Shangcai County

County under the jurisdiction of Zhumadian City, Henan Province
zero Useful+1
synonym Shangcai (Shangcai) generally refers to Shangcai County
Shangcai County, subordinate to Henan Province Zhumadian City be situated Henan Province southeast, Zhumadian City Northeast. East and Zhoukou City Xiangcheng City Bordering to the south Runan County Pingyu County Junction, west and Xiping County Suiping County Connected with Luohe City in the north Shaoling Zhoukou City Shangshui County Adjacent, with a total area of 1514.22 square kilometers. [4] In 2019, Shangcai County has a total population of 1.5454 million. There are 36 nationalities. [4] As of October 2021, Shangcai County has jurisdiction over 4 streets, 13 towns and 9 townships, [7] The People's Government of the County is located at 129 Caidu Avenue. [4]
In the 22nd year of King Ding of Zhou Dynasty (447 BC), Chu exterminated Cai, and Cai Qihou fled to Jiangxi. The capital was built as "looking at Cai". In ancient times, the west was the best, and Shangcai was in Gulu (now Henan Province Xincai County )Zhoulai (now Anhui Province Fengtai )To the west, it is called Shangcai. [6] In the reign of King Han Li, Cai County was set up. In 2000, Zhumadian was removed from its territory to become a city, and Shangcai County was subordinate to it Zhumadian City [4] In February 2020, the People's Government of Henan Province approved Shangcai County to withdraw from poverty-stricken counties. [1]
Shangcai County is the hometown of Chongyang culture in China [4] National Health County [5] The fourth batch of demonstration counties that took the lead in basically realizing the mechanization of main crop production [8] Counties with basically balanced development of compulsory education [11] Demonstration County of Urban and Rural Transportation Integration [15] National Demonstration Park for Integrated Development of Rural Industries. [26] There are national geographical indications for agricultural products: Wuliang Temple High Green Radish Chongli sweet potato Shaodian Yellow Ginger [12]
In 2021, the GDP of Shangcai County 29.677 billion yuan, up 8.3%; Fixed asset investment increased by 13%, and the total retail sales of consumer goods reached RMB 12.05 billion; The general public budget revenue was 1.162 billion yuan, up 10.83%. [13] In 2023, the GDP will be 28.752 billion yuan, an increase of 2.8% over the previous year at comparable prices. [35]
Chinese name
Shangcai County
Foreign name
Shangcai County
area number
four hundred and eleven thousand seven hundred and twenty-two
Administrative Region Category
Zhumadian City, Henan Province
geographical position
Henan Province Southeast Zhumadian City Northeast
1514.22 km²
Area under jurisdiction
4 streets, 13 towns and 9 townships
Government residence
129 Caidu Avenue
Area Code
Postal Code
four hundred and sixty-three thousand and eight hundred
climatic conditions
Warm temperate monsoon climate
population size
1597900 [35] (Total population by the end of 2023)
License plate code
Yu Q
28.752 billion yuan [35] (2023)

