Apollo 11

The first successful moon landing mission
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synonym Apollo 11 ("Apollo" 11) generally refers to Apollo 11 (the first successful moon landing mission of mankind)
Apollo 11 Apollo 11 )It's an American country Aerospace National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA )Of Apollo program The fifth manned mission in Project Apollo is the first moon landing mission of mankind. The three astronauts who carried out this mission are Command length Armstrong Neil Armstrong )And Command module driver Michael Collins Michael Collins) as well as Lunar module driver Buzz Aldrin Buzz Aldrin )。 On July 20, 1969, Armstrong and Aldrin Became the first time Moon Human beings.
In 2012, the full moon map of China's Chang'e-2 captured the remains of the Apollo 11 moon landing in the United States. [5]
Chinese name
Apollo 11
Foreign name
Apollo 11
The Fifth Manned Mission in Apollo Program
The first time a human climbs Moon
Main tasks
Make humans land on the moon and carry out lunar activities
Airship structure
Command cabin - service cabin- Lunar module

Airship data

Ship name
Apollo 11
Command/call sign of service cabin
Lunar module Call sign
Carrier rocket
Saturn 5 SA-506
Number of members
Launch time
July 16, 1969 13:32:00 Universal Time
Launch site
Lunar landing time
20:17:43 Universal Time, July 20, 1969
Lunar landing site
0 ° 40 min 26.69 s north latitude, 23 ° 28 min 22.69 s east longitude Sea of Tranquillity
Landing time
July 24, 1969 Universal Time 16:50:35
Landing place
13 degrees 19 minutes north latitude, 169 degrees 9 minutes west longitude
Task time
8 days, 13 hours, 18 minutes and 35 seconds
Lunar orbital time
58 hours, 30 minutes, 25.79 seconds
Monthly residence time
21 hours, 36 minutes and 20 seconds
Monthly travel time
2 hours, 31 minutes and 40 seconds
Mass of lunar module
Bring back Lunar specimen quality

Task Team


full member

From left: Armstrong, Collins, Aldrin
Neil Alden Armstrong (NeilArmstrong) Gemini 8 And Apollo 11 mission), commander in chief.
Buzz Aldrin (BuzzAldrin) Gemini 12 And Apollo 11 mission), lunar module pilot.
Michael Collins (Michael Collins) Gemini 10 And Apollo 11 mission), instructions/ Service cabin driver.

Alternate member

The replacement members also receive task training and take over when the main members are unable to perform the task due to various reasons.
Jim Lovell Jim Lovell , once executed Gemini 7 , No. 12 Apollo 8 as well as Apollo 13 Task), commander
Fred Hayes( Fred Haise , once carried out the Apollo 13 mission), Lunar module driver
Bill Anders( Bill Anders , once carried out the Apollo 8 mission), Command module driver

Support team

The support team does not accept mission training, but is required to be able to take the place of an astronaut and participate in the meeting Task plan Details are finalized. They also often serve as ground communications missions when missions are performed.
Charles Duke Charles Duke , once executed Apollo 16 Task)
Ronald Evans (Ronald Evans, once executed Apollo 17 Task)
Owen Garriott Owen Garriott , once executed Skylab 3 And STS-9 tasks)
Don Linde (Don L. Lind, once executed STS-51-B Task)
Ken Mattingly (Ken Mattingly, once executed Apollo 16 STS-4 as well as STS-51 -Task C)
Bruce· Mike Bruce McCandless, once executed STS-41-B as well as STS-31 Task)
William Pogue (William Pogue, once executed Skylab Task 4)
Jack Swigert Jack Swigert , once executed Apollo 13 Task)

