Chinese Agriculture

Planting, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and sideline industry
zero Useful+1
Chinese agriculture occurs in Neolithic Age Chinese agricultural Production structure Including planting Forestry Animal Husbandry Fisheries and an income-earning sideline But for thousands of years planting Mainly. Because of the large population, Cultivated land area Relatively small, especially grain production.
stay traditional ideas Medium, planted Grains , almost agricultural production Synonyms for.
Chinese name
Chinese Agriculture
Foreign name
Agriculture in China
zhōng guó nóng yè
Agricultural Economics/Agronomy
Period of Origin
Neolithic Age
Place of origin
Chinese Yellow River , Yangtze River Basin

development history

Chinese agriculture occurs in Neolithic Age Chinese Yellow River Yangtze river basin , is the world Agricultural origin One of the places. In the development process of eight or nine thousand years, China's agriculture once had many leading positions in the world Invention , but also experienced a long Stagnant period modern Imperialism The invasion of Semifeudal Semi colony , agriculture is lagging behind the developed capitalist country , Traditional“ men tilling the farm and womenweaving ”Nature of economic structure Start disassembly. The People's Republic of China was founded Later, the abolition of the semi feudal and semi colonial system and socialist system China's rural economy has been rapidly recovered and developed since the establishment of the WTO, and China's agriculture has ended its stagnant history and entered a new period of rapid development. agricultural production Conditions and Production technology Remarkable improvement and rapid increase in yield. After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China opened the prelude to China's economic reform in 1978, the stagnation of agricultural production was fundamentally changed. In November 1982, it was implemented nationwide Contract system A new pattern of rural economy was established in an all-round way. Although there have been setbacks in the development process in the past 30 years, China has made great achievements by feeding nearly one fifth of the world's population with only 7% of the world's arable land. Since the reform and opening up Agricultural education And science and technology are also booming, greatly promoting the improvement of China's agricultural productivity. according to Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Estimation, China's agriculture total output in Scientific and technological progress Of Contribution rate It increased from 27% in 1972-1980 to 30% - 40% in 1981-1985. stay knowledge economy Rapid development, science and technology as Primary productivity in China agricultural modernization Construction will play an increasingly important role.

Evolution law

Agricultural natural resources There are also common basic characteristics and evolution laws]

