Modern Chinese History

Chinese historical stage
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This entry is edited and reviewed by the Society of National History of the People's Republic of China.
The time of modern Chinese history is from 1840 Opium War By 1949 The People's Republic of China was founded Previously, this is also China Semi colonial and semi feudal society History of.
China's modern history is divided into two stages, from the Opium War in 1840 to 1919 the May 4th Movement Eve, yes Old Democratic Revolution Stage; From the May 4th Movement in 1919 to 1949 The People's Republic of China was founded Eve, yes New Democratic Revolution Phase. [2]
Chinese name
Modern Chinese History
Foreign name
Chinese modern history
time frame
June 1840 to October 1, 1949

The stage of the old democratic revolution

Opium War
Opium War Previously, China was an independent feudal country. Because the Chinese natural economy It occupies a dominant position. In Sino British trade, China is Overshoot Status. In order to change the situation of trade surplus, illegal British businessmen smuggle to China opium The import of opium has brought a serious disaster to Chinese society. Smoking ban has become the common voice of the whole society. Led by Lin Zexu in Guangdong Anti-smoking movement And dealt a heavy blow to the British invaders. In 1840, Britain launched the Opium War against China. During the war, the patriotic officers and soldiers fought bravely with the people of Sanyuanli. However, because the Qing government pursued a compromise policy, the war failed. In 1842, Britain forced the Qing government to sign a contract between China and Britain《 Treaty of Nanjing 》China's sovereign independence and territorial integrity began to be destroyed. Since then, China has opened its doors and gradually reduced from a feudal society to a semi colonial and semi feudal society. During this period, some patriotic intellectuals began to wake up, and they began to look beyond the country“ Learn from barbarians ”To explore.
Between 1856 and 1860, Britain and France provoked China to expand their rights of aggression The Second Opium War The United States and Russia took advantage of the fire. The four countries forced the Qing government to sign《 Tianjin Treaty 》《 Beijing Treaty 》As a result, China lost more territory and sovereignty, the aggressive forces of major powers extended to coastal provinces and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, and the semi colonialism of Chinese society was further deepened. [1]
Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement
After the First Opium War, the class contradictions in the Qing Dynasty became more intense than ever before, and the peasant uprisings were surging. In 1851, best-known leader of the Taiping Rebellion launch Kaneda Uprising , established Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Regime; In 1853, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom established its capital Tianjing (now Nanjing), promulgated by《 Tianmu System 》; In 1856, the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom reached its military heyday, which dealt a heavy blow to the feudal rule of the Qing Dynasty; However, the intensification of contradictions within the leading group triggered Tianjing Incident The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was greatly weakened. In the later period of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Hong Rengan Some leaders have implemented some political reforms, put forward a political program with the idea of developing capitalism, and consciously learned from the West to explore the way for China to become independent, prosperous and strong. In 1864, Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement It failed under the joint strangulation of Chinese and foreign forces. The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom Movement was the peak of the Chinese peasant war, which had a significant impact on the development process of China's modern society. [1]
The Emergence of Capitalism and the Deepening of National Crisis in the Late Qing Dynasty
In the 1860s, the ruling class of the Qing Dynasty emerged Westernization Faction From the 1960s to the 1990s, they launched a westernization movement of "learning from foreigners to strengthen their skills". The Westernization Movement did not make China go on the road to prosperity, but it objectively stimulated the development of Chinese capitalism and promoted the process of China's modernization.
In the 1960s and 1970s, capitalist mode of production emerged in Chinese society National bourgeoisie Produced. The Chinese national bourgeoisie's resistance to foreign capitalist aggression and domestic feudal oppression is revolutionary as well as compromise. China proletariat It was born in the 1940s, earlier than the national bourgeoisie, and is the representative of China's new productive forces. It is the most determined and thorough revolutionary.
At the end of the 19th century, with the development of world capitalism Imperialism During the transition, the imperialist countries tightened their aggression against China. In 1883 and 1894 Sino French War and Sino-Japanese Jiawu War Sino French New Testament 》France further opened the door to southwest China with the signing of; China and Japan《 Treaty of Shimonoseki 》The signing of the WTO has further damaged China's territorial integrity, increased the burden on the people, hindered China's modernization development, and greatly deepened the semi colonialism of Chinese society.
