Gymnastics for pregnant women

For pregnant women, proper exercise is very necessary. Some expectant mothers have insufficient exercise because they protect their bodies too much during pregnancy. Some people eat too much because of the fetus and become overweight. These will cause great difficulties for production. Therefore, we encourage pregnant women to learn to do gymnastics for pregnant women, and exercise the necessary muscles of feet, waist and stomach when giving birth, so as to ensure the smooth delivery.

matters needing attention

·It can start from the early stage of pregnancy;

·Before the 19th week of pregnancy (the 5th month) or so, you should start with easy gymnastics such as leg movement or relaxation, and then slowly increase the types of gymnastics;

·When doing each kind of gymnastics, you should have enough time to exercise slowly. Generally, you can do it three times or so repeatedly;

·If you feel bloated, stop immediately.

Master correct posture exercises to prevent low back pain

Step 1

Stand with your back against the wall, keep your calves, buttocks, back and back of your head close to the wall, and try to reduce the gap between your waist and the wall. If it is difficult, you can move your feet forward to about 20 cm away from the wall.

Step 2

Keep your back against the wall and spread your feet shoulder width apart. Keep your knees parallel to your toes, tighten your chin, stick your upper body to the wall, and squat until your knees are half bent. Then slowly return to the original standing position. Practice again and again.

Step 3

Leave the wall, bend and straighten your knees while massaging your spine, kidneys and buttocks. The key is to bend while exhaling. This can also be used as breathing exercises during childbirth.

Step 4

Spread your legs back and forth, bend your front legs, straighten your back legs, and practice stretching your calves. Pay attention to landing on the heel of the back leg, pushing the toe of the back leg forward, not bending the body, and not cocking the hip. This can effectively relieve the heavy feeling of the legs.

Abdominal breathing exercise

Abdominal breathing is a must during labor or childbirth. Cross legged sitting can effectively relax the muscles at the bottom of the pelvis (the muscles around the vagina, anus, and urethra).

Step 1

Sit cross legged, stretch your back muscles, and put your hands on your lower abdomen. First exhale, relax your shoulders, then inhale through your nose, and slowly exhale through your mouth when your abdomen is full. Repeat for 2-3 times. The key is to relax your shoulders. Compared with inhaling, you should pay more attention to exhaling, and the time should be as long as possible.

Step 2

Put your hands on both knees, lean your upper body forward, exhale, gently press your knees down, then straighten your upper body, inhale, and slowly restore your knees to their original positions. Practice again and again.

Cat pose

This is a kind of exercise to tilt the pelvis, which can not only effectively prevent low back pain, but also exercise the muscles needed during childbirth.

Step 1

The body is in a climbing posture, with hands and legs as wide as the waist. While exhaling, imagine the cat holding its tail to tighten its abdomen, lean forward the pelvis, and arch its back.

Step 2

After inhaling, slowly relax your abdomen while exhaling, and then raise your head while returning to the original position. Be careful not to bend your elbow during the whole process.

Abdominal lifting exercise

Abdominal lifting exercise is conducive to the tightening of hip muscles and pelvic bottom muscles, and can play a role in preventing urinary incontinence.

Step 1

The body is in a supine position, with knees bent as wide as the waist. Keep your hands straight, palms down, and place them on your sides.

Step 2

While exhaling, straighten your waist, and then keep this position, silently count 5 times while inhaling, and then slowly lower your waist while exhaling. Practice again and again.

Relax your legs

This is a kind of exercise beneficial to the blood circulation of the legs, which can well prevent the swelling of the legs, sinking of the legs, phleboma and other problems.

Step: The body is in a supine position, with knees tucked away, one of the legs straightened and raised upward, and maintain this position. The toes are tightened and relaxed, then tightened and relaxed. After repeated several times, bend the knees and slowly put the legs back to the original position. Next, switch to the other leg. Practice again and again.

Lumbar Twist

This is a kind of exercise to twist the pelvis, which has a good effect on preventing low back pain.

Step: Close your knees together, and slowly lay down to the left (at an angle of about 45 degrees). Hold this position and count 5 times before returning to the original position, and then put it to the right. Repeat this several times.