Basic characteristics

entirety They are connected and restricted with each other to form a unified whole. For example, under certain water and heat conditions, certain soil and vegetation will be formed, and the animals and Microbial community The change of one natural factor will lead to the corresponding change of other factors and even resource combination, such as virgin forest Once damaged, it will cause climate change, water and soil loss and Biome To become another type of ecosystem
Regionality Due to the relative position and movement characteristics of the earth and the sun, as well as the distribution of land and sea on the earth's surface and the changes in geology and geomorphology, the water and heat conditions in various regions of the earth are different. Thus, not only large regions such as south and north, east and west, coastal and inland, plains and mountains natural resources There are great differences in the formation conditions of, as well as the nature, quantity, quality and combination characteristics of various resources; Even in a small range, such as paddy field and dry land, flat land and sloping land, sunny slope and shady slope, and different Altitude There are also differences between Resource ecology characteristic. Strictly speaking, the distribution of agricultural natural resources is similar but not the same.
③ Updateability. And mineral resources The agricultural natural resources are renewable and recyclable in different situations that tend to decrease with the development and utilization. Mainly shown in soil fertility The periodic recovery, the continuous death and reproduction of organisms, the cyclic supply of water, climatic conditions Of Seasonality Change, etc. The process of updating and recycling can be caused by human activity And speed up to break the original ecological equilibrium If such intervention and influence are reasonable, it is possible to keep the agricultural natural resources in a good state of continuous cycle and renewal and establish a new ecological balance under new conditions; On the contrary, some resources will decline or even be exhausted.
④ Cultivatability. Although human beings cannot create natural resources, they can take various measures to change its shape and nature to a certain extent. If changed Soil culture Fertilization, improvement of water conservancy, cultivation of fine biological varieties, etc., and further utilization of natural resources productive potential
⑤ The finiteness of quantity and the infinity of potential. The area of land on the earth, the amount of water, the sun reaching the ground Radiation There is a certain amount of limitation in a certain area and a certain period of time. The ability of human beings to use resources, as well as the scope and ways of using resources, are also restricted by the level of science and technology. But relatively speaking, due to the renewability and cultivability of agricultural natural resources, its productive potential is infinite. With the progress of science and technology, it is possible for mankind not only to maintain the circulation and renewal of agricultural natural resources, but also to constantly expand the scope of resource utilization, so that limited resources can play their productive potential indefinitely.
[Situation of China's agricultural natural resources nationwide, China's climate , land, water and Biological resources They have the following characteristics:]
① The light and heat conditions are superior, but the dry and wet conditions vary greatly from region to region.
China is more than 5500 kilometers from north to south, spanning nearly 50 latitudes, most of which are located between 20 ° and 50 ° north latitude Mid latitude zone. annual Total solar radiation Generally, the west is larger than the east, and the plateau is larger than the plain. with Tibet Is the highest in northwest China and Yellow River Basin Of solar radiation The conditions are better than many places with similar average temperatures in the world, and the Yangtze River basin is better than Japan and Western Europe The thermal conditions during the growth of crops, except for those accounting for 1.2% and 26.7% of the land area Cold temperate zone as well as Qinghai Tibet Plateau The rest 72.1% of the areas are located in the temperate zone (25.9% of the national territory) Warm temperate zone (18.5%) Subtropical (26.1%), as well as tropical and Equatorial zone (1.6%), and the accumulated temperature above 0 ℃ throughout the year is above 2500 ℃. Among them Hainan It is the highest, reaching 8500~9000 ℃, and the frost free period lasts from 100 days to the whole year. Therefore, as far as the heat condition is concerned, a variety of thermophilic crops can be planted in summer. In most areas, they can be replanted once a year Second ripe or Triple cooked The dry and wet conditions throughout the country can be about 400mm Isohyet Is the boundary, that is, from Greater Khingan Range From Tongliao , Zhang Bei Yulin Lanzhou , Yushu to Lhasa Nearby, along the northeast oblique southwest line, it is divided into southeast and northwest parts. The southeast is wet and half wet Moist zone , semi-arid and Arid area , each accounting for about half of the territory. Southeast China the pacific ocean Monsoon circulation The annual rainfall varies from 400 mm to 2400 mm with latitude and distance from the sea, Dryness Generally lower than 1.5. And the rain and heat are basically the same, and more than 80% of the rain is concentrated in crops Active growth period Inside, this is more than 90% crop growing areas And forest areas are distributed in the eastern half of the important reasons.
The temperature difference between north and south in summer is small. The summer temperature in the north is higher than that in the same latitude of the world, which can make the northern boundary of annual temperature loving crops move northward greatly. In winter, the temperature is lower than that at the same latitude in the world Winter wheat etc. Overwintering crop The northern boundary of. monsoon climate The disadvantage of is mainly its instability, that is Summer monsoon The advance and retreat time, influence scope and intensity of each year are different, so the precipitation is unevenly distributed throughout the year, Interannual change Also large, flood and water-logging , drought, low temperature frost , typhoon, etc Agrometeorological disaster The frequency of is high.
Semi-arid and arid areas in northwest China Annual precipitation Generally, it is less than 400mm. In some places, it is only tens of millimeters or even several millimeters. The dryness is more than 1.5, and some even more than 20. As a result, the development of agriculture and forestry is restricted, and only a small amount is found in the higher mountains Forest resources But these areas have vast grasslands, forming China's pastoral areas.
land resource The absolute quantity of is large, and the relative quantity per person is small. according to statistical information China's total land area is about 9.6 million square kilometers, accounting for 7.3% of the world's total land area, second only to Soviet Union and Canada It ranks third in the world. The cultivated land area is 1.49 billion mu according to the statistics of customary mu (note: it may be lower than the actual area), about 7% of the total cultivated land area in the world, second to Soviet Union , the United States and India. The forest land area is 1.73 billion mu, accounting for 3% of the total forest area in the world, ranking fifth next to the Soviet Union, Brazil, Canada and the United States. The grassland area is 4.79 billion mu, of which the available area is about 3.37 billion mu, second only to Australia , the Soviet Union, and about 720 million mu of grass hills and slopes. 250 million mu of fresh water surface, including Cultivation area About 75 million mu; Tideland With an area of about 29.97 million mu and a water depth of less than 200 meters continental shelf About 2.3 billion mu, for the development of fresh water and marine fishery Provide better Resource conditions
The number of land resources per capita in China is significantly lower than the world average. There are more mountains and less flat land. The mountains and plateaus above 3000 meters above sea level account for 25% of the territory. In addition, about 19% of the land is difficult to use, and 3.5% of the land is urban, industrial and mining Land for transportation The per capita cultivated land area is only about 1.5 mu, which is the world's largest average 1/3 of 4.5 mu, one of the countries with the least arable land per capita. The per capita forest land area is about 1.8 mu, forest coverage 12.7%, while the world average is 13.6 mu and 31.3% respectively. per capita Grassland area More than 5 mu, only half of the world average of 10.4 mu.
③ Rivers Total runoff Large, but water and soil coordination uncoordinated Of the total annual average precipitation in China of about 6 trillion cubic meters (equivalent to an average precipitation depth of 628 mm), about 56% of the water is plant transpiration, soil and surface water evaporation
44% of the total consumption is runoff. The total annual average runoff of rivers in China is 2711.5 billion cubic meters, second only to Brazil, the Soviet Union, Canada, the United States and Indonesia And ranked sixth. However, if converted into annual average Runoff depth Is only 284mm, lower than that in many countries. Per capita possession Annual runoff It is only 2558 cubic meters, only 1/4 of the world average 10800 cubic meters, 1/5 of the United States, 1/7 of the Soviet Union and Indonesia, and 1/50 of Canada.
Average occupancy per mu of cultivated land Runoff It is only 1819 cubic meters, which is just over 2/3 of the world average 2400 cubic meters. In addition, groundwater resources Medium to short-term water cycle (one year or several years) Shallow water The estimated annual average comprehensive replenishment (natural resources) is about 771.8 billion cubic meters. Deduct groundwater and surface water Repeated calculation between, national average water resources Annual total About 2736.2 billion cubic meters River runoff Increase by about 3%.
The regional distribution of water resources is very uneven. Yangtze River The cultivated land in the basin and the south of the Yangtze River only accounts for 37.8% of the total cultivated land in China, while the runoff accounts for 82.5% of the country's total; The runoff of the three major river basins in the Yellow River, Huaihe River and Hai River only accounts for 6.6% of the national total, while the cultivated land accounts for 38.4% of the national total. The average amount of water occupied per mu of cultivated land in the Yangtze River basin is about 28 million cubic meters, and that in the Yellow River basin is 2.6 million cubic meters, Haihe River Basin Only 1.6 million cubic meters. Water volume is also extremely distributed in time history out-off-balance , with great changes between years. The runoff of the Ruhai River basin reached 53.3 billion cubic meters in 1963 and only 9.9 billion cubic meters in 1972, 5.4 times the difference. There are quite a large area in the country, which is vulnerable to flood, waterlogging, drought, waterlogging, etc natural disaster Intrusion of.
④ There are many species of organisms, Community type Rich and diverse. The reason for this diversity is that natural condition It is very complicated. In addition Northern Hemisphere Extinction of many Tertiary flora and fauna in temperate zone
quaternary glaciation The impact of is relatively small. Nationwide, all natural vegetation types in the Northern Hemisphere Tropical rain forest and Monsoon forest reach Cold temperate coniferous forest Almost all of them can be seen, Flora Is second only to Malaysia And Brazil, ranking third in the world. Dynamic plant resources It is also very rich“ living fossil ”So-called panda metasequoia and Cathaya argyrophylla It is also a rare and precious animal and plant species in the world. Such diverse biological resources are not only agriculture Diversification And provides a very rich material base for the further development of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery gene Utilization and protection in a certain economy technical conditions All natural resources, including agricultural natural resources, have limited capacity to support human survival needs. With the continuous growth of population, population size The contradiction with the shortage of natural resources has become a worldwide problem. Therefore, while strictly controlling population growth, more and more attention is paid to the protection and rational utilization of agricultural natural resources.
According to the specific conditions of different countries and regions and the different characteristics of resources national economy Global interests and resources Macroeconomic benefits Of Resource development and utilization Strategy is the first prerequisite for rational utilization and protection of agricultural natural resources. Different countries, due to the per capita arable land area and Land reserve resources How many differences can there be Agricultural intensification Degree and intensiveness Operation mode Due to the different nature and combination characteristics of natural resources Agricultural production structure and Distribution of agricultural production
Secondly, in order to facilitate the continuous updating and Sustainable utilization It is necessary to take full account of the long-term and overall impact on the resource system, including among the various components of agricultural natural resources, between agricultural natural resources and socio-economic and technological conditions, while taking various development and utilization measures Local areas And national and worldwide resource utilization Mutual restriction relationship between. Predatory operation focusing on immediate interests, such as blind land reclamation in planting industry, over cutting in forestry, over grazing in grassland animal husbandry, overfishing in fishery, etc ecological environment The serious consequences have been proved by historical facts. To this end, it is necessary to adopt various economic and technical means and legal means Including the formulation and implementation of laws and regulations for the protection of agricultural natural resources, such as land law Forest Law Grassland law Fisheries Law and law of water resources And so on. For a large number of animals and plants germplasm resource Areas with concentrated reserves should be protected by establishing nature reserves.
Moreover, on the one hand, there is a contradiction between the growing population and the shortage of resources in the world, on the other hand, a considerable part of natural resources have not been developed and utilized or are in a backward state of development and utilization due to various reasons. Therefore, human beings need to rely on Modern science and technology We should take various comprehensive measures to constantly enhance our ability to transform nature so as to tap the productive potential of natural resources that have not yet been well developed and utilized. According to calculation, such as Cultivated plant Of Light energy utilization The world average is less than 0.1%, and the most productive plot is close to 5%, which can reach 10-12% in the laboratory. In addition, genetic engineering Biological nitrogen fixation And modern biological research, electronic technology nuclear technology Its wide application in agriculture has also brought new prospects for the further development and utilization of agricultural natural resources.

