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Netherlands East India Company

From 1602 to 1799, the Netherlands established a business company to conduct eastern trade
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synonym East India Company (Dutch East India Company) generally refers to the Dutch East India Company (a business company established by the Netherlands to carry out eastern trade between 1602 and 1799)
Netherlands East India Company, Dutch Vereenigde Oostindispatch Compagnie (VOC for short) is a business company established in the Netherlands to conduct eastern trade. It was founded on March 20, 1602 and dissolved in 1799. Its company's logo is V connecting O and C, and A above is Amsterdam Abbreviation of. [3]
corporate name
Netherlands East India Company [1]
Foreign name
Dutch East India Company
Date of establishment
March 20, 1602
Headquarters location
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Business scope
trading company [2]
Company type
Number of employees
Time of dissolution

Company Profile

Netherlands East India Company
The Dutch East India Company is the first company that can organize mercenaries and issue coins limited company And was allowed to conclude formal treaties with other countries and exercise the right to rule the place. [3]
In the nearly 200 years since the establishment of the Dutch East India Company, a total of 1772 ships have been sent overseas, and about 1 million Europeans have taken 4789 voyage number Our ship will go to Asia. Federal Republic of Netherlands (States General of the Netherlands) gives the company the monopoly right to carry out colonial activities in Asia for a period of 21 years. This is the first multinational company in the world and the first company to issue shares. It is also the first giant company in the world. The government holds shares, pays salaries for war, signs treaties with foreign countries, mints currency, establishes colonies, and other rights, In nearly 200 years world trade The company had an important influence in China. It paid 18% dividends to the government every year until 1800, when the company was officially dissolved. Its property and debts were borne by the Batavian Republic. The company's colony became Netherlands Indies In the 19th century Indonesia The archipelago forms Indonesia in the modern sense.

historical background

Coins with the logo of the Dutch East India Company
Netherlands The East India Company was founded in Europe in the 17th century Age Of Wind At that time, European countries began to explore maritime adventure World Geography And further develop the business opportunities of offshore. Portugal in the 16th century Southeast Asia In the 1560s, a group of Dutch businessmen sent Cornelis de Houtman (- 1599) to Portugal to spy Business Information After Hotman returned home, the businessmen set up a company and used this information to East India Regional development. stay Portuguese India Of Jan Haagen Van Linshoten In 1595, he returned with a large number of Cape of Good Hope Details of the route. From April 1595 to 1602, the Netherlands successively established 14 companies focusing on East India trade to avoid excessive Commercial competition These 14 companies merged and became one Associates The Dutch East India Company. The Dutch East India Company was authorized by the Dutch National Parliament at that time to start from the Cape of Good Hope in the east to the west South America south end Magellan Strait have Trade monopoly Right.
The Dutch East India Company was founded by Amsterdam Zeeland Province Midburg, Enkhuizen, Delft, Hoorn Rotterdam It is composed of six offices in the city of Rotterdam. Its board of directors consists of more than 70 people, but only 17 people really hold real power. It is called Heren XVII (Heren XVII), including eight in Amsterdam, four in Zeeland Province and one in other regions.
The Dutch East India Company was the first company that could organize mercenaries and issue currency. It was also the first company limited by shares. It was allowed to conclude formal treaties with other countries and exercise the power of colonization and domination over the region.
Dutch East India Company Java Badavia Jakarta )Headquarter has been established, and other strongholds are set up in East Indies , Spice Islands.
By 1669, the Dutch East India Company was the richest in the world private corporation The military has more than 150 merchant ships, 40 warships, 50000 employees and 10000 mercenaries, with a dividend of up to 40%. During the upsurge of share subscription, the Dutch East India Company released 6.5 million yuan in total Dutch guilders For subscription, the current 10 dong Approximately equal to In the 1660s, a teacher in the Netherlands received an annual salary of about 280 dong, and Amsterdam alone subscribed for half of the shares.


