Ding Ling

Modern Chinese Female Writers
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Ding Ling (October 12, 1904 March 4, 1986), female, formerly known as Jiang Yiwen, [43 ] Bingzhi, also known as Jiang Wei, Jiang Wei, Ding Bingzhi, whose pen names are Bin Zhi, Cong Huan, etc, Hunan Province Linli County People. Studied in Shanghai University Department of Chinese Literature [45] , a member of the Communist Party of China, a famous writer and social activist.
In November 1936, Ding Ling arrived Northern Shaanxi Security, the first one to arrive Yan'an The literati of. Ding Ling's arrival Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Anti Japanese Base Area Originally weak Literary and artistic movement Added fresh blood. She is History of Modern Chinese Literature He has made irreplaceable contributions. [16]
Representative works include debut works《 Mengke 》, Novels《 The sun shines on the Sanggan River 》, short story《 Ms. Shafei's diary 》, Collection of Short Stories《 In the dark 》Etc.
On March 4, 1986, Ding Ling Beijing Duofu Lane He died at home at the age of 82. [16]
Chinese name
Ding Ling
Ding Bingzhi Binzhi From the noise
Ethnic groups
Han nationality
one's native heath
Hunan Province Linli County Gaofeng Village, Sheshi Town
date of birth
October 12, 1904
Date of death
March 4, 1986
state [1]
Original name
Jiang Wei

