Seven major mathematical problems in the world

Cray Institute of Mathematics
zero Useful+1
The seven "world problems" are: NP complete problem Hodge conjecture Poincare conjecture Riemann hypothesis Yang-Mills Existence and Mass Gap Navier Stoke equation BSD conjecture All seven questions were rewarded with a million dollars.
Chinese name
Seven major mathematical problems
Foreign name
Millennium Prize Problems
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
Also called
The Millennium Award
Proposed time
May 24, 2000

Question posing

Mathematician David Hilbert The second session was held in Paris on August 8, 1900 World Congress of Mathematicians In the famous speech on, 23 Mathematical puzzle Hilbert's Problems In the past hundred years, it has stimulated the wisdom of mathematicians and guided the direction of mathematics. Its impact and promotion on the development of mathematics is enormous and immeasurable.
The 20th century is a century of great development of mathematics. Many major mathematical problems have been solved satisfactorily, such as Fermat's big theorem Proof of, Finite simple group The completion of classification work, etc fundamental theory It has achieved unprecedented development.
United States at the beginning of 2000 Cray Institute of Mathematics The Scientific Advisory Committee of, Cray Institute of Mathematics The board of directors decided to set up a prize fund of seven million dollars, and each solution to the "Millennium Prize Problem" would receive a reward of one million dollars.
Cray Institute of Mathematics The purpose of the selection of the "Millennium Prize Problem" is not to form a new direction for the development of mathematics in the new century, but to focus on the major problems that are central to the development of mathematics and that mathematicians are eager to solve.
On May 24, 2000, the Millennium Mathematics Conference College de France Held. At the conference, 1997 Fields Medal The winner Gavos gave a speech on the topic of "the importance of mathematics". Later, Tate and Atia announced and introduced the seven "Millennium Prize questions". Cray Institute of Mathematics also invited experts in relevant research fields to give a more detailed description of each problem. The Cray Institute of Mathematics has made strict regulations on the solution and awarding of the "Millennium Prize Problem". If every "Millennium Prize problem" is solved, it will not win the prize immediately. Any solution must be based on the Journal of Mathematics It is only two years after the last publication and the recognition of the mathematical community that the Scientific Advisory Committee of Cray Institute of Mathematics may review and decide whether it is worth winning the award of one million dollars.
One of them has been solved( Poincare conjecture , by Russia mathematician Gregory Perelman Cracking), there are six left.
Since the issue of the "Millennium Prize" was announced, it has generated a strong response in the world's mathematical community. These problems are all about the basic theory of mathematics, but the solution of these problems will greatly promote the development and application of mathematical theory. Understanding and studying the "Millennium Prize" has become a hot topic in the world of mathematics. Mathematicians in many countries are organizing joint research. The "Millennium Prize Problem" will change the historical process of mathematical development in the new century.

Seven difficult problems


NP complete problem

Ex.: On a Saturday night, you attended a grand party. Feeling embarrassed, you want to know if there are people you already know in this hall. The host of the banquet suggested to you that you must know the lady Rose in the corner near the dessert plate. It doesn't take you a second to glance over there and find that the host of the banquet is right. However, if there is no such hint, you must look around the hall and examine everyone one by one to see if there are people you know.
It usually takes much more time to generate a solution to a problem than to verify a given solution. This is an example of this general phenomenon. Similarly, if someone tells you that the number 13717421 can be written as the product of two smaller numbers, you may not know whether you should trust him or not, but if he tells you that it can be decomposed into 3607 times 3803, then you can easily verify this with a pocket calculator.
It is found that all complete polynomials Uncertainty Problems can be transformed into a kind of satisfaction problems Logical operation Question. Since all possible answers to such questions can be found in polynomial time In internal computing, people then wonder whether there is a deterministic algorithm for such problems that can directly calculate or search for the correct answer in polynomial time? This is the famous NP=P? Guess. No matter whether we are clever in writing programs, whether we can quickly use internal knowledge to verify the answer or spend a lot of time to solve without such prompt is regarded as logic and computer science One of the most prominent problems in. It was stated by Steven Coker in 1971.

