The 29th week of the 40th week of pregnancy: rapid brain development

At this time, the baby's auditory system is developed. If you play some music to the baby at this time, the baby will react differently to different music

Physiological changes of expectant mothers

Mommy's weight has increased by 8.5-11.5kg, and the top of the uterus is about 7.6-10 cm higher than the navel Mummy's internal organs are squeezed by the enlarged uterus. At the same time, as the baby's size increases, Mummy can notice the baby's more subtle actions. Constipation, back discomfort, swollen legs and breathing may worsen Correct posture, good nutrition and proper exercise and rest will improve these problems.

Fetal development

The 29 week old fetus now sits about 26-27cm high and weighs about 1300g , the baby at this time, if it is a boy, his testis Has come down from the belly; If it's a girl, you can see the baby protruding Labia minora The baby's brain is developing rapidly and his head is also growing auditory system The baby also develops and responds more obviously to external stimuli. If you play some music to your baby at this time, your baby will respond differently to different music.

matters needing attention

Watch out for supine syndrome in late pregnancy

supine hypotensive syndrome When pregnant women lie on their back in the third trimester of pregnancy, they are prone to dizziness, chest tightness, palpitations, pale complexion, blood pressure drop and other symptoms. If they change to the lateral position, all symptoms will disappear quickly.

During the third trimester of pregnancy, the fetus keeps growing, and the weight of the uterus itself is 20 times higher than that before pregnancy. With the weight of the fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid, the weight of the whole uterus is about 6 kg In supine position, the enlarged and weight-bearing uterus will compress the abdominal aorta and inferior vena cava. The abdominal aorta is the main blood supply vessel in the body of pregnant women. Once pressed, it will lead to insufficient blood supply to heart, brain and other tissues and organs, resulting in the above symptoms.

Pregnant women should take the left lying position when sleeping

There are supine, prone, semi recumbent and side recumbent positions. According to scientific principles, it is most scientific for pregnant women to adopt the sleeping position of lying on the left side.

The sleeping posture during pregnancy is closely related to the fetus. For example, when lying on the right side or supine, the blood supply to the fetus will be reduced The left side lying position can supply more blood to the fetus, and then the baby will be more comfortable in the mother's belly. From the perspective of the health of the fetus and baby, pregnant mothers had better choose the left lying position.

If the pregnant woman has difficulty lying on the left side for a long time, When lying flat, cushion, pillow or quilt can be placed on the right hip to tilt the pelvis to the left , can also play the effect of lying on the left side.

Expert Reminder

Rational rest guarantees the sleep quality in the third trimester

·Do not eat or drink too much within 2 hours before going to bed.

·Don't do strenuous exercise or anything exciting or tiring before going to bed. Take a hot bath and drink your favorite hot drink.

·If you try to fall asleep but can't sleep, you might as well get up and do something. You can read books, listen to music, watch TV, write letters or emails, but don't do anything that excites you. After such a period of time, you will naturally fall asleep due to fatigue.

·Communicate with other expectant mothers or experienced women, who will give you good and practical advice. Especially if you are under great psychological pressure and it is difficult for you to overcome it, you should communicate more with others and learn more relevant knowledge so that you can strengthen your confidence and get rid of troubles, thus ensuring sleep and promoting health.

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