Character's Life

The picture shows a group photo of Wang Jianhong (right) and Ding Ling (left) in Shanghai University [2]
Ding Ling was born in Gaofeng Village, Sheshi Town, Linli, Hunan Province on October 12, 1904. [17]
In the seventh year of the Republic of China (1918), Ding Ling studied in the preparatory course of Hunan Taoyuan No. 2 Women's Normal School. [18]
In the eighth year of the Republic of China (1919), Ding Ling transferred Changsha Zhounan Women's Middle School Backward entry Yueyun Middle School attend school. [19]
In the 11th year of the Republic of China (1922), Ding Ling rushed to Shanghai May Fourth leader Li Da And other civilian girls' schools. In Changsha and other local middle schools, he was influenced by the thoughts of the May 4th Movement. [20]
August, the 12th year of the Republic of China (1923) [44] , Ding Lingjing writing reformer He formally entered the Department of Chinese Literature of Shanghai University founded by the Communist Party of China and lived in a small two-story pavilion in Qingyun Lane, Qingyun Road [46] [49]
Summer of the 13th year of the Republic of China (1924) [48] Ding Ling left Shanghai University and came to Peiping [47] , met a young editor on a social occasion Hu Yipin [21]
In the 16th year of the Republic of China (the end of 1927), her first work《 Mengke 》Published on《 Fiction Monthly 》。
In the 17th year of the Republic of China (1928), Ding Ling completed her masterpiece《 Ms. Shafei's diary 》, aroused the response of the literary world, and published the first collection of short stories《 In the dark 》。 [22]
In the 18th year of the Republic of China (1929), Ding Ling and Hu Yipin Shen Congwen Jointly run Red and Black magazine in Shanghai. [23] Complete the first novel《 Wei Wei 》。 [24]
In the 19th year of the Republic of China (1930), Ding Ling participated in China League of Left wing Writers
Ding Ling was in Shanghai in 1931 (shot by Smedley) [46]
In the 20th year of the Republic of China (1931), Ding Ling became the chief editor of Beidou, an official publication of the Left League, and the party and league secretary of the Left League Lu Xun An influential subordinate Left-wing writer
In the 21st year of the Republic of China (1932), Ding Ling joined Communist Party of China
In May of the 22nd year of the Republic of China (1933), Ding Ling was kidnapped by Kuomintang agents and detained in Nanjing. Soong Ching ling Cai Yuanpei Lu Xun Roman Roland And other famous people at home and abroad have launched protests and rescue activities.
In September of the 25th year of the Republic of China (1936), Ding Ling fled Nanjing and went to northern Shaanxi, becoming the first well-known writer to reach the Central Soviet Area Mao Zedong Zhou Enlai And so on.
On October 19 of the 29th year of the Republic of China (1940), Yan'an held a conference to commemorate the fourth anniversary of Lu Xun's death; On the same day, Ding Ling, Shu Qun and Xiao Jun launched the Yan'an Literature and Art Monthly Meeting.
In the 30th year of the Republic of China (early 1941), the journal of the monthly literature and art conference《 Literature and Art Monthly 》Founding publication, Ding Ling Xiao Jun Shu Qun Editor in chief in turn, 17 issues in total, published in September of the 31st year of the Republic of China (1942). [3]
stay Chinese Soviet area , Ding Ling served successively“ China Literature and Art Association ”Director, Director of Northwest Field Service Corps《 Jiefang Daily 》Editor in chief of literary supplement Shaanxi Gansu Ningxia Border Region Vice chairman of the Association for Literary and Art Circles. Created When I was in Xiacun《 In the hospital 》And many profound works. Inspired by the "speech" spirit of Mao Zedong's Yan'an Forum on Literature and Art, he devoted himself to the revolutionary struggle in the base area and actively reflected the fiery struggle life of our party, our army and the people in the form of literature and art.
In the 38th year of the Republic of China, Ding Ling wrote a famous novel《 The sun shines on the Sanggan River 》。
In June 1951, Ding Ling responded to the call of the General Assembly for the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and donated more than 12 million yuan (old currency).
In June 1952《 The sun shines on the Sanggan River 》He won the Stalin Prize for Literature and Art in the Soviet Union and was translated into many languages, which was widely spread among readers in various countries. She donated 50000 rubles to the second prize of Stalin Prize All China Federation of Democratic Women Department of Child Welfare.
In 1955 and 1957, Ding Ling was twice brutally persecuted by the extreme "Left" line, wrongly classified as an "anti party clique" and a rightist, and was demoted to Heilongjiang Reclamation Area (Today Tangyuan Farm, Baoquanling Farm )He worked for 12 years and created Du Wanxiang. During the "Cultural Revolution", he was put in prison for another five years. After the downfall of the Gang of Four, Ding Ling's unjust case was gradually solved.
In the spring of 1975, Ding Ling was released and arranged to go to rural Shanxi. She and her husband Chen Ming will donate 10000 yuan of the salary reissued for rural production and construction.
Ding Ling
In 1984, the Organization Department of the Central Committee issued the Notice on Restoring the Reputation of Comrade Ding Ling, which thoroughly overturned all the false words imposed on her over the years and affirmed that she was "a Communist who is loyal to the Party and the revolution". [25] In her later years, Ding Ling, regardless of her infirmity and illness, worked hard to write 1 million words of works such as "The World of Specters" and "The World of Winds and Snows", founded and edited them《 China 》Literary magazines, enthusiastically cultivate young writers. [26]
Ding Ling was in Beijing on March 4, 1986 Duofu Lane He died at home at the age of 82.

