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China Communications Standardization Association

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Social organizations established in Beijing in 2002
China Communications Standards Association (CCSA) was officially established in Beijing on December 18, 2002. The Association is a non-profit legal person social organization voluntarily organized by domestic enterprises and public institutions, approved by the competent business department, registered by the national association registration authority, and carrying out standardization activities in the field of communication technology.
Chinese name
China Communications Standardization Association
Foreign name
China Communications Standards Association
English abbreviations
Better carry out research on communication standards
Date of establishment
December 18, 2002
Non profit corporate social organizations

Main responsibilities

The main task of the Association is to better carry out the research work of communication standards manufacture Enterprises, research institutions, universities and other enterprises and institutions concerned with standards should organize to formulate standards in accordance with the principles of fairness, impartiality and openness, coordinate and check standards, recommend high-tech, high-level and high-quality standards to the government, promote standards with China's independent intellectual property rights to the world, support China's communications industry and make contributions to world communications.
The association adopts the unit membership system. widely absorb Scientific research, technology development, design units, product manufacturing enterprises, communication operation enterprises, colleges and universities, community organizations, etc.
The Association follows the principles of openness, fairness, impartiality and consensus to organize and carry out communication standardization research activities. Make contributions to the development of the national communication industry by studying communication standards, carrying out technical business consulting and other work. The Association is entrusted by the competent business department to organize and carry out standardization work in the field of communication technology.

Current leaders

President: Wen Ku [1] [6]
Vice President and Secretary General: Dai Xiaohui [7]

scope of business

China Communications Standardization Association
1) Publicize the national standardization laws, regulations, guidelines and policies, reflect the opinions and requirements of member units on communication standards to the competent departments, and promote the exchange and communication between the competent departments and members;
2) Carry out communication standard system research and technical investigation, and put forward suggestions on the development and revision of communication standard projects; Organize members to participate in drafting, soliciting opinions, coordinating examination Standard compliance test, interconnection and interworking test and other standard research activities;
3) Organization develop Publicity of communication technology standards consultation , services and training to promote the implementation of communication standards;
4) Organize domestic and foreign communication technology research, cooperation and exchange activities, collect and sort out domestic and foreign communication standards and standard information materials, and support communication standard research activities;
5) Undertake the work related to communication standardization entrusted by competent departments, member units or other social organizations.


China Communications Standardization Association consists of the General Assembly council Technical Expert Advisory Committee, Technical Management Committee, several technical working committees and sub committees secretary Constitute.
Several technical work committees work Group. Under the working group, there are sub working groups/project groups. [2]
The CCSA is composed of the General Assembly, the Council, the Technical Experts Advisory Committee, the Technical Management Committee, a number of technical working committees (10) and the Secretariat. Among them, there are 11 technical work committees (TC for short) that mainly carry out technical work, namely:
TC1: Internet and Applications;
TC3: network and business capability;
TC4: communication power supply and working environment of communication office station;
TC5: wireless communication;
TC6: transmission network and access network;
TC7: Network management and operation support;
TC8: Network and information security;
TC9: Electromagnetic environment and safety protection;
TC10: Internet of Things;
TC11: Mobile Internet applications and terminals;
TC12: Space communication technology.
In addition to the Technical Working Committee, an ad hoc task force (ST) has also been established in due course according to the direction of technological development and policy needs. At present, there are five ad hoc task forces: ST2 (energy conservation and comprehensive utilization of communication equipment), ST3 (emergency communication), ST7 (quantum communication and information technology), ST8 (industrial Internet) and ST9 (navigation and location services).
For TC5, which is responsible for wireless communication, the main research fields include: mobile communication, wireless access, wireless LAN and short-range, satellite and microwave, cluster and other wireless communication technologies and networks, the development of wireless network supporting equipment and wireless security standards, the research of wireless spectrum, new wireless technology, and the main interface with international standardization organizations ITU-R, 3GPP Research work of international standards organizations such as IEEE and OMA.
TC5 is divided into seven working groups, corresponding to different research directions. See Table 1 for details. [3]
surface one CCSA TC5 Working group division
Working Group
Responsibilities and research scope
Counterpart relationship with international organizations
WG3: Wireless Access Working Group
Be responsible for the standardization research of WLAN and wireless access, and be responsible for the research and formulation of standards for wireless access, WLAN, short distance and cluster, except for mobile communication
WG5: Wireless Security and Encryption Working Group
Responsible for the research and development of wireless mobile encryption and network security
3GPP, OMA and other safety related groups
WG6: Leading edge wireless technology working group
Responsible for research on advanced wireless technology requirements, key technologies and solutions
WG8: Frequency Working Group
Responsible for the research related to radio spectrum planning; Electromagnetic compatibility research within and between radio service systems; Research and formulate technical standards such as radio frequency indicators and radio monitoring of radio equipment. Counterpart ITU-R studies WRC conference topics and issues related to radio service frequencies.
WG9: Mobile Communication Wireless Working Group
Responsible for the research and development of relevant standards for 2G/3G/4G/5G mobile communication wireless network
WG10: Working Group on Satellite and Microwave Communications
Research and formulation of satellite and microwave, millimeter wave and other technologies, equipment, interfaces and application technical standards, and research on satellite communication resources
WG11: Wireless Network Supporting Equipment Working Group
Research and formulation of supporting equipment standards not directly related to the system in wireless communication networks
WG12: Mobile Communication Core Network Working Group
Responsible for the research and development of relevant standards for 2G/3G/4G/5G mobile communication core network, focusing on the mobile packet core network
Generally speaking, the technical working committee of CCSA holds three meetings every year, and the working group holds four to six meetings every year according to work needs. The drafting and writing of the industry standard completed by CCSA can be issued and implemented as an industry standard after being approved by the competent department.
The 3rd Council of China Communications Standardization Association
President: Wu Hequan
Vice Chairman: Wen Ku, Yang Zemin, Cao Shumin
Honorary Chairman: Zhu Gaofeng, Song Zhiyuan
Senior consultant: Zhou Baoxin [4]

