Encyclopedia of China

China's first large-scale comprehensive encyclopedia
zero Useful+1
China Encyclopedia 》It is the first large-scale production in China General encyclopedia , by China encyclopedia The Chief Editorial Committee organized compilation, China Encyclopedia Press Publication.
The first edition (74 volumes in total) was published in 1993, with 77859 entries, 125.68 million words in total, covering philosophy social sciences , literature and art cultural education , natural science, engineering technology and other 66 disciplines and fields.
Chinese name
Encyclopedia of China
Publication time
September 18, 1993
China Encyclopedia Press
nine trillion and seven hundred and eighty-seven billion five hundred million seventy-nine thousand five hundred and eighty-three [5]
General encyclopedia
16 ON
Number of volumes
74 volumes

Book process

Since ancient times, China has a tradition of editing category books. Over the past two thousand years, it has published more than 400 kinds of books of different sizes. These books are our country's cultural heritage They have collected, sorted out and preserved the treasures of Chinese dynasties scientific culture Important materials in ancient books. Some of the earlier category books have been lost, but there are also many books that have been circulated or partially circulated to this day. These books are cherished by Chinese and world scholars. Various types of books have different systems, which are more or less close to the type of encyclopedia, but are not encyclopedias in modern sense. [1]
In the middle of the 18th century, when China was compiling《 Complete Library of Four Branches of Books 》When, Western Europe France, Germany, Britain, Italy and other countries have edited and published modern encyclopedias. Later, the United States, Russia, Japan and other countries also published such books. Modern encyclopedias briefly outline the past knowledge and history of mankind, and focus on reflecting the latest achievements of contemporary science and culture. Over the past two hundred years, various countries have accumulated rich experience in editing encyclopedias Knowledge classification , editing method, picture configuration retrieval system And other aspects are increasingly complete and scientific. Today, encyclopedias have played a very important role in human cultural activities specialty The encyclopedia of necessity
Chinese intellectuals, who have always had the tradition of editing encyclopedias, have long regarded editing modern encyclopedias as their goal. At the beginning of the 20th century, some people tried out several small practical encyclopedias, including similar encyclopedic dictionaries《 unabridged dictionary 》。 However, none of these books meets the requirements of modern encyclopedias.
At the beginning of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the General Administration of Publication at that time considered publishing the Chinese encyclopedia Cultural development The twelve year plan also included the editing and publishing of encyclopedias in the plan. In 1958, the plan to carry out this work was put forward, but it was not realized.
The compilation and publication of Encyclopedia of China is an important basic project for China's scientific and cultural undertakings. It was not until 1978 that the State Council decided to edit and publish the Encyclopedia of China and established China Encyclopedia Press Since then, various sub volumes of the first edition of Encyclopedia of China have been published successively. By 1993, 74 volumes of all disciplines in the book had been published. [1]
In 1978, the General Editorial Committee of the Encyclopedia of China and the Encyclopedia of China Press organized more than 20000 experts and scholars to select the best and use the best. It took 15 years to compile the Encyclopedia of China. After its publication, the book was highly recommended by the academic community and readers, and won the honorary award of the first National Book Award in 1994. [1] [3]
The second edition of Encyclopedia of China was approved by the State Council in December 1995. Later, the General Administration of Press and Publication listed it as a national priority during the Ninth Five Year Plan and the Tenth Five Year Plan Book publishing Planning and organizing the establishment of Zhou Guangzhao Chief Editorial Committee of Encyclopedia of China (Second Edition). In 2006, the Outline of the National Cultural Development Plan for the 11th Five Year Plan Period listed Encyclopedia of China as a "major national publishing project". In August 2009, Encyclopedia of China (second edition) was published.
Encyclopedia of China (Third Edition) 》(Five volumes in paper version), published by Encyclopedia of China Press, Encyclopedia of China (Third Edition) (online version: first batch of entries), published by Encyclopedia of China Press. [4]
 Encyclopedia of China Encyclopedia of China
Encyclopedia of China