Historical evolution

In 2007, it was awarded the title of Millennium Ancient County
Legendary human ancestors Fu Xi Tai Hao )Because Yarrow was born here and wrote divinations here, it was named Cai.
In the first year of King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty (1046 BC), the Shang Dynasty was destroyed, and he was granted the same title as his mother and younger brother in Caidi Cai State The capital is now Shangcai County.
In the 14th year of King Jingwang of Zhou Dynasty (531 BC), Chu Destroy the State of Cai and establish Cai County. In the 22nd year of King Ding (447 BC), Chu exterminated Cai, and Cai Qihou fled to Jiangxi. The capital was built as "looking at Cai". In ancient times, the west was the best, and Shangcai was in Gulu (now Henan Province Xincai County )Zhoulai (now Anhui Province Fengtai )To the west, it is called Shangcai. [6] In the twenty third year of Xianwang (346 BC), Wei Han After the war, Shangcai returned to Han, and Hanli King set Shangcai County. In the seventeenth year of the reign of King Qin (230 BC), Qin destroyed Han and set up Yingchuan County , Shangcai County.
After the unification of the Qin Dynasty, Shangcai County still belonged to Yingchuan County.
In the fourth year of Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty (203 BC) Runan County , Shangcai County. In the second year of Yongchu (108), Shangcai County Xiping County It was located in Dingying County, which went through Wei and Jin dynasties and was abolished by Liu and Song dynasties in the Southern Dynasties.
The Three Kingdoms belong to the State of Wei Yuzhou Runan County. During the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Sixteen Kingdoms Period Hou Zhao Qianyan Pre Qin Later Qin Dynasty , followed by Eastern Jin Dynasty Belongs to.
Shangcai County
In the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Liu Song in the Southern Dynasty was the first, and later, the Northern Dynasty was the last. In the Southern Dynasty, the Song Dynasty moved Shangcai County to Xuanhu City (today Runan County City), belonging to Runan County. In the second year of the Northern Wei Dynasty (519), the Northern Wei Dynasty set Linru County in the north of the county, also known as Wujin County (It governs Gangguo Village, Zhuli Town today), which belongs to Ruyang County, and enters Shangcai County in North Qi Province.
In the sixth year of Emperor Kaihuang of the Sui Dynasty (586), Wujin County was established at the former site of Linru County. In the sixth year of Daye (607), Shangcai County was moved to the former site, and Wujin County was incorporated into Shangcai County.
Tang, Genus Henan Road Caizhou. In the 11th year of Yuanhe (816) Suiping In the first year of Changqing (821), Shangcai County was restored.
Song Dynasty, Genus Beijing Northwest Road Caizhou Runan County Huai Kang Army is abstemious.
Jin belongs to the Southern Army of Caizhou Town, Jingnan Road.
Yuan, genus Henan Province Runing Mansion.
At the beginning of the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, Shangcai County was abolished. In the fourth year of Hongwu's reign (1371), it was restored and under the jurisdiction of the Henan Chief Executive Siruning.
In the Qing Dynasty, the system of the Ming Dynasty was followed, and Shangcai still belonged to Runing Mansion
During the Republic of China Runing Mansion In 1913, Henan Province abolished the government and set up Taoism, and Shangcai belonged to South Henan Road In 1914, South Henan Road was renamed Ruyang Path , Shangcai belongs to. In 1927, Taoism was abolished and directly under Shangcai County Henan Province In 1932, it was established as the eighth administrative supervision district in Henan Province, under the jurisdiction of Shangcai County. In October 1948, the Henan Anhui Soviet Liberated Area established Honghe County in the west of Shangcai County, which is the seventh special area of the Henan Anhui Soviet Liberated Area. In March 1949, Honghe County was incorporated into Shangcai County, and Shangcai County was changed to Queshan District. In August, Queshan District was changed to Xinyang District , Shangcai County.
In 1965, from Xinyang District Analyze and set Zhumadian area, Shangcai County belongs to Zhumadian area.
In 1970, Shangcai County belonged to Zhumadian District.
In 2000, Zhumadian was removed from its territory to become a city, and Shangcai County was subordinate to it Zhumadian City [4]

administrative division


Division evolution

After the founding of the People's Republic of China Shangshui County Dadongzhuang, Weilou, Gaozhuang, Xiaoyangzhuang, Xiaozhuang, etc. are included in Shangcai County. Yangji Township and Huaiyang County Xiaozhang, Dongbeizhuang, Luoma Street, Zhushi Lane and Hehe Xiang Cheng Xiaofuying, Dafuying, Xiangwan, Dazhengying, Denglou, Liwan, Renzhuang, Xiezhuang, Maqiao, Banzhang, Qilao, Daizhuang (Qianjie), Yangji, Suzhuang (Qianqiao Village), etc. bordering the border are also included in Shangcai County.
In 1951, Chenzhuang, Tangqiao, Lizhuang, Daji, Zhulou, Dazhang and other six small townships bordering Shangcai County and Runan County were incorporated Runan [6]
In 2005, Shiqiao Township was abolished and incorporated into Donghong Township. In 2009, Caidu Town and Lugang Township were abolished, and Shiqiao Village and Wangzhuang Village in Donghong Township, Dingzhao Village, Shenzhao Village and Zhuzhuang Village in Qihai Township were merged into the county proper, and four streets were set up, namely Caidu, Lugang, Chongyang and Wolong.
In 2010, Taqiao Township and Donghong Township were removed from their villages and built towns. In 2012, Shaodian Township was removed from the township and built into a town. In 2014, Hedian Township was removed from the township and built into a town.
In 2015, Wulong Township Remove villages and build towns. In 2017, Hanzhai Township Remove villages and build towns. In 2018, Caigou Township Remove villages and build towns. [4]