Organizational deeds

Cooperation on May 6, 2003 superior The donation activity of "preventing SARS and giving love" was instructed
On April 26, 2003, "Special Seminar on WLAN Technology Operation and Application" was held in Beijing
On April 17, 2003, the IP and Multimedia Communication Technology Working Committee held its first plenary meeting in Beijing
On April 15, 2003, the "Communication Standards Research Group Chairman/Leader Working Symposium" was held
March 15, 2003 Association start Formally accept the application of all social units to participate in the activities of the Association
On March 11, 2003, the Ministry of Civil Affairs issued the "Certificate of Registration of Social Organizations as Legal Persons" to the China Communications Standardization Association.
On January 17, 2003, the second session of the first council of the Association was held in Beijing meeting
The founding meeting of China Communications Standardization Association was held in Beijing on December 18, 2002
The eighth meeting of the first session of the Council was held in Beijing on December 21, 2005
On December 20, 2005, the work of the Mobile Internet Application Protocol Task Force (TC2) held its eighth plenary meeting in Beijing
On December 16, 2005, the Network and Information Security Technology Committee (TC8) held its fourth plenary meeting, calling on domestic SMEs and colleges and universities to actively participate
On December 13, 2005, the 8th plenary meeting of TC5 was held in Hangzhou
The 7th Plenary Session of IP and Multimedia Technology Committee (TC1) was held in Beijing on December 13, 2005
On December 8, 2005, CCSA co organized the meeting of "Sino US Global ICT Industry Standardization Dialogue"
On December 19, 2007, "TD-SCDMA Terminal Detection and Security, Service Testing Advanced Seminar" was held in Beijing
On December 17, 2007, the sixth general meeting of CCSA was held, and the awarding ceremony of "2007 China Communications Standardization Association Science and Technology Award" was held at the same time
On December 6, 2007, CCSA held the "Second Session" in Beijing telecom Network Information Security Standardization Forum "