Content description


first edition

The first edition of Encyclopedia of China was published in volumes according to the classification of disciplines, which was a balancing act under the historical conditions at that time. Due to the urgent requirements of all sectors of society in the 1980s and 1990s, we cannot wait for the data of various disciplines to be collected completely before compiling and publishing; Nor can we wait for all the entries of each discipline to be compiled into a complete book in the order of the Chinese phonetic alphabet of the entries. We can only invite experts and scholars from all over the country to compile the book separately according to the category, and publish it in separate volumes according to the classification of disciplines, that is, to complete the compilation of a discipline (one volume or several volumes), and then publish separate volumes of a discipline, so that the book will come out in succession.
Hu Qiaomu served as the director of the chief editorial committee of Encyclopedia of China, and Jiang Chunfang and Mei Yi successively served as the chief editors. The encyclopedia was published in August 1993. In 1994, he won the honorary award of the first National Book Award. The book is published in 74 volumes according to disciplines or knowledge categories, and introduces scientific knowledge and basic facts comprehensively, systematically and generally in the form of entries. It covers 66 disciplines and fields including philosophy, social science, literature and art, culture and education, natural science, engineering technology, etc. A total of 77859 entries, 125.68 million words in total, were received, and a proper amount of accompanying black and white charts, line charts and color inserts were attached, suitable for readers with high school education or above. More than 20000 experts and scholars in China participated in the writing. The entries of each subject are arranged in the order of Chinese phonetic alphabet. At present, there is a general article introducing the content of the subject volume in the main body, and an entry classification catalog reflecting the subject system is attached. After the text entry, there is a chronology of events that have a significant impact on the development of the discipline, and the Chinese character stroke index, foreign language index, and content index of the entries for searching. There is a complete reference system for entries in the volume, and some entries are attached with a bibliography.
The 74 volume bibliography of Encyclopedia of China is Philosophy I and II; Religion; Chinese History I, II, III; Foreign History I and II; Political Science; Law; Military I, II; Economics I, II, III; Finance · Taxation · Finance · Price; Sociology; The Nation; Archaeology; Cultural Relics · Museum; Chinese Literature I and II; Foreign Literature I and II; Fine Arts I and II; Music Dance; Drama; Opera - Quyi; Film; Language; Library Science, Information Science and Archives Science; Education; Sports; Press and Publication; Chinese Geography; World Geography; Mathematics; Physics I, II; Mechanics; Chemistry I, II; Astronomy; Atmospheric Science, Marine Science and Hydrological Science; Solid Geophysics, Surveying and Mapping, Space Science; Geography; Geology; Environmental Science; Biology I, II, III; Modern Medicine I, II; Chinese Traditional Medicine; Psychology; Agriculture I and II; Mining and Metallurgy; Mechanical Engineering I and II; Electrician; Electronics and Computer I, II; Automatic Control and System Engineering; Chemical Engineering; Light Industry; Textile; Civil Engineering; Architecture · Garden · Urban Planning; Water Conservancy; Traffic; Aerospace; General Index. [1] [3] [7]

Second edition

Encyclopedia of China (Second Edition) is a comprehensive encyclopedia that comprehensively introduces human knowledge in various disciplines. The book conforms to the requirements of the times, adapts to social changes, explains in simple terms, and explains accurately and scientifically. It is a practical reference book suitable for the public and serves the society, and is a basic construction for the development of China's scientific and cultural undertakings. At the same time, the book is also China's first set of large-scale modern comprehensive encyclopedias in line with international practices.
Encyclopedia of China (Second Edition) has a total volume of 32 volumes (30 volumes of text, 2 volumes of index), with 60000 entries, about 60 million words, 30000 illustrations, and about 1000 maps. The content of the whole book is written in the form of entries. On the basis of inheriting the compilation principles and compilation concepts of the first edition, the article setting and writing pay more attention to the comprehensiveness and retrieval. The introduction of knowledge not only adheres to the academic nature and accuracy, but also strives to make it easy to understand, readable, and suitable for the inspection and reading of readers with medium and above educational levels. This encyclopedic reference book provides a bridge and ladder for readers in all fields of society to comprehensively use existing knowledge achievements of mankind and continue to make innovations.
The Encyclopedia of China (Second Edition) was officially approved by the State Council in December 1995. Later, the General Administration of Press and Publication listed it in the "Ninth Five Year Plan" and "Tenth Five Year Plan" national key book publishing plan, and organized the establishment of the General Editorial Committee of Encyclopedia of China (Second Edition) with Zhou Guangzhao as the director. In 2006, the Outline of the National Cultural Development Plan for the 11th Five Year Plan Period listed Encyclopedia of China as a "major national publishing project". Under the leadership of the Chief Editorial Committee headed by Zhou Guangzhao, experts and scholars from all walks of life across the country have finally completed this imperial masterpiece after more than ten years of efforts.
The second edition of Encyclopedia of China is a revised and re edited edition of the first edition. It is a new generation of encyclopedia that reflects the national scientific and cultural level in the 21st century. The book includes the basic knowledge of philosophy, social science, literature and art, culture and education, natural science, engineering technology, military science and other disciplines and fields throughout the ages. It not only covers the scientific and cultural achievements of all mankind, but also pays attention to the inheritance of the historical and cultural heritage and scientific and technological achievements of all ethnic groups in China. In particular, it fully reflects the important achievements made by the Chinese people in the process of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, and has formed an encyclopedia of knowledge with distinctive Chinese characteristics and styles.
Encyclopedia of China (Second Edition) follows the general practice of encyclopedia compilation in the contemporary world. The first edition was published in volumes according to the classification of disciplines, which was a balancing act under the historical conditions at that time. The arrangement of Quanshu (Second Edition) is in accordance with the international practice. All the entries and titles of the book are arranged according to their Chinese phonetic order, which is more convenient for readers to search and consult. In this sense, it is the first large-scale modern comprehensive encyclopedia in line with international practice in China. [7]
The period from 1995 to 2009, when the Encyclopedia of China (Second Edition) was compiled, was a historical turning point for China to complete the transition from a planned economy to a socialist market economy, from a closed and semi closed economy to an all-round open economy; It is a period when China's comprehensive national strength has reached a new level, the people's life has generally reached a well-off level, and the people's spiritual and cultural needs are growing day by day; It is a period when the construction of socialist core value system and the construction of Marxist ideology and theory have achieved important results; It is a period when social harmony and stability are consolidated and developed, the great cause of peaceful reunification of the motherland has taken significant steps, and all-round diplomacy has made significant achievements. At the same time, these years are also a period of great changes and adjustments in the world, irreversible multi polarization, in-depth development of economic globalization, accelerated advancement of scientific and technological revolution, and emerging global and regional cooperation; It is a time of frequent local conflicts and hot issues in the world, increasing global economic imbalances, widening gap between North and South, intertwined traditional and non-traditional security threats, and many challenges to world peace and development. The overall content of Encyclopedia of China (Second Edition) tries to reflect the new changes at home and abroad, the new pattern of politics and economy, the new development of ideology and culture, the new achievements of science and technology, and the new demands of work and life.
Encyclopedia of China (Second Edition) focuses on Chinese content and highlights Chinese characteristics when comprehensively introducing all human knowledge. First, the book tries to make a comprehensive summary of China's mainstream culture, including Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of "Three Represents", the Scientific Outlook on Development, socialism with Chinese characteristics, socialist market economy, the theory of the primary stage of socialism, reform and opening up, economic system reform, the Four Cardinal Principles, one country, two systems and other important items. Secondly, the book strives to comprehensively summarize the latest achievements in the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics, including the Three Gorges Water Control Project, the South to North Water Diversion Project, Ertan Hydropower Station, the 29th Olympic Games, the National Stadium, the National Grand Theater, the Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge, Yangpu Bridge, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower, the Hangzhou Bay Sea Crossing Bridge and other items. Thirdly, the book also tries to make a comprehensive summary of China's highest scientific and cultural achievements, including a large number of items such as China's lunar exploration project, the Chang'e project, and the Shenzhou spacecraft.
The Encyclopedia of China (Second Edition) not only has distinctive Chinese characteristics and style, attaches importance to the introduction of the historical and cultural heritage, scientific and technological achievements and various aspects of the situation of all ethnic groups in China, fully elaborates the theoretical and practical achievements of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, but also reflects the latest achievements and development of world science and culture in recent years, as well as the new pattern of international relations New changes in the international situation. The content is concise, covering both the past and the modern; Both looking at the world and focusing on China; It not only pays attention to the foundation, but also pays attention to the frontier, providing a complete knowledge system for readers.
The Encyclopedia of China (Second Edition) is a set of necessary reference books. It is accurate, authoritative, readable, easy to understand, and easy to retrieve. It is not only a comprehensive and systematic reflection of the latest level of national scientific and cultural development, but also a new generation of encyclopedias that fully reflects the important achievements made in the process of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, It is also a set of practical reference books suitable for the public to read and use and serve the economic and social development. It not only provides a comprehensive knowledge reserve for the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development, but also helps to improve the scientific and cultural quality of the whole people. It will play an important role in promoting reform and opening up and building an innovative society. Therefore, the publication of Encyclopedia of China (Second Edition) is of great significance for building a socialist core value system, improving the national scientific and cultural level, and continuing to promote reform and opening up and innovation in various undertakings. [7]
Encyclopedia of China (the second edition of the collection) [8]

