Parent Child Kitchen - Fancy Chinese Food

Gourmet goddess Ousgoo Wu Peiqi's Chinese specialty

  • content validity
  • This book selects 52 authors' food diaries of the "Baby Loves Eating" series in their lives to record the tender stories related to food that happened between her and her son's teasing and other families. At the same time, it includes the food production methods and secret scripts related to the stories. Whether it is staple food, dishes or snacks, there are both common classic dishes and many of the authors' original creations; In terms of operation, it not only absorbs the strengths of others, but also highlights the originality of the author. Each dish reflects the author's wisdom, and each dish can be easily copied by readers at home, which makes people salivate after reading happily.  [ preface ]  [ Comment ]
  • Edit recommendation
  • The book recorded his life, shared the fun of life with his children, tasted the fun of food, and made sincere food with both hands. Let us know that as long as there is love, three meals a day can be so delicious, so attractive. Food is far more than satiety.

This book is written by Lijiang Publishing House Exclusive license and optional loading

About this book

Ousgoo, His real name is Wu Peiqi, a professional water supply and drainage engineer, and the author of Baking for Love, a treasure of baking; The champion of the Halollee baking classroom baking contest, the champion of the second Panasonic baking master tournament in Beijing, the third runner up of the Jiuyang baking theater baking contest, and the second baking ambassador of Emperor Changdi; Visiting guest of Beijing TV's Happy Life.

Book information

  • Title: Parent Child Kitchen, Fancy Chinese Food
  • Author: Ousgoo
  • Publication date: October 2016
  • ISBN:978-7-5407-7950-4
  • Price: 54.00 yuan
  • Audience: parents
  • Listing suggestion: best-selling parent-child reading food cooking
  • Format: 12 (635 · 965)