ For heat due to cold ”Is treated with hot medicine True Winter Holiday Heat Syndrome It should be accompanied by a small amount of cold medicine or hot medicine taken cold to play its role; "Cold due to heat" refers to the use of cold medicine Syndrome of true heat and false cold , a small amount of warm medicine or cold medicine should be added hot drink To play a role. This not only reflects the syndrome differentiation of traditional Chinese medicine, but also reflects the Dialectics It has profound philosophical connotation, which is Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture The uniqueness of.

Benefiting has philosophy

traditional Chinese medicine
In the third part, there are two aspects build up one's health by taking tonic Zhang Yizheng, a doctor in the Jin Dynasty, made up for it, which is quite philosophical and unique. 1. In his article "An Interpretation of the Three Ways of Spitting under the Sweat to Cure the Illness" Dispel evil Angle according to Five Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine The theory that dispelling evils is to support the right, original, and put forward《 Plain question 》Different "five compensations": "Xin Invigorate the liver , salty, nourishing heart, sweet, nourishing kidney, sour Invigorate the spleen , bitter Invigorate the lung ”The view of. Take "pungent" as an example, pungent taste originally enters the lung and belongs to gold; Liver belongs to wood, and gold can overcome wood, so "Xin Bu Gan" is used (the following is similar). Zhang Yizheng emphasized that the main way to cure the disease was to eliminate evil, and he believed that the evil should go away from the evil and be at peace with itself, focusing on attacking methods. His so-called "complement" actually had the meaning of "attack and cure", and later generations called him "attack and conquer school". 2. In his Supplementing Theory, he made many comments: "If there is more than enough, it will be damaged; if there is less than enough, it will be supplemented. If there is more than Yang, but less than Yin, it will be damaged." Tonifying yin If there is a surplus of yin and a deficiency of yang, then yin should be damaged and yang should be replenished. " Then, how to make it up. He said: Yes Heat syndrome , use cold medicine such as mirabilite and rhubarb, in order to "damage yang and replenish yin"; yes Cold syndrome , use Dried ginger Hot drugs such as aconite are used to "weaken yin and replenish yang". His conclusion is surprising: "How can hot medicine heal the clouds? And cold medicine can also heal the clouds." It can be seen from these two examples that this is exactly Zhang Congzheng So the superman who can become his own family. The philosophy and Cultural details It needs to be tasted carefully to solve the three evils of medicine culture.

Neutralization in medication

traditional Chinese medicine
Neutralization is confucian He believes that if we can "achieve harmony", everything will be harmonious. Shuo Wen 》As the saying goes, "... the person who adjusts things is called the sum." Neutralization, used in pharmacology, has three meanings: first, harmony, appropriate coordination of different factors, such as cooking by a chef Soup , contains the meaning of method; The second is the state of harmony, balance and unity. "Harmony" is the common road of the world. Confucius Said:“ Gentlemen are harmonious but different 。” It means that a gentleman corrects the wrong opinions of others with his own correct opinions to make everything just right, but he will not blindly agree with them. It can be seen that a gentleman knows the truth of "harmony" very well, and ancient medical experts are such gentlemen. Yang Bojun In the Commentary on the Analects of Confucius, it vividly explains "harmony": "harmony is like the harmony of the five flavors, Eight tones Harmony, must have water, fire, sauce, vinegar, a variety of different materials to reconcile the taste; To make the music harmonious, we must have different tones of high and low, short and fast. " There is also a question of the best combination among the monarchs, officials and envoys, which is why Mahuang Decoction Several medicines in can reach the best Pungent temperature relieving superficies And Ephedra The reason why this effect can not be achieved when it is matched with such drugs as Asarum, Notopterygium, etc. The relationship between monarchs and officials is not only mutually coordinated (coordinated), but also mutually restricted, Yan Zi It said: "The same is true for the monarch and his officials. When you say yes, if there is anything, the officials can offer it; when you say no, if there is anything, the officials can offer it." It means that the same is true for the monarch and his officials. If you can't say yes, the officials can also say yes; If the gentleman says no, the minister also says no, so "water for water, who can eat it. If marital harmony It's single-minded. Who can listen to it? " You should say yes, and the minister should say yes, and vice versa. Prescription This is also true of our monarchs and ministers. from Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang It is a famous recipe for treating pathogenic heat in the lung. Ephedra is used as Monarch medicine Promoting lung function Relieve asthma Yes“ Fire stagnates ”It means, but its nature is warm, so it is used with the plaster of Xin Gan Da Han Courtier medicine , gypsum can be used for publicity Pulmonary fever It can also restrict the temperature property of Ephedra sinica, so that it can be used without sex, Lung depression It can clear the lung heat, cough and asthma, and has reliable curative effect. It is wonderful to mix with other drugs. This is an example of "offering what you can and eliminating what you can not".
traditional Chinese medicine