Third edition

Encyclopedia of China (Third Edition) 》Yes New era A major cultural project in China, which not only publishes the traditional paper version, but also keeps pace with the times to compile and launch conveniently Easy to check Web version of. The online version covers 13 major Disciplines 94 first level executive disciplines, with a total of 500000 items. The paper version is published by subject volume, and items are selected and reorganized from the online version to form the scientific core system framework of each subject Index system Professional large reference book. The first batch of online version released 210000 articles, and the paper version has been published in 5 volumes. [4]
The third edition of Encyclopedia of China has recently been released in a centralized manner, with 500000 online entries and 10 volumes of paper books published. Some English entries with Chinese themes have been revised and updated, marking the successful completion of the main construction task of the third edition of Encyclopedia, a major national cultural publishing project in the new era.
The compilation and publication of the third edition of the encyclopedia adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, earnestly implement the important directive spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and comply with the socialist core values Internet technology New reform, new trend of integrated development of publishing, gathering experts from science and technology, social science and other fields, systematically summarizing the latest achievements of science and culture in various fields at home and abroad, and striving to build a knowledge treasure house with Chinese characteristics and international influence.
It is understood that the three editions of the encyclopedia take the online edition as the main body, compile and publish the online edition and the paper edition simultaneously, and launch Moderate scale The foreign language version was officially launched in 2014, the first batch of items will be released in July 2021, and will be centrally released at the end of December 2022. Nearly 30000 experts, scholars, researchers and others participated in the compilation and publication of the third edition of the encyclopedia nationwide, and adhered to the principles of integrity and innovation, seeking truth from facts Open and inclusive Adhere to the high-end academic taste, firmly establish the awareness of high-quality products, and carefully polish and tackle key problems with the determination of grinding a sword for ten years. Among the centrally released items, 500000 online items are about 500 million words in total, divided into professional edition , special edition and popular edition, covering all knowledge categories and First level discipline , compiled according to 94 executive disciplines and nearly 100 topics, Accompanying text There are 200000 pictures, more than 300000 formula tables, 30000 videos (about 100000 minutes), 2400 audio clips (about 10000 minutes), 150 animations (about 500 minutes), and knowledge links, which are rich in content and diverse in form, and convenient for readers to browse and learn. 10 volumes of hard copy including《 Mining and Metallurgical Engineering 》Psychology, Traditional Opera, Information Science《 nuclear technology 》《 Agricultural resources and environment 》《 Horticulture 》Library Science《 veterinary medicine 》Traffic and Transportation Engineering is carefully compiled from the online items, and paper versions of other disciplines will be launched in succession. 1000 Chinese themed English entries involving Chinese excellence traditional culture , Chinese style modernization, self-reliance in science and technology, etc Tell Chinese stories well Spread the voice of China.
The head of China Encyclopedia Press said that as a new type of online encyclopedia, the third edition of Encyclopedia will actively adapt Network era Dynamic update trend of content, follow the rule of encyclopedia publishing, carefully study and absorb opinions and suggestions from all parties after centralized release, timely enrich and improve the content of items, and further innovate Communication mode , optimize the website function experience, better meet the readers' high-quality, diversified and personalized learning Reading needs [6]