Zoning Details

As of October 2021, Shangcai County has jurisdiction over 4 streets, 13 towns and 9 townships: Caidu Street Lugang Street Chongyang Street Wolong Street Huangbu Town Yangji Town Zhuhu Town Dangdian Town Zhuli Town Huapi Town Taqiao Town Donghong Town Shaodian Town Wulong Town Hedian Town Hanzhai Town Caigou Town Dalu Li Township Wuliangsi Township Yangtun Township Qihai Township Chongli Township Dong'an Township Xiaoyuesi Township Xihong Township Baichi Township [7] 45 communities, 415 organic villages, 1562 natural villages, 129 Caidu Avenue, [4]

geographical environment


Location context

Shangcai County, located in Henan Province southeast, Zhumadian City Northeast. East and Zhoukou City Xiangcheng City Bordering to the south Runan County Pingyu County Junction, west and Xiping County Suiping County Connected with Luohe City in the north Shaoling Zhoukou City Shangshui County Adjacent. The maximum distance from east to west is 57.5 kilometers, the maximum distance from north to south is 37 kilometers, and the total area is 1514.22 square kilometers. [4]
Shangcai County People's Government

topographic features

Shangcai County is located in Huaibei Plain, with flat terrain and little fluctuation, and the altitude is between 41 and 99 meters. Only Lugang in the west of the county is vertically connected, with a high terrain and a commanding height of 99m above sea level. The terrain of the whole county inclines from Lugang to the east and west, with an average ground slope of 1/4000~1/6000. The terrain can be divided into plain, depression and hillock. [4]


Shangcai County has a warm temperate continental monsoon semi humid climate, characterized by abundant sunshine, heat, rainfall, four distinct seasons, moderate temperature and humidity, and hot and rainy seasons. The annual average temperature is 16.1 ℃, and the annual average precipitation is 543.7mm. The annual average sunshine duration is 1971.7 hours, the anomaly percentage is 6%, and the sunshine anomaly degree is 0.7, which is normal compared with the average over the years. [4]


The rivers in Shangcai County belong to the Huaihe River Basin. There are 9 rivers with a drainage area of more than 100 square kilometers. Among them, there are two third class rivers, namely Xiaohong River and Nanru River, with a total length of 56.06 km; There are seven fourth level rivers, namely Beiru River, Heihe River, Yanggang River, Yang River, Mao River, Nanliuyan River and Beiliuyan River, with a total length of 164.3 kilometers. The total length of rivers in the territory is 220.36 km, the river network density is 0.146 km/km2, and the total runoff is 30300 m3. The largest river in the territory is Xiaohong River, with a length of 52.76 kilometers and a drainage area of 377 square kilometers. [4]


The soil in Shangcai County can be divided into three categories: yellow cinnamon soil, fluvo aquic soil and shajiang black soil. [4]

natural resources


water resource

The average annual total water resources of Shangcai County is 45.212 million cubic meters, the per capita water consumption is 159 cubic meters, and the average occupancy is 272.77 cubic meters. The annual utilization of water resources is 27.08 million cubic meters, including 103.79 million cubic meters of surface water, 97.2 million cubic meters of groundwater supply in the whole county, and the utilization rate of groundwater development is 53.7%. [4]

land resource

In 2019, Shangcai County has a total land area of 151423.47 hectares. Among them, agricultural land area is 127159.08 hectares (cultivated land area is 111323.35 hectares), construction land area is 23282.38 hectares, and unused land and other land area are 982.01 hectares, accounting for 83.98%, 15.37% and 0.65% of the total land area respectively. [4]