Task process


Launch to the moon

The launch site of Apollo 11 attracted more than one million people, and the number of viewers watching the live broadcast of the launch around the world reached a record 600 million. Richard Nixon The President is in White House Oval Office Li watched the live broadcast.
Carrying Apollo 11 Saturn 5 rocket At 9:32 (13:32 UTC) on July 16, 1969 Kennedy Space Center Launch, the spacecraft will enter 12 minutes after launch Earth orbit And the speed reaches 7.67 km/s.
After orbiting the earth for one and a half times, the third stage sub rocket ignites to accelerate the spacecraft to 10.5 km/s and conduct the lunar mission Transfer track Translunar injection (TLI) brought Apollo 11 into Earth Moon orbit. After 30 minutes, the command/service module Saturn 5 Separate and rotate 180 ° with the moon landing in the third stage rocket Adapter (Lunar Module Adapter).
Apollo 11 passed on July 19, 1969 Back of the Moon , and soon ignited the main rocket to slow down the spacecraft Lunar orbit In the process of circling the moon, three astronauts identified the planned landing site in the air.
Footprints left on the moon
The landing point of Apollo 11 is in the south of the Mare Tranquillitatis and Sabine D Annular type 20 kilometers south of Shanxi. This landing point was selected because it is relatively flat (from Ranger 8 (Ranger 8), Surveyor 5 and the Moon Tracker (information provided by Lunar Orbiter) Extravehicular activities Time makes too many difficulties. After login, Armstrong Call the landing point“ Jinghai Base ”。
At 18:11 UTC on July 20, 1969, when the spacecraft was on the back of the moon, Call sign For the lunar module of the Eagle from the call sign of Columbia Command module Middle separation. Collins left alone on Columbia, circling the Eagle vertical axis When rotating, I carefully checked to make sure that the aircraft was in good condition. After the examination, Collins made a simple farewell gesture - "Take care, two of you" - and left. Corinth's mission is to stay in the command module and circle the moon. In the next 24 hours, he can only monitor the communication between the control center and the Eagle and pray for the success of the moon landing. If the Eagle had an accident and could not take off from the moon (very likely), Collins would have to return to Earth alone.
Armstrong, the first person to land on the moon
Later, Armstrong and Aldrin launched the Eagle's propeller And began to fall. They soon realized that it "flew over": when they landed on the moon, it showed that the computer was overloaded Alarm It starts to ring. The Eagle flew 4 seconds more in the descent trajectory, which means that the moon landing point will be several kilometers away from the planned west. Navigation computer Several abnormal program alarms have occurred. stay Houston Steve Bels, Flight Control Commander, Johnson Space Center( Steve Bales )Faced with a key In a flash Choice between - Termination Moon landing plan (This also means terminating the entire flight plan, because the fuel on the aircraft is only enough for one attempt), or order the astronauts to act according to the plan, ignoring the problems of the lunar module computer. Bels later admitted that he had "intuitively" allowed Armstrong to try to land on the moon. When he began to look out of the window again, Armstrong found that they were between a rock and a hard ground. Computer failure caused them to fly past the primary Landing area And the fuel will soon run out. At this time, Armstrong chose manual control Lunar module. The lunar module continued to descend, and the fuel began to run out - the lunar module was located about 9 meters above the moon surface, and the remaining fuel was only enough for 30 seconds - Armstrong calmly found a place suitable for landing on the moon surface full of gravel and craters, and drove the lunar module to land steadily on the moon. The exact landing time is 4:17:43 on July 20, 1969( Houston Time).
Armstrong and Aldrin looked at each other and smiled knowingly. There was silence in Houston Flight Control Center, and everyone was waiting quietly. Finally, they heard Armstrong's voice: "Houston, this is Sea of Tranquillity Base‘ Eagle landed successfully. " The flight control center suddenly burst into a burst of enthusiastic cheers. In the lunar module, Armstrong and Aldrin reached over Dashboard , shook it silently.
The program alarm during the moon landing is "execution overflow", which means that the navigation computer cannot Specified time Complete scheduled tasks within. It was later discovered that the reason for the overflow was that the docking radar of the lunar module was not turned off when landing, so that the computer still monitored the radar that was not in use. Because of the word "continue" in an emergency, Steve Bell later obtained a Presidential Medal of Freedom
Shortly after landing, before the preparations for extravehicular activities began, Aldrin read to the earth via radio:
This is the lunar module pilot. I want to take this opportunity to let all those who are listening, no matter who they are or where they are, calm down, review what has happened in the past few hours, and express gratitude in his or her own way.
As Freemasonry Aldrin, a member of Eucharist Aldrin kept his Eucharist secret and didn't even tell his wife because Apollo 8 The Genesis read by astronauts in lunar orbit led NASA to be sued by the atheist Madalyn Murray O'Hair.