first edition

Volume 74 of the first edition of Encyclopedia of China is:
Philosophy I and II;
Chinese History I, II, III;
Foreign History I and II;
Political Science; Law;
Military I, II;
Economics I, II, III;
Finance · Taxation · Finance · Price;
The Nation;
Cultural Relics · Museum;
Chinese Literature I and II;
Foreign Literature I and II;
Fine Arts I and II;
Music Dance;
Opera - Quyi;
Languages 》;
Library Science· informatics · archives 》;
Sports 》;
World Geography 》;
mathematics 》;
Physics I, II;
Dynamics 》;
Chemistry I, II;
Atmospheric science · marine science ·Hydrology Science;
Solid geophysics ·Surveying and Mapping · Space Science;
geography 》;
geology 》;
Biology I, II, III;
modern medicine 》Ⅰ、Ⅱ;
Agriculture I and II;
Mining and Metallurgy;
Mechanical Engineering I and II;
Electronics and Computer 》Ⅰ、Ⅱ;
Automatic Control and System Engineering;
Chemical Engineering;
light industry 》;
Civil Engineering;
Architecture · Garden · Urban Planning;
Water Conservancy;
General Index.

Second edition

Text: 1 ‐ 1 ~ 30 ‐ 296
Chronology of World Events
Brief Table of Countries (Regions) in the World.................................... 30 ‐ 353 ~ 30 ‐ 379
Chronological Table of Chinese History
List of Nobel Prize Winners.................................... 30 ‐ 442 ~ 30 ‐ 460
List of academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
List of academicians of Chinese Academy of Engineering
World Heritage List.................................... 30 ‐ 482 ~ 30 ‐ 508
List of National Key Cultural Relics Protection Units.................................... 30 ‐ 509 ~ 30 ‐ 561
National Intangible Cultural Heritage List.................................... 30 ‐ 562 ~ 30 ‐ 581
Legal Measurement Unit of the People's Republic of China
Comparison and Conversion Table of Common Illegal Measurement Units and Legal Measurement Units............ 30 ‐ 583 ~ 30 ‐ 587
Table of Mathematical Symbols.......................................................... 30 ‐ 588 ~ 30 ‐ 600
Entry Title Chinese Character Stroke Index.................................... 31 ‐ 1 ~ 31 ‐ 337
Index of Foreign Language Headings of Entries.................................... 31 ‐ 338 ~ 31 ‐ 712
Content index............................................................... 31 ‐ 713 ~ 32 ‐ 989
Attachment: Comparison Table of Translated Foreigners' Names.................................... 32 ‐ 990 ~ 32 ‐ 1119 [7]

