personal income

Total annual income of individuals in a country within one year
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Personal income refers to the total income of individuals in a country within one year. Personal gains from various sources income Sum of, including wages rent Revenue dividend dividend and social welfare And so on. Reflects the reality of individuals in the country purchasing power Level, indicating that consumers will commodity service etc. demand Changes. personal Income indicators It's personal Consumption capacity , an effective indicator of future consumer purchase trends and evaluating the quality of economic conditions.
Chinese name
personal income
Foreign name
Personal Income
Total annual income of individuals
Wages, rental income, dividends and dividends


Personal income( PI )It refers to the total income of individuals from various sources, including wages Rental income dividend Dividends and social welfare And so on. This indicator is used to predict personal Consumption capacity It is an effective indicator of future consumers' purchasing trends and economic conditions. An increase in personal income represents an improvement in economic conditions or economic climate , accordingly, Personal consumption expenditure Is likely to increase; Of course, decline is a sign of slowdown and recession exchange rate The influence of the trend is self-evident. If personal income rises too fast, the central bank is worried inflation , and will consider increase interest , of course, interest rate increase will be right Currency exchange rate Have a strong effect. Personal consumption expenditure represents the consumption of goods or services purchased by individuals market value The reason why these two data are important is that they are both current GNP Experts can use these data to predict the possibility of GNP Change range

Important formula

personal income Expressed in PI, it refers to the total income of all individuals in a country from various sources within a year. Individuals in a country or region are actually residents of that country or region. The total income of all individuals in a country or region is combined with the income of all residents in that country or region, that is national income It should be consistent. However, the actual economical operation There are some factors that lead to the difference between personal income and national income. These factors are also important factors in the composition of personal income, including:
1. Enterprise Undistributed profits The exists of. The undistributed profits of an enterprise are those that should be distributed to production factors owner Profit.
2、 Corporate income tax The exists of. Corporate income tax is paid to the government because of the existence of profits tax revenue , and paying to the government means that it cannot be allocated to individuals.
3. Various Social insurance premium The exists of. The income of the owner of production factors must have a part of social insurance The form of taxes and fees is handed over to the relevant agencies, so they must be deducted.
4、 transfer payment The exists of. In the real economy, individuals will also receive government grants Relief pension And other forms of transfer payment.
Therefore, the composition of personal income is actually national income Subtract a part as production factors The part of remuneration paid to individuals but not paid, plus the income actually obtained by individuals that does not belong to the remuneration of factors of production.
To sum up, the formula of personal income is:
PI (personal income)= NI (National income) - Enterprise Undistributed profits - Corporate income tax -Social insurance tax+transfer payment
Personal disposable income refers to the accumulation of personal disposable income of a country within a year. Personal income minus individual income tax The balance of is personal disposable income, which can be divided into consumption and savings. The formula is expressed as:
DPI (Disposable Personal Income)=PI Personal Income Tax=Consumption+ savings