natural condition

The nature can be used as the material and energy source of agricultural production. Generally refers to various Meteorological elements And water, land, biological and other natural objects, excluding coal, iron, oil and other mineral resources used to manufacture agricultural production tools or as power energy, and wind, water and other resources. Identify different regions Agricultural natural resources It is not only of great strategic significance to develop agriculture, but also conducive to protecting the human living environment and developing the national economy.
The composition of agricultural natural resources can be summarized in the following four aspects.

climatic resources

I.e. solar radiation, heat, precipitation, etc Climatic factor The number of and its specific combination. Solar radiation is agriculture Natural reproduction Plant energy Dry matter 90~95% systems use solar energy to pass photosynthesis synthesis. Water is both synthetic organic compound The raw material of Life activities Necessary conditions; Water on land mainly comes from natural precipitation. Temperature is also animal and plant Growth and development Under the condition that water, fertilizer and light are all met, and within a certain temperature range growth rate And ambient temperature Is proportional. Therefore, climatic resources To a considerable extent, it determines the layout and structure of agricultural production, as well as the level of yield and quality.
Agroclimatic resources It is usually expressed by meteorological (climate) element values with certain agricultural significance. For example, thermal conditions are Growth period Length, total heat, and seasonal distribution and intensity of heat; The growth period and total heat refer to plant growth Days and days between start and end temperatures Average temperature Accumulated value (accumulated temperature) of; Heat intensity refers to maximum thermidor And the average temperature and average extreme of the coldest month Minimum temperature or Daily temperature range Etc. Whether the heat conditions can meet the needs of crop growth is also related to whether seasonal changes can adapt to crop growth dynamics. The value of precipitation closely related to crop growth and yield formation is precipitation Precipitation days Precipitation variability relative humidity Etc. Sometimes it can also be expressed by comprehensive factors, such as dryness, namely Maximum possible evaporation The ratio of precipitation in the same period is used to express the degree of dryness and wetness. Used to indicate lighting conditions, including Solar radiation intensity Photosynthetically active radiation Sunshine hours Sunshine percentage Etc. Various climatic factors are interrelated and mutually restricted. If there are more rainy days, there will be less light and lower temperature. Therefore, when evaluating climate resources, we must also consider their combination characteristics.