Hodge conjecture

Mathematicians in the 20th century discovered that Complex objects The shape of the powerful approach. The basic idea is to ask to what extent we can change the shape of a given object by dimension An increasing number of simple geometric building blocks are glued together to form. This technique has become so useful that it can be promoted in many different ways; Eventually, it led to some powerful tools that enabled mathematicians to make great progress in classifying various objects they encountered in their research. Unfortunately, in this generalization, the geometric starting point of the program becomes blurred. In a sense, some parts without any geometric explanation must be added. Hodge conjecture Assertions, for the so-called Projective algebraic variety For this particularly good space type, the components called Hodge closed chain are actually called Algebraic closed chain A (rational linear) combination of geometric components of.

Poincare conjecture

If we stretch the rubber band around the surface of an apple, we can neither break it nor let it leave the surface, so that it slowly moves and shrinks to a point. On the other hand, if we imagine that the same rubber band is telescoped in a proper direction Tire tread If the rubber band or tire tread is not broken, there is no way to shrink it to a point. We say that the surface of the apple is“ simply-connected And the tire tread is not. About a hundred years ago, Poincare had known that the two-dimensional sphere could be characterized by simple connectivity in essence, and he proposed Three-dimensional sphere ( Four-dimensional space All points with unit distance from the origin). The problem immediately became extremely difficult. Since then, mathematicians have been struggling for it.
Between November 2002 and July 2003, Russian mathematicians Gregory Perelman Three preprints of the paper were published and claimed to prove that Geometrization conjecture
After Perelman, two groups of researchers successively published papers to complete the missing details in the proof given by Perelman. This includes university of michigan Bruce Kleiner and John Lott; Columbia University John Morgan and Massachusetts Institute of Technology Tian Gang.
25th session, August 2006 International Congress of Mathematicians Grant to Perelman Fields Medal The mathematical world finally confirmed that Perelman's proof solved the problem Poincare conjecture

Riemann hypothesis

Some numbers have special properties that cannot be expressed as the product of two smaller numbers, such as 2, 3, 5, 7, etc. Such numbers are called prime number They play an important role in pure mathematics and its application. At all Natural number The distribution of such prime numbers does not follow any regular pattern; However, German mathematician Riemann (1826~1866) observed that the frequency of prime numbers is closely related to the behavior of an elaborately constructed so-called Riemann zeta function ζ (s). famous Riemann hypothesis It is asserted that all meaningful solutions of the equation ζ (s)=0 are on a straight line. This has been verified for the first 150000000 solutions. To prove that it holds true for every meaningful solution will be Prime distribution Many mysteries of bring light.
Denial of Riemann hypothesis:
In fact, although the number of factors is distributed, it is a wrong way because Pseudo prime number and prime number The general formula of C tells us that prime numbers and pseudo prime numbers are determined by their variable sets. See Pseudo prime number and prime number Entries.

Young Mills existence and quality gap

The laws of quantum physics are based on classical mechanics Of Newton's law yes Macro world The way of Elementary particle The world was founded. About half a century ago, Yang Zhenning And Mills found that, Quantum physics The remarkable relationship between elementary particle physics and the mathematics of geometric objects is revealed. The prediction based on Young Mills equation has been confirmed in the following high-energy experiments carried out in laboratories around the world: Brocklehaven, Stanford European Institute for Particle Physics and standing wave However, their equations that describe heavy particles and are mathematically rigorous have no known solutions. In particular, it is confirmed by most physicists, and“ quark ”The "quality gap" hypothesis applied in the interpretation of invisibility has never been proved mathematically satisfactory. Progress on this issue requires the introduction of fundamental new ideas in physics and mathematics.

Existence and Smoothness of the Navier Stoke Equation

The undulating waves follow our boat winding through the lake, and the turbulent current follows our modernity Jet aircraft The flight of. Mathematicians and physicists are convinced that both breeze and turbulence can be understood by Solution of the equation , to explain and predict them. Although these equations were written in the 19th century, we still have very little understanding of them. The challenge lies in making Substantive We can solve the mystery hidden in the Navier Stokes equation.

BSD conjecture

Mathematicians are always treated as
That way algebraic equation The problem of characterizing all integer solutions of the. Euclid The complete solution of this equation was once given, but for more complex equations, it becomes extremely difficult. In fact, as Matyashevich pointed out, Hilbert's tenth problem is unsolvable, that is, there is no general method to determine whether such an equation has an integer solution. When the solution is a Abelian variety Bach and Schweinerton Dale conjectures believe that the size of the group of rational points is related to the behavior of a Zetta function z (s) near the point s=1. In particular, this interesting conjecture holds that if z (1) is equal to 0, then there are an infinite number of Rational point (Solution). On the contrary, if z (1) is not equal to 0, then there are infinitely many such points.