Landing on the Moon

The landing site of Apollo 11
At 2:56 (UTC) on July 21, 1969, six and a half hours after the Eagle landed, Armstrong held the steps of the lunar module and stepped on the moon, saying, "That's one small step for a man, One giant leap for man kind. [2]

Lunar activities

Buzz Aldrin by Neil Armstrong
Before landing on the moon, the astronauts passed the triangle porthole , observed the landing site to determine the placement“ Apollo program Early scientific experiment module (EASEP) and one side Flag of the United States The location of, together with the necessary preparation for extravehicular activities, consumed more than two hours in the plan. At the beginning, Armstrong couldn't carry it smoothly Life support system The backpack (PLSS) passes Hatch According to another senior moon walker John Young Say: Apollo Lunar Module The life support system backpack has not been improved since it was modified to fit a smaller cabin door. The difficulty of getting in and out makes several records of astronauts' heart rate focus on getting in and out of the lunar module. Armstrong could not see his own steps because of the obstruction of installing the remote control unit on his chest. In the process of slowly climbing down the 9-step ladder of the lunar module, Armstrong pulled a D-shaped pull ring, released a device called modular equipment combination that was folded and placed on the side wall of the Eagle, and simultaneously activated TV camera The first moon landing was Slow scanning television The combination with commercial TV, that is, the picture is first projected on a special display and then photographed by an ordinary TV camera. This relay shooting method greatly reduces the quality of the picture. The picture signal is first received by the Jinshi Deep Space Communication Center located in the United States, but it is located at Australia Jinyinhua Stream Tracking station Acquired signal fidelity Higher. In a few minutes, the signal will be transferred to Australia Parks with higher sensitivity radio telescope Despite many technical and weather difficulties, the first monochrome images of extravehicular activities on the lunar surface were broadcast to at least 600 million people worldwide. Although this video exists in a large number, the original slow scanning source video stored in NASA was destroyed in a daily tape washing operation. Fortunately, a copy of the document video was finally broadcast on the moon Ground receiving station , Australian Perth Was found.
After describing the dust on the moon surface ("extremely fine, almost powdery"), Armstrong stepped down from the lunar module Foot And began the first human exploration of another planet. As an engineering experiment object of Apollo system, Armstrong first photographed the Apollo 11 lunar module for engineers to judge the situation after the lunar module landed. Then he used the sampling bag installed at the end of a rod for emergency Soil sampling And fold the sample bag into the storage bag on the right thigh. Then he took out the TV camera from the modular equipment combination and completed one Panoramic shooting And then install the camera 12 meters (40 feet) away from the lunar module tripod On.
Aldrin then set foot on the moon surface and tested several methods of walking on the moon surface, including two feet jumping. Although the life support backpack caused some tendency of falling back, the problem of the two astronauts in maintaining balance was not serious. Then astronauts found Stride It is the most convenient way for lunar activities. Astronauts reported that they must plan the moving direction 6 or 7 steps in advance because the delicate soil on the moon surface is very slippery. Aldrin reported that in the process of going from sunlight to shadow, Space suit The internal temperature has not changed, but the helmet feels warmer in the sun than in the shadow.
After placing the American flag on the moon, the astronauts and the President of the United States Richard Nixon Through the telephone, Nixon called this telephone conversation "the most historic call from the White House". Nixon was going to make a long speech on the phone, but he was the liaison officer of NASA Apollo 11 in the White House Frank Borman Convinced Nixon, and finally reduced the call to show that Kennedy Respect for the last wishes of landing on the moon.
The astronauts placed Apollo program Initial scientific experiment components, including a passive seismograph And one laser ranging reflector After that, Armstrong was 120 meters away from the lunar module to the east Crater While Aldrin took out two Core , he used Geological hammer Knock the drill pipe, which is a geological hammer used in the whole Apollo 11 mission. Then two astronauts used Shovel And a probe rod with claws were used to collect rock samples. Because many working hours The scheduled time was exceeded, so the astronauts had to stop recording the specimens halfway.
At this time, the control center warned Armstrong's metabolic rate Too high, must slow down. However, because the overall metabolic rate of extravehicular activities is lower than expected Mission Control Center Finally, astronauts were allowed to extend extravehicular activities for 15 minutes.