water resource

It can be used for industrial and agricultural production and human life development with low solubility salt It is a water source without toxic substances. It usually refers to the amount of fresh water that can be renewed year by year. This is a dynamic resource, including surface water Soil water And groundwater, while Atmospheric precipitation It is the basic supply source. Surface water refers to the water accumulated or flowing in rivers, lakes, ponds, reservoirs and ditches, generally expressed in terms of perennial runoff or runoff depth; Soil water refers to Hygroscopic water and Soil capillary water Groundwater refers to the water that exists in the crustal rock or soil pores (pores, fissures, karst caves) in various forms for development and utilization. Groundwater resources can also be divided into natural resources and Mining resources , the former refers to a Hydrogeological unit The resources formed by groundwater recharge under natural conditions are usually expressed by the average annual recharge; The latter refers to the quantity of groundwater resources allowed to be exploited. The natural precipitation, surface water, soil water and groundwater are constantly moving alternately and transforming each other to form Water cycle in nature river surface runoff And soil water is continuously supplied by natural precipitation; Surface water becomes the source of natural precipitation again through evaporation, plant transpiration and evaporation after flowing into the sea. Shallow groundwater And natural precipitation Direct contact And there is a mutual recharge relationship with surface water. Rivers, lakes, ponds, reservoirs, ditches, etc. continuously recharge groundwater by means of leakage; In human activities, part of groundwater is extracted into surface water. Fluvial Dry season Runoff, sometimes shallow Groundwater recharge Deep groundwater Similar to mineral deposits, it has a long cycle and replacement period with surface water, some of which are more than 1000 years old. Once mined, it is often difficult to recharge, often leading to water level decline Underground funnel Therefore, it cannot be used as a common resource. Water resources have great impact on agricultural production Duality : It is not only an important condition for agricultural production, but also flood, waterlogging, salt and waterlogging Agricultural disaster The root cause of.

land resource

Generally, it refers to the land surface that can support living things, including Inland waters , excluding the sea area. Land unless Agricultural land In addition, there are some sandy deserts, gobi Desertified land Permanent snow cover And glaciers, cold deserts, rocky bare mountains, marshes, etc. With the development of science, technology and economy, some land that is difficult to use is becoming available for agricultural production.
According to its use and utilization status, agricultural land can be generally divided into: ① cultivated land, which refers to the land for farming crops, including paddy fields Irrigate the land , dryland and vegetable field Garden land refers to continuous planting and intensive management Perennial crops Land use, such as garden, mulberry garden, tea garden Rubber plantation Etc. ③ Forest land refers to the land where trees grow, including forest or Forestland Shrubbery Open woodland And sparse forest and grassland, etc. ④ Grassland refers to the growing grass that can be used for grazing or cutting livestock Land, excluding Grass field rotation Of cultivated land. In China, large areas of grassland in 10 provinces (autonomous regions) in the north and west are commonly referred to as grasslands, while those in southern and central provinces (autonomous regions) are mainly scattered in hilly areas as grass hills and grass slopes. The grassland (also called grassland) that has been added for use is divided into Natural grassland Improved grassland , artificial grassland, etc. ⑤ Inland waters Aquaculture , rivers captured lake , reservoirs, ponds and other fresh water surfaces Reedland Etc. ⑥ Coastal tidal flat, also known as tidal flat or tidal flat, is the place where the tide rises and falls at the seaside, and is located between the high and low tide levels of spring tide, Coastal geomorphology Is called Intertidal zone , which can supply water for aquaculture Reclaiming land from the sea , salt loving plant growth and other special natural resources.
In grassland and woodland, natural grassland, open woodland and other wasteland suitable for cultivation of crops or pasture are called Wasteland suitable for farming Suitable for forest construction Sparse forest grassland And barren hills and wastelands are called barren hills and wastelands suitable for afforestation, all of which are agricultural Reserve land resources

Biological resources

It can be used as agriculture Production and operation Object's wild animal , plant and microbial species and community types. But in a broad sense, the varieties and types of artificially cultivated plants, animals and agricultural microorganisms can also be included in the category of biological resources. Biological resources are used for breeding Raw materials In addition to the germplasm resources, it mainly includes: ① forest resources, which refer to natural or artificial forest species and Stock 。② grassland resources , refers to the community type and productivity of grassland vegetation. ③ Aquatic resources It refers to the species and quantity of various economic animals and plants in the water area. ④ Wildlife resources It refers to those with economic value for catching, fishing, mining and digging Mammals birds medicinal plant , edible fungi, etc. ⑤ Rare biological resources refer to scientific Cultural values Rare animals and plants. ⑥ Natural enemy resources are conducive to the prevention and control of agriculture Pests Of Beneficial insect Beneficial bird , frogs, beneficial animals, beneficial microorganisms, etc.