There are military tactics in medicine

traditional Chinese medicine
The ancients said:“ Use medicine like a soldier , as a doctor, as a general. " The strategy and tactics of military tactics in the use of troops, as well as medicine, should not only be familiar with the nature of the medicine, but also be targeted to achieve the purpose of treatment. If we say that medicine is like military use, we must understand the relationship in their comparison: medicine has nature and category, and soldiers have type and equipment; The medicine should be used lightly and reused, and the soldiers should have auxiliary attack and main attack; The medicine has the priority to attack and supplement, and the soldiers have the weakness and weakness; The medicine is well matched, and the soldiers are able to surprise...... Famous doctors of the Qing Dynasty Xu Dachun He is not only proficient in medical skills, but also familiar with the art of war( Arranging As a representative figure in this field, he once wrote a monograph "Medicine is like the use of military" to tell the truth. He described vividly and incisively: Six Meridians It is like cutting off the only way for the enemy to pass through, if the disease and pathogen that spread and change should occupy the part that has not been attacked in advance; For the ferocious disease, we should quickly guard the part that has not yet caused the disease, just like guarding our dangerous territory; Contraband Accumulated food The disease caused by it should be eliminated first, just like the enemy's baggage cart The grain has been burned; For old and new diseases complication We must prevent the convergence of old and new diseases and pathogens, which is like cutting off the enemy's internal agents... In addition, when it comes to medication, we must identify the meridians, which is like sending Reconnaissance force According to the cold and heat of the disease, there is a counter treatment method, which is like implementing the strategy of differentiation and separation... The disease is developing, so it is not suitable to attack and cure when the disease and evil are rampant, and we should stick to the righteousness, which is like making the enemy tired; When the disease is declining, we must chase after the place where the disease and pathogen are retreating, and then add elite drugs. It is like destroying the enemy's nest.

Holographic nutrition of traditional Chinese medicine

Conceptual connotation
Holographic nutrition of traditional Chinese medicine The concept of Zhang Yongfei In 2011, experts such as《 Production and Marketing of Nourishing Traditional Chinese Medicine 》It was proposed in the book, and it was published in 2013《 Direct marketing of high-quality and efficient Chinese medicine production 》In a book. What is Chinese herbal medicine holographic nutrition. Traditional Chinese medicine of the motherland has established a medical system of principles, methods, prescriptions and medicines by analogy between "nature" and "human body" using the cosmic holographic law of "harmony between nature and man" Animal diseases Completely following the universe Holographic theory Effective use has been proved by thousands of years of medical practice, so holographic nutrition of Chinese herbal medicine means that a certain Chinese herbal medicine contains anti human and animal likeness All of the corresponding diseases Material form And the total nutrition of the field form of energy and information.
concept extension
With the biological and medical theories established by modern analytical theories, the medicinal value of medicinal materials is measured by alkaloids, organic acids flavone , saponins Polysaccharide vitamin mineral And various trace element As a basis, this is actually a limited theory. Because there is no scientific theory You can fully understand all the nutrition, medical treatment and health care materials required by life. However, we are not scientific nihilism The most scientific traditional Chinese medicine Value standard Is to follow Biological evolution Formed in the process food chain It contains all the information about the prevention and treatment of diseases Holographic nutrition It should also include indicators such as four qi, five flavors and meridian tropism that cannot be measured by instruments and have been proved by Chinese medicine for thousands of years. Holographic nutrition of Chinese medicinal materials refers to the alkaloid Organic acid , flavonoids saponin , polysaccharides, vitamins, minerals and various trace elements Four Qi and Five Tastes And meridian tropism.

Traditional Chinese Medicine


Discipline concept

Concept: general term of Chinese traditional medicine, and western medicine ( Chemicals (mainly) Relatively speaking, most of them are produced in China, which fully reflects Chinese history, culture natural resources And so on.
Traditional Chinese Medicine: fundamental theory And the source, collection, processing, performance, efficacy Indications The discipline and its application methods.
Materia Medica: the old name of traditional Chinese medicine, first seen in《 The History of the Han Dynasty 》, because most of the research objects are herb And named.
Branch discipline: its own development, other disciplines (Botany, zoology mineralogy , chemistry pharmacology Pharmaceutics The penetration of Chinese materia medica has expanded the research field of Chinese materia medica, and its branches have become increasingly mature.
Clinical Chinese materia medica: Chinese materia medica is actually clinical Chinese materia medica, focusing on the basic theory of Chinese materia medica and the performance, efficacy and clinical application of commonly used Chinese materia medica; The source, identification, collection, processing, preparation, chemistry, pharmacology, etc. of traditional Chinese medicine are not involved or only understood.