Biological resources

Shangcai County raises animals. Domestic animals mainly include cattle, buffalo, cows, horses, donkeys, mules, pigs, sheep, rabbits, cats, dogs, etc. Poultry mainly includes chickens, ducks, geese, pigeons, etc. Fish mainly include grass carp, carp, goldfish, etc. Others include bees, silkworms, thrushes, larks, starlings, parrots, crane quails, etc.
Wild animals, including rabbits, rats, hedgehogs, snakes, badgers, geckos, weasels, bats, squirrels, etc. Birds include sparrows, magpies, turtledoves, purple swallows, geese, eagles, eagles, orioles, woodpeckers, owls, herons, cormorants, pheasants, cuckoos, harriers, storks, Zhigeng birds, crane quails, creepers, etc. Fishes and other organisms mainly include grass carp, carp, herring, salmon, abalone, eel, mudfish, turtle, turtle, etc. [4]


As of November 1, 2020, Shangcai County has a permanent population of 1005745. [14] In 2019, Shangcai County has a total population of 1.5454 million. There are 973800 permanent residents, including 391500 urban residents. The birth rate was 10.41%, and the mortality rate was 7.15%. The natural growth rate is 3.26%, and the urbanization rate is 40.2%. Shangcai County is a multi-ethnic residential area with the Han nationality as the main body. There are Han, Hui, Zhuang, Miao, Yi, Wa, Tujia, Hani, Mongolian, Manchu, Buyi, Dong, Dai, Yao Lahu nationality Li, Bai, Tibetan, Mulao, Bulang, Baoan, Hezhe, Korean, She, Shui, Chuanqing Lisu nationality , Uygur, Gelao, Jingpo, Tu, Kazak, Tajik, Maonan, De'ang, Xibo, a total of 36 nationalities. The Han population is the largest, accounting for 99.84% of the total population of the county, and the minority population accounts for 0.16% of the total population of the county. Ethnic minorities with a population of more than 50 include Hui, Zhuang, Miao, Yi, Wa, Tujia, Hani, Mongolian, Manchu, Buyi, Dong, Dai, Yao, Lahu, etc. Among ethnic minorities, the Hui nationality has the largest population. [4]
According to the rapid summary data of population sampling survey, the total population of the county will reach 1597900 by the end of 2023. The permanent population of the county is 965200. The urbanization rate is 37.15%. In 2023, there will be 7700 births and 9200 deaths, with a birth rate of 7.89 ‰, a mortality rate of 9.43 ‰ and a natural population growth rate of -1.54 ‰. [35]




In 2021, the gross regional product of Shangcai County 29.677 billion yuan, up 8.3%; Fixed asset investment increased by 13%, and the total retail sales of consumer goods reached RMB 12.05 billion; The general public budget revenue was 1.162 billion yuan, up 10.83%. A total of 118 projects have been negotiated, with a total investment of 55.196 billion yuan. 17 projects were included in the first three phases of "three projects and one batch" of the province, and 8 projects were included in the central budget, with a fund of 98.45 million yuan; Apply for 9 batches of special bonds, and strive for 13 projects with a capital of 805 million yuan.
In 2021, Shangcai County will spend 5.28 billion yuan on people's livelihood, accounting for 83% of the general public budget expenditure, of which 3.847 billion yuan will be spent on "three guarantees". [13]
In 2023, the gross domestic product (GDP) will be 28.752 billion yuan, an increase of 2.8% over the previous year at comparable prices. By industry, the added value of the primary industry was 5.457 billion yuan, up 1.5%; The added value of the secondary industry was 9.351 billion yuan, up 1.8%; The added value of the tertiary industry was 13.944 billion yuan, up 4.2%. The structure of the three industries was adjusted to 19.0:32.5:48.5 from 18.0:41.1:40.9 in the previous year, of which the proportion of the primary industry increased by 1.0 percentage points, the proportion of the secondary industry decreased by 8.6 percentage points, and the proportion of the tertiary industry increased by 7.6 percentage points. The per capita GDP is 29464 yuan. [35]