Production structure

Since the 1950s, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and sideline industries have all increased on the original basis, but their proportion in the composition of total agricultural output value has not changed much. It was also determined that "grain production will never be relaxed. Since 1979, due to the rural development Economic system reform The policy of "never relax grain production and actively develop diversified economy" has been established, and the rural economy has changed from a relatively single operation to a diversified one commodity economy Conversion. Forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and sideline industries all grew on the original basis, and the situation began to change dramatically.


That is, agriculture in a narrow sense. include grain crops cash crop Feed crop And green manure production. plant Grains The specific items are usually represented by "twelve words", i.e. grain, cotton, oil, hemp, silk (mulberry), tea, sugar, vegetables, tobacco, fruit, medicine and miscellaneous. Food production is particularly important. The proportion of planting industry in the total agricultural output value was more than 80% in the 1950s; Over 75% in the 1960s; In the early 1970s, it was about 75%, and in the late 1970s, it was about 66% due to the large population; In the mid-1980s, it has dropped to about 60%.
Among the total crop sown area, the proportion of grain crop sown area was 58.67 billion kilowatt hours in rural areas in 1986. From the 1950s to the 1970s, it has always been as high as about 80%, including more than 85% in 9 years; After 1979, the crop distribution was properly adjusted. Accordingly, the sown area of grain crops decreased from 1.8 billion mu in 1978 to 1.66 billion mu in 1986, with a proportion of 76.9%. However, due to the increase of output per mu, the total output increased from 304.75 million tons to 39.1512 million tons. The general composition of the total grain output in 1986 is as follows: unhusked rice 44%, wheat 23%, corn 18%, potato 6.5%, others 8.5%.
The sown area of cash crops has always been relatively small in the total sown area of crops, but the overall trend is rising, from the 1950s to 1978, it was about 8-9%; Since the 1980s, it has risen to about 14%. From the perspective of different types of economic crops, the proportion of cotton sown area in the total sown area of crops decreased from 3.9% to about 3.0% between 1952 and 1986, and the output increased from 1.3035 million tons to 3.54 million tons. Although there were ups and downs or stagnation in more than 30 years, the overall growth was rapid. Oilseeds include peanuts, rape seeds and sesame The output of etc. fluctuates greatly. It plays an important role in increasing yield, improving quality, and increasing the ability to resist diseases and pests. The sown area of cash crops in 1952 accounted for 4% of the total sown area of crops, and the output was 4.193 million tons; Since then, there have been ups and downs. After 1978, it developed rapidly. The sown area in 1986 accounted for 7.9% of the total sown area of crops; The output was 14.738 million tons, about 3.5 times that of 1952 between 1949 and 1979. It is another important reason for agricultural production increase.
The development of other cash crops, compared with the output in 1952 Growth rate About: flue-cured tobacco 6 times, tea 6 times, Jute 5 times, sugar (sugar cane beet )7 times, fruit 18 times.


In the late 1940s, the output value of forestry accounted for only 0.7% of the total agricultural output value of the country. After the 1950s, Forestry construction There has been development. In 1986, the proportion of forestry output value increased to 5%. but Forestry production Large fluctuation, overall Development speed Not fast. Significant achievements have also been made in plant pest control. Over the past 30 years afforestation area More than 1.8 billion mu, ranking the middle level in the world. Because the tending management cannot keep up, the average amount of application per mu of cultivated land is 13 kg, and the actual conservation area is less than one-third; In 1985, the forest area was only 1.73 billion mu. In 1986, the amount of chemical fertilizer (converted into pure amount) was 19.306 million tons, with an average of 1.7 mu per person. According to the effective ingredients, the forest coverage rate was 12%, and the distribution was very uneven, mostly concentrated in the northeast, southwest, Zhejiang, Fujian and other regions. In order to change forestry production, the country and people need not suited to The situation has created conditions for the stable development of China's agricultural production. Since 1978, measures have been taken to strengthen forestry construction and improve the ability to resist floods and droughts, so as to continuously improve tending management and increase afforestation area and timber output, Timber forest economic forest and Protection forest The composition of is also becoming more reasonable. In addition, the composition of timber forest, economic forest and shelter forest is becoming more reasonable. In terms of water and soil conservation, transformation of low yield fields and control Saline alkali land And soil improvement. Afforestation area and timber output increased,