Articles of Association

general provisions
Article 1 The name of the Association is: China Communications Standardization Association. The English translation is: China Communications Standards Association, abbreviated as: CCSA.
Article 2 China Communications Standardization Association (hereinafter referred to as "the Association") is an industrial, national and non-profit social organization voluntarily formed by domestic enterprises, institutions, colleges and universities, and social organizations engaged in scientific research, technology development, design, product manufacturing, and operation of standardization in the field of information and communication technology.
Article 3 Purpose of the Association: in accordance with the principles of openness, fairness, impartiality and consensus, establish a work system with enterprises as the main body, market orientation, and the combination of industry, education and research, organize and carry out information and communication standardization activities, and make contributions to the development of national informatization and information industry.
Article 4 The Association adheres to the overall leadership of the Communist Party of China and, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Communist Party of China, establishes organizations of the Communist Party of China to carry out Party activities and provide necessary conditions for the activities of the Party organizations.
The Association abides by the Constitution, laws, regulations and national policies, practices socialist core values, promotes patriotism, observes social morality, and consciously strengthens the construction of integrity and self-discipline.
The Association is subject to the supervision and management of the Civil Affairs Department, the registration and management organ of associations.
Article 5 The Association is located in Beijing.
Chapter II Business Scope
Article 6 The business scope of the Association is:
(1) Publicize the national standardization laws, regulations, guidelines and policies, reflect the opinions and requirements of member units on the standardization of information and communication to the competent departments, and promote the exchange and communication between the competent departments and members;
(2) Carry out research and technical investigation on the information and communication standard system, and put forward suggestions on the development and revision of information and communication standards; Organize members to carry out standard research activities such as drafting, soliciting opinions, coordination, review, standard compliance test and interconnection test of standard drafts;
(3) Organize the publicity, consultation, service and training of information and communication standards, and promote the implementation of standards;
(4) Organize the exchange and cooperation of ICT and standardization at home and abroad, and actively participate in the activities of the International Organization for Standardization and the formulation of international standards; Collect and sort out information and data related to information and communication standards at home and abroad, and support research activities of information and communication standards;
(5) Undertake the work related to information and communication standardization entrusted by the competent department, member units or other social organizations.
Chapter III Members
Article 7 The Association adopts the unit membership system. Members are divided into two categories: plenipotentiary members and non voting members.
Article 8 Rights and obligations of plenipotentiary members
(1) Rights:
(1) To participate in the general meeting of the Association and enjoy the right to vote, stand for election and vote;
(2) The right to participate in meetings and activities of the Association;
(3) In the technical working committee it participates in, it has the right to draft standards, submit contributions, obtain phased working documents and officially published standard texts;
(4) Obtain the public publications and technical materials of the Association;
(5) The right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the Association.
(2) Obligations:
(1) Comply with the Articles of Association and relevant management regulations, and implement the resolutions of the Association;
(2) Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Association and protect the intermediate and final research achievements of the Association;
(3) Participate in the verification, promotion and implementation of standards;
(4) Pay membership dues as required;
(5) Complete the work assigned by the Association.
Article 9 Rights and obligations of non voting members
(1) Rights:
(1) The right to participate in the general meeting of the Association, but not the right to vote, stand for election and vote;
(2) The right to participate in meetings and activities of the Association;
(3) In its participation in the Technical Working Committee, it has the right to submit contributions, obtain phased working documents and officially published standard texts, and does not have the right to draft standards;
(4) Public publications and technical materials of the Association can be obtained;
(5) The right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the Association.
(2) Obligations
(1) Comply with the Articles of Association and relevant management regulations, and implement the resolutions of the Association;
(2) Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Association and protect the intermediate and final research achievements of the Association;
(3) Participate in the verification, promotion and implementation of standards;
(4) Pay membership dues as required;
(5) Complete the work assigned by the Association.
Article 10 Conditions and procedures for applying for membership:
(1) Conditions for applying for membership:
"Enterprises and institutions that are legally registered in China and have legal personality in scientific research and development, design, manufacturing, network operation, the Internet, colleges and universities, social organizations and other enterprises and institutions can apply for membership of the Association voluntarily, recognize the Articles of Association, perform the rights and obligations of members, and apply for membership of the Association"
(2) The applicant should provide the following materials:
(1) The written application for joining the Association includes the basic information of the organization, the type of members who choose to participate in the Association (full or non voting) and the working group/ad hoc task group in the relevant technical working committee.
