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China Engineering Construction Standardization Association

Social organizations established in 1979
China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization (CECS), It is a national social organization voluntarily formed by units, organizations and individuals engaged in the standardization of engineering construction, with the qualification of a corporate legal person. It is a professional association engaged in engineering construction standardization activities. It is a non-profit social organization established with the consent of the Ministry of Construction and approved by the Ministry of Civil Affairs. The competent business department is Ministry of Housing and Urban Rural Development of the People's Republic of China
Chinese name
China Engineering Construction Standardization Association
Foreign name
China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization
Organization code
Registration No
SZZ No. 4058.
date of establishment
October 1979
Organizational nature
Non profit social organization

Registration information

Organization status: normal
Unified social credit code: 5110000500003048R
Name of social organization: China Engineering Construction Standardization Association
Type of social organization: social group
Party building work organization: Central and State Organ Work Committee
Valid period of certificate: October 30, 2019 to October 30, 2024
Registration authority: Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China
Legal representative: Zhang Zhixin
Registration date of establishment: July 22, 1991
Registered capital: 100000 yuan
Business scope: professional training, information exchange, international cooperation and consulting services
Address: No. 9, Sanlihe Road, Haidian District, Beijing [5]

Development history

association Organization code: 50000304-8, registration number: SZZ No. 4058.
Formerly known as China Engineering Construction Standardization Committee, it was established in October 1979. In July 1991, after being reviewed by the Social Organization Management Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, it was approved to register in the name of China Engineering Construction Standardization Association.
After 40 years of development, the Association has become an important influence in the field of domestic engineering construction standardization, engaged in standard formulation and revision, research on standard chemistry, publicity and implementation training, technical consultation, editing and publishing information service Professional social groups engaged in international exchanges and cooperation. It has established cooperative relations with many international, regional and national standardization organizations and has a certain influence in the world.
On July 1, 2023, the founding meeting of Ecological Landscape and Landscape Architecture Professional Committee of China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization will be held in Beijing Successfully held. [3]
On August 14, 2023, the founding meeting of the Rural Human Settlements Committee of China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization [4]
On November 26, 2023, the Smart Property, Equipment and Facilities Professional Committee of China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization was established. [6-7]
On December 17, 2023, the inaugural meeting of the Professional Committee of Rural Planning and Industrial Revitalization of China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization, "Multi dimensional Integration, Create a Future Together", was successfully held in Beijing. [8]
In June 2024, the Engineering Consulting Professional Committee of China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization was established. [9]

Main functions


Organization purpose

with Deng Xiaoping Theory And the important thought of "Three Represents", adhere to and implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, abide by China's Constitution, laws, regulations and relevant national policies, comply with social morality, adhere to the requirements of improving the socialist market economy system and building a harmonious socialist society, adhere to the service as the purpose, and unite forces in all aspects of engineering construction, Unite and organize the national standardization authors, actively carry out the standardization activities of engineering construction, reflect the demands of members, strengthen industry self-discipline, improve the scientific and technological level of engineering construction standardization in China and the quality of standardization authors, promote the healthy development of engineering construction standardization, and contribute to the construction of a well-off society in an all-round way.

scope of business

China Engineering Construction Standardization Association
(1) Propaganda and popularization of engineering construction standardization knowledge;
(2) Accept the entrustment of government departments, organize the formulation of recommended national standards for engineering construction, and organize the qualification assessment and recommendation of engineering construction products
(3) Organize the formulation and management of standards of the Engineering Construction Association;
(4) Organize members to participate in the formulation, review, publicity and implementation of national standards, industrial standards and local standards for engineering construction and relevant scientific research;
(5) Accept entrustment and assist enterprises in preparing enterprise standards;
(6) Organize and carry out engineering construction standard chemistry activities;
(7) Organize and carry out engineering construction standardization training;
(8) Edit the edition of the Association's journal "Standardization of Engineering Construction" and books and materials related to engineering construction standardization;
(9) Organize and carry out engineering construction standardization services, including engineering construction standardization technical consultation, project demonstration and achievement evaluation.
(10) Develop friendly exchanges with relevant non-governmental organizations in Hong Kong, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan. Organize and carry out international cooperation and exchanges on project construction standardization, and participate in international standardization activities;
(11) Safeguard the rights and interests of the authors of engineering construction standardization, and reflect their opinions and requirements to the relevant departments;
(12) Provide engineering construction standardization information and policy suggestions to the competent business department.

