• 0-3 years old is the stage when babies begin to observe and understand things. At this time, interesting knowledge, bright colors, lively language, vivid pictures, and hide and seek games can definitely attract babies immediately, and make them enjoy themselves and constantly aftertaste. Mothers and babies are together to learn the sounds of different animals, know the bodies of different animals, and guess who the animals behind the lid are. This process can make both mothers and babies happy. When the baby is young, he will inevitably bump and get hurt. The children care about each other and come up with various ideas. A warm cardboard book can help them sleep soundly and have a peaceful and happy dream.     [ Comment ]

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About this book

"A set of paperboard books for German babies" is a best-selling paperboard book in Germany. It includes three books: Are you my mother? Little owl, long bag on the head! Good night, little star.

Book information

  • Book name: a set of cardboard for German babies
  • Author: Sandra Green, etc
  • Publication date: October 2016
  • Press: Lijiang Publishing House Co., Ltd
  • ISBN:9787540779177


Are you my mother

Are You My Mother? Is Germany's best selling book about baby hiding. Bright colors, lively language, vivid pictures, and excellent hide and seek game make mother and baby high and never stop! Click to see the atlas

Little owl, long bag on the head

Little Owl, Long Bag on the Head! Is an intimate mutual aid book for babies. The kitten has a small bag on its head. Little snake, little fox and little mouse all came to help him. Although they didn't help each other in the end, the friendship of helping each other made everyone feel warm. Click to see the atlas

Good night, Little Star

Good night, Little Star! Is a dreamy and beautiful bedtime book. Little Bear wants to sleep. But before he went to bed, he saw a star catching cold. Little Bear thought of a way to help it. Click to see the atlas