(2) Legal person certification materials of the unit (copies of business license, public institution legal person certificate and association registration certificate)
(3) Introduction materials of the unit
(3) Confirmation procedures for membership application:
(1) The submitted materials can be qualified for membership only after they are reviewed and approved by the Secretariat of the Association and submitted to the Council for confirmation.
(2) After paying the membership fee on schedule, the applicant will become a member of the Association and be authorized by the Council of the Association to issue the membership certificate, login name and password by the Secretariat.
Article 11 The Association has observers. The system of units is used for observers.
Article 12 Rights and obligations of observers
(1) Observers enjoy the following rights:
(1) The right to participate in the business meetings of the Association, including general meetings and activities, but not the right to vote, stand for election and vote;
(2) In the technical working committee it participates in, it has the right to submit contributions, obtain periodic working documents and officially published standard texts, and does not have the right to draft standards;
(3) Obtain the public publications and technical materials of the Association;
(4) The right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the Association.
(2) Observers shall fulfill the following obligations:
(1) Comply with the Articles of Association and relevant management regulations, and implement the resolutions of the Association;
(2) Safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Association and protect the intermediate and final research achievements of the Association;
(3) Participate in the verification, publicity and implementation of standards;
(4) Pay membership dues as required;
(5) Complete the work assigned by the Association.
Article 13 Conditions and procedures for applying for membership observer
(1) Conditions for applying for observer
"Enterprises registered outside China, as well as enterprises registered in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and representative offices in China, voluntarily apply, recognize the Articles of Association of the Association, perform the rights and obligations of observers, and can apply for observers of the Association"
(2) The applicant should provide the following materials:
(1) The written application for joining the Association includes the basic information of the unit and the choice to participate in the working group/ad hoc task group in the relevant technical working committee.
(2) Legal person certification materials of the unit (copies of business license, public institution legal person certificate and association registration certificate)
(3) Introduction materials of the unit
(3) Confirmation procedures for membership application:
(1) The submitted materials can be qualified as observers only after being reviewed and approved by the Secretariat of the Association and submitted to the Council for confirmation.
(2) After paying the membership fee on schedule, the applicant will become an observer of the Association and be authorized by the Council of the Association to issue an observer certificate, login name and password by the Secretariat.
Article 14 Members and observers are free to withdraw. Members and observers shall return their certificates when they leave the meeting. If a member or observer fails to pay the membership fee or participate in the activities of the group within one year, it shall be deemed as voluntary withdrawal, and the membership fee shall not be refunded.
Article 15 Members and observers shall be removed from the membership upon the vote of the Council in any of the following circumstances.
(1) Serious violation of the Association's Articles of Association and relevant regulations;
(2) The nature of the organization has changed or it no longer has the qualification of member or observer, and has not voluntarily proposed to withdraw from the association.
(3) Membership fees will not be refunded after members and observers are removed. You can apply for membership again after being expelled for one year.
Chapter IV Selection and Removal of Organizational Structure and Responsible Persons
Article 16 General Meeting
The highest authority of the Association is the General Assembly. The functions and powers of the general meeting are:
(1) To formulate and amend the Articles of Association of the Association;
(2) Elect and remove directors;
(3) To listen to and review the work reports, financial reports and other special reports of the Council;
(4) Formulate and revise the membership fee standard;
(5) Decide on termination;
(6) Decide on other major issues.
Article 17 The general meeting is held once a year. It can be held only when more than 2/3 of the members are present. Its decisions can take effect only when more than half of the plenipotentiary members present vote.
Article 18 Each session of the general meeting is five years. If it needs to be changed in advance or postponed due to special circumstances, it must be voted by the board of directors, reported to the competent business unit for review and approved by the society registration authority. However, the extension of the term of office shall not exceed one year.
Article 19 council
The Council is the executive body of the General Assembly, leading the Association to carry out daily work when the General Assembly is not in session, and is responsible for the General Assembly.
The functions and powers of the Council are:
(1) Implement the resolutions of the general meeting;
(2) Elect and remove the chairman, vice chairmen and secretary-general;
(3) Prepare for the general meeting;
(4) Report work and financial status to the General Assembly;
(5) To decide on the establishment of offices, branches, representative offices and entities;
(6) To decide on the appointment of the Deputy Secretary General and the principal heads of the agencies;
(7) To decide on the admission or expulsion of members and observers;
(8) To lead the work of all institutions of the Association;
(9) Develop internal management system;
(10) Decide on other major issues.
Article 20 The Council holds two meetings every year, which can be increased as needed. The meeting can be held only when more than 2/3 of the directors are present, and the resolution can take effect only when more than 2/3 of the directors present vote. The meeting can also be held in the form of communication under special circumstances. Directors who have not attended the meeting for two consecutive times will automatically lose their qualification.
