Signs of labor

As the day of childbirth approaches, the family begins to wonder: what is the signal that the baby is going to be born, how to judge whether it is going to be delivered, and how to deal with it?

See red

Within 24-48 hours before delivery, the cervical orifice starts to move, separating the fetal membrane near the cervical orifice from the uterine wall there. The capillary ruptures, and a small amount of blood is discharged through the vagina, which is mixed with the mucus in the cervical tube and discharged. This bloody mucus from the vagina is commonly known as "see red". "Redness" is a reliable sign that labor is about to begin, usually a pink or brown viscous liquid, or just blood filaments in the secretion. If the blood is light and the amount is not large, you can stay at home and observe. Be careful not to work too hard and avoid strenuous exercise. If blood flows out, exceeds the amount of bleeding in the physiological period, or is accompanied by abdominal pain, you need to be hospitalized immediately.

How long does the labor pain start after the red? Generally, labor pains will start within 24 hours and the labor stage will begin. But the reality is that many people give birth only a few days or even a week after they become popular. Individual differences are very large, so the key is to observe its shape, color, quantity, etc. after seeing red.

Redness feature

·Tea brown, pink and red are all possible colors;

·The amount of bleeding was significantly less than that in physiological period;

·It usually occurs 24 hours before the labor, and it also occurs repeatedly 1 week ago;

·The mixed mucus flows out with thick texture.

Some bleeding is not "red"

For example, in the third trimester of pregnancy or during labor, bleeding is caused by the gradual extension of the uterus in the third trimester of pregnancy or after labor, the disappearance of the cervical tube, and the dilation of the cervical orifice, while the placenta attached to the lower segment of the uterus or the cervical orifice cannot be extended accordingly, so that the placenta in the anterior part peels off from its attachment, causing blood vessel rupture, which is not a precursor to labor, Attention should be paid to identification.

Labor pains

When the baby is about to give birth, the uterus begins to contract (uterine contraction), squeezing the baby toward the birth canal. At this time, you will feel pain.

If you feel pain and uterine contractions, do not rush to the hospital first. You can take out a watch to monitor the interval between the pain and uterine contractions. If it is irregular or regular but the interval is very long, it means that there is still some time before delivery, you can rest at home. If the pain reaches at least once every 10 minutes, you can go to the hospital to wait for delivery.

It is not necessary to stay in bed when resting at home. You can walk around. As long as you are careful not to do strenuous exercises or use abdominal muscles, it is better to have family members accompany you to prevent emergencies.

Characteristics of labor pain

·The time interval is regular;

·The time interval of labor pains gradually becomes shorter;

·Abdominal pain, a few people feel lumbar acid;

false pain

2-3 weeks before delivery, the uterus is more sensitive. The descent of the fetal head and under the uterus often causes irregular contraction of the uterus. There is irregular labor pain in the abdomen, which lasts for a very short time, often less than 30 seconds, without gradually aggravating and gradually shortening the interval time. It often occurs at night and disappears in the morning. This is called "pseudo labor pain".

flow of amniotic fluid at child birth

Water breaking is the natural rupture of the amniotic cavity surrounding the fetus. When the amniotic fluid flows out, you will generally feel a stream of heat flowing out of the vagina, or there is a feeling of wetness.

The water break before labor pains is early water break, which may cause bacterial infection or umbilical cord prolapse.

After breaking the water, in order to prevent the occurrence of conditions affecting the fetus, no matter what occasion, you should immediately lie flat to prevent the outflow of amniotic fluid. Call an ambulance after lying on your back. You must always stay on your back on the way to the hospital. If the vagina discharges brown or green tarry like substances (meconium), tell the doctor, because this is the result of the fetal intestinal cavity being squeezed, which often means that the fetus is pressurized or dangerous.

Attention should be paid to umbilical cord prolapse after water break. After breaking the amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord may prolapse due to pressure or gravity.

If there is no sign of delivery within 6 to 12 hours after the water break, the doctor will use oxytocin to help the pregnant mother enter the labor process and start delivery in order to prevent bacterial infection.

Water breaking characteristics

·Colorless and transparent, possibly containing floating objects such as fetal fat;

·Feel the hot liquid flowing from the vagina;

·Unconscious, uncontrollable, persistent;

Symptoms before water break

Generally, there are no symptoms, and a few people will have uterine contractions or abdominal pain, but it is difficult to predict. Do not do heavy work or strenuous exercise before labor. Try to avoid squatting to prevent external force from hurting the abdomen.