Leaving the Moon

Aldrin First climbed into the lunar module, and then the two astronauts used a kind of equipment called the lunar surface Conveyor belt The flat rope pulley device of the lunar lander laboriously transported the film and two boxes containing 21.55kg lunar surface samples into the lunar lander module. Armstrong then jumped up the third step of the ladder and climbed into the lunar module. In order to reduce the upgraded weight of the lunar module to return to the lunar orbit, two astronauts Life support system After, start Space suit PLSS on( Portable life support system )Backpack, moon surface Overshoes , cameras and other equipment were abandoned on the moon. Then they pressurized the lunar module again and went to sleep.
When entering the cabin, Aldrin accidentally broke the switch to release the main engine upgrade fuse. At first, people feared that without this switch, the engine would not be ignited, so that astronauts would be trapped on the moon and could not return. Fortunately, this switch uses a ball pen If not, astronauts will have to reset the circuit of the lunar module to ignite the upgraded engine.
After resting for about 7 hours, the command center woke up the two astronauts and instructed them to prepare for the return flight. Two and a half hours later, at UTC 17:54, they took the Eagle to upgrade and leave the lunar surface to return to the lunar orbit and command cabin pilot on Columbia Michael Collins They also returned 21.55kg of lunar surface samples.
For about two and a half hours on the moon, astronauts placed many scientific instruments, such as those used in the lunar laser ranging experiment reflector Arrays, etc. They also left on the moon: an American flag and a commemorative plaque (placed on the degraded ladder under the lunar module), on which two images of the earth were painted( Eastern Hemisphere and western hemisphere ), inscription, astronaut's signature and Richard Nixon's signature. The inscription on the plaque is: In July 1969, human beings from the earth landed on the moon for the first time, and we came for the peace of all mankind.
The video record on the upgrade of the lunar module shows that Take off phase The American flag, which was placed 25 feet (7.6 meters) away from the downgrading, was violently blown by the gas from the ascending engine. along with Landing site Slowly leave the field of vision, flag It seems to have toppled, but no one is sure whether it toppled (but according to Aldrin, "the upgrade and downgrade of the lunar module are separated... I was staring at the computer, Neil was looking at Altimeter , but I still took a look and found that the flag fell down. "). After Apollo 11, all American flags placed on the lunar surface by the moon landing spacecraft should be at least 100 feet away from the lunar module to avoid being blown down by the ascending engine.
After rendezvous with Columbia, the Eagle lunar module was abandoned and remained in lunar orbit. According to the report of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Eagle's orbit gradually decreased and finally collided with the moon at "some place".
On July 23, the night before landing, three astronauts carried out a live television broadcast. Collins said: "... The complexity of the Saturn V rocket that put us into orbit is unimaginable, and every part of it is very fine... We always have confidence in it. Without people who shed blood, sweat and tears for this plan, none of this will come true Although you can only see the three of us, there are thousands of people behind the scenes who have made contributions to the plan. I want to say to them, "Thank you very much.". Aldrin He said: "... This is not just the effort of three people to complete a mission on the moon, nor the efforts of a government and industry team, nor the efforts of a country. We feel that this symbolizes the human exploration of the unknown world Thirst for knowledge ... Personally, when I think about the leaders, the work of Thy fingers, the Moon and the stars, which Thou hast ordained; What is man that Thou art mindful of him?’”。 Armstrong To conclude: "The responsibility of this flight was given by history, by the scientific pioneers, by the will of the American people, by four departments and their committees, and it was the manufacture of Mars rockets, Columbia, Eagle and extravehicular activity units, including space suits and backpacks, that is, our small spacecraft on the moon, and their companies and industrial groups Given by the team. We are grateful to all Americans who built, designed, tested, and worked hard for the spaceship. Tonight, we are particularly grateful to them. God bless all those who listen to our live broadcast. This is Apollo 11. Good night. "