Training objectives

Foster adaptation Socialist Modernization Drive And the development of traditional Chinese medicine Comprehensive development , with Chinese medicine Basic theory Basic knowledge basic skill And related Traditional Chinese Medicine , pharmacy, etc Humanities and Social Sciences , natural science and Chinese tradition Cultural knowledge Can be engaged in the production, operation, scientific research, teaching, management and other aspects of traditional Chinese medicine, with good professional ethics and Professional quality , innovative Chinese medicine Specialists

Training requirements and characteristics

The training is reasonable knowledge structure , relatively solid Theoretical knowledge And basic skills, participate in extracurricular activities technological innovation Activities and other types of meaningful Class Two Activities with high comprehensive quality Traditional Chinese Medicine Professional undergraduate students.
According to its disciplinary attribute and its own characteristics, through the combination of theory and practice, the combination of classroom and field, it is vivid Multimedia teaching The students will be trained in the basic theories and knowledge of Chinese and western medicine, and systematically trained in the basic knowledge of Chinese and western medicine Identification of Traditional Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing Decoction pieces Processing, preparation, quality control and evaluation of different dosage forms of traditional Chinese medicine Basic ability

Training plan

Graduates should acquire the following knowledge and abilities:
1. Master the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine and be familiar with the basic knowledge of clinical medication
2. Master the basic principles and skills of extraction, separation and detection of chemical components of traditional Chinese medicine, and master the basic theories and skills of quality identification and analysis of traditional Chinese medicine
3. Master Pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medicine And toxicology Basic theory and experimental skills of
4. It has Chinese medicine processing, preparation and Preparation analysis Basic theory and skills of
5. Be familiar with the basic knowledge of laws, regulations, policies and marketing of pharmaceutical administration
6. Understand the academic development trend of TCM discipline
7. Master bibliography retrieval The basic method of data query has certain scientific research And actual working ability.

Core Disciplines

Traditional Chinese Medicine, Pharmacy, Traditional Chinese Medicine

Main courses

Fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine Prescription science Medicinal botany Identification of Traditional Chinese Medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine Resources Pharmacology of Traditional Chinese Medicine Processing of Traditional Chinese Medicine , Traditional Chinese Medicine Pharmacy Traditional Chinese Medicine Chemistry Analysis of Chinese herbal preparations
Main practicality Teaching link
include Production Practice , graduation thesis design, etc., generally about 22 weeks.

length of schooling

Four years. Degree awarded: Bachelor of Science

Field of practice

Chinese medicine inspection, Chinese medicine research, new Chinese medicine development Medical college , pharmaceutical factories, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, etc

Opening colleges and universities

Chengdu University of TCM Hebei University Sichuan Agricultural University Southwest Medical University Guizhou Medical University Southern Medical University Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine xinjiang medical university Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Jilin University of Agricultural Science and Technology Jilin Agricultural University Changchun University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Daqing Campus of Harbin Medical University Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine zhejiang chinese medical university Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Guangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Nanjing Agricultural University Shenyang Pharmaceutical University China Pharmaceutical University Beijing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Northwestern University Inner Mongolia Medical University Zhejiang University Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University qinghai university Chengde Medical College Suzhou University Dalian University Shandong First Medical University Hebei Agricultural University Henan Agricultural University Jinan University Southwest Jiaotong University Lanzhou University Guangdong Pharmaceutical University wuhan bioengineering institute Southwest University Guangdong Medical University Anhui University of Science and Technology

Discipline ranking

1008 Traditional Chinese Medicine
Among the first level disciplines, there are 20 universities with the authorization of "first level doctor" nationwide, and 16 participated in the evaluation this time; Some universities with "doctoral level II" authorization and master's authorization participated in the evaluation; A total of 28 universities participated in the evaluation. The following colleges and universities with the same score are listed in the order of school code.
School code
School name
Score of overall discipline level
ten thousand two hundred and sixty-eight
ten thousand six hundred and thirty-three
ten thousand and twenty-six
ten thousand and sixty-three
ten thousand three hundred and fifteen
ten thousand three hundred and sixteen
eighty-four thousand five hundred and two
ten thousand two hundred and twenty-eight
Heilongjiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
ten thousand five hundred and seventy-two
Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
ten thousand one hundred and sixty-three
Shenyang Pharmaceutical University
ten thousand and twenty-three
Peking Union Medical College
ten thousand five hundred and fifty-nine
Jinan University
ten thousand three hundred and forty-four
zhejiang chinese medical university
ten thousand four hundred and forty-one
Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
ten thousand one hundred and sixty-two
Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
ten thousand two hundred and forty
Harbin University of Commerce
ten thousand four hundred and seventy-one
Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
ten thousand five hundred and seven
Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
ten thousand five hundred and forty-one
Hunan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
ten thousand four hundred and eighty-six
WuHan University
ten thousand six hundred and ninety-seven
Northwestern University
ten thousand six hundred and thirty-five
Southwest University
ten thousand one hundred and thirty-six
Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities
ten thousand four hundred and seventy-five
Henan University
ten thousand five hundred and twenty-four
Central South University for Nationalities
ten thousand six hundred and thirteen
Southwest Jiaotong University
ten thousand seven hundred and sixteen
Shaanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
ten thousand seven hundred and thirty-five
Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
eleven thousand one hundred and seventeen
yangzhou university

Similar majors

Professional title evaluation

Junior herbalist, junior herbalist [1]
Deputy director in charge of Chinese pharmacist, director in charge of Chinese pharmacist