primary industry

Shangcai County
In 2021, Shangcai County will produce 2.194 billion jin of grain. 140000 mu of high standard farmland was built and 10500 pumping wells were rectified. We will develop 850000 mu of high-quality wheat, cultivate 3 national demonstration cooperatives, 1 national agricultural industrialization leading enterprise, and 2 provincial agricultural industrialization clusters. The number of live pigs stored and sold was 993300 and 1330400 respectively, an increase of 23.1% and 23.05% compared with 2020. 14 standardized farms were put into operation in succession, and the project of slaughtering 4 million live pigs in the last agricultural year was basically completed. [13]
As of 2019, there are 6901 new agricultural business entities registered in the county, including 6165 farmers' professional cooperatives, 439 family farms, 238 large professional households, 59 national agricultural leading enterprises and provincial and municipal agricultural leading enterprises, including 1 national agricultural leading enterprise, 5 provincial agricultural industrialization leading enterprises, and 53 municipal leading enterprises. The total power of agricultural machinery in the county is 1.5364 million kilowatts, with 60800 tractors and 130100 matching agricultural tools. There are 3703 combine harvesters, and the comprehensive mechanization level of agricultural production is 87.36%. [4]
In 2023, the added value of the primary industry will be 5.457 billion yuan, up 1.5%. [35]

the secondary industry

In 2021, Shangcai County's industrial VAT will be 117 million yuan, an increase of 94.2%. The added value of strategic emerging industries increased by 50.9%, and the added value of high-tech industries increased by 8.5%. There are 34 technological transformation projects, with an actual investment of 11.83 billion yuan, accounting for 124.5% of the planned investment. 30 key industrial enterprises above the designated size completed the warehousing report. One company was identified as a "specialized, refined, special and new" small and medium-sized enterprise in Henan Province. [13]
In 2023, the added value of the secondary industry will be 9.351 billion yuan, up 1.8%. [35]

the service sector; the tertiary industry

In 2021, the deposit balance of financial institutions in Shangcai County will be 47.09 billion yuan, up 10.73%. The e-commerce transaction volume was 3.943 billion yuan, up 6.2%, and the online retail sales volume was 1.288 billion yuan, up 14%. We provided guaranteed loans of 230 million yuan to 62 enterprises, and solved 182 problems in land use, employment, financing, etc. The tax was reduced by 88.35 million yuan. 33 new projects were signed, with a contract investment of 25.85 billion yuan. The actually paid in overseas capital was 45.23 million US dollars, up 8.2%. The total import and export volume was 697 million yuan, up 3.07%. [13]
In 2023, the total output value of the tertiary industry will be 13.944 billion yuan, an increase of 4.2%. [35]