Return to Earth

The astronauts returned to Earth on July 24, 1969, and received a hero's welcome. Their landing point is 13 degrees 19 minutes north latitude, 169 degrees 9 minutes west longitude, 2660 kilometers (1440 nautical miles) east of Wake Island, or Johnston Atoll 380 km (210 nautical miles) to the south, 24 km (15 miles) from the recovery ship Hornet. About an hour after landing, the astronauts were found by the recovery helicopter, and then they entered a trailer used as an isolation facility. President Nixon personally boarded the recycling ship to welcome the astronauts back to Earth.
To avoid bringing back the unknown from the moon pathogen The crew of Apollo 11 was isolated after returning to Earth, but was locked up for three weeks (one week in the trailer, Lyndon Baines Johnson The Moon at the Space Center Substance recovery And returning to the Astronaut Quarantine Laboratory for two weeks), the astronauts did nothing. On August 13, 1969, the astronauts left Isolation zone And accepted the cheers of the American people. On the same day New York Chicago and Los Angeles A parade was held to celebrate them.
It was held in Los Angeles that night for the members of Apollo 11 state banquet Members of Congress, 44 governors, Chief Justice and ambassadors of 83 countries were present. president Nixon and vice president Sparrow presented Presidential Medal of Freedom This celebration is just the beginning of a 45 day long cruise called "One Big Step", during which astronauts visited 25 countries and many famous people including Queen Elizabeth II. To celebrate the first manned moon landing, many countries have issued Commemorative Stamp or commemorative coin
On September 16, 1969, three astronauts Capitol Hill Held The Senate and the House of Representatives At the joint meeting, they made a speech to House of Representatives and senate They presented an American flag that accompanied them to the moon.
The command module is currently on display in the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C Jefferson In the middle of the main exhibition hall at the entrance of the avenue, there are other pioneer aircraft, such as Saint Louis Spirit, Bell X-1 North America people X-15 Friendship No.7 Mercury Project )And Gemini 4 Trailers used as compartments are displayed in Virginia Washington Dulles International Airport The Smithsonian Udvar Hazy Center.

Introduction to Spacecraft

The Apollo spacecraft consists of the command module Service cabin and Lunar module It is composed of 3 parts. [1]

Command module

The command module is the cockpit for astronauts to live and work in flight, and also the whole spacecraft control center The command cabin is conical, 3.2 meters high, weighs about 6 tons, and has a maximum diameter of 3.9 meters. [2] The command module is divided into front module, astronaut module and rear module. Place landing parts, recovery equipment and Attitude control engine Etc. The astronaut module is Sealed cabin , which is available for astronauts to live for 14 days necessity and Lifesaving equipment There are 10 sets in the rear compartment attitude control Engine, various instruments and tanks, attitude control and guidance Navigation system And onboard computers and radios subsystem Etc.

Service cabin

The front end of the service module is connected to the command module, and the rear end has propulsion system Main engine nozzle The cabin is cylindrical, 6.7 meters high, 4 meters in diameter, and weighs about 25 tons. The main engine is used for track transfer and Track change maneuver. Attitude control system 16 sets rocket engine They are also used for spacecraft and Three-stage rocket Separation, docking of lunar module and command module, separation of command module and service module, etc. [2]

Lunar module

The lunar module consists of downgrading and upgrading. It weighs 14.7 tons and is 4.3 meters wide when taking off from the ground, Maximum height About 7m.
Downgrade : By landing engine, 4 landing legs and 4 Instrument cabin form.
Upgrade on : is the main body of the lunar module. It can accommodate 2 astronauts. After completing the lunar activities, astronauts will drive up and upgrade to return Circumlunar orbit Meet the command module. The upgrade will be carried out by the astronaut "seat" module, return to the engine Propellant tank , instrument cabin and control system. Navigation, control, communication Life support And power supply equipment Note: the astronaut "seat" cabin here is only one that can accommodate two astronauts Station There is no seat for astronauts in the lunar module [2]

Salvage of rocket debris

NASA successfully salvaged the wreckage of Apollo rocket engine
Apollo rocket engine wreckage
United States Aerospace Bureau( NASA )It was announced on the 20th local time that the US e-commerce tycoon Amazon founder jeff bezos (Jeff Bezos) His own expedition team in Florida, USA gulf Atlantic Successful salvage of seabed“ Saturn 5 ”Large rocket engine Debris. The rocket was used in the United States, which "sent humans to the moon" Apollo Program Is used in.
It is reported that what was salvaged from the seabed was Apollo spacecraft Two segments of the Saturn 5 first stage rocket engine were transported to space. The wreckage was found at the bottom of the sea, about 4300 meters deep. Since the engine manufacturing code cannot be identified, it is still uncertain whether this is the "Apollo 11" that Bezos expected to send humans to the moon for the first time Carrier rocket
It is reported that Bezos saw the exciting launch scene of "Apollo 11" on TV when he was 5 years old, inspiring him to establish a space development company to operate manned space business in the future. according to Reuters It is reported that the engine is being repaired and is expected to be exhibited in the future, [3]