Model of merchant ship "Amsterdam"
1619 Cohen( Jan Pieterszoon Coen , Jan Pieterszoon Coen) was appointed as the Governor of the East India Company. He was a man of great foresight. He saw the possibility of turning the company into a force in Asia, so he did not hesitate to use force brutally. Cohen came in 1619 Badavia A new headquarters of the company has been established to establish clove The monopoly of trade, he will Banda Islands The original residents of Banda Islands were killed or driven away. Cohen's second successful venture was to successfully establish the trade system of Asian countries and extend its trade footprint to Japan, North Korea, China, etc. In 1640, the company obtained Sri Lanka Galle drove the Portuguese away, thus breaking the Portuguese's cinnamon Trade monopoly In 1658, the company besieged the capital of Sri Lanka Colombo By 1659, the Portuguese coastal strongholds in India had been seized by the Dutch. In 1652, the company Cape of Good Hope A stronghold was established to supply the company's crew to and from East Asia. This stronghold later became the Cape Colony of the Netherlands. In addition, the Netherlands is also in Persia Bengal Malacca Siam (Today Thailand ), mainland China (Guangdong), Formosa (today's Taiwan), Malabar Coast and Coromandel Coast of India. But in 1662 Zheng Chenggong Drive the Dutch out of Taiwan. By 1669, the company had become the richest company in the world, with 150 merchant ships, 40 warships, 50000 employees and 10000 private arms, Corporate investment Of Yield 40%.
East India Company Asia Trading Network

Trade relations with Taiwan

The Dutch East India Company was originally Pescadores Islands The Dutch moved to Taiwan in 1624 due to the interference of the Ming government of China at that time Senior officers (Today Tainan City )It established a stronghold and occupied Taiwan from 1624 to 1662. Buildings of the year are as follows Helanza City Plominza And so on remain to the present age, only many have collapsed.
Fort Anthony, Taiwan
The purpose of occupying Taiwan is to Southeast Asia The hub of the stronghold, and monopolize Manila (Spanish colony) trade with China. major export trade Including granulated sugar Deerskin Venison , antlers, rattan, rice, including Dutch metals, medicinal materials, spices, pepper amber , linen, cotton opium , tin, lead, Chinese Silk Fabric , pottery, gold.
Taking deer skin as an example, in just four years from 1634 to 1638 Number of sheets From 100000 to 150000. By 1658, Taiwan granulated sugar Output It is enough to supply the needs of Japan and Persia, and increase Batavia as the export target.
The Dutch East India Company has about 35 strongholds in Asia, and the Japanese stronghold ranks first with a profit of 38.8%. The second place is Taiwan with a profit of 25.6%. However, the profits of the Dutch East India Company in these places are mainly distributed to Dutch shareholders, rather than being used to give back to local people or for local construction.
At that time, in addition to the Netherlands, there were also Japanese countries operating trade in Taiwan. In view of the Japanese economic competition, the Netherlands levied a 10% tax on Japanese businessmen, which caused dissatisfaction and even Hamada Yabingwei incident In 1628, the trade between the two sides was terminated and resumed in 1632, but Japan soon entered Lock the country Times. In addition, the Dutch and Japanese governments have jurisdiction There has also been a conflict between the two parties over the power of execution.


The main reason for the dissolution of the Dutch East India Company was that in the 18th century, the war between the Netherlands and Britain continued Asia Of goods requirement Due to the economic crisis of the Dutch East India Company, it was finally dissolved on December 31, 1799. The company site is today University of Amsterdam

Historical chronology

Dutch Batavia in the 17th Century
1602: Founded on March 20.
1603: Wei Malang, a crew member of the company, passed Malacca Strait Arrive from Batavia Macao , the war with Portugal failed.
1604: Arrive on August 7 Pescadores Islands But on December 15, he was expelled by the Ming army.
1607: The Dutch East India Company was captured by Portugal Anwen Island , and set Commercial Hall Britain later set up a commercial pavilion here.
1619: The headquarters in East India was established in West Davia, Java.
1622: The Dutch East India Company occupies Penghu again.
1622: The Netherlands attacks Macao controlled by Portugal and fails in The War of Macao
1623: The Dutch East India Company kills Anwen Island 10 members of the British Commercial Museum.
1624: After an eight month war between the armies of the Ming Empire and the Netherlands, the Dutch retreat to Taiwan.
1627: The Dutch fleet attempts to blockade Macao, and is defeated again( Macao Naval Battle )。
1628-1629: Ma Da Lan The army besieged twice Badavia , all failed( Battles of Badavia )。
1638: Japan Lock the country The Portuguese were driven away by Japan, and the Dutch East India Company monopolized Japanese trade
1641: The Dutch East India Company occupied the Portuguese territory Malacca Strait Malacca Campaign
1648: Peace of Westphalia, Spain recognizes Dutch independence
1652: A colony was established in the Cape of Good Hope.
1661: April, Zheng Chenggong Occupy Penghu and With As a stronghold, they began to attack the Dutch in Taiwan.
1662: In February, the Netherlands surrendered and withdrew from Taiwan, Zheng Chenggong Recovers Taiwan
1704: the first time Java War (~ 2008)
1719: The Second Java War (~ 23 years)
1740: Chinese Uprising in Batavia
1749: The Third Java War (~ 55 years)
1795: The French Revolutionary Army occupies the Netherlands
1799: Dissolved on December 31.