Animal Husbandry

In the composition of total agricultural output value, the proportion of animal husbandry output value in the early 1950s and 1960s showed a downward trend. Later, it gradually recovered. The proportion of animal husbandry was 11.5% in 1952 and increased to 21.8% in 1986. Its proportion in the area of cultivated land is about 44.5%. The proportion of output value between planting and animal husbandry is gradually reduced, and the gap between them is narrowed. Generally, it was 7:1 in the early 1950s and 3:1 in the middle 1980s. This is mainly reflected in the following aspects. livestock The number of heads increased significantly. At the end of 1986, the number of large livestock (including cattle, horses, donkeys, mules, camels) on hand was 118.961 million (including draft animal About 58%). Over the past 30 years, there have been 337.191 million pigs, which has put the agricultural technological transformation on the track of healthy development. The number of sheep was 166.229 million, relying on science ", an increase of 55.6%, 2.75 times and 1.69 times over 1952, respectively. The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China has determined that the development of agriculture depends on the policy, and the number of pigs has increased the fastest. Of the total number of pigs on hand in the world, this process has twists and turns due to mistakes in work. China accounts for about 40%. The proportion of large livestock has decreased because some draught animals have been replaced by agricultural machinery. China put forward the task of agricultural technological transformation in the mid-1950s. In addition, rabbit The number of large livestock (at the end of the year) increased from 24.39 million to 47.49 million. In recent years, there has also been great development. But and Social needs Compared with 1985 and 1952, the development of animal husbandry is not fast, especially Selling rate Lower. one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six Annual meat The selling rate of pigs was 77.6%, sheep 31.5% and cattle 6.1%. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, agricultural and animal husbandry production has generally been at a relatively low level. However, due to the constraints of backward production relations, the reason lies in the backward feeding methods and feed industry underdeveloped Cattle and sheep are largely due to Grassland construction Not suitable. Therefore, although China's meat output increased from more than 3 million tons in the 1950s to 21.12 million tons in 1986, and its milk output increased from 880000 tons in 1978 to 2.899 million tons in 1986, the average per capita share is lower than that of the general economically developed countries. Because the meat production pork It accounts for more than 90%, and pig breeding is concentrated in agricultural areas, so 95% of meat is produced in agricultural areas. Animal husbandry in both agricultural and pastoral areas has great development potential.
In addition to livestock and poultry breeding Silkworm And bees insect The production of targeted animals has also made great progress. especially Sericulture , 1986 silkworm cocoon The output was 369000 tons (including 336000 tons of silkworm cocoons), nearly twice that of 1952.


Namely fishery. The output value in 1952 only accounted for 0.3% of the total agricultural output value, 398 yuan in 1985, and the proportion in 1986 has increased to 4.1%, while only 3.2% from 1953 to 1978; Every farmer's annually average net income In 1978, it was 134 yuan, and it has developed greatly in more than 30 years. The total output of aquatic products was 1.666 million tons in 1952, which increased to 8.236 million tons in 1986 at comparable prices, effectively promoting the rapid growth of agricultural production. It has increased by nearly four times. From the perspective of output composition of aquatic products, in 1986, seawater products accounted for 57.7% and freshwater products accounted for 42.3%. The vast majority of marine products come from fishing, mainly Inshore fishing , mariculture and Pelagic fishing It has not developed as it should.

an income-earning sideline

The sideline in China's agriculture has different nature and content in different periods (see Rural sideline )。 The sidelines before the 1960s refer to the production activities that farmers engaged in using their spare time or the auxiliary labor in their families, including collecting, fishing and hunting, and families handicraft industry For example, weaving and embroidery are mostly self-sufficient and semi self-sufficient. In 1956, agricultural cooperation was basically completed, accounting for more than 4% of the total agricultural output value. As for the enterprises later run by the people's communes and production brigades, land reform was first completed in three years. Although they were still regarded as sidelines for a period of time, in fact, they were relatively independent of industry, transportation and construction outside agriculture, breaking through the scope of sidelines; In the 1980s, it further evolved into a township enterprise.

structural reform

China's agriculture before 1949, due to thousands of years Feudal system With the oppression of imperialism for more than a hundred years, the level of productivity is extremely low; Small scale production small-scale peasant economy , often connected Simple reproduction It is also difficult to maintain. In essence, it is an industry that is relatively independent from agriculture communications and transportation industry After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the land reform was first completed in three years. As for the enterprises later organized by the people's commune and the production brigade, they were almost completed in 1956 Agricultural cooperation Most of them are self-sufficient and semi self-sufficient. So that the vast majority of farmers have embarked on socialist road (See Agricultural Cooperative Economic Organization). However, due to the shortcomings and deviations in the later stage of the cooperation, the People's Commune Movement (see Rural People's Commune) was launched in 1958, and the disastrous "Cultural Revolution" took place in 1966 Socialist transformation of agriculture The process has suffered serious setbacks. The sidelines in Chinese agriculture refer to those engaged by farmers in their spare time or by the auxiliary labor in their families Production activities ,。 In accordance with the spirit of the resolution of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the original rural economic system began to be reformed in a planned and step-by-step way. The reform measures that have been taken include the reform of the original people's commune operating system and the system of integration of government and society. Most of the sea water products come from fishing, and Purchase of agricultural products System reform, etc. In particular, through the reform of the management system, the household contract responsibility system with remuneration linked to output, which is mainly household contract responsibility, was basically popularized throughout the country. In 1986, the combination of collective management and decentralized management of contracted farmers in agriculture Double tier management system Gradually formed, greatly improving the Autonomy And farmers Production enthusiasm , increased by nearly 4 times. It has effectively promoted the rapid growth of agricultural production. Press Comparable price calculation 1979~1985 Total agricultural output value The average annual growth rate reached 10.1%, 398 yuan in 1985, an increase of 197%.
After 1979, China State-owned farm The management system of the State owned farms has been gradually reformed (see State owned farms).
Chinese except Han ethnic minority Including Zhuang Mongolia , Hui, Tibetan, Manchu Uygur , Miao, Dong, Yi, Tujia, Korean, Buyi, Gaoshan, etc National autonomous areas The minority population accounts for 5.6% of the national population, but the grassland and forest resources they own account for 90% and 40% of the national population respectively, which not only have always played an important role in history, but also have a high economic value The development and utilization of agricultural natural resources and the development of the whole agriculture are of great importance. Before the founding of the People's Republic of China economic form and Development level Very inconsistent. Animal husbandry in both agricultural and pastoral areas development potential Many ethnic groups Feudalism Of Production mode Dominant; Some still exist Serfdom Or herding slavery; It even has Primitive commune system Remains of. From the perspective of the structure and development level of agricultural production, pig breeding is concentrated in rural areas, and some remain in Fishing and hunting economy At this stage, some of them are mainly engaged in animal husbandry, but the average per capita occupancy is lower than that of general economically developed countries. Some are mainly engaged in agriculture, but they still use slash and burn cultivation, extensive cultivation and meager harvest Farming method Some of their unique traditional production techniques, such as the Korean nationality Agronomy Uygur ethnic group Gardening Mongolian The animal husbandry and veterinary medicine of Production relations As a result, agricultural and animal husbandry production is at a relatively low level. After the founding of the People's Republic of China Rural economic system reform Agricultural production in ethnic minority autonomous regions has also been greatly developed. Compared with 1952, the total agricultural output value in 1985 increased from 4.65 billion yuan to 36.83 billion yuan; Grain increased from 15.82 million tons to 40.06 million tons, and the number of large livestock (at the end of the year) increased from 24.39 million to 47.49 million.