Lunar landing discovery

Scientists say they are right Moon And the whole solar system Many of our knowledge was confirmed and revealed by the astronauts of Apollo 11. In addition Paired band The returned research on lunar rocks and dust also played a great role. NASA Published Apollo moon landing plan Ten major findings of
The moon is not a protoorganism
The moon is a gradual evolution with a similar Earth's internal structure "Land Planets". Now we know that the moon is made of rocks. And these rocks have been melted to varying degrees Volcano eruption And the impact of meteorites.
The moon has a very thick surface crust (60 km), and a layer of lithosphere (60~1000 km), and then the rock flow layer (1000~1740 km). At the bottom of the rock flow layer may be a small iron core, but this has not been confirmed.
The moon was born a long time ago
Like all terrestrial planets, the first billion years of the solar system's history left a deep mark on the moon. There is a large amount of Meteorite crater If we can determine the age of rock samples, we can Mercury And meteorite craters on Mars to determine their geological development history. The geological photos of other planets can also be interpreted according to the information we get from the moon.
The youngest rock is "older" than the earth
Initially, the moon and the earth may be affected by the same processes and events, but the traces left by these processes and events can only be found on the moon.
On the surface of the moon, dark and smooth Moon Sea Most of them are meteorite craters, and the rocks in them are relatively young, about 3.2 billion years old. The rocks in some rugged highlands are relatively old, about 4.6 billion years old.
The moon and the earth are close relatives
These two stars are separated by a common substance in different proportions.
On moon rocks and earth rocks oxide isotope The striking similarity between the moon and the earth suggests that they may have come from the same ancestor. However, compared with the earth, the iron on the moon and the volatile elements It's exhausted.
There is no sign of life on the moon
There is no living organism, fossil or native on the moon Organic compound
The tests of samples collected from the moon did not find any past or present biological signs. even if it is Abiotic We can't find any organic compounds. This may be due to the pollution caused by meteorites.
The moon rocks are formed by high temperature
These rocks have almost no relationship with water in the formation process, and can be roughly divided into three categories: basalt Anorthite and Breccia Basalt is black lava , mainly distributed in some Moon Sea in They and the Earth Marine crust The lava is very similar, but much older. Feldspar is mainly distributed on those ancient highlands, and its weight is relatively light. Breccia is formed after other rocks are crushed and mixed during the meteorite fall.
Deep in the early moon is "magma ocean"
The surface of the lunar highland contains some early low-density rocks, which are floating in the“ Magma Some magma remains on the surface of the ocean. The lunar highland was formed about 4.4 billion to 4.6 billion years ago, and was formed by the condensation of some magma floating on the surface of the "magma ocean". The crust of this part is tens of kilometers thick. stay Geological period Countless meteorites fell on the moon, melting away many ancient rocks and forming many ringed mountains on the surface of the moon.
Asteroids hit craters on the surface of the moon
Some huge black basins are actually huge after impact crater These were formed in the early days of the moon, and the history of the lava covered on it is about 320 million to 390 million years. When the lunar volcano is active, a large amount of lava will be produced and spread around. Volcanic eruption will also produce orange precipitate And pure emerald Colored Glass bead
The moon is slightly asymmetric
The volume and structure of the moon are slightly asymmetric, which may be due to the fact that it was affected by the Earth during its evolution Universal gravitation Impact. The crust of the moon is relatively thick on the far side. There are many volcanic basins on the side near the earth, and its mass concentration It is much thicker than the far side.
The mass concentration inside the moon is not Uniform distribution Of. Relative to it Geometric center The center of the moon's mass is thousands of meters away from the earth.
The surface is covered with rock fragments and dust
This is the so-called moon Weathered layer , which can interpret the unique solar radiation History of. This is also our understanding Earth climate change Is an important factor.
The lunar regolith was produced by the impact of countless meteorites in the geological period. The surface rock and ore are full of chemical element And due to sunlight Isotopes produced by radiation. According to this, the moon has completely recorded the history of the sun for 4 billion years, which is unlikely to be found elsewhere.