Anluo Expressway , Shenyang Luzhou Expressway Beijing Zhuhai Expressway , Shangnan Expressway, [13] National Highway 345 National Highway 230 , Provincial Highway 223 slip line, Provincial Highway S218 Lanluo line, Provincial Highway S213 Minxin line, Provincial Highway S225 Anping line, Provincial Highway 328 Lulu line, Provincial Highway 327 Shenwu line [4] Through Shangcai County.
In 2019, Shangcai County has a total highway mileage of 2560.635 kilometers. Among them, there are 2 national roads with a total length of 106.909 kilometers. There are 7 provincial roads with a total length of 247.844km. There are 15 county roads with a total length of 323.774 kilometers. There are 67 township roads with a total length of 574.716 kilometers. There are 683 village roads with a total length of 1307.392 kilometers. [4]
In 2019, Shangcai County will have 3 long-distance bus stations, 41 inter county operating vehicles and 3 operating lines. There are 44 inter city operating vehicles and 13 operating lines. There are 13 inter provincial operating vehicles and 6 operating lines. Among them, Shangcai County Bus Station (commonly known as "Dongguan Bus Station", also known as "New Station") covers an area of 17120 square meters, with a building area of 3600 square meters, and receives and sends 5000 passengers a day. Shangcai Bus Station (commonly known as "Xiguan Bus Station" or "Old Station") of Zhumadian Hongye Road Passenger Station Service Co., Ltd. covers an area of 22000 square meters, with a building area of 4000 square meters, and receives and sends 5000 passengers a day. Shangcai Fangtong Passenger Station covers an area of 21980 square meters, with a building area of 4000 square meters, and receives and sends 3000 passengers a day. There are 8 bus lines, including No. 1 (Qihai Daluli), No. 2 (Baichi Yangtun), No. 3 (Xihong Shaodian), No. 4 (Donghong Huangbu), No. 5 (Huanghuai Trade City Lugang Community), No. 6 (Vientiane Middle School Chongyang Community), No. 7 (Vientiane Middle School - Administrative New Area), and No. 8 (Fangtong Passenger Station Chongyang Office), with 107 operating vehicles. There are 3 cruise taxi companies and 216 operating vehicles. [4]


full name
secretary of the county Party committee
county magistrate
Deputy magistrate
Director of the Standing Committee of the County People's Congress
Zhang Shixia
Chairman of the CPPCC County Committee
As of February 2024 [16-17] [29-30] [32-34]

social undertakings



In 2021, Shangcai County will build, renovate and expand 7 kindergartens, 9 compulsory education schools and 60 rural compulsory education schools. [13]
In 2019, Shangcai County had 657 schools (including kindergartens) at all levels. There are 17024 teaching and administrative staff, including 10900 teaching and administrative staff. There are 263343 students (children) in school (kindergarten). [4]

Science and technology

In 2021, Shangcai County will newly recognize 4 national high-tech enterprises. One provincial innovation strategic alliance, one provincial technology transfer demonstration organization, one provincial engineering technology research center, 13 municipal engineering technology research centers, and two municipal science and technology business incubators were newly identified. We implemented two special projects for scientific and technological innovation and application, and transferred and transformed two scientific and technological achievements. The registered value of technology contracts is 170 million yuan. [13]

Cultural undertakings

Third level library: Shangcai County Library. [18] First level pavilion: Shangcai County People's Cultural Center. [19]
In 2019, Shangcai County Library opened free of charge and received 20000 readers, added more than 1000 books and more than 3000 books, borrowed more than 28000 books, put 3200 books on the shelves, handled 460 borrowing cards, and circulated 16000 periodicals. 420 people participated in four reader symposiums. Actively carry out network sharing project training, carry out 14 various training courses, and train 26000 beneficiaries. Four library reading exchange meetings were held, with more than 860 beneficiaries participating.
In 2019, Shangcai County will build 184 village level cultural service centers (including 162 new ones, 22 upgraded ones, including 29 poverty-stricken villages), and complete the full coverage of village level cultural service centers in the county. [4]

medical and health work

In 2019, the incidence of infectious diseases in Shangcai County was 274.75 per 100000. The mortality rate of children under 5 years old is 2.61 ‰, the infant mortality rate is 1.24 ‰, and the maternal mortality rate is zero. The natural population growth rate is 4.22 ‰, and the life expectancy per capita is 75.5 years. 22 township hospitals and 4 community health service centers. There are 460 village clinics in the county. There are 3370 formal employees in the whole system, including 23 with senior professional titles, 162 with deputy senior professional titles and 580 with intermediate professional titles. There are 1467 licensed doctors, 788 licensed assistant doctors, 2514 registered nurses and 6062 beds in the county. There are 25 private medical institutions to supplement public medical institutions. [4]