After the signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki, the imperialist powers launched a fierce competition for capital export in China, and still forcibly occupied China“ Leased land ”, division“ Sphere of influence ”, set off a frenzy to carve up China, and China's national crisis deepened unprecedentedly. [1]
The Reform Movement of 1898 and the Boxer Movement
After the Sino Japanese War of 1894-1895, due to the unprecedented serious national crisis and the initial development of China's national capitalism, the national bourgeoisie began to step onto the historical stage as a new political force. with Kang Youwei Liang Qichao The leading bourgeoisie reformers In order to save the nation from danger and develop capitalism Reform reform Exercise. with Empress Dowager Ci Xi The feudal obstinate conservative forces represented by, etc. launched a coup, which resulted in the failure of the reform and reform. This bourgeois reform movement has played a role of ideological enlightenment in society and is conducive to the spread of bourgeois ideology and culture. At the same time, its failure also shows that the path of bourgeois reform will not work in China.
Boxer Movement It is an anti imperialist and patriotic movement. This movement smashed the arrogant plan of the imperialist powers to carve up China, dealt a heavy blow to the reactionary rule of the Qing government, and accelerated its demise. In the summer of 1900, Britain, Russia, Japan, France, Germany, the United States, Italy and Austria Eight-Nation Alliance Invade China. In 1901, the Qing government was forced to sign an agreement with eight countries and 11 countries including Belgium, the Netherlands and Spain《 Boxer Protocol 》, marking the formation of China's semi colonial and semi feudal society. [1]
Revolution of the 1911 and demise of the Qing Dynasty
In 1894, Sun Yat-sen Founded the first revolutionary group of the Chinese bourgeoisie Xingzhong Association At the beginning of the 20th century renowned for studies in philology and textual criticism Zou Rong Chen Tianhua And other famous democratic revolutionary thinkers and propagandists, the bourgeois democratic revolutionary ideas have been widely spread, and bourgeois revolutionary groups have also been established. 1905 the United League of China Its establishment marks that China's bourgeois democratic revolution has entered a new stage. revolutionaries By and loyalist The debate of the Democratic Revolution further spread the thought of the Democratic Revolution and effectively promoted the arrival of the climax of the Democratic Revolution.
After the establishment of the League, the revolutionaries launched Pingliuli Uprising Guangzhou Huanghuagang Uprising A series of uprisings took place in Sichuan Road protection campaign October 1911 Wuchang Uprising success. On New Year's Day in 1912, Sun Yat sen became the temporary president in Nanjing, announcing that Republic of China Established, and then promulgated《 Provisional Regulations of the Republic of China 》。 Revolution of 1911 It not only has great historical achievements, but also has left profound lessons. The Revolution of 1911 was a bourgeois democratic revolution against imperialism and feudalism in modern Chinese history. It overthrew the feudal autocratic monarchy that had existed for more than 2000 years in China, established a bourgeois democratic republic, and promulgated a provisional decree reflecting the spirit of bourgeois democracy. It has enabled the people to obtain some free and democratic rights, to obtain some political and ideological emancipation, and to make the concept of a democratic republic deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The Revolution of 1911 also attacked the colonial rule of imperialist powers in China, creating favorable conditions for the development of Chinese national capitalism. However, due to the weakness and limitations of the Chinese bourgeoisie, they are unwilling to completely break with imperialism, nor can they launch and rely on the broad masses of the people to carry out a thorough social revolution and destroy the feudal forces. Therefore, the Revolution of 1911 did not complete the historical task of anti imperialism and anti feudalism, and did not fundamentally change the nature of China's semi colonial and semi feudal society. [1]
The Rule of the Northern Warlords in the Early Republic of China
In March 1912, high Qing official Usurped the fruits of the Revolution of 1911, took office as the provisional president of the Republic of China, and the provisional government moved to Beijing, led by Yuan Shikai Beiyang Warlord The regime was established. Yuan Shikai's Internal Suppression the kuomintang Sell out national sovereignty. Sun Yat sen called for military action against Yuan“ Second Revolution ”Occurs. Due to the laxity of the Kuomintang, the "second revolution" soon failed. After Yuan Shikai suppressed the "Second Revolution" Restoration of monarchy Activities of. At the end of 1915, National protection movement Burst. Yuan Shikai was forced to cancel the imperial system and died soon.