Article 21 Conditions for the President, Vice President and Secretary General:
(1) Adhere to the Party's line, principles and policies, and have good political quality;
(2) It has great influence in the business field of the Association;
(3) The maximum working age shall not exceed 70 years old, and the Secretary General shall be full-time;
(4) Good health, able to work normally;
(5) Have not received criminal punishment of deprivation of political rights;
(6) Have full capacity for civil conduct.
Article 22 If the chairman, vice chairmen and secretary-general exceed the maximum age for holding office, they can take office only after being voted by the board of directors, reported to the competent business unit for review and approved by the society registration authority.
Article 23 The term of office of the president, vice president and secretary-general is five years, and the longest term shall not exceed two. If the term of office needs to be extended due to special circumstances, it must be approved by more than 2/3 of the members of the general meeting, reported to the competent business unit for review and approved by the society registration management authority before taking office.
Article 24 The chairman exercises the following functions and powers:
(1) Convene and preside over the convening of the Council;
(2) Check the implementation of resolutions of the General Assembly and the Council;
(3) Study the important issues raised by the secretariat that need to be made in a timely manner.
Article 25 The Secretary General shall exercise the following functions and powers:
(1) Preside over the daily work of the office and organize the implementation of the annual work plan;
(2) Organize and implement the resolutions of the General Assembly and the Council;
(3) Coordinate the work of all institutions of the Association;
(4) Nominate the Deputy Secretary General and the principal heads of each institution and submit them to the Council for decision;
(5) Decide on the employment of full-time staff of each agency;
(6) Handle other daily affairs related to the Association.
Article 26 The Secretary General of the Association is the legal representative who signs relevant important documents on behalf of the Group. The legal representative of the Association shall not concurrently serve as the legal representative of other organizations.
Chapter V Principles of Asset Management and Use
Article 27 The fund source of the Association is:
(1) Membership fees;
(2) Social donations and subsidies;
(3) Government funding;
(4) Income from carrying out technical activities or services within the approved business scope;
(5) Interest;
(6) Other legitimate income;
Article 28 The Association collects membership fees according to relevant national regulations.
Article 29 The funds of the Association must be used for the business scope and career development specified in the Articles of Association, and shall not be distributed among members. The Association shall establish a strict financial management system to ensure the legality, authenticity, accuracy and integrity of accounting materials. Provide accounting personnel with professional qualifications. Accountants must conduct accounting and exercise accounting supervision.
Article 30 The asset management of the Association implements the financial management system stipulated by the state, and is subject to the supervision of the General Assembly, the financial department and the audit department. If the source of assets belongs to the state appropriation or social donation or subsidy, it must be subject to the supervision of the audit institution, and the relevant information must be announced to the public in an appropriate way. Prepare the annual budget and final accounts, and report the financial revenue and expenditure to the general meeting regularly.
Article 31 No unit or individual may misappropriate, privately divide or misappropriate the assets of the Association.
Article 32 The Association must accept the financial audit organized by the registration and management organ of the association and the competent business unit before changing its term of office or legal representative.
Article 33 The salary, insurance and welfare benefits of the full-time staff of the Association shall be implemented with reference to the relevant provisions of the state on public institutions.
Chapter VI Procedures for Amendment of the Articles of Association
Article 34 Any amendment to the Articles of Association of the Association shall be reported to the General Meeting for deliberation after being voted by the Council.
Article 35 The revised Articles of Association of the Association shall come into force within 15 days after being approved by the general meeting, reviewed and approved by the competent business unit, and reported to the society registration authority for approval.
Chapter VII Termination Procedures and Property Disposal after Termination
Article 36 When the Association needs to be cancelled due to the completion of its purpose or self dissolution, the Council shall propose a motion for termination.
Article 37 The motion of termination of the Association must be voted by the general meeting and reported to the competent business unit for review and approval.
Article 38 Before the termination of the Association, a liquidation organization shall be established under the guidance of the competent business unit and relevant authorities to clear up claims and debts and deal with the aftermath. During liquidation, no activities other than liquidation shall be carried out
Article 39 The Association will be terminated after the Ministry of Civil Affairs handles the cancellation of registration procedures.
Article 40 The remaining property after the termination of the Association shall be used for the development of the undertakings related to the purposes of the Association under the supervision of the competent business unit and the registration and management organ of the association, in accordance with the relevant national regulations.
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
Article 41 The Articles of Association was adopted by the 16th General Meeting of China Communications Standardization Association on January 15, 2019.
Article 42 The Council of the Association reserves the right to interpret the Articles of Association.
Article 43 The Articles of Association shall come into force as of the date of approval by the society registration administration authority. [5]