Graphic data

Picture and text of Encyclopedia of China, which was produced in 1995 and launched in October 1999 Data CD , 74 volumes of books in 24 CDs, with Catalog retrieval Subject words Directory retrieval , Pinyin directory search, foreign language directory search Fuzzy retrieval More than ten kinds Retrieval function
DISK01: Cultural relics, museums and libraries· informatics · archives , News · Publishing
The volume of Cultural Relics · Museum has 1920 entries, 1113 illustrations and more than 2.32 million words. Cultural relics include Introduction to Cultural Relics History of Cultural Relics Protection Cultural relics protection technology Chinese cultural relics of previous dynasties, key protected sites and foreign cultural relics; The museum section includes Museology , Museum History Museum Collection Identification, protection and display, Museum building , equipment and management, Chinese and foreign museums, etc.
The volume of Library Science, Information Science and Archives Science has 1200 entries, 578 illustrations and more than 1.79 million words. The library part includes philology bibliography Librarianship Document resource construction And management library services and Modern Library Technology Information science includes information theory Information technology And business intelligence system and Information undertaking The archival science part includes the basic theory of archival science, archival management, archival literature compilation, and archives Protection technology , philology and History of Archives Etc.
The volume of News · Publishing has 1619 entries, 758 illustrations and 1.56 million words. journalism The scientific part includes basic concepts of journalism, China journalism Foreign journalism and news communication applied technology And management; The publication section includes Editology , printing Book Distribution , China Publishing History Publishing Industry of the People's Republic of China Foreign Publishing History and Foreign Countries Publishing
DISK02: Language · Character, Education, Sports
The volume of Language and Characters includes 924 entries, 515 illustrations, and 1.5 million words. The content includes linguistics languages of the world Chinese nationalities Languages , Chinese Phonology Chinese exegetics Chinese graphology Character reform Chinese grammar Rhetoric, Classical Chinese and Applied Linguistics
The volume of Education includes 774 entries, 688 illustrations and 1.49 million words, including Educational Science , pedagogy educational psychology education management , Chinese education and foreign education.
The volume of Sports includes 763 entries, 1187 illustrations and 1.59 million words. Including sports Basic discipline History of sports Modern China Sports Mass sports, various sports International sports organizations With the Games, countries Sports Overview Etc.
DISK03: Chinese history , Foreign History
The volume of Chinese History includes 2586 entries, 2312 illustrations and 4.29 million words. The whole volume insists on reflecting history dialectically and materialistically, strives for truth, and does not comment on people and events; For academic fields that have flourished in recent decades, such as socio-economic history National history History of Sino foreign relations historical geography And so on. The illustrations in this volume are quite distinctive. Try to use the materials from earlier works and new archaeological discoveries.
The volume of Foreign History includes 2492 entries, 1222 illustrations, 63 maps, and more than 3.33 million words. This volume introduces 184 countries and regions History; Some countries that once existed in history are also included in the volume. Neglected in previous history books Asia-Africa-Latin America Countries have reestablished their rightful place in the book. Their entries account for half of the volume. The volume also systematically expounds the history of international relations and the history of the Communist Movement.
DISK04: Philosophy, Psychology, Economics, Finance · Taxation · Finance · Price
The volume of Philosophy includes 2301 entries, 825 illustrations and 3.48 million words. Contents include History of Chinese Philosophy History of foreign philosophy, modern western philosophy Dialectics of nature Dialectical logic , ethics, aesthetics logic Marxist philosophy Dialectical materialism and Historical materialism
The volume of Psychology has 899 entries, 297 illustrations and 1.58 million words. The content almost contains the traditional General Psychology and Applied Psychology All knowledge of. Of this volume Psychology of Chinese Characters History of Chinese Psychology Such items highlight the characteristics of China.
The volume of Economics has 2227 entries, 972 illustrations and more than 4 million words. Contents include Theoretical Economics Economic History and History of Economic Thought as well as Sectoral Economics and Professional Economics Three major parts, 42 branch disciplines.
The volume of Finance, Taxation, Finance and Price has 1200 entries, 215 illustrations and more than 1.6 million words. Contents include Fiscal revenue and expenditure And distribution fiscal policy Fiscal system And management tax policy And regulation, domestic and foreign taxation system , money and its circulation, credit, credit and insurance monetary policy banking system and financial market , financial institutions and management Price formation And operation Price system And management Price policy And the main price idea.
DISK05: Political Science, Law, Military
The volume of Political Science has 1100 entries, 490 illustrations and more than 1.66 million words. Contents include Political Theory political thought History political system , political parties and Political groups administrative management and International politics
The volume of Law includes 1073 entries, 428 illustrations and 2.36 million words. Contents include Legal Theory Legal history history of legal thoughts , civil law, criminal law and other departments substantive law procedural law And international law.
The volume of Military Affairs has 2924 entries and 1975 illustrations, totaling 3.76 million words. More than 3000 people participated in the compilation of this book, the largest volume of this edition of encyclopedia, including Ye Jianying, Xu Qianqian, Nie Rongzhen and other older generations Proletarian Revolutionist Military strategist. It includes military theory military technique Military history Military geography And international military treaties. This volume introduces the magnificent Military practice And military theory.
DISK06: Drama, Opera, Quyi, Film
The volume of Drama includes 1162 entries, 1056 illustrations and more than 1.54 million words. Contents include Introduction to Drama dramatic literature Drama directing art Performing Arts Drama stage art, theater and drama development history, etc.
There are 1256 entries, 723 illustrations and more than 1.69 million words in the volume of Traditional Opera and Quyi. This volume is the first comprehensive, systematic and scientific introduction of opera and quyi Chinese nation Characteristic culture artistic form During the compilation of this volume Yuan Zaju The late Yuan and early Ming editions of The Western Chamber Remnant page , the investigation cleared up Daoqing Opera The vein of origin and evolution. These new and important research achievements were written into entries and first appeared in the book.
The film volume has 1463 entries, 685 illustrations, and 1.44 million words. Contents include Cinematology Film Art Film technology And world film overview; involve Film Theory , Genre cinematic literature , directing art Photography skill , editing skills Film Principles , production and screening Knowledge area
DISK07: Agriculture
The volume of Agriculture includes 391 entries, 1979 illustrations and 4.56 million words. Contents include Introduction to Agriculture Agricultural history Agrometeorology, soil and fertilizer, plant protection agricultural engineering , agronomy, horticulture, forestry, forestry, animal husbandry, veterinary, aquatic and sericulture Etc.