After the death of Yuan Shikai, there was a situation of warlord separatism in China. In July 1917, warlords Zhang Xun To mediate“ The dispute between the government and the court ”Be famous and welcome in Beijing Pu Yi Restoration, but the restoration farce only lasted for a short period of 12 days. Duan Qirui After taking power again, he refused to resume the Provisional Constitution and convene the National Assembly. In order to maintain the republican system, Sun Yat sen advocated Dharmapala Movement , but it also failed soon.
the First World War During this period, the imperialists were busy with the war and temporarily relaxed their economic aggression against China, and China's national industry developed briefly. [1]

New democratic revolution stage

The May 4th Movement and the founding of the Communist Party of China
With the further development of China's capitalist economy, the bourgeoisie strongly demands the implementation of bourgeois democracy in China and opposes the rule of feudal warlords, New Culture Movement emerge as the times require. In 1915, May Fourth leader Established in Shanghai《 New youth 》And became the symbol of the rise of the New Culture Movement. "Democracy" and "science" are the slogans put forward by the New Culture Movement. The New Culture Movement set off a trend of ideological emancipation in society. Russia October Socialist Revolution After the victory, Li Dazhao Propaganda of the October Revolution enthusiastically raised the banner of socialism for the first time in China, thus making the new cultural movement have new development.
Paris Peace Conference Rejected the just request of the Chinese representative, transferred the rights and interests of Germany, the defeated country, in Shandong, China to Japan, and aroused strong indignation of the Chinese people. In 1919, the May 4th Movement It broke out in Beijing. At the beginning of June, the movement developed into a nationwide mass patriotic movement with the working class as the main force, and achieved initial success. The May 4th Movement is of great historical significance New Democratic Revolution The beginning of.
After the May 4th Movement, Marxism It spread in China and became the mainstream of new thoughts. A group of advanced elements have initially combined Marxism with the Chinese workers' movement. In 1920, Communist Group In 1921, First National Congress of the Communist Party of China The Communist Party of China was born. In 1922, Second National Congress of the Communist Party of China The democratic revolutionary program was formulated, which pointed out the direction for the Chinese revolution.
Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, from January 1922 Hong Kong Seafarers Strike By February 1923 Beijing Han Railway Workers Strike The labor movement in China reached its first climax. [1]
The First KMT Communist Cooperation and the Northern Expedition
1923“ February 7th Massacre ”To make the Communist Party of China realize that it is not enough to rely solely on the strength of the working class. Only by uniting all forces that can be united can the Chinese revolution lead to victory. To this end, the Communist Party of China decided to cooperate with the Kuomintang led by Sun Yat sen to establish a revolutionary united front. In January 1924, the Chinese Kuomintang held its first national congress in Guangzhou. The First National Congress of the Kuomintang The convocation of the CPC marked the realization of the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party and the formal establishment of the revolutionary united front. With the help of the Communist Party of China and the Soviet Union, the Kuomintang established an Army Academy in Huangpu, Guangzhou( Huangpu Military Academy )And laid the foundation for the establishment of the National Revolutionary Army.
After the "First National Congress" of the Kuomintang, the national revolutionary movement against imperialism and feudalism developed rapidly. Workers all over the country went on strike one after another, setting off the climax of the anti imperialist patriotic movement, of which the most influential was May 30th Movement and Canton-Hong Kong strike The peasant movement in Guangdong, Hunan and other provinces gradually developed, and the Guangdong revolutionary government also set up workshops to train the backbone of the peasant movement( Guangzhou Peasant Movement Institute ); In February 1925, the Guangdong revolutionary government organized armed forces to fight against warlords Chen Jiongming conduct The First East Expedition And win. July, National Government It was established in Guangzhou, and its armed forces were organized into the National Revolutionary Army In October, the National Revolutionary Army carried out The Second East Expedition After two expeditions, the Guangdong revolutionary base area was consolidated and unified, laying the foundation for the National Revolutionary Army to carry out the Northern Expedition.
In order to overthrow imperialism, overthrow the rule of warlords and unify China, the National Government pledged its commitment to the Northern Expedition in early July 1926. The Northern Expedition Army successfully marched into the Yangtze River valley within half a year. Northern Expedition War It was strongly supported by the workers' and peasants' movements; The victory of the Northern Expedition promoted the movement of workers and peasants. From October 1926 to March 1927, Shanghai workers launched three armed uprisings and won.
