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Business personnel

Economic terminology
Business personnel refer to organization Take charge of specific projects Economic business , such as production plan sale purchase , accounting Statistics , price advertisement And other specific business staff.
Chinese name
Business personnel
Foreign name
Business Personnel / Servicer / Sales Staff
Staff responsible for specific economic business in the organization, such as production, planning, sales, procurement, accounting, statistics, price, advertising and other specific business
Economic terminology

Elimination rule

1. Businessmen who always fail to achieve their goals are easy to be eliminated
The reason for not achieving the goal is not necessarily the salesman. However, a salesman who always fails to achieve his goal, regardless of enterprise No matter how many problems there are, such salespersons will become the first to be eliminated because the enterprise controller They will think that: there are too many salesmen like you who cannot achieve their goals, so the performance of the enterprise is problematic; Besides, the enterprise can't support you if you always fail to achieve the goal.
2. Was distributor The complained salesperson is easy to be eliminated
Most enterprises attach more importance to dealers than salesmen. For example, when a salesperson says that a dealer needs to be cut off, the enterprise's managers may not attach importance to and agree with it; When a dealer complains about a salesperson, the manager of the enterprise may immediately mark the salesperson with "?" or even directly with "×".
3. Salesmen who just talk but don't play tricks are easy to be eliminated
The "old people" who have been doing business for several years will become "old fogies". Speak like a leader, down to market It didn't take long for Shangguang to find the "three axes" he had accumulated at the beginning. This kind of empty handed salesman is not popular in both new and old enterprises.
4. Salesmen who like to contradict their superiors are easy to be eliminated
No matter how bad your boss is, as long as he is your boss, at least he is better than you in some aspects. Liking to contradict your boss means that you expose and magnify your shortcomings without seeing your boss's strengths and advantages. Can you still "fool" under your boss? Hurry up and leave. You will be expelled if you don't leave.
5. Self righteous and self willed salesmen are easy to be eliminated
Some business personnel begin to think highly of themselves after they have made some achievements company Acting according to the established strategies and plans; With performance, leaders will think that you are disobedient to management, and if something goes wrong, you will just "go away".
6. The salesman who likes to complain is easy to be eliminated
When a business meeting is held, several salesmen always complain product quality Poor Price High Promotion Small, less advertising, heavy tasks, etc. In less than two months, such salesmen "went to one side to cool off". What enterprises need is elites who can solve practical problems, not "observers".
7. Salesmen who are jealous of talents are easy to be eliminated
Their own performance is poor, and they are "jealous" when others' performance is good: fleeing goods , smashing prices, finding some friends to "spread rumors" about him, etc. When the truth is in front of us, we have to leave a role model we can learn.
8. Salesmen who promote themselves are easy to be eliminated
Some salesmen, after making some achievements, like to publicize themselves on the Internet or in some public places, and put their achievements in their own pockets. However, the performance of one market is the result of multiple departments and personnel Co creation Without the system support of the platform, the strength of individual business personnel is extremely limited.
9. Salesmen who cheat during business trips are easy to be eliminated
Some salesmen use business management One of the loopholes in business travel is that they make fake during business travel a business travel ; The second is to fake the business trip tickets, and the money you didn't spend became so much money. Once a salesperson forms such a bad habit, it is difficult to change it easily. However, "If you often walk by the river, you can't keep your shoes wet". Once found by enterprise managers, you will have to fall into the river.
10. The dissolute in private life is easy to be eliminated
As a result of being away from the management and supervision of enterprises and families for a long time, a considerable number of salesmen will become uninhibited in their private lives. Once degenerated, such salesmen can't cultivate the market like "old scalpers". They will only disappear after "playing in bars, building the Great Wall, washing sauna, and seeking massage".