DISK08: Biology
The volume of Biology has 3534 entries, 3527 illustrations and 6.3 million words. Contents include Biophysics Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Cell Biology Zoology, paleontology and anthropology. This volume comprehensively and systematically introduces the species, structure, function, behavior, development, origin and evolution of biology at multiple levels, as well as the relationship between biology and surrounding environment Relationship.
DISK09: Religion, Ethnicity, Sociology
The volume of Religion has 1231 entries and 834 illustrations, totaling 1.65 million words. Contents include Religion Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, Taoism Ethnic Minority Religions in China Chinese folk religions and other religions. Compared with other religious dictionaries, this volume pays more attention to the systematic nature of knowledge.
There are 1098 entries, 851 illustrations and 1.73 million words in the volume of Nationality. Contents include Ethnic issues Theory ethnology , Chinese national history, Chinese national language and characters World nation
The volume of Sociology has 1001 entries, 312 illustrations and 1.45 million words. Contents include Sociological theory , sociological approach History of Sociology , social research, family and marriage, youth, elderly Women's Studies Cultural Sociology social psychology and demography Etc.
DISK10: Chinese literature , Foreign Literature
The volume of Chinese Literature includes 2231 entries, 1457 illustrations and 3.53 million words. Contents include pre-qin literature , Qin and Han literature Literature of the Southern and Northern Dynasties Literature of Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties Song Liaojin Literature, Yuan Dynasty Literature of Ming and Qing Dynasties modern literature and contemporary literature Etc.
The volume of Foreign Literature includes 3007 entries, 1827 illustrations and 3.54 million words. Contents include Northeast Asia Literature Southeast Asia Literature South Asia Literature west Asia Africa Literature Northern Europe Literature Central Europe Eastern and Western European literature Soviet literature French Literature German Netherlands Philology And English Ireland The volume of philology pays enough attention to "oriental literature".
DISK11: archaeology , Music, Dance
The volume of Archaeology includes 1005 entries, 1118 illustrations and 2.02 million words. Including China Paleolithic Age Archaeology Neolithic Age in China Archaeology Archaeology of Shang and Zhou Dynasties Qin Han Archaeology Archaeology from the Three Kingdoms, the Jin Dynasty, the Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Ming Dynasty, and foreign archaeology.
The volume of Music Dance includes 1951 entries, 1000 illustrations and 2.51 million words. Contents include musical aesthetics Music Psychology Dance sociology , dance physiology, etc.
DISK12: Art
Fine Arts 》A total of 2122 entries and 2739 illustrations were collected, totaling 3.2 million words. The content includes general introduction Chinese art And foreign art, covering architectural art Sculpture, painting, calligraphy industrial art and Modern Art And all kinds of Chinese art, involving nearly 100 countries and regions.
The volume of Modern Medicine has 1757 entries, 953 illustrations and 5.06 million words. Contents include clinical medicine Basic Medicine And group medicine. This volume pays special attention to the combination of basic theory with clinical and preventive practice, and strives to reflect the Development level The entries in the book are Subject indexing , in the name of the disease Drug name It is convenient for layman readers to search, and also for layman readers to consult comprehensive information on a certain topic.
China traditional medicine 》There are 1083 entries and 339 illustrations in the volume, totaling 1.8 million words. It includes Han medicine Tibetan Medicine Mongolian Medicine Uygur Medicine and Korean Medicine Etc. This volume deals with prescriptions, acupuncture, guidance and health preservation in traditional Chinese medicine Practical technology It has made a full and accurate introduction, as well as the new development of traditional medicine in the past 40 years.
DISK14: Chemical industry, light industry, textile
The volume of Chemical Engineering includes 1346 entries, 1114 illustrations, and 2.13 million words. Contents include chemical engineering Inorganic chemical industry Fuel chemical industry Basic organic chemical industry Polymer chemical industry Fine chemical industry and History of Chemical Industry This volume focuses on chemical process It is a cutting-edge subject of contemporary scientific and technological development formed by the mutual penetration of chemical industry and other disciplines.
light industry 》A total of 885 entries and 932 illustrations were collected, totaling 1.8 million words. It includes a comprehensive review reflecting the development history of the industry food industry Salt industry Tobacco industry Clothing industry Leather industry , electric light source and lamp, daily use Machinery industry Daily chemical industry paper industry , Culture sports goods And arts and crafts, etc.
There are 684 entries, 820 illustrations and 1.04 million words in the volume of Textile. Contents include Textile history Natural fiber Chemical fibre , silk, textile, woven, knitting, dyeing and finishing, textiles, etc.
DISK15: Geography of China World Geography Astronomy, mechanics
The volume of Chinese Geography includes 1610 entries, 728 illustrations and 2.13 million words. The content includes general introduction, First level administrative region and special administrative region Important cities and towns, mountains, rivers, plateaus, basins, lakes, marshes, nature reserves and historic sites.
The volume of World Geography includes 1163 entries, 899 illustrations, and 1.99 million words. It covers 202 countries and regions, and 613 major cities. More than 95% of the maps and pictures used in the book are published for the first time, which can be described as Precious
The volume of Astronomy has 1208 entries, 807 illustrations and 1.54 million words. Contents include History of Astronomy Astrometry Celestial mechanics , Theory Astrophysics Radio astronomy Infrared astronomy Space astronomy and cosmology Etc. This volume contains a wealth of historical materials of Chinese astronomy, many of which are first published, including more than 500 Star name And Ancient Chinese Star Names And other contents, whether for professional scholars or Astronomer Are of great benefit.
The volume of Mechanics includes 782 items, 972 illustrations and 1.6 million words. Contents include History of mechanics General mechanics solid mechanics fluid mechanics Electromagnetic hydrodynamics Plasma dynamics Explosion mechanics , geotechnical mechanics biomechanics Computational mechanics Experimental stress analysis physical mechanics Rational mechanics aerodynamics and Rheology Etc. This volume removal system introduces the traditional classical mechanics Outside, for the rising Emerging disciplines A brief introduction was also made.
The volume of Geography includes 909 entries, 632 illustrations and 1.47 million words. Contents include physical geography human geography historical geography Regional geography Cartography Toponymy Local chronicles and History of geography In particular, this volume reflects the development direction of geographical metrology, ecology and human culture.
The volume of Geology includes 1008 entries, 908 illustrations, and 1.86 million words. It includes general geology mineralogy petrology Deposit geology Structural geology Stratigraphic paleontology and History of geology Etc.