After Sun Yat sen died in March 1925, Kuomintang Rightists Step up the struggle for revolutionary leadership. In April 1927, Chiang Kai shek launched the April 12 Counter revolutionary Coup July, intimate of Sun Yat-sen Launched in Wuhan July 15 Counter revolutionary Coup The first KMT Communist cooperation Rupture. During this period May Fourth leader For the CPC Central Committee Right capitulationism Error. The national revolution failed. [1]
Ten year confrontation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party
After the "412" counter revolutionary coup, Chiang Kai shek established the National Government in Nanjing. In 1928, the National Government held the "Northern Expedition", occupied Beijing, and the Fengxi warlord Zhang Zuolin Back out of the pass, at Huanggu Village By Japan Japanese army stationed in Northeast China during the AntiJapanese War The plot was blown up. end of the year, placed under house arrest Announcing“ Change the Banner in Northeast China ”And obey the National Government. The National Government formally unified the whole country. However, years of scuffles between the Kuomintang's new army warlords have brought great disaster to the people. Under the rule of the National Government“ Four families ”By virtue of the state power, he quickly accumulated huge wealth and became the representative of the comprador bourgeoisie of Chinese bureaucrats.
The Chinese Communists were not intimidated by the massacre of the Kuomintang reactionaries, which was held in 1927 August 7th Meeting , corrected the mistakes of Right capitulationism and launched Nanchang Uprising Autumn Harvest Uprising and Guangzhou Uprising , creating the Red Army , open up rural base areas Agrarian revolution The establishment of the Chinese Soviet regime opened up a way for the countryside to encircle the cities and seize power by armed forces. From December 1930 to April 1933, Chiang Kai shek launched four "encirclement and suppression" campaigns against the revolutionary base areas. The Red Army of workers and peasants fought bravely, repelled the enemy's attack and won four victories against "encirclement and suppression".
In the autumn of 1933, Chiang Kai shek launched his fifth "encirclement and suppression" campaign against the revolutionary base areas. Under the influence of Wang Ming's "Left" adventurism mistakes, the Red Army failed in its fifth counter campaign against "encirclement and suppression" and was forced to carry out the Long March. The Communist Party of China held the Zunyi Meeting And saved the Party, the Red Army and the Chinese revolution at a critical moment. Under the command of Mao Zedong, the Red Army overcame numerous difficulties and dangers and won the victory of the Long March.
On December 12, 1936, Xi'an Incident Burst. Communist Party of China We carefully analyzed the complex situation at home and abroad and determined the policy of peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident. The peaceful settlement of the Xi'an Incident opened the possibility of the second cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, marking the initial formation of the anti Japanese national united front. [1]
Counter-Japanese War
In 1931, the Japanese invaders in Shenyang, China, created“ September 18th Incident ”, provoke the war of aggression against China. Because the Kuomintang government and the military and political authorities in Northeast China "Non resistance" policy In less than half a year, the whole territory of the three northeastern provinces was occupied. Since then, the Japanese invaders have continued to create trouble and expand their power in North China, East China and other places. At the critical moment of the Chinese nation's life and death, the people from all walks of life across the country set off a massive wave of anger against Japan and national salvation, and China entered a difficult period of partial resistance.
In 1935, Japanese imperialism deliberately created a series of events in order to occupy North China“ North China Incident ”。 A large number of Japanese Kwantung troops entered the Shanhaiguan Pass, creating trouble, provoking conflict and threatening Pingjin. In December, the CPC Central Committee Wayao Castle An enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau was held and the strategic guidelines for the anti Japanese national united front were formulated.
On July 7, 1937, it was manufactured by the First Garrison Department of the Japanese Army and the Chinese Garrison Army“ Lugouqiao Incident ”The Chinese army fought back and the national war of resistance against Japan broke out. On August 13, the Japanese army made the "Hongqiao Airport Incident" in Shanghai, deliberately expanding the scale of the war of aggression against China, and the National Government was forced to fight against Japan, "August 13" Battle in Songhu Burst. In late September, the Kuomintang Central News Agency announced《 The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China announced the declaration of Kuomintang Communist cooperation 》The Anti Japanese National United Front was formally formed, and the war of resistance of the whole Chinese nation began.
In the early days of the War of Resistance against Japan, the National Government organized many large-scale campaigns on the front battlefield to fight against Japanese invaders, but it followed a one-sided war line and lost a large area of land; The Communist Party of China pursues the line of all-around resistance and the policy of lasting resistance, Eighth Route Army The New Fourth Army Go deep into the enemy's rear, establish anti Japanese base areas, open up the battlefield behind the enemy, widely carry out guerrilla warfare, cooperate with the front battlefield, fight against Japanese aggression, and make great contributions to the victory of the Chinese people in the anti Japanese war and the ultimate victory of the world's people in the anti fascist war.