social security

In 2021, Shangcai County will install 462 air conditioners for rural nursing homes, basically build 21 township public welfare cemeteries, 1 street comprehensive elderly care service center, 14 community day care centers, and 10 standardized communities.
In 2021, Shangcai County will integrate financial agriculture related funds of 609 million yuan, implement 171 projects, and achieve stable income increase for 24000 poverty alleviation households. 13614 people from 3577 households were identified as "three types of monitoring" objects, 19 single village water supply stations were upgraded, 120 km of "village access" project was completed, 7 standardized central maintenance stations were built, and the train maintenance rate of county and township roads was 100%. The transformation of 20000 rural household toilets was completed ahead of schedule, and the popularization rate of sanitary toilets was 85.3%. One "Four Beautiful Villages" demonstration township, 18 demonstration villages and 8 "Ten Million Project" demonstration villages have been built. [13]

Historical culture


Intangible cultural heritage

Double Ninth Festival (Shangcai's Double Ninth Festival custom) It is a living existence of the traditional Chongyang folk ceremony in Shangcai County, Henan Province. In Wu Jun, a member of the Liang Dynasty in the Southern Dynasty, there is a story about the disaster prevention of "holding the cornus to tie the arms and climbing to the heights to drink chrysanthemum wine" on September 9. It is said that the place where Huanjing, the hero of the story, ascended the heights is Lugang, where Shangcai County is now located. It plays an important role in carrying forward the fine traditions of the Chinese nation and strengthening the social ethos of respecting the elderly among the community people. [20] In May 2011, Double Ninth Festival (Shangcai's Double Ninth Festival custom) It was included in the third batch of national intangible cultural heritage expansion projects. [21]


Shangcai dialect belongs to Shangcai dialect in Cailu section of the Central Plains Mandarin area. It has four tones: Yin Ping, Yang Ping, Shang Sheng and Qu Sheng. The tone value is, and there is no entering tone. There are 21 initials and 41 vowels, regardless of the pronunciations and postlingual sounds. According to pronunciation, Shangcai dialect can be divided into three districts: the area around the county seat is basically Shangcai dialect with Henan accent, which is close to Putonghua. Dong'an Township and surrounding areas change the initial f into h, and Wulong, Yangtun, Qihai, Zhuhu and other townships change some initial s into h. [4]

famous scenery

The Old City of Cai
The Old City of Cai be located Caidu Street Southwest Lugang Street Northwest Chongyang Street Northeast Wolong Street southeast. It was built in the early Western Zhou Dynasty (the middle of the 11th century BC). The existing city wall is 4-11 meters high, 15-25 meters wide and 10490 meters long. The city wall is constructed layer by layer with rammed earth, each layer is 8~14cm thick, and the small rammed nest has a round bottom. There are three south city walls and one west city wall, which are well preserved. In the middle of the old city (now the south of Wanghui Village), there is a trapezoidal earth platform, covering an area of 8000 square meters, which is one of the palace areas of Marquis Cai. In the Zhaizhuang area in the southwest corner of the urban area, bronze wares of the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period - bronze chimes, bronze tripods, bronze pots, bronze swords, bronze daggers, chariots and horses, etc. were unearthed. [4] In 1996, it was announced by the State Council as The fourth batch of national key cultural relics protection units [22]
Guozhuang Chu Tomb
Guozhuang Chu Tomb It is located on the west slope of Gangling, about 500 meters east of Guozhuang Village, Li Township, 3 kilometers west of the county seat. It is a joint burial tomb, which is located on the site of the Zhou Dynasty. The remaining earth sealing plane is rectangular. There are two east and west "A" shaped tombs under the seal. Tomb 1 is located in the south and Tomb 2 is located in the north. The distance between the north and the south is 20 meters. Although 18 times of excavation from the Warring States Period to modern times, more than 2000 precious cultural relics have been unearthed, including nearly 1000 pieces of bronze, more than 200 pieces of jade and a small amount of pottery. From the comprehensive analysis of the shape of the tomb and the unearthed cultural relics, experts believe that the owner of the tomb is a male, who may be a senior nobleman granted Cai by the State of Chu. [4] In May 2006, Shangcai Chu aristocratic cemetery was announced by the State Council as The sixth batch of national key cultural relics protection units [23]