The volume of Atmospheric Science, Marine Science and Hydrological Science has 1042 entries, 949 illustrations and 2.45 million words. The atmospheric science part includes meteorological observation Atmospheric physics, Atmospheric chemistry Dynamic meteorology Synoptic science climatology Weather modification Development history of applied meteorology and atmospheric science; Marine science includes marine physics Marine chemistry Marine biology Marine geology , marine environmental science, marine engineering and Regional oceanography Etc; The hydrological science part includes Hydrological cycle , river literature, Lake hydrology Glacial hydrology Groundwater literature Hydrometry , investigation and experiment, Applied hydrology And water resources.
The volume of Solid Geophysics, Surveying and Mapping, Space Science has 506 entries, 618 illustrations, and 1.2 million words. The solid geophysics section includes seismology Geomagnetism geoelectricity Geothermics And exploration geophysics; Surveying and mapping includes Geodesy General Surveying Photogrammetry Engineering Surveying Marine surveying and mapping and Cartography Etc; The space science part includes Space physics Learning Space chemistry Space geology Space life science Space astronomy and Space exploration Etc.
DISK17: Environmental Science, Civil Engineering, Architecture, Garden and Urban Planning
The volume of Environmental Science has 672 entries, 555 illustrations and 1.36 million words. Contents include Environmental geology Environmental biology , environmental chemistry Environmental Physics Environmental medicine Environmental Engineering Environmental Management environmental economics And environmental law.
The volume of Civil Engineering includes 1008 entries, 935 illustrations, and more than 1.87 million words. Contents include engineering mechanics Engineering survey Engineering structure design theory engineering structure Special engineering structure Foundation , engineering institutions, building materials, construction economy, housing engineering railway engineering , road works, airport works, bridge works, tunnels and underground engineering Water supply and drainage works Urban heat and gas supply project Etc.
The volume of Architecture, Gardens and Urban Planning has 868 entries and 1238 illustrations, totaling 1.6 million words. Contents include History of Chinese Architecture Foreign countries History of architecture , architectural design Building structure Architectural physics Building equipment Architectural theory Landscape Architecture And urban planning.
DISK18: transportation, aviation, aerospace, water conservancy
The volume of Traffic includes 904 entries, 752 illustrations, and 1.74 million words. Including traffic history, railway transportation road transport Waterway transportation Air transportation Pipeline transportation Comprehensive transportation Post Office And telecommunications. This volume maintains the systematicness and integrity of the subject knowledge.
There are 1121 entries, 1103 illustrations and 1.57 million words in the volume of Aerospace. It includes the history of aerospace, aircraft, rockets and missiles spacecraft Flight environment Flight principle flight vehicle propulsion system Control and navigation Aerospace Electronics Technology , instruments and equipment, flight Life support , design structure and testing, manufacturing and materials, ground facilities and support system Etc.
The volume of Water Resources includes 895 entries, 682 illustrations and 1.47 million words. Contents include History of water conservancy Water conservancy science Foundation water conservancy facilities Water conservancy planning Hydraulic structure Water conservancy project construction Water management , water economy, flood control, irrigation and drainage, water conservancy and power generation, navigation channels and ports, water and soil conservation, water resources Water administration , water law, water conservancy scientific research And education.
The volume of Electronics and Computers has 1207 entries, 1567 illustrations and 2.7 million words. Including electronics and computers fundamental theory , electronic components, electronic device , communication, radar, remote sensing, etc information transmission , processing, display technique And applications, electronic Measurement and metering , Reliability of electronic products safety protection , computer hardware, software and applications.
The volume of Automatic Control and System Engineering has 1098 entries, 904 illustrations and 1.71 million words in total. Includes automation and History of Systems Engineering Automatic control theory automatic control system Telemetry and telecontrol system Automation technology tools , Automation Technology application information processing system , modeling Systems Engineering Methods Systems Engineering Applications , system identification, simulation, pattern recognition, artificial intelligence Systematics Large scale system theory and fuzzy system Etc. Many items in the book are domestic and foreign encyclopedia Not involved.
DISK20: Mining and Metallurgy, Electrician
The volume of Mining and Metallurgy has 1176 entries, 1423 illustrations and 2.4 million words. The content includes mining and metallurgy. In the mining section, coal, oil, natural gas Metallic minerals Mining and beneficiation of building materials, chemical raw materials and other minerals; The metallurgy part introduces the smelting and processing of various metals, as well as the basic metallurgical theory and Metallic materials Knowledge.
The volume of Electrician includes 1086 entries, 979 illustrations, and 1.87 million words. It includes the history of electrician development, basic theory of electrician Electrical materials Electromagnetic measurement , electrical appliances, motors and transformers power electronic technology Power system Power consumption and generation dynamic system Etc.
DISK21: Mechanical Engineering
The volume of Mechanical Engineering has 1422 entries, 2087 illustrations and 3.06 million words in total. Including mechanical engineering history thermodynamics Heat transfer , fluid mechanics Length measurement technology Foundry forging and pressing And other processing technologies, processing equipment and tools Power machinery , handling machinery, instruments Mechanical engineering materials and Material test Methods, basic knowledge of mechanical engineering management, etc.
DISK22: Mathematics, Physics
There are 872 entries, 638 illustrations and 2.37 million words in the volume of Mathematics. Contents include History of mathematics mathematical logic Algebra , number theory geometry topology differential equation , computational mathematics, probability theory Mathematical Statistics And operational research.
The volume of Physics includes 1707 entries, 1716 illustrations and 3.36 million words. Contents include classical mechanics , wave, vibration, acoustics, heat Theory of molecular motion Statistical Physics electromagnetics , Classic electrodynamics , optics Solid State Physics Atomic physics Nuclear physics Particle physics Plasma physics History of Physics And summary, etc. This volume fully reflects Theoretical physics and Experimental physics Achievements in learning and the latest progress in the discipline.
DISK23: Chemistry
The volume of Chemistry includes 2549 entries, 2400 illustrations and 3.55 million words. It is the most complete and latest comprehensive reference book on chemistry in China so far. Contents include History of chemistry inorganic chemistry Organic chemistry physical chemistry analytical chemistry Polymer Chemistry Nuclear chemistry Radiochemistry Condensed matter chemistry Computational chemistry , chemist Chemical literature , chemical institutions and Chinese chemical education Etc. This volume focuses on the microscopic, quantitative Metastable state The trend of direction development is correctly reflected.
DISK24: General Index
The "General Index" volume is the general index of all entries in the photo text data CD of Encyclopedia of China, with a total of 78349 entries. The retrieval method provides text entry title, foreign entry title, fuzzy retrieval, and storage and printing functions.