In October 1938, after the Japanese army occupied Guangzhou and Wuhan, the Anti Japanese War entered a stalemate. The Japanese imperialists used political inducement to surrender to the Kuomintang. The pro Japanese faction in the Kuomintang betrayed the country and defected to the enemy. The anti Japanese war of the pro British American faction gradually became negative, creating anti Communist friction events. To this end, the Communist Party of China has given a firm response and relentless disclosure. In December 1941, Pacific War After the outbreak, China's Anti Japanese War became an important part of the world's anti fascist war, and the Chinese battlefield became the main eastern battlefield of the world's anti fascist war. In the hard years of the Anti Japanese War, in order to overcome difficulties and win the war of resistance, the Communist Party of China insisted on the war of resistance, opposed surrender, insisted on unity, opposed division, insisted on progress, opposed retrogression, and took a series of measures politically, economically, and ideologically, and finally passed the most difficult period. China's war of resistance also received the assistance of peace loving and justice loving people in the world, and the Chinese people will always be grateful for this.
In 1944, the army and the people of the Liberated Areas began a local counter offensive. In April 1945, The Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China Convening. On August 8, the Soviet Union declared war on Japan. On August 9, Mao Zedong issued“ The last battle against the Japanese invaders ”The War of Resistance against Japan entered a major counter offensive. On August 15, the Japanese government announced its unconditional surrender. On September 2, Japanese representatives in the US military“ Missouri ”The battleship signed an unconditional surrender. On September 9, the surrender ceremony of the Chinese theater of war was held in Nanjing. After 14 years of hard work, the Chinese people, together with the people of the world, have won a great victory in the anti fascist war Counter-Japanese War The great victory of. [1]
War of Liberation
After the victory of the Anti Japanese War, in order to strive for domestic peace, at the end of August 1945, Mao Zedong went to Chongqing to negotiate with the Kuomintang. On October 10, the representatives of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party signed the Minutes of Talks between the Government and the Representatives of the Communist Party of China, namely《 Double Tenth Agreement 》。 However, during the negotiations, the Kuomintang sent troops to attack the liberated areas, which were repulsed by the army and the people in the liberated areas, and representatives of the Kuomintang and the Communist Party signed an armistice agreement. In January 1946, the Political Consultative Conference was held in Chongqing.
In the summer of 1946, the Kuomintang army launched an attack on the liberated areas with the support of the United States, and the full-scale civil war broke out.
From the summer of 1946 to June 1947, the People's Liberation Army smashed the overall attack and attack against key sectors At the end of June 1947, the People's Liberation Army began a nationwide counter offensive. From September 1948 to January 1949, the People's Liberation Army launched Liaoshen Campaign Huaihai Campaign Pingjin Campaign The three major campaigns basically eliminated the main force of the Kuomintang army and accelerated the victory of the People's Liberation War in the country. In April 1949, the People's Liberation Army crossed the river and liberated Nanjing on the 23rd, overthrowing the rule of the Kuomintang.
At the end of January 1949, Peiping announced its peaceful liberation. September, The First Plenary Session of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference Held in Peiping, the meeting passed《 Common Program of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference 》, Election Committee of the Central People's Government of the People's Republic of China , elected Mao Zedong as the Chairman of the Central People's Government, and passed the decisions on the national flag, national anthem, and year counting. The meeting also decided to take Peiping as the capital and change its name to Beijing. [1]

Chronology of Events

Chronicle of Events
China UK《 Treaty of Nanjing 》Signing
1960s and 1970s
1960s - 1990s
Recovering Xinjiang
Xinjiang established a province
Taiwan established a province
China and Japan《 Treaty of Shimonoseki 》Signing
Boxer Protocol 》Signing
The Qing government orders to stop The imperial examination
The abdication of the Qing emperor
high Qing official Restoration of monarchy failed
The First National Congress of the Communist Party of China The Communist Party of China was founded
Chiang Kai shek Launch a counter revolutionary coup
intimate of Sun Yat-sen Launch a counter revolutionary coup
placed under house arrest announce Change the Banner in Northeast China , the National Government unifies the country in name
Wang Puppet National Government Established in Nanjing
From the end of 1941 to the beginning of 1942
Japan declares surrender
The Kuomintang launched a full-scale civil war, and the people War of Liberation start
The People's Liberation Army turns to strategic attack
Promulgated by the Communist Party of China《 Outline of China's Land Law
September 1948 to January 1949
April 1949
River Crossing Campaign The Kuomintang's reactionary rule collapsed
September 1949
Source: [1] [3-4 ]