The 32nd week of the 40th week of pregnancy: a well-developed baby

At this time, the baby's genitals are almost mature. Do you find that he doesn't like to move anymore? Don't worry, it's because he grows up and his space for activities is small

Physiological changes of expectant mothers

At 32 weeks, the pregnant woman will find that the fetal movement is getting less and less, but don't worry, as long as you feel the baby's occasional activity in your belly, it means that he is very good. The reason is very simple, the fetus is getting bigger and bigger, the space for his activities is decreasing, and his hands and feet can't stretch freely.

At this time, the pregnant woman gained about 250 grams of weight every week and felt frequent urination, which was due to the fall of the fetal head and pressure on the bladder The heavy abdomen will make mother unwilling to walk and feel tired. These are normal phenomena, but you should take appropriate activities in order to be more relaxed during childbirth.

Fetal development

The 32 week old fetus is about 45cm long and weighs about 2000g If the baby is a boy, his testicles may have entered the scrotum from the abdominal cavity, but some babies may enter the scrotum on the day after birth; If it is a girl, her labia majus is obviously protruding and clings to the left and right. This means that the baby's genitals The development is close to maturity. In addition, the fetus has grown a head Fetal hair However, the hair is sparse, but the density of hair after the baby is born does not depend on the density of fetal hair at this time. Another baby's nail It has grown to the fingertips.

Prevention of premature delivery

Preterm delivery refers to the delivery between 28 and 37 gestational weeks (196-258 days). According to statistics, preterm delivery accounts for 5% to 15% of the number of deliveries. Newborn babies born during this period with a weight of 1000~2499g and immature body organs are called preterm infants.

Beware of premature birth

Common causes and high risk factors of premature delivery include:

·Acute infection during pregnancy, such as acute appendicitis, gastroenteritis, pyelonephritis, etc;

·Genital tract inflammation such as bacterial vaginosis, chlamydia, etc;

·Congenital malformation of uterus and incompetence of cervix;

·Multiple fetuses and polyhydramnios lead to excessive uterine tension;

·Pregnant women have heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism and other complications, or suffer from pregnancy complications such as gestational diabetes;

·Premature rupture of membranes, placenta previa, placental abruption, etc;

·Pregnant women have a history of late abortion, premature delivery and birth injury;

·Bad living habits such as smoking, drinking, etc.

Precursors of premature delivery approaching the expected date of delivery

Lower abdomen stiffens In the third trimester of pregnancy, irregular uterine contraction may occur, almost without pain. It is characterized by frequent occurrence at night and disappearance in the morning of the next day. It is called physiological uterine contraction, and will not cause premature delivery. If the lower abdomen repeatedly becomes soft and hard, and the muscles also feel stiff and swollen, there will be at least one uterine contraction every 10 minutes, lasting for more than 30 seconds, accompanied by cervical tube shortening, which means threatened preterm delivery, and you should go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Vaginal bleeding A small amount of bleeding is one of the precursors of labor, but sometimes vaginal bleeding occurs in cervicitis, placenta previa and placental abruption.

flow of amniotic fluid at child birth The outflow of warm water like liquid is early water breaking, but generally the pain begins immediately after water breaking. At this time, the buttocks can be raised, and it is better to lie flat and send to the hospital immediately.

Scientific prevention of premature delivery

·Don't touch the abdomen If you are not in a crowded place, you should walk steadily on the steps. Do not carry heavy or high objects to avoid touching the abdomen.

·Do not irritate the abdomen Severe diarrhea can cause premature delivery because it stimulates the uterus during defecation to accelerate its contraction. In the normal sense, married life has nothing to do with premature delivery, but as long as there is a little sign of premature delivery, married life should be prohibited.

·How is your health Whether you have heart disease, kidney disease, diabetes, hypertension, influenza, untreated syphilis and other diseases.

·Rest quietly Pay attention to keeping your spirit happy. Unexpected accidents, troubles, and even sometimes noise can cause premature delivery. Pay attention to avoid insufficient sleep and excessive fatigue.

·Don't make your stomach tense Standing or squatting for a long time will increase the abdominal pressure and compress the uterus, which can also cause premature delivery.

·Please pay attention to pregnant women with abnormal conditions such as cervical incompetence and uterine malformation.

Tips: Pregnant women with pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome, twin or multiple pregnancy, placenta previa, polyhydramnios, etc. should follow the doctor's instructions.

Experts remind: beware of premature rupture of membranes

Under normal circumstances, the fetal membrane ruptures in the prenatal period, amniotic fluid flows out, and the fetus is delivered within a few hours. If the fetal membrane ruptures before labor (i.e. before regular uterine contraction), it is called premature rupture of fetal membrane. Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) is a common abnormality in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. If it is ignored, it will often cause serious consequences to pregnant women and fetuses, as shown in the following:

·The infection rate of mother and child will increase significantly;

·It is easy to cause umbilical cord prolapse;

·If premature rupture of membranes occurs 37 weeks ago, it often leads to premature delivery and late abortion;

·If the amniotic fluid is washed clean, it can lead to "dry production".

Tips: The incidence of premature rupture of membranes in obstetrics is 2.1~10.7%, mostly at home. Because PROM has no pain, patients often do not pay attention to it, so diagnosis and treatment are often delayed, resulting in tragedy.

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