Dragon Boat Cultural Activities Held in the Ancient Israeli Seaside City of Aka - Replay Network

Dragon Boat Cultural Activities Held in the Ancient Coastal City of Aka, Israel

2023-09-09 14:48:30 Source: Xinhuanet

(Data pictures are for reference only)

Xinhua News Agency, Jerusalem, September 8 (Reporter Wang Zhuolun) On September 8, the ancient coastal city of Aka in Israel held a Chinese cultural activity with the dragon boat race as the main content. Hundreds of athletes from 17 dragon boat teams across Israel competed in the Mediterranean.

The event was held on the beach next to the old city wall of Aka on the same day, and red lanterns and Chinese knots were hung on the scene, full of lively oriental atmosphere. The Dragon Boat Race is divided into men's group, women's group, mixed group and other categories. The contestants include the elderly, teenagers and some disabled people who are nearly 80 years old. At the same time as the Dragon Boat Race, there are also traditional Chinese culture performances and experience activities. Taijiquan, calligraphy, traditional Chinese painting, dragon dance, diabolo playing and other activities attract many local people to watch and interact.

Lue Faras, an official of the Akah municipal government in charge of the event, said that the dragon boat cultural event has been successfully held for many times, which has become a window for Israeli people to approach Chinese culture and feel the charm of Chinese culture, and has also made the ancient Akah city with thousands of years of history glow with new vitality and vitality.

Shula Brinberry, a 73 year old dragon boat racer, said that her dragon boat team was all local elderly women, and nearly 50 people participated in the race. She and her teammates will have two or three training sessions in Galilee Lake, the largest freshwater lake in Israel every week. Dragon boating makes her feel happy and energetic.

Liu Song, the Charg é d'affaires ad interim of the Chinese Embassy in Israel, said in his speech at the scene that the Dragon Boat Race was widely welcomed worldwide because it embodied the spirit of working together, striving forward and pursuing excellence, and was an important platform for promoting cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries. Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Israel 31 years ago, political mutual trust has been strengthened, mutually beneficial cooperation has been developing, and people to people and cultural exchanges have been deepening.

The event was co hosted by the Chinese Embassy in Israel and the Akkah Municipal Government. In recent years, the Dragon Boat Race has been held in Tel Aviv, Aka and other Israeli cities for many times, and is very popular with the local people.

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