Key achievements


Creative style

Early literary creation
Ding Ling
In the early 1930s, Ding Ling had finished bourgeois class democracy Literary orientation proletariat Revolutionary literature Change. [4]
Ding Ling published her novels later《 Ms. Shafei's diary 》Published in 1927 and 1928, Ice core Lu Yin Feng Yuanjun People have long been famous in the world, but the later ones have sprung up. In terms of expressing the depression of an era during the ebb tide of the May 4th Movement and the complex character of the rebellious Juejiao who depicts young women, Ding Ling's《 Ms. Shafei's diary 》It is a work that others have not been able to write, and which is irreplaceable in the history of new literature. Ms. Shafei's diary 》And Dreams《 In summer vacation 》After waiting for a batch of works, it seems that she dropped a bomb on the dead literary world. Everyone can't help being shocked by her genius. Ding Ling, who rose to fame as a writer, was very diligent. In just two years, she had《 In the dark 》《 Suicide diary 》Three collections of novels A Woman were published. The subject matter and content of these works are different, and the ideological and artistic level is high or low, but they all show a kind of social rebellious mood and social critical consciousness of looking for light in the dark and seeking a way out in the suffering from different angles. In particular, those works which show the life of young intellectual women, through the description of the solemn atmosphere of the times from the May 4th to the eve of May 30th, wedge into the depths of the hero's heart, digging out a deep disappointment and pain of the times, showing a warm personality, emancipating spirit, and vague and eager longing for the future. [4-5]
Ding Ling has lived up to the expectations of the times. She broke away from the narrow world of describing knowledge, women's depression and pain, and began to describe the social revolutionary struggle in a positive way to show the revolutionary activities of Communists. In early 1930, he published a novel《 Wei Wei 》Then, he took "One of Shanghai in the Spring of 1930" and "Shanghai in the Spring of 1930" as a gift to the readers after joining the Left wing Federation. It is true that these works can not get rid of the formula of revolution and love in early revolutionary literature. However, compared with many works of the same nature in the period of the Leftist League, the novel's description of the revolutionary's psychology and character is more authentic and natural, and also more lifelike, It is not just rational knowledge without real experience of life, especially the two Shanghai in the Spring of 1930. This shows that the author has fallen into the conflict between love and revolution. At the same time, to a certain extent, she has transcended and broken through the existing creation mode with her realistic artistic description. For Ding Ling, this change in creation is undoubtedly a welcome message that her creation will move forward with the times and that Ding Ling has transcended the creation crisis. Ding Ling has since entered the ranks of revolutionary literature writers. [4]
Literary Creation in the Liberated Areas
From Tian Jiachong and Water to《 The sun shines on the Sanggan River 》Ding Ling's literary creation is in pursuit of national style There are also new developments in this field. Ding Ling is a person with a wide range of literary interests and has a broad tolerance for Chinese and foreign literature. She likes Maupassant Flaubert Hugo and Balzac , also like Dickens Still like Tolstoy Turgenev Golgi , and《 The Dream of Red Mansion 》《 Romance of the Three Kingdoms 》《 Water Margin 》Among others, the classic Chinese literature works are the works she likes to read more, so we feel a grand realm of melting various artistic methods and techniques into one furnace in her creation. However, it is needless to say that her early works absorbed more foreign literature, especially French Literature Nourish《 Ms. Shafei's diary 》, more reminiscent Flaubert Of《 Madame Bovary 》In some works in the 1930s, she was trying to overcome the static psychoanalysis, and more often portrayed the characters' thoughts and personalities from the action to the creation of novels in the liberated areas. The exquisite psychological description serves to show the rich and complex thoughts and feelings of the characters in the turbulent period, and to draw the complex historical picture of class struggle, With a more complete plot structure, the author uses more of the characters' actions and language, and uses more stories and details to foil the characters' psychology. The Dream of Red Mansion 》The impact on the author's creation is fully demonstrated in《 The sun shines on the Sanggan River 》The author has always been good at making deep psychological descriptions of characters with euphemism and dense brushwork. However, because there are more dynamic descriptions, less static psychoanalysis, more prominent depictions of the environment, and more descriptions of the blending of feelings and scenes, there is no kind of foreign psychoanalytic novels, but there is the inherent thought-provoking implicit charm and sentiment of Chinese literature. Ding Ling's efforts to seek national characteristics are consistent with the author's ideological tendency of serving the workers, peasants and soldiers and the revolutionary struggle. Because the works with strong national flavor can better attract the readers of their own nation, and better unite and educate the people. [4-6]
Literary Creation in His Later Years
Ding Ling was rehabilitated and returned to Beijing in 1979. She immediately threw herself into the literary cause with the same enthusiasm. In addition to creating large publications《 China 》She often went abroad to visit Western Europe and North America. In these short years, she created a large number of excellent essays. Among them, Du Wanxiang not only gives people a strong charm with its fresh, beautiful and very simple description, but also becomes an artistic answer to the writer's lifelong exploration of women's liberation; And《 Essays on a visit to the United States 》It is also full of emotion and wonderful, which is not only another peak of the author's prose creation, but also a wonderful flower in China's new prose garden; The World of Spooks recalls how he was kidnapped by the Kuomintang secret service and imprisoned in Nanjing. People can not only feel the bloody storms of a special era, but also listen to the righteous song of a real Communist party member; Wind and snow world 》And "Cowshed Pieces"“ Scar literature ”However, it is different from the general "scar literature". It not only does not cry, but also shapes a stubborn soul. Their layout, description of characters and scenes, and artistic luster of language are all treasures in literary creation; In addition, the author remembers writing reformer Lu Xun Soong Ching ling prominent military leader in early Communist movement Smedley Mao Dun Ke Zhongping Feng Xuefeng The series of essays by others are also sincere and touching, with precious historical value. In addition to these articles, Ding Ling also wrote a lot of comments and theoretical articles to clarify her literary and artistic views after her comeback and encourage young writers who are lagging behind. She also published《 Collection of Ding Ling's Prose 》Ding Ling's Recent Works《 Wind and snow world 》The World of Specters《 Life · Creation · Soul of the Times 》My Life and Creation and other works and theoretical criticism collections. [4]

