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One carbon chemistry

C1 Chemistry
One carbon chemistry focuses on compounds with only one carbon atom in the molecule, such as carbon monoxide carbon dioxide , methane, methanol, etc. In the chemical industry based on oil and natural gas, methane is the starting point of one carbon chemistry. In the chemical industry with coal as the basic raw material, carbon monoxide is the starting point of carbon chemistry. One carbon chemistry research is a method of producing other chemical raw materials and products from these two materials.
Chinese name
One carbon chemistry
Foreign name
C1 chemistry
C1 Chemistry
A reaction in which the reactant contains only one carbon atom
Acetic acid synthesis, acetic anhydride synthesis, etc
Ethylene glycol, olefin, ethanol, etc

basic content

Chemical reaction process The reactions in which the reactant only contains one carbon atom are collectively referred to as one carbon chemistry. The main purpose of one carbon chemistry is to save coal and oil resources, generate more fuel with less carbon raw materials, and provide it to human beings.
One carbon chemistry is an important foundation of one carbon chemical industry and one of the most important contents of the new generation of coal chemical industry and natural gas chemical industry. Its role is to use coal to prepare liquid fuels and related chemicals. The key to grasp the one carbon chemical reaction is the catalyst. How to develop a catalyst with excellent catalytic performance is the core content of one carbon chemistry.
One carbon chemistry begins with the hydrogenation of one carbon. Methane (CH four ), syngas (CO and H two )、CO two 、CH three OH, HCHO, etc. are the initial reactants, which react to synthesize a series of important chemical raw materials and fuel chemistry. Its core is selective catalytic chemical conversion, activation of small molecules and directional conversion. CO、CO two It is obtained from coal gasification, and CH4 is the main component of natural gas. Therefore, one carbon chemical industry is actually a new generation of coal chemical industry and natural gas chemical industry. Its role is to solve the problem of the shortage of oil interests and use coal to prepare liquid fuel. This kind of reaction involves the conversion of one carbon substance into hydrocarbon, which is called FT synthesis. Therefore, the key to mastering one carbon chemistry is the catalyst. How to develop excellent catalysts will determine the success or failure of one carbon chemistry.
The basic dry matter of one carbon chemistry is CO and H two It can be easily obtained from any carbon resources, which is the biggest reason why carbon chemistry can be at the core of the future chemical industry.

Technology application

With the continuous improvement of China's production level, the problem of pollution control in chemical production has become more serious, One carbon chemical technology It is a new chemical technology that pursues clean energy and green chemicals at the same time. So far, the industrialized C1 chemical production technologies include:

Acetic acid synthesis

With methanol carbon monoxide As the raw material, the carbonylation reaction was carried out in the presence of rhodium iodine catalyst under the reaction conditions of 2.8 MPa and 175 ℃. Based on methanol, the selectivity is 99%; Based on carbon monoxide, the selectivity is more than 90%.

Acetic anhydride synthesis

Tennessee, USA Eastman Chemical Products Co., Ltd. uses rhodium catalyst to produce acetic anhydride:
CH three COOH+CH three OH—→CH three COOCH three +H two O
CH three COOCH three +CO—→(CH three CO) two O
The method developed by Hakang Scientific Research Company is to Methyl acetate And carbon monoxide Half of the generated acetic anhydride is directly used as product, while the other half reacts with methanol to generate methyl acetate, namely:
CH three -COOCH three +CO—→(CH three CO) two O
2(CH three CO three )O+2CH three OH—→2CH three COOCH three +H two O
The overall results are:
2CH three OH+2CO—→(CH three CO) three O+H two O

Oxalic acid synthesis

The industrialized method is the process of Japan Ube Xingchan Company, and its reaction process is as follows:
2CO+2C four H nine OH+ O two —→(COOC four H nine ) two +H two O
Palladium is used as catalyst for the above reaction Butyl nitrite The reaction temperature is 80~100 ℃, the partial pressure of carbon monoxide is 5.0~7.0MPa, the catalyst concentration is 50~100ppm, the concentration of butyl nitrite is 10%, the reaction selectivity is 90%~93% based on butanol, and 75%~80% based on carbon monoxide. The obtained butyl oxalate can be acidified to obtain oxalic acid and butanol. The latter can be recycled.