organization structure


Members of the Board

The Association has a council and a standing council, which are now the seventh council. There were 333 directors and 120 executive directors in the 7th Council. The leaders of the 7th Council are as follows:
Consultant: Xu Yiping, Yuan New, Wang Deyan
Chairman: Wang Delou
Executive Vice President: Zhang Zhixin [8]
Vice Chairman: Jiao Zhanshuan, Huang Qiang, Sun Ying, Mu Xiangchun, Rong Shili Milong
Liu Zhiming, Zhang Jinquan, Sun Ziyu, Yue Qingrui, Xu Jian, Jiang Yuan
Zhou Zeping, Li Guoqiang, Wang Cungui, Li Zheng, Yang Shichao
Secretary General: Jiao Zhanshuan (concurrently)
Deputy Secretary General: Cai Cheng Junguo Zhonghe [1]
Deputy Director: Li Wenjuan [8]

Institutional responsibilities

The daily office of the Association is the Secretariat. The Secretariat consists of an office, a technical standards department, an education and training department, a consulting service department, and a journal editorial department. The Association also has working institutions - Academic Committee, Expert Committee, and holding economic entity - Beijing CSCB Network Technology Co., Ltd.
The Association has 46 branches, including 36 professional committees and 10 branches. The mission of the branch is to specifically carry out various business work of the Association within the scope of relevant professions or industries, and develop unit members and individual members of the Association.
1、 Office
1. Draft the annual work plan, work summary and official documents of the Association;
2. Responsible for the management of personnel, labor and welfare of the Association;
China Engineering Construction Standardization Association
3. Be responsible for the financial management of the Association, and prepare and implement various fund budgets and year-end accounts of the Association;
4. Be responsible for the management of the documents and archives of the Association and the seal of the Association;
5. Be responsible for the preparation and affairs of the association meeting;
6. Be responsible for the membership management of the Association and the construction and organizational management of its branches;
7. Responsible for foreign affairs of the Association;
8. Be responsible for the daily affairs of the Association such as party affairs and trade unions;
9. Be responsible for the specific work assigned by the leaders of the Association.
2、 Technical Standards Department
1. Be responsible for the planning and preparation of the Association's standards, and organize the formulation, revision, review and approval of the Association's standards;
2. Be responsible for the management, interpretation and coordination of the Association's standards;
3. Be responsible for the publication and distribution of association standards;
4. Study and formulate relevant management systems for standard preparation;
5. Participate in the preparation of national standards and industrial standards for engineering construction and related activities;
6. Accept the entrustment and be responsible for organizing the editing and review of engineering construction standards;
7. Guide branches to develop and revise standards.
3、 Education and Training Department
1. Be responsible for the preparation, approval and implementation of the training plan;
2. Be responsible for the publicity, implementation and training of engineering construction standards;
3. Responsible for carrying out engineering construction standardization vocational education, technical training, academic exchanges and forums;
4. Be responsible for the training related to the qualification examination and continuing education in the construction field;
5. Organize the compilation of relevant training materials, technical manuals and academic exchange results;
6. Contact and guide the publicity, implementation and training of branches;
7. Guide and supervise the work of the Training Center of China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization.
4、 Consulting Service Department
1. Organize technical consultation and academic exchange of engineering construction standards;
2. Organize the construction product conformity assessment and high-quality product recommendation;
3. Be responsible for the promotion, application and demonstration of new technologies, new products and new materials;
4. Promote standardized information services for project construction;
5. Organize the study, exchange and cooperation of international standardization activities;
6. Contact and guide branches to carry out technical advisory services.
5、 Journal Editorial Department
1. Be responsible for soliciting articles, soliciting contributions and editing of Engineering Construction Standardization;
2. Be responsible for subscription, publication and distribution of periodicals;
3. Be responsible for handling the annual inspection of journals and the review of advertising business licenses;
4. Organize advertising business;
5. Publicize project construction standardization activities.