Main works

Creation time
Unexpected Collection
Shanghai Liangyou Book Printing Co., Ltd
June 20, 1933
Shanghai Liangyou Book Printing Co., Ltd
June 1, 1933
Night Party
Shanghai Modern Book Company
February 1933
New China Book Company
April 1932
The French Open
Shanghai Liangyou Book Printing Co., Ltd
September 15, 1930
Wei Wei
Shanghai Dajiang Bookstore
In the dark
Shanghai Kaiming Bookstore [7]
Feelings on March 8
Jiefang Daily
Tian Baolin
one thousand nine hundred and thirty
Fiction Monthly
one thousand nine hundred and thirty
Shanghai in the Spring of 1930 [4] [42]
one thousand nine hundred and forty-one
When I was in Xia Village
Chinese culture [40]
Yepin and Revolution
Poetry journal
Miss A Mao
Fiction Monthly
Fiction Monthly
The Sun Shines on the Sanggan River
Long poem
Yan'an in July [41]

Family members

Husband: Chen Ming met and fell in love with Ding Ling in Yan'an. After Ding Ling died, she has been devoted to sorting out Ding Ling's posthumous manuscripts.
Son: Jiang Zulin, senior engineer, author《 My mother Ding Ling 》。
Daughter: Jiang Zuhui , the first generation of famous ballet choreographer and director in New China, whose representative works include Red Detachment of Women, Blessing, etc.
Granddaughter: Hu Yanni, now the United States Motorola Representative of Electronics Co., Ltd. in China.

Publishing books

  • Author name Ding Ling
    Diary to the United States is a book published by the Hunan People's Publishing House in 1983. The author is Ding Ling.
  • Author name Ding Ling
    Work time 1987-9
    The World in Wind and Snow is a book published by Ding Ling, Xiamen University Press in 1987.
  • Author name Ding Ling
    "Mengke" belongs to the Hongying series, a classic novel of female writers in the Republic of China, and is priced at 13.4 yuan.
  • Author name Ding Ling
    Work time 2013-1
    Mother is a book published by the People's Literature Publishing House in 1980. The author is Ding Ling.
  • Ms. Shafei's diary
    Author name Ding Ling
    Work time 2011-7-1
    Ms. Shafei's Diary Ding Ling's Selected Novels is a book published by China Pictorial Press on July 1, 2011. The author is Ding Ling.
  • The sun shines on the Sanggan River
    Author name Ding Ling
    Work time 2005-5-1
    Chaonei 166 Humanities Library · Chinese Contemporary Novels: The Sun Shines on the Sanggan River is a book published by the People's Literature Press on August 1, 1956. The author is Ding Ling.
  • Author name Ding Ling
    When I was in Xiacun is a book published by Sanlian Bookstore in 1950. The author is Ding Ling.
  • Author name Ding Ling
    Work time 2000-07-01
    In the Dark is the name of a book written by Ding Ling.
  • Author name Ding Ling
    Work time 2004-10-1
    Shuyu is a book published by Beijing Library Press in 2004. The authors are Ding Ling and Chen Ming.
  • Ding Ling's Prose
    Author name Ding Ling
    Work time two thousand and two
    Ding Ling's Prose, written by Ding Ling, was published by Zhejiang Literature and Art Publishing House in 200 years.
  • Specter World
    Author name Ding Ling
    Work time 1987-7
    The Specter World is a book published by the Hunan People's Publishing House in 1987 by Ding Ling.