Local specialty

Wuliang Temple High Green Radish
Wuliang Temple High Green Radish National agricultural product geographical indication.
Wuliangsi Gaoqing radish is dark green in the outer skin, bright white in the tail, green in the inner flesh, compact in texture, free of white bran flowers, juicy, sweet, crisp and refreshing, and contains sugar, vitamins, potassium, phosphorus and other nutrients.
In December 2011, the former Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China officially approved the registration and protection of national geographical indications of agricultural products for "Wuliangsi Gaoqing Radish". [12]
Chongli sweet potato
Chongli sweet potato National agricultural product geographical indication.
The main production area of Chongli sweet potato is located on the alluvial plain of the Kuhe River basin, which belongs to the temperate continental monsoon climate. The temperature difference between day and night is large. The loess soil is neutral and slightly alkaline, and is rich in minerals and organic mature substances suitable for the growth of sweet potato, such as potassium and phosphorus. Chongli sweet potato has many and even pieces, smooth skin, spindle shaped pieces, dark red skin, milky white meat, rich taste, sweet flour paste, rich in sugar, starch, crude fiber, vitamin C, phosphorus and other essential nutrients for human body.
On December 15, 2011, the former Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China officially approved the registration and protection of geographical indications of agricultural products for "Chongli sweet potato". [12]
Shaodian Yellow Ginger
Shaodian Yellow Ginger National agricultural product geographical indication.
Shaodian yellow ginger is originally produced on the two slopes of the southern section of Wolonggang in the ancient Cai State (today's Shaodian Township, Shangcai County). The local climate is warm and humid, and the terrain is one hill (Wolonggang) with two slopes. It has strong drainage, deep soil layer, soft soil, yellow brown, sandy soil, strong ventilation, neutral alkali, and is suitable for ginger planting and storage. Shaodian yellow ginger is pure in taste, golden in color, silkless, boiling resistant, spicy, long in taste, and rich in protein, crude fiber, potassium, magnesium, sugar and other nutrients.
On December 15, 2011, the former Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China officially approved the registration and protection of geographical indications of agricultural products for "Shaodian Yellow Ginger". [12]

Famous people

Zhang Guoyu
Zhang Guoyu , male, born in December 1953, originally from Shangcai, CPC member, senior political engineer, Central Party School university graduated. Former CPC Beijing Shijingshan District Leader of the Second Cadre Group of the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee, Xicheng District Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Beijing Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director General. [24]
Liu Junchen
Liu Junchen , male, born in May 1963, joined in May 1985 Communist Party of China , started work in July 1986, graduated from Zhengzhou University Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. [31]
Wanchun , male, born in February 1959, started work in August 1982, joined the Communist Party of China in June 1986, graduated from the Central Party School as a postgraduate, and holds a bachelor's degree in law Supreme People's Procuratorate Second level grand procurator. Former post China Procuratorate Assistant to the Chief Editor People's Procuratorate Director of the editorial department, deputy editor in chief, Investigation and Supervision Office of the Supreme People's Procuratorate Deputy Director General (principal level). [25]

Honorary title

2018 National "Safe Agricultural Machinery" Demonstration County [2]
The second batch of water-saving society construction standard counties [3]
Home of Chongyang Culture in China [4]
2017-2019 National Health County [5]
The fourth batch of demonstration counties that took the lead in basically realizing mechanization of main crop production [8]
The third batch of agricultural product quality safety counties in Henan Province [9]
2018-2020 National Advanced Unit of Family Planning Quality Service [10]
In 2020, the development of compulsory education in China will be basically balanced [11]
Demonstration County of Urban and Rural Transportation Integration [15]
The second batch of national rural industry integration development demonstration parks [26]
Demonstration County of "Four Good Rural Roads" in Henan Province [27]
Demonstration County of "Wancun Bus Quality Improvement Project" in Henan Province [28]
Demonstration County of Family Education in Henan Education System [4]
Excellent Unit in Henan Province for Assessment of Student Credit Loan [4]