Honor recognition

Encyclopedia of China (the first edition) won the first edition in 1994 National Book Award Honorary Award. [2]
In January 2022, Encyclopedia of China (the third edition) was selected into the 2021 annual list of "China's published good books". [4]


China Encyclopedia General Editorial Committee
director Hu Qiaomu
Deputy Director (by surname stroke order
Members (in stroke order of surname)
Ding Guangxun Yu Guangyuan Ma Dayou distinguished linguist and strong supporter of language reform Wang Zhuxi Wang Shouwan Wang Chaowen Dental insignia Bei Shizhang Ai Zhongxin Ye Duzheng Lu Jiaxi Baoerhan Fengzhi Situ Huimin Lv Ji one of the founders of the scientific study of Chinese grammar and a supporter of fundamental language reform Zhu Hongyuan Zhu Dexi Ren Xinmin, Hua Luogeng, Liu Kaiqu, Liu Simu, Liu Ruilong, Xu Zhenying, Xu Dixin, Sun Junren Sun Yutang Yang Shixian Yang Xianyi Su Buqing, Li Heng, Li Guohao Li Chunfen Yan Keats, Xiao Kehao, Yu Jin Wu Zhonglun Wu Wenjun, Wu Jieping, Wu Zuoren Wu Xuezhou Wu Xiaobang Zou Jiahua, Shen Yuan, Shen Hong, Song Jian, Song Shilun, Zhang Geng, Zhang Zhen, Zhang Youyu, Zhang Hanying, Zhang Yuzhe, Lu Da, Chen Shixiang Chen Yongling Chen Weiji Chen Yusun Chen Hansheng, Wu Henglin, Mao Yisheng, Luo Zhufeng, Ji Long Ji Xianlin Zhou Yang, Zhou Youguang, Zhou Peiyuan Meng Zhaoying Liu Juan, Hu Sheng, Hu Qiaomu, Hu Yuzhi, Rong Gaotang, Zhao Puchu Hou Wailu Hou Xianglin, Duan Xuefu Yu Dafu Jiang Chunfang, Fei Xiaotong, Huan Township He Luting Xia Yan, Xia Nai, Xia Zhengnong, Qian Lingxi, Qian Weichang, Qian Xuesen, Qian Linzhao, Qian Junrui language planner and script reformer Yin Dang, Zhang Weng, Du Jian, Tang Changru, Tang Zhenxu, Tao Dumei, Huang Bingwei, Cao Yu, Dong Chuncai, Cheng Yuqi, Fu Chengyi, Zeng Shiying, Zeng Chengying, Zeng Chengkui, Xie Xide, Peilisheng, Pan Shu Pan Nianzhi
The author selection of Encyclopedia of China always adheres to the principle of "letting the most suitable author write the items he is good at". Encyclopedia of China (Second Edition), as a revised and re edited version of the first edition, has retained the authors of the first edition as alive as possible, and employed young and middle-aged experts and scholars who have emerged in various disciplines in recent years as authors. Over the past 30 years, about 30000 authors have written entries for Encyclopedia of China. Among them, there are not only academic leaders and masters of Chinese culture, but also first-class experts and senior scholars. More than 1100 academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Engineering, 25 of the 47 members of the first academic department of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and most of the honorary members of the academic department, participated in the compilation work. It can be said that most of the most representative important experts and scholars in China's natural sciences, science and technology, and humanities and social sciences, as well as the leaders of various disciplines, have participated in the compilation of the book. [7]