Character evaluation

Mao Zedong Yesterday Miss Wen, today's military general. [16]
People's Daily Online: Ding Ling is a Chinese History of Modern Literature The last important female writer is also a suffer many a setback during one 's life A female revolutionary. Ding Ling in the Yan'an period experienced the process of sinking from the clouds to the sea floor. One of the reasons is that she perceives that within the revolutionary camp with men as the main body, there are both genders class nation The consistency of interests also exists in men's revolution In the name of discrimination She stood on the position of women, boldly and incisively revealed that sexualgender discrimination Problems, thus challenging the inherent Patriarchy - authority of the husband Make gender order. [5] [13]
Sun Li : A bright star, once hanging high at midnight and appearing in the clouds several times, has suffered many disasters. It is accompanied by the fate of the motherland and has finally lost its brilliance. [14]
Lin Xianzhi : A writer who has great literary talent and is swallowed up by politics, a writer who is loyal to and struggling for the literary cause, and a writer who is not completed but is nearly broken by an accident. [32]
Wang Meng : She is not as simple as some people say. When Eileen Chang became popular all over the country, I deeply felt sad and aggrieved that people did not remember and talk about Ding Ling. I would like to sing and cry for Ding Ling as a younger generation writer and once a loyal reader, with inexorable yearning and respect for a great writer separated by heaven and man.
Chen Zishan Ding Ling can put forward the position of women in her works. [15]

