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Three phase Goddess

Goddess in Mythology
Three phase Goddess (English: Triple Goddess) Also known as the "Trinity Goddess" [1] "Three Pillars Goddess" is the general name of three postures and positions possessed by a goddess at the same time in myths and legends.
Chinese name
Three phase Goddess
Foreign name
Triple Goddess
Trinity Goddess
Mythological system
Greek mythology, Roman mythology, Egyptian mythology, etc
Three different forms of goddess


The early ancient Greeks often associated some goddesses with natural phenomena, which were extremely powerful, so people believed that they were controlled by supernatural life. Among them, the god in charge of hunting and the goddess in charge of fertility( Artemis )Especially important.
But in many wizard In the eyes, the goddess can be divided into three categories, namely, 17 year old sweet girls, mature women and old women [2] Three phase goddesses have appeared in many cultures since ancient times. The typical three-phase goddess in sorcery is one of the Greek gods Artemis Selene And Hecat , and they are all closely related to the moon (in some places, Roman and Greek cultures are confused Diana Replaced Artemis )Of.
The names used by modern wizards to call their three phase goddesses are: Artemis Awada Arenod , Astati Athena Brigid Danu Demeter Epona Freya Gaia Naga castle Ker carving Hecat Morigan Lilith Selene Persephone Etc.


Here are just a few examples:


  1. one
    Selene (Sky), Artemis (human), Hecat (the underworld);
  2. two
    Herb (17-year-old girl), Hera (Women), Hecat (Old woman);
  3. three
    Onomia (Sky), Artemis (human), Hecat (the underworld);
  4. four
    Moirai Goddess of Destiny ): Clotho (Life continuity), Lachesis (length of life), Atropos (End of life);


  1. one
    Gorgons (Three female monsters with snake hair): Stheno (strength), Yuri Aili (extensive), Medusa (Queen)