Articles of Association

Articles of Association of China Engineering Construction Standardization Association
general provisions
Article 1 The name of the Association is China Engineering Construction Standardization Association (hereinafter referred to as China Construction Standardization Association). The English translation is China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization (CECS).
Article 2 The China Association for Engineering Construction Standardization (hereinafter referred to as the Association) is a national social organization with the legal person status of an association formed voluntarily by units, organizations and individuals engaged in engineering construction standardization, and is a professional association engaged in engineering construction standardization activities. The Association is a non-profit social organization approved by the Ministry of Construction and registered by the Ministry of Civil Affairs.
Article 3 The purpose of the Association is to: Deng Xiaoping Theory And the important thought of "Three Represents", adhere to and implement the Scientific Outlook on Development, abide by China's Constitution, laws, regulations, guidelines and policies, adhere to the requirements of improving the socialist market economy system and building a harmonious socialist society, adhere to the service as the purpose, reflect the demands of standardization workers, and regulate the self-discipline of members, Unite and organize the authors of national engineering construction standardization, actively carry out engineering construction standardization activities, promote the development of engineering construction standardization, and contribute to building a well-off society in an all-round way.
Article 4 The Association accepts the guidance, supervision and management of the competent business department, the Ministry of Construction and the civil affairs department, the registration and management organ of associations.
Article 5 The office address of the Association is located at No. 9, Sanlihe Road, Haidian District, Beijing.
Chapter II Business Scope
Article 6 The business scope of the Association is:
Propaganda and popularization of engineering construction standardization knowledge; To accept the entrustment of government departments and organize the formulation of recommended national standards for project construction; Organize the formulation and management of standards of the Engineering Construction Association; Organize members to participate in the formulation, review, publicity and implementation of national standards, industrial standards and local standards for engineering construction and relevant scientific research; Accept entrustment and assist enterprises in preparing enterprise standards; Organize and carry out engineering construction standard chemistry activities; Organize and carry out engineering construction standardization training; Edit the edition of the Association's journal "Standardization of Engineering Construction" and books and materials related to engineering construction standardization; Organize and carry out engineering construction standardization services, including engineering construction standardization technical consultation, project demonstration and achievement appraisal, engineering construction product conformity assessment and recommendation, etc. Develop friendly exchanges with relevant non-governmental organizations in Hong Kong, Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan. Organize and carry out international cooperation and exchanges on project construction standardization, and participate in international standardization activities; Establish economic entities related to the standardization of engineering construction and carry out business activities according to law; Safeguard the rights and interests of the authors of engineering construction standardization, and reflect their opinions and requirements to the relevant departments; Provide standardized information and policy suggestions for government business departments.
Chapter III Members
Article 7 The members of the Association are divided into unit members and individual members.
Individual members:
Engaged in the standardization of engineering construction, with certain technical level or management experience, and contributed to the research of engineering construction standard chemistry and the formulation and implementation of standards. Unit member:
Engineering construction standardization management organizations at all levels, enterprises and institutions, colleges and universities, scientific research institutes and other relevant units. Group members:
Local social organizations engaged in standardization of engineering construction.
Article 8 Members who apply to join the Association must meet the following conditions:
Support the Articles of Association of the Association; Units or individuals voluntarily apply; Have influence in the field; Actively participate in the work of the Association; Enthusiastically support the standardization of engineering construction.
Article 9 The procedures for membership are as follows:
Submit the application for membership, and individual members can directly apply to the branch of the Association or the Association; Unit members can directly apply to the Association or its branches; Group members can apply directly to the Association. Individual members shall be approved by the branch authorized by the Council of the Association and reported to the Secretariat of the Association for filing; Unit members and group members are approved by the Council of the Association; The Secretariat of the Association will handle the membership procedures and issue membership cards.
Article 10 Members of the Association enjoy the following rights:
The right to vote, stand for election and vote of the Association; Have the right to participate in various activities organized by the Association and enjoy preferential treatment; Give priority to the information of the Association and the books, periodicals and literature materials edited and published by the Association; The right to criticize, suggest and supervise the work of the Association; Voluntary membership and free withdrawal.