Anecdotes and allusions

Relationship with Mao Zedong
On November 15, 1936, with the support of Mao Zedong, Zhang Wentian and other central leaders, Ding Ling presided over a conference to prepare for the establishment of the Chinese Association of Literary and Artistic Workers. On November 22, the Association of Literary and Artistic Workers held its inaugural meeting, presided over by Comrade Li Bozhao, and Ding Ling reported on the preparation process. At the meeting, Mao Zedong proposed that the name of the Association should be "China Literature and Art Association", which was unanimously approved by all members present. [27]
On November 24, Ding Ling followed Yang Shangkun northward to the front to participate in the fight against Hu Zongnan. [28] At the end of the month, Mao Zedong wrote a poem "Immortal in Linjiang" and sent it to Ding Ling in front of him by telegraph. [29]
In the 29th year of the Republic of China (1940), Mao Zedong wrote in his conclusion of reviewing Ding Ling's history, "Therefore, we should think that Comrade Ding Ling is still a Communist who is loyal to the Party and the revolution"
In the 31st year of the Republic of China (1942), Mao Zedong protected Ding Ling at the senior cadres learning meeting. [30]
In the 33rd year of the Republic of China (1944), Mao Zedong highly praised Ding Ling's Tian Baolin. He not only wrote a letter to Ding Ling and Ouyangshan to ask them to come to his residence to talk and eat, but also praised Ding Ling at the senior cadres' meeting. He said: "Ding Ling is now among the workers, peasants and soldiers. Tian Baolin is well written; writers can write good articles when they go to the masses." Chairman Mao's letter and the speech at the senior cadres' meeting paved a smooth and broad way for Ding Ling's later writing, being a person, and literary and artistic work, and played a great role in restoring Ding Ling's reputation among the masses. This made Ding Ling admire and appreciate all her life. [31]
Ding Ling and Yang Kaihui (Mrs. Mao Zedong) When she was studying in Changsha, she was a classmate and all of them were from Hunan.
Invest in the truth
Ding Ling and Hu Yipin
In 1924, Ding Ling came to Peiping. I met the young editor at a social occasion Hu Yipin At this time, Ding Ling was suffering for her brother's premature death and hard life. She left Peiping and returned to her hometown in Hunan. Hu Yepin borrowed money to catch up with her in Hunan. Her unkempt appearance appeared in front of Ding Ling's mother and daughter. Ding Ling's closed door to love was finally opened.
On February 7, 1931, he was secretly shot by the Kuomintang Songhu Police Headquarters in Longhua, Shanghai. The shrill gunfire shocked China and broke Ding Ling's initial love. [36]
Unlimited regret
Feng Xuefeng At that time, he taught himself Japanese at Peking University. When Ding Ling first met Feng Xuefeng, she felt very disappointed. She thought that a young Japanese speaker from Peking University should be very handsome, but he looked like a countryman. However, when they talked about literature and current affairs, their relationship changed unintentionally.
So in the relationship with Hu Yipin At the same time, Ding Ling fell in love with literary genius Feng Xuefeng. Ding Ling, a cheerful person, unexpectedly proposed to live with two men. They really got along with each other for some days by the West Lake. As a result, Hu Yipin couldn't hold on. He returned to Shanghai and found friends Shen Congwen Shen Congwen told him how the couple should get along, and Hu Yipin returned to Hangzhou the next day. Finally, Feng Xuefeng left Hangzhou, and Hu Yipin and Ding Ling made up as before. Ding Ling watched Feng Xuefeng leave and returned to Hu Yipin's side with a twinge of heart.
A nightmare
Hu Yipin After sacrifice, Smedley An interview with Ding Ling requires a translator, Feng Da. Ding Ling met Feng Da and they lived together in November 1931. [33]
On May 14, 1933, when Feng Da went out, he told Ding Ling, "If I don't come back at 12 o'clock, you should leave as soon as possible." As a result, Feng Da was watched by spies as soon as he went out, and he didn't return home until after 12 o'clock. When he came back to see Ding Ling still alive, the two were arrested together. [34] Later, Feng Da was imprisoned in Wang Mansion. In Wang Mansion, Feng Da swore to Ding Ling that he had not betrayed her. Ding Ling is ready to fight with death, but Feng Da saves her. [35]
Deep love
Chen Ming's Works and Ding Ling's Memoirs
In 1942, Ding Ling, 38, and Chen Ming, 25, were formally married in the midst of ridicule and sarcasm. They did not hold a wedding ceremony or invite guests to eat. They walked happily in the streets of Yan'an hand in hand, filled with infinite happiness.
But unexpectedly, in 1955, Ding Ling acted as“ Ding Ling Anti Party Group ”His mastermind was criticized, and then he was exiled to the Great Northern Wilderness for 8 years; Later, he was put into Beijing Qincheng Prison. After being released from prison for 5 years, he was sent to Zhangtou Village, Laodingshan, Changzhi, Shanxi.
Until her rehabilitation in 1979, Chen Ming had been with her, and their love had withstood the most severe test.

Commemoration for future generations


Ding Ling Memorial Hall

Ding Ling Memorial Hall
Ding Ling Memorial Hall It is located in Wenquantun Village, Zhuolu County, Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province. In late September 2015, it was renovated and newly built《 The sun shines on the Sanggan River 》Book carving, cultural wall and other facilities.

Symposium on the 110th Anniversary of Ding Ling's Birthday

October 12, 2014, by China Ding Ling Research Association Chinese Department of Tsinghua University The 110th Anniversary of Comrade Ding Ling's Birthday Memorial symposium ”It was held in Changde, Hunan.