Technical transformation

In order to promote traditional agriculture The transformation to modern agriculture was proposed by China in the mid-1950s technical reconstruction of agriculture Task. At that time, it was planned to complete it in five five-year plans Agricultural mechanization China accounts for about 40%. Since then, this process has experienced twists and turns due to mistakes in work. After 1979, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China determined the policy of "relying on policy and relying on science" to develop agriculture. There were 166.229 million sheep, which put the agricultural technological transformation on the track of healthy development. There are 337.191 million pigs. The achievements of agricultural technological transformation over the past 30 years are mainly reflected in the following aspects.

Farmland construction

Renovation Farmland water conservancy And mountain construction Horizontal terrace It has been more than 30 years Farmland capital construction Key projects. Generally, it was 7:1 in the early 1950s due to irrigation and drainage Power machinery And large-scale construction of channels and other facilities Effective irrigation area 663.387 million mu, ranking first in the world, accounting for Cultivated land area The proportion of is about 44.5%, which increased to 21.8% in 1986. It is also higher than most countries in the world. In the effective irrigation area, the area of electromechanical irrigation accounted for about 56.6%, while in 1952 it was only 1.6%. The great achievements in farmland infrastructure have improved the ability to resist floods and droughts, creating conditions for the stable development of China's agricultural production.

Pest control

The application of fertilizer adheres to the principle of organic fertilizer Inorganic fertilizer The principle of integration. Most of them are concentrated in the northeast, southwest, Zhejiang, Fujian and other regions. However, human and livestock dung and green manure etc. Organic fertilizer At the same time, the amount of chemical fertilizer has increased significantly. Press Active ingredient Calculated, fertilizer consumption in 1986 (converted into Pure quantity )19.306 million tons, more than 240 times of 1952. The average amount of application per mu of cultivated land is 13 kg, ranking the middle level in the world. However, the proportion of phosphorus fertilizer and potassium fertilizer is relatively low. Plant pest control It has also made significant achievements. 1982 Chemical control It covers an area of nearly 1.28 billion mu, accounting for 86% of the cultivated land. Historically, it has often resulted in no gains plague of locusts Destroyed, many plant disease as Wheat rust Etc. have been obtained Effective control

Disease control

Thanks to the establishment of veterinary biological drugs industrial system In the late 1940s, Veterinary medicine It was rapidly popularized and eliminated nationwide in the 1950s Rinderpest in the future, Emphysematous gangrene Bovine pulmonary disease Sheep pox And some infectious diseases Parasitosis It has also been effectively controlled. Developed in China swine fever Vaccinia , sheep pox and other vaccines, leading the world.

Promotion of improved varieties

The great achievements of breeding work over the past 30 years are another important reason for agricultural production increase. About 3.5 times that of 1952. From 1949 to 1979, the country carried out the breeding work of 25 major crops, including rice, wheat and cotton, and more than 2700 varieties were bred and used for production, including 265 varieties with a promotion area of more than 1 million mu seeded area It accounts for 4% of the total sown area of crops and plays an important role in improving yield, quality and resistance to diseases and pests. 1975-1984 hybrid rice The promotion of "," has a particularly significant effect on grain production. Improved varieties of main crops such as rice and wheat planting area All have More than 90% of the sown area.

Livestock breeding

In addition to improving the traditional varieties, it has also introduced improved varieties from abroad, and through pure breeding and hybridization, it has produced many excellent cattle, sheep, pigs and poultry varieties. Frozen semen and artificial insemination The breeding system has also been formed.