Fischer Tropsch synthesis

Liquid fuel is synthesized from carbon monoxide and hydrogen with iron catalyst. This method is used in the Second World War It was applied during the war, and only continued to develop in South Africa after the war.

Mobil method

In the 1970s, Mobil Chemical Company successfully developed new C1 chemical technology. It uses ZSM-5 Molecular sieve catalyst And convert methanol into High octane gasoline New Zealand has made use of its rich and cheap natural gas resources to invest in the construction of large methanol synthesis plants using natural gas as raw material and gasoline synthesis plants using Mobil method. The production of gasoline by this method requires 2.4t methanol per ton.

Research and development

The products that may be industrialized in the near future include ethylene glycol vinyl acetate The products with large technical and economic gap include olefins, ethanol and acetaldehyde.


There are many routes to develop, among which methanol formaldehyde condensation method, oxalate method and formaldehyde hydroformylation method have better results.

vinyl acetate

The developed routes are:
CH three OH+CH three COOH—→CH three COOH three +H two O
2CH three COOCH three +2CO+H two —→CH two CH(COOCH two ) two +CH two COOH
CH three CH(COOCH three ) two —→CH three COOCH three +CH three COOH
The acetic acid produced in the reaction process can be recycled. This method may be industrialized in the near future.


There are different routes for synthesis from syngas or methanol.


There are also two routes of synthesis gas and methanol, the former is gas phase method and liquid phase method.

China's achievements

At present, the progress of C1 chemistry mainly focuses on the synthesis gas chemical industry and methanol chemical industry. After more than 20 years of research and development, China's C1 chemical industry has achieved a batch of test results at different stages through the "Seventh Five Year Plan", "Eighth Five Year Plan", "Ninth Five Year Plan" and "Tenth Five Year Plan". A batch of research units and talents engaged in C1 chemical research and development have emerged. At present, more than 20 units are engaged in C1 chemical research, It has laid a certain foundation for the future development of C1 chemical industry in China. The test results obtained include:
(1) Synthesis gas preparation technology and catalyst;
(2) Methanol dehydration or synthesis gas one-step production of dimethyl ether;
(3) Methanol dehydrogenation Methyl formate Catalyst and process technology;
(4) Methanol dehydration or synthesis gas one-step production of dimethyl ether;
(5) Synthesis gas to hydrocarbon;
(6) Synthesis Dimethyl carbonate (DMC);
(8) Methanol carbonylation to acetic acid;
(9) CO coupling to produce oxalate, oxalic acid and ethylene glycol;
(10) Ethanol production from syngas;
(11) Research and development of purification and purification of CO from CO containing gas;
(12) Research on the synthesis technology of high concentration formaldehyde;
(13)CO two Chemical utilization research.

development direction

One carbon products are good substitutes for petroleum. The combination of one carbon chemistry and green chemistry is to achieve coordinated development of economy and environment. Whether from the strategic perspective of world energy development, or focusing on environmental protection and sustainable development for the benefit of future generations, the combination of green chemistry and one carbon chemistry is of great significance. With the continuous progress of science and technology, a large number of novel and environment-friendly technologies have appeared in this field, and in some industries, they have even replaced the traditional industrial methods. With the progress of the times and the leap of science, in the future chemical industry, green one carbon chemistry will certainly play its huge potential and better benefit mankind.
The development direction and research focus of the next generation of one carbon chemistry are mainly focused on: methane Synthetic methanol (formaldehyde); Producing ethylene from methane; CO two Fixation of; Diversification of methanol and formaldehyde; And the exploration of new catalysts.