Member Introduction

Neil Armstrong
Neil Alden Armstrong (Neil Alden Armstrong) born on August 5, 1930 Ohio Vapakeneta. Won in 1955 Purdue University Aeronautical engineering Professional Master of Science degree. In 1949-1952 America Navy Service (pilot). Armstrong was the first astronaut to land on the moon.
In 1955, he joined the National Aeronautic Technical Advisory Committee (later the National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and worked in Lewis Flight Propulsion Laboratory. Later, he was established in the committee California Edwards High Speed Flight Station Test pilot Manned at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in Houston from 1962 to 1970 spacecraft The center is an astronaut. In March 1966, he was a super pilot of the "Gemini 8" spaceship.
On July 16, 1969, with Aldrin and Collins Command length )Take the Apollo 11 spacecraft to Moon On July 20, Armstrong steered the Eagle Lunar module Landing on the surface of the moon, he and Aldrin stepped out of the lunar module and onto the surface of the moon at about 10 p.m. that day. Armstrong took the lead in setting foot on the desolate and silent land of the moon, becoming the first person to land on the moon and walk on it. At that time, he said the famous saying that has been quoted on numerous occasions since then: "This is a small step for individuals, but it is a big step for humans." They spent 21 hours on the moon, took off from the moon on the 21st, and returned to the earth on the 24th.
From 1970 to 1971, he served as Deputy Director of the Senior Research and Technology Office at the headquarters of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in Washington. After retiring from NASA in 1971 University of Cincinnati Professor of Aeronautical Engineering until 1979. In March 1985, he was a member of the National Committee on Space Issues. Investigation in February 1986 space shuttle Vice chairman of the Presidential Commission on the accident. Since the 1980s, he has also served as a director or chairman of many companies.
On July 20, 1999, the United States held a ceremony at the Washington Aerospace Museum to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the first human moon landing. Gore vice president At the ceremony, "Langley Gold medal ”Awarded to the American astronaut who landed on the moon for the first time Neil Armstrong And his companions Edwin Aldrin And driving Command module Of Michael Collins
On August 25, 2012, due to Heart bypass Surgery Post complication He died at the age of 82. His family said in a statement that Armstrong died of complications after heart bypass surgery in early August [4]
Buzz Aldrin
Buzz Aldrin
Buzz Aldrin (Buzz Aldrin) Colonel, Doctor, (born on January 20, 1930, formerly known as Edwin Eugene Aldrin, Jr. ))Used to be an American pilot and American country Aerospace The astronauts of the Bureau are famous for being the second person (after Neil Armstrong) to set foot on the moon during the first manned lunar landing mission Apollo 11.
In 1951, he got his bachelor's degree in science with the third place in the class. stay Korean War During this period, Aldrin acted as US Air Force The second lieutenant joined the war,
In October 1963, Aldrin was elected by NASA The third group of astronauts
On July 20, 1969, Armstrong manipulated the Eagle lunar module to land on the lunar surface. At about 10 p.m. that day, he and Armstrong stepped out of the lunar module,
In March 1972, Aldrin officially retired from the Air Force after 21 years of service.
In 1988, Aldrin changed his name to "Buzz"
Participation in 2012《 Cosmic brothers 》Shoot, play yourself in the film, as an enlightenment Nanbo Liutai Kobayashi )The senior lunar lander of
Michael Collins
Michael Collins
Born in Italy on October 31, 1930 Rome
Michael Collins (Michael Collins, October 31, 1930 -)( NASA )'s astronauts, who have Gemini 10 And the Apollo 11 mission. It was the first time that humans landed on the moon Crew members But he didn't land on the moon because he was the commander of the crew [1]

Lunar landing dispute

In May 2024, a person in charge of the Chang'e Project revealed in an interview that the Chang'e VI had not found the Apollo basin on the moon. The vague expression of the person in charge has aroused widespread concern and speculation among netizens, which has further amplified into a query on the American manned moon landing project half a century ago, which represents "a big step forward" for mankind. [6]
The "hesitation", "language stagnation" and "connotation" of aerospace experts mentioned in the media clips are not "completely" true. After careful observation of the video data at that time, it can be found that when the aerospace experts answered questions in the face of live cameras, their language was not fully organized and expressed clearly, so there were some pauses. At this time, the program team quickly ended the topic and switched to a new topic in order to smooth the live broadcast. This is a normal phenomenon in the live broadcast, but some media intercepted and magnified the short few seconds of video out of context, and accompanied with inflammatory words, resulting in the illusion of "space experts' connotation of Apollo's moon landing is false". in fact, "Apollo Basin" is located on the back of the moon. Although there is "Apollo" in the name, it is totally different from the landing site of the Apollo moon landing mission. This is named in memory of the Apollo moon landing mission, but it is not the destination of any Apollo moon landing mission. [7]