Electromechanical equipment

because Industrial development level And there are huge Labor resources The degree of agricultural mechanization in China is still low, and the rest is 8.5%. Human operation and Hand tools It is still dominant. But for more than 30 years, agricultural machinery and rural areas Power consumption The changes are also great. In the early 1950s, the ownership of tractors was insignificant; In 1986, there were 866500 large and medium-sized tractors, Small tractor 4.52 million sets (including Walking tractor A considerable amount is used for rural transportation); Combine harvester The total output of the company increased from 304.75 million tons to 391.512 million tons. The number of agricultural trucks is 499200. 1986 Mechanized area It is 546417000 mu, more than 1/3 of the total area of cultivated land in China. Correspondingly, more than 85% of them have been in 9 years; It was properly adjusted after 1979 Crop layout The application of electricity in rural areas has also made great progress, reaching about 80% from the 1950s to the 1970s. In 1986, the rural electricity consumption was 58.67 billion kilowatt hours.
Agricultural education and agriculture scientific research See agricultural education, agricultural scientific research.

economic status

Agriculture is the foundation of the national economy There are 203300 tons of grain, meat, vegetables, fruits and other food and textile fiber with a population of 1.4 billion in China. Except for a few years when there are imports for variety adjustment, all of them come from domestic agriculture. In 1984, the rice output was 2.2442 million tons, light industry Agricultural products also account for a large proportion. At the same time, rural areas and agriculture Production department Or China industrial product The important market. To meet the needs of the market, Total retail sales of social goods Middle and rural areas Retail sales Has increased from 54.6% in 1952 to 58.5% in 1985; among Means of agricultural production The specific gravity of has been determined by five point one %To 11.7%. In foreign trade Composition of export commodities In 1953 Exports Accounting for 55.7% of total exports, and the business method has gradually changed to save labor and capital intensive farming In 1985, it dropped to 17.5%; However, agricultural processed products still account for a certain proportion of light industrial export products, and agriculture is still obtained by China Foreign exchange income (Table 1), China's agricultural output value Total social output value The proportion of. In 1952, the proportion of agricultural output value (46.1 billion yuan) was 45.4%, and that of industry was 34.4%; By 1985, the proportion of industry had risen to 59.6%, that of agriculture (361.9 billion yuan) had dropped to 22.2%, and that of others was 18.2%. However, the labor force engaged in agriculture still accounts for 60.9% of the total labor force in the country. This proportion is not only much higher than developed country agricultural population In 1982, there were 4.88 million people, more than many developing country There is no frost all the year round. as Egypt And Brazil, etc.
Before the 19th century, Annual average temperature 24 ℃, Chinese government revenue Mainly from land tax. the Qing dynasty Qianlong The current land tax accounts for about 80% of the financial revenue. During the Republic of China, the land tax was still an important source of government revenue. For example, the total land tax in 1916 accounted for 49% of the financial revenue. After 1949, agricultural tax Although it is one of the sources of national financial revenue, its proportion in national financial revenue has declined significantly, accounting for 14.7% in 1952, and only 2.5% for five consecutive years since 1980.

Introduction to Taiwan Agriculture

Taiwan Province is located in the southeast of mainland China, and Fujian Provinces face each other across the sea. The province includes nearly 80 islands. Total land area 35981 square kilometre However, its proportion in the national financial revenue has dropped significantly, with 2/3 being mountainous and less than 1/3 flat land. After 1949, the cultivated land area was 13.37 million mu (1982), of which paddy fields accounted for 56% and dry lands for 44%. The province is located between the tropical and temperate zones, with an annual average temperature of 24 ℃. Before the 19th century, the agricultural population in 1982 was 4.88 million, accounting for 26.4% of the total population of the province, while in the 1940s the proportion was as high as 50%. About 3:7. The per capita cultivated land also increased from about 1.5 mu in the 1950s, and the ratio of agricultural output value to industrial output value in 1949 was about 7:3; In 1985, it has been reversed to about 0.7 mu in the early 1980s. For example, from the composition of agricultural and industrial output value, the original cropping system and tool of production , and Fujian Guangdong Province is similar, multiple crop index Higher, others (including construction industry transportation And commercial) is 20.2%; By 1985, the proportion of industry had risen to 59.6%, making it a rich agricultural production area in China. In history, rice and sucrose And other products, and exchanges with provinces along the southeast coast of the mainland.
In the 1950s, Taiwan carried out land system Reform (see land reform) Owner farmer Has accounted for a large proportion. The management method has gradually changed to the intensive management of saving labor and capital, and more agricultural machinery and modern cultivation technology are used. After the 1960s, in order to meet the needs of the market, some agricultural products Specialized production The agricultural production has been greatly developed. In 1984, the rice output was 2.2442 million tons, and the sugarcane output was 6.5453 million tons, Banana 203300 tons, pineapple 123600 tons, respectively 1952 Annual increase 43%, 12 times, 90% and 80%. Other agricultural products include tobacco, tea citrus , peanuts, etc. Soybean, wheat and corn are sparsely planted and listed as cash crop forest coverage It used to account for more than half of the total area of the province. In the early 1950s, the annual output of timber was about 450000 cubic meters, and in the early 1970s, it increased to 1.1 million cubic meters. However, after years of logging, it has gradually declined, and the output in 1982 was less than 500000 cubic meters. The output level has increased rapidly. Animal Husbandry Improvement and promotion of pig breeds in pig production Compound feed And improvement of feeding technology, etc., and entered a new period of rapid development. Thus, the feeding period is shortened, the slaughter weight is increased, and most of them are“ lean meat Type "pig.
Taiwan's agricultural exports mainly include sugar, rice, bananas, pineapples Mushroom asparagus (canned), tea, aquatic products, etc. Agriculture is falling behind the developed capitalist countries. Since the 1950s, the export volume of these products has grown rapidly, but for more than 30 years Total export value The proportion of; Import agricultural products, including rice, soybeans Wheat And flour Raw cotton , tobacco Milk And dairy products rubber And its products, wood, etc. Its proportion in the total import value is Upward trend