Article 11 Members of the Association shall perform the following obligations:
Abide by the Articles of Association and implement the resolutions of the Association; To safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the Association; Actively participate in the activities of the Association and complete the work assigned by the Association; Actively participate in the standardization work of project construction, study problems, write articles, and put forward suggestions; Report to the Association and provide relevant information; Pay membership dues according to regulations.
Article 12 The group members of the Association shall maintain daily contact with the Association; Unit members shall maintain daily contact with corresponding branches; Individual members shall maintain daily contact with relevant branches.
Article 13 Members of the Association shall notify the Secretariat of the Association in writing and return their membership cards after obtaining the consent of the corresponding branch office to apply for withdrawal from the Association. A member who fails to perform his obligations or fails to pay his membership dues for two consecutive years without any reason shall be deemed to have automatically withdrawn from the membership.
Article 14 Any member who violates the criminal law or seriously violates the Articles of Association shall be expelled and his membership card withdrawn by the Council.
Chapter IV Selection and Removal of Organizational Structure and Responsible Persons
Article 15 The highest authority of the Association is the member congress. The functions and powers of the members' congress are:
Formulate and amend the Articles of Association; Elect and remove directors; Review the work report and financial report of the Council; Decide on termination; Decide on other major issues. Article 16 The members' congress can be convened only when more than two thirds of the representatives are present, and its resolution can take effect only when more than half of the members' representatives present vote.
Article 17 The members' congress shall be held for four years. If the term of office needs to be changed in advance or postponed due to special circumstances, it must be voted by the Council, reported to the competent business department and approved by the society registration authority.
Article 18 The Council is the executive body of the General Assembly of Members, leading the Association in its daily work when the General Assembly of Members is not in session, and is responsible for the General Assembly of Members.
Article 19 The responsibilities of the Council of the Association are:
Implement the resolutions of the General Assembly of Members; Elect and remove the chairman, vice chairmen and secretary-general; To prepare for the convening of the General Assembly of Member Representatives; Report work and financial status to the member congress; To decide on the admission or expulsion of members; To decide on the establishment of offices, branches and working organizations; To decide on the appointment of the Deputy Secretary General; To lead the work of all institutions of the Association; Formulate the internal management system of the Association; Deliberate and confirm the change of directors or executive directors when the member congress is not in session; Decide on other major issues. Article 20 The board of directors can be convened only when more than two thirds of the directors are present, and its resolution can take effect only after being voted by more than two thirds of the directors present at the meeting.
Article 21 The Board of Directors shall hold a meeting once a year. In special circumstances, it can also be held in other forms such as communication.
Article 22 The Association sets up a standing council. The number of standing directors is one third of the number of directors, elected by the council. When the council is not in session, it exercises the functions and powers of Article 19, Items 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, and is responsible for the council.
Article 23 The standing council can be convened only when more than two thirds of the executive directors are present, and its resolution can take effect only after being voted by more than two thirds of the executive directors present at the meeting.
Article 24 The Standing Council shall hold one or two meetings every year, or in other forms such as communication.
Article 25 The Association shall set up branches and working organizations according to the needs of carrying out standardization activities of engineering construction and with the approval of the competent business department and the registration administration authority. The branches of the Association are divided into professional committees and branches. Branches and working organizations are part of the Association and do not have legal personality.
Article 26 The Chairman, Vice Chairman and Secretary General of the Association must meet the following conditions:
Adhere to the Party's line, principles and policies, and have good political quality; It has great influence in the business field of the Association; The maximum age of the Chairman and Vice Chairman shall not exceed 70 years old, and the maximum age of the Secretary General shall not exceed 65 years old; Good health, able to work normally; Not subject to criminal punishment of deprivation of political rights; Having full civil capacity; Enthusiastic in the work of the Association. Article 27 If the president, vice president and secretary general of the Association exceed the maximum age, they can take office only after being voted by the board of directors, reported to the competent business department for review, and approved by the society registration authority.
