The 4th month of the baby's growth calendar: funny

The baby of about 100 days old is very popular: the neck is straight, the big head is slightly shaking, like a cute big head doll; The black eye of the eye is very big, and will look at the unknown person with a surprised expression; If you smile at him, he will return you a happy smile; When you cover your face with your hand, then suddenly take it away and smile at the baby, the baby will give out a series of giggles.

Body appearance and growth

At the end of the fourth month, the back chimney door will be closed; The head still looks larger, because it grows faster than other parts of the body, which is very normal; His body will catch up soon. During this period, the growth rate of babies began to slow down slightly in the first three months.

Physical standard:

Weight: At the end of three months The baby boy weighs 4.1~7.7 kg; The baby girl weighs 3.9-7.0 kg.

length: The baby boy is 55.8~66.4 cm long; The baby girl is 54.6-64.5 cm long.

Head circumference: The average head circumference of male infants is about 42.0 cm, and that of female infants is about 40.9 cm. The head circumference increases by 1cm every month for 4-6 months.

Development rule:

Weight: The baby's weight this month is OK Increase by 0.9-1.25kg

Height: Compared with the first three months, the growth rate of baby's height in this month began to slow down, About 2.0cm in a month

Head circumference: This month's baby's head circumference is good Increase by 1.4 cm

Fontanelle: Such a big baby Rear fontanelle closed , the line across the front fontanel can range from 1.0 to 2.5 cm


This month, the baby has been able to support his head and upper body with his upper limbs at an angle of about 90 degrees to the bed surface. From this month It's starting to roll over , first from supine to lateral, and gradually from supine to prone. The head is stable when holding vertically; You can stand for a moment holding your arms.

Physical skill development

Can hold on to their clothes and quilts; Shake and watch the rattle in hand; Hand eye coordination starts to occur; When lying on his back, he will look up and see his feet. When lying on your stomach, you will straighten your legs and gently lift your buttocks. I can't sit still on my own. I am interested in the objects around the small bed. I should grasp and touch them.

Language development

After three months of birth, the baby will gradually use "smile" to talk and produce vowels of "ah, oh, oh" The better the baby's mood, the more he can pronounce. When the baby is in high mood, parents should talk with the baby, send more voice to the baby, and let the baby have more opportunities to practice pronunciation. Let your baby go outdoors more, listen to birds, listen to the sound of running water, listen to the sound of wind blowing trees and leaves, and constantly tell your baby where the sound is made. Make vowel sounds for your baby and let him imitate his mother and father. The development of baby language has certain rules. The first stage is the perception stage of language. The baby first perceives sounds by listening and looking, and then gradually distinguishes sounds, and finally develops to produce sounds by itself.

Visual development

At this time, he may have been able to track any object moving in front of him within the half circle field of vision; At the same time, eye coordination can also help him deepen his vision when tracking objects close to and far from him. The line of sight is flexible and can be transferred from one object to another; The head eye coordination ability is good. The two eyes follow the moving object from one side to the other, moving 180 degrees, and can track the object. If the ball falls from the hand to the ground, he will use his eyes to look for it.

Cognitive state

Visual attention enhancement: After three months, with the strengthening of head movement self-control, infants' visual attention has been further developed, and they can see some objects purposefully. Babies prefer to see their mothers, toys and food, especially baby bottles. Keep a longer eye on new objects and images. The ability to distinguish differences after fixation is constantly enhanced.

The memory is clear: I began to know the faces of my parents and their relatives around me. I was able to recognize their expressions and toys. If the father disappears from the baby's sight, the baby will look for him with his eyes, which means that the baby has a short-term memory ability of seeing objects. Parents should seize this stage to develop their babies' visual potential.

Able to distinguish between male and female voices: By this month, the baby has been able to distinguish between the mother speaking or the father speaking, and can distinguish between male and female voices.

Emotional and social development

The child will not be very friendly to everyone. Naturally, he likes his parents best. At the fourth month, he will talk with "smile" and like other children If he has brothers and sisters, when they talk to him, you will see that he is very happy. If he hears the voice of children in the street or on TV, he will also look for it. Can talk with "smile". As children grow up, their love for children will increase In contrast, he only looks or smiles curiously at strangers. It can be seen that he has begun to distinguish the people in his life. There is no doubt that he will talk with "smile". He is very attached to the people closest to him He may have learned to express a happy mood by dancing and other movements; Fear or unhappiness begins to appear. Lying on the bed and playing by himself, suddenly, the baby's movement stopped, and his eyes were no longer looking around, but only staring at one place. After a while, he returned to normal. The baby wanted to express that I was talking and laughing happily, but I suddenly remembered something while playing. I was stunned for a while, but I couldn't think clearly, so I went on playing. Hold the baby and sit opposite the mirror, let the baby face the mirror, and then tap the glass to attract the baby's attention to his own image in the mirror. He can clearly look at his own figure, smile at himself in the mirror and "talk" with him.

Expert Reminder

When the baby grows to 4 months, it is the happiest period for parents, because the baby has his own personality, temper, ability, can attract people to care about him, ask people to care about him, and sometimes he will make trouble. He is no longer a baby lying in the quilt at the disposal of adults in the past. Now he can express his needs. At this time, parents should give the baby care and attention.