With the passage of time, although the Dutch East India Company has ceased to exist, it has left a deep impression on the Dutch land. Here are some important East India Company sites selected for us.
Amsterdam Amsterdam
Amsterdams Historisch Museum : at Dam Square Nearby, it shows the history of Amsterdam and the East India Company.
Old church: Originally built in the 13th century. There are five tombstones of marine heroes in the church, including those of Jacob van Heemskerck Commemorative stone
Old Stock Exchange: built in 1608-1611, designed by the architect Hendrick de Keyser in the 17th century bond exchange The development period of. of large number government bonds And company shares are traded here.
The former site of the East India Company: the huge attic on the former site of the company used to store food and Asia And downstairs is a Slaughterhouse The new wing building was completed in 1606, including the meeting room, financial room and tax room for managers.
Maritime museum : The museum is most proud of a ship of the ancient East India Company. In addition, many exhibits also tell people the unknown story of the East India Company. A replica of an Amsterdam East India Company cargo ship is docked on the river outside the pavilion for tourists to visit.
Office of East India Company: built in 1682, the exhibition hall reproduces the scene of that time and plays movies.
Warehouse of East India Company: It is a beautiful stepped gable building, one of which is a spice warehouse.
Foreesten House: built in 1724 Louis XVI Style. The building was originally the home of Foreesten, the richest family in Horn. In addition, the family produced several managers of the East India Company.
Westfries Museum: The museum shows the history of this area in the 17th century, especially a large number of important cultural relics about the East India Company.
Delft Delft
Waag : The weighed house in the center of Delft was built in the 16th century. The goods are transported to the rear of the building by ship. A large number of goods imported by the East India Company are weighed by this method.
De Kolk port: The ship house of the East India Company docks at De Kolk, Delft port on the Schie River.
East India Home: Built in 1631, it is the location of the Delft Office of the East India Company.
Old church: the oldest church in Delft diocese, built in the 14-15th century. Many important figures of the East India Company were buried here.
In bottle Ship Museum : Enkehausen used to be an important shipbuilding base of East India Company, manufacturing more than 200 ships and assembling 330 ships. They can be seen in the museum.
Nanhai Museum : The museum is Open Air Museum There are more than 130 houses, shops, etc., which comprehensively show the life and work of people in the South China Sea. The history of the warehouse loft can be traced back to the East India Company.
Lampsins House: It is a typical residence of ship owners in the 17th century. Cornelis Lampsins was one of many investors of the Dutch East India Company, and it was still in the 17th century Zeeland Province The most influential and wealthy ship owners.
Zeewus Museum: The museum truly represents all aspects of company management in the area where the East India Company is located.
Rotterdam Rotterdam
Hoge Brug Bridge: located at the intersection of Delfshavense Schie River and Schie River. The bridge originally had five arches. The goods of East India Company are transported from Delfshaven to Delft via this bridge.
Piet Heyn statue: Piet Heyn is one of the important figures in the history of Delfshaven, Rotterdam. In memory of this navigation hero, William III unveiled the statue near the Port of Achter in 1870. The place where the statue is located is called Piet Heyn Square.
East Indian Sea Warehouse Delfshaven began to build warehouses for the East India Company in 1671. All raw materials and equipment for shipbuilding are stored here. Ahead of the warehouse is the port of Achter.
East India Company Shipyard: East India Company built 111 boats in Delfshaven to meet the needs of Asian trade.