Article 28 The term of office of the president, vice president and secretary-general of the Association shall be four years, and the longest term shall not exceed two. If the term of office needs to be extended due to special circumstances, it shall be approved by more than two-thirds of the members' representatives in the member representative assembly, reported to the competent business department for review, and approved by the society registration authority before taking office.
Article 29 The President of the Association is the legal representative of the Association. The legal representative of the Association shall not concurrently serve as the legal representative of other social organizations.
Article 30 The chairman of the Association shall exercise the following functions and powers:
Convene and preside over the Council Standing Council Office meeting of the chairman of the board of directors;; Check the implementation of resolutions of the member congress, the council and the standing council; Sign relevant important documents on behalf of the Association; Decide on the main responsible persons of each office, branch, working organization and entity; Handle major issues in the implementation of the Articles of Association. Article 31 The Secretary General of the Association shall exercise the following rights:
Preside over the daily work of the secretariat of the Association and organize the implementation of the annual work plan; Coordinate the work of all branches, working institutions and entities; Nominate the Deputy Secretary General and submit it to the Council or the Standing Council for decision; Nominate the main principals of each office, branch, working organization and entity; Decides on the employment of full-time staff of the Secretariat; Handle other daily affairs.
Chapter V Principles of Asset Management and Use
Article 32 The sources of funds of the Association are:
Membership dues; Loss and donation from social organizations, enterprises, institutions and individuals; Government funding; Income from activities or services carried out within the approved business scope; Income of the economic entity; Other legitimate income. Article 33 The Association collects membership fees in accordance with relevant national regulations, and the standard of membership fees must be approved by the member congress before implementation.
Article 34 The funds of the Association must be used for the business scope and career development specified in Article 6, and shall not be distributed among members.
Article 35 The Association shall establish strict Financial management system Ensure that the accounting materials are legal, true, accurate and complete.
Article 36 The Association is staffed with accountants with professional qualifications. The accountant shall not concurrently serve as the cashier. Accountants must conduct accounting and exercise accounting supervision. When the accounting personnel are transferred or resigned, they must go through the handover procedures with the receiver.
Article 37 The assets management of the Association must implement the financial management system stipulated by the state. Accept the supervision of the member congress and the financial department. If the source of assets belongs to the state appropriation or social donation or subsidy, it must be subject to the supervision of the audit institution, and the relevant information must be disclosed to the public in an appropriate way.
Article 38 The Association must accept the financial audit organized by the association registration administration authority and the competent business department before changing its term of office or legal representative.
Article 39 No unit or individual may misappropriate, privately divide or misappropriate the assets of the Association.
Article 40 The salary, insurance, welfare, etc. of the full-time staff of the Association shall be subject to the relevant national regulations.
Chapter VI Amendment and Procedures of the Articles of Association
Article 41 The amendment to the Articles of Association of the Association shall be reported to the members' congress for deliberation after being voted by the Council.
Article 42 The revised Articles of Association of the Association shall be submitted to the competent business department for review and approval within 15 days after being approved by the member representative meeting, and shall come into force after being submitted to the society registration authority for approval.
Chapter VII Termination Procedures and Property Disposal after Termination
Article 43 The Council or the Standing Council shall put forward a motion for termination when the Association completes the tasks specified in the purpose or dissolves on its own or needs to be cancelled due to separation, merger or other reasons.
Article 44 The motion of termination of the Association must be voted by the members' congress and reported to the competent business department for approval.
Article 45 Before the termination of the Association, a liquidation organization shall be established under the guidance of the competent business department and relevant authorities to clear up claims and debts and deal with the aftermath. During liquidation, activities other than liquidation shall not be carried out.
Article 46 The Association shall be terminated upon the cancellation of registration by the society registration authority.
Article 47 The remaining property after the termination of the Association shall be used for the development of the undertakings related to the purposes of the Association under the supervision of the competent business department and the registration and management organ of the association and in accordance with the relevant national regulations.
Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions
Article 48 The Articles of Association was adopted by the sixth members' congress on April 26, 2007.
Article 49 The right to interpret the Articles of Association belongs to the Council of the Association.
Article 50 The Articles of Association shall come into force as of the date of approval by the registration authority of the association. [2]