Book Cover

Baby is not allergic and has less troubles

More than 20 years of clinical experience summarizes 20 common solutions to children's allergies

"Baby is not allergic and has less trouble" is a book with strong practicality. Faced with allergies, many mothers will be confused and helpless. This book does not talk about too much theoretical knowledge, but from the perspective of nursing, diet, step by step, according to pictures or words, mothers can relieve allergic symptoms for their babies.

"Baby is not allergic and has less troubles" is a comprehensive book about children's allergies. It not only starts with the prevention of allergens in all aspects, but also carries out professional classification of skin allergy, intestinal allergy, digestive tract allergy, etc., and introduces the prevention and treatment of 20 kinds of allergic symptoms in detail.

Liang Furong, the author of "Baby is not allergic and has less worries", is the chief pediatrician of the Maternity and Children's Hospital of Peking University * Hospital. She has been engaged in clinical consultation in pediatrics for more than 20 years. Through case analysis of hundreds of thousands of children, this book is a summary of more than 20 years of clinical experience of teacher Liang.

This book is written by China Light Industry Press Exclusive license and optional loading

About this book

The author is Liang Furong, chief pediatrician of the Maternity and Children's Hospital of Peking University First Hospital, member of the Clinical Nutrition Working Group Committee of China Eugenics Association, expert consultant of Parents magazine, expert member of the New Life Organizing Committee of the All China Women's Federation, who is good at diagnosis and treatment of pediatric nutrition diseases and has rich clinical experience in infant feeding guidance.

Book information

  • Title: Baby is not allergic and has less troubles
  • Author: Liang Furong
  • Press: China Light Industry Press
  • Published in May 2017
  • ISBN: 9787518413195

Chapter 1 Allergy is the "killer" of children's health More>>

The age of 0~6 is the critical period for the healthy growth of the baby, but the baby's gastrointestinal function is not yet perfect. A little carelessness will cause gastrointestinal discomfort, and the whole family will be busy. In fact, understanding the baby's gastrointestinal knowledge may be another picture.

Chapter 2 How to prevent and care for children with food allergy More>>

Children's food allergy refers to the allergic reaction of children's immune system to food, which may be caused by some ingredients in the food or food additives contained in the food, after entering the body, IgE mediated and non IgE mediated immune reactions in the immune system, leading to digestive system or systemic allergic reactions. Children may experience itching, redness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and other conditions after eating certain food. In serious cases, they may also experience swelling of the respiratory tract mucosa, panic, shortness of breath, shock and even death.