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Uphill climbing shape

Technical graphics appearing in stock trading
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Uphill climbing shape, usually consisting of three or more different time periods average Combined, mostly in the stock price Slow ox rise trend On the way, the short-term, medium-term and long-term moving averages are Multiple Arrangement It runs slowly and steadily upward to the right along a certain slope. Because this average combination technology graph is similar to the climbing trend, it is called the climbing shape.
Chinese name
Uphill climbing shape
shares A technical figure appearing in the transaction
At this time, many parties have accumulated sufficient strength


Uphill climbing shape
The climbing shape is shares A technical graphic that appears in a transaction. [1]

Technical implications

Go long Signal, the future market is bullish. The climbing shape indicates that at this time, many parties have accumulated sufficient strength, and the stock price has a great potential to rise. At this time, investors can be assured to go long and continue as long as there is no obvious bend in the medium-term average Shareholding To be raised.
Climbing up the mountain, most of them appear in the large-scale bull market of stock prices. According to the long-term statistics of the stock market, there are many stocks in Shanghai and Shenzhen Big bull stock It is always a slow climb up the mountain. Although the stock price is not rising fast, it has a small yin line and a small yang line. They are staggered and mainly climb slowly, but the stock price can always move up and right along a moving average line for a long time, and finally there is an amazing increase. Therefore, the climbing shape should be the most typical signal of slow bull shareholding in the technical analysis of the stock market average line. Generally, there will be a large increase in the future market.