Stage training

1、 New comers
Features: Three to six months after joining the company, the company is in the adaptation period to the existing culture and system of the company product . The market is at the stage of familiarity and exploration. Yes staff It is a critical period for gradual integration into the enterprise, during which the initial training is very important. There are two types of new employees, one is Fresh graduates One is the salesman who has been engaged in similar work in other companies. Fresh graduates are not familiar with the industry, almost have no sales skills, and do not understand the rules of the game of the market, but what is valuable is that they generally have a high passion for work and enthusiasm for enterprises. If this passion is correctly guided through training and conversation, so that he can truly love his work and be loyal to the enterprise, it will be an enterprise resources of talents Important gains. This is also an important factor for many multinational groups to directly cultivate talents in colleges and universities. However, if they are scattered to the market, they will be like headless flies, with a very low rate of success and a very long period of success; Relying on the help of old business personnel, the effect has not been very good. Business work is based on performance. For a long time, business personnel attach very little importance to non business work, and the corresponding skill accumulation is less. Such teachers are often nameless and can't solve many problems. Business personnel coming in from other companies are also faced with the problem of understanding products and markets, and their sales skills are often sporadic and unsystematic. The company needs to re instill them according to its own products, market channels and customer characteristics.
Therefore, the training of new employees should generally focus on the following contents:
1. Survival training
Corporate corporate culture Rules and regulations and operation flow The main form is that the human resources department provides training on corporate culture, code of conduct, rules and regulations; In terms of business processes, excellent old business personnel will introduce them and conduct drills in combination with practice, which will achieve good results.
2. Knowledge training
Preliminary product knowledge and relevant industry knowledge. How do new business personnel regularly customer A mature company will accumulate a lot of experience in explaining products and how to solve customers' objections. It is of great significance to impart these knowledge to newcomers to improve efficiency. Relevant industry knowledge is the basis for new comers to have self-confidence, and also the premise for improving their working image. Specific contents include competitor analysis, upstream and downstream conditions of the industry, etc
3. Skill training
Focus on training and target management of primary marketing skills, language skills, etc. The training of marketing skills is a long-term process, and its main contents include: marketing process theory, techniques and methods in each process, etc. In addition, management by objectives is of great significance to both teams and individuals. New progress Personnel analysis Work, target formulation and plan formulation all require a comprehensive and specific understanding of the content of target management.
4. Attitude training
Individuals working in teams must have good working habits. When new employees enter a new organization, they need to learn team work skills, such as how to get help from others, how to coordinate relations, and how to get along well with their superiors.
If these works are done in place, it will enhance employees' awareness of Corporate Values And can work more quickly to effectively shorten the adaptation period, which is very helpful for the initial cultivation of employee loyalty to the enterprise.
2、 Junior salesman
Characteristics: Having been in the company for more than six months, he is familiar with the work process, has passed the novelty of the work, and can make clear judgments about the work. His enthusiasm for learning and passion for work are slowly decreasing. Frustrations in practice make him feel happy. He attaches great importance to the support and assistance of other departments of the company, and often blames his own business difficulties on the company Market strategy Inactive, unreasonable price, no advantage in technology, poor service staff, unstable quality and other objective reasons, even full of complaints, the number of job investors dropped significantly.
According to the above situation, it is very important to resolve the frustration. First of all, encourage them in attitude to keep a positive attitude and stimulate their enthusiasm for finding solutions. At this time, with more in-depth knowledge and skills training, it will achieve better results. To solve the problem of this kind of business personnel, we can help them from the following aspects: First, we should carry out training to improve their sales ability competitive power ; Second Organizational learning Marketing knowledge helps him better understand the market and understand the crux of market problems. In addition, communication skills training can also be carried out, so that when encountering difficulties, they can seek the assistance of other people in the company and win the support of customers.
Training content:
1. Knowledge training: preliminary marketing knowledge and deeper product knowledge training. Marketing The knowledge in this field includes Market segmentation Target market selection , of the product marketing strategy Etc. The learning of this part of knowledge can promote salesman Understand and agree with the company's policies, and be able to adjust in time according to the local actual situation.
two Skill training : Advanced marketing skills (such as Relationship Marketing Consultative Selling Target marketing strategy Etc.), Communication skills Class (like psychology), time management of salespersons. When sales personnel reach this level, they must have an understanding of different sales methods in order to break through their own limits, and choose a sales method suitable for them according to different actual situations.
3. Attitude training: change your cognitive awareness and keep positive Enterprising spirit In order to finally stimulate one's potential, one must make timely psychological adjustments. Only by accepting new ideas, changing your behavior and forming habits can you maintain a positive attitude. Attitude training is just a stimulus, and more importantly, such attitudes training course It can form a practical and easy to operate behavior, which is convenient for business personnel to constantly speculate and practice in their work.
3、 Intermediate salesman
Characteristics: After more than one year in the sales industry, I have become very familiar with the general process and skills of the industry, and my mentality has also tended to be stable. I have certain preferences and choices for the future. Some people are gradually beginning to develop in the direction of management, while others are still interested in business. For business personnel seeking to develop in the direction of management, the company should arrange sales management and marketing courses according to the specific situation. Business personnel who strive to be professional will try to break through their own limitations. Therefore, they urgently need more professional marketing skills, one to many sales skills, and more in-depth product knowledge. The salesperson at this stage began to pay attention to position The difference of treatment, how to maintain the balance of their mentality is very important. This group of employees is the most important concern of the company. It is also the sales backbone of the company. At the same time, it is also a high risk group that has more confidence in itself and is easy to change jobs.
In view of the development characteristics of salespersons at this stage, the company should not only improve incentive system , strengthen management, and more specifically understand the salesperson's own development needs, so as to Training planning This kind of personnel I-group is the focus of the company's training, and also the easiest to see the training benefits. Provide multi-dimensional training according to their specific conditions
Training content:
Management type:
1. Knowledge training: financial knowledge, logistics knowledge, production management (in order to move towards management, you must have an understanding of the work of other departments, and certainly not lack of knowledge preparation), marketing planning, Market management , business management;
2. Skills training: communication, motivation, public speaking, Regional market Administration;
3. Attitude training: self-confidence, leadership Etc.
Business type:
1. Knowledge training: in-depth product knowledge, marketing planning;
2. Skill training: public speech, regional market operation, new development of marketing concepts and skills;
3. Attitude training: the idea of pursuing excellence.
4、 Senior salesman
This refers specifically to the business personnel who have not developed to the management, have been in business for a long time and have outstanding performance
Features: I have very rich sales knowledge and experience, and I am very skilled in sales skills, but I am not suitable for management. This part of the staff is not many in the company, but economic performance Larger. How to deal with their promotion and management is a thorny problem, which often becomes the vacuum layer of salesperson management. From the perspective of training, it is a good way to make it a trainer for new business personnel. On the one hand, in the process of transferring rich practical experience to more people, it can promote them to make their sales skills and knowledge more systematic and knowledgeable. On the other hand, it can eliminate their frustration on the management development road and maintain their self-esteem. This kind of training can be designed around the following points:
1. Knowledge training: enterprise training knowledge, characteristics of adult learning, and writing knowledge.
2. Skill training: skill training and skills in compiling teaching materials.
3. Attitude training: how to influence others and train successfully.
The business personnel are divided into four development stages and the approximate time is described above. It should be emphasized here that time is not the main basis, but the more important factor is the psychology, for example, the salesperson who has been engaged in business for a long time but can't overcome the frustration in sales promotion can only be called junior salesperson; Only when he breaks through this state, learns better marketing methods, practices more marketing skills, makes breakthroughs in performance and gains confidence in marketing can he be said to have improved a level. Because most of the training for junior salespersons is based on some basic things, laying a good foundation for a Salesperson The growth of is of great significance. Therefore, the training of junior business personnel in enterprises is more frequent. [1]