The 23rd month of the infant growth calendar: learning to hop on one leg

Single leg jumping requires the baby to have good balance ability and enough physical strength. If the baby can jump on one leg this month, it should be applauded for the baby. If the baby can't jump on one leg, it can't be considered that the baby's sports ability is backward. Some babies may jump on one leg later, which is also normal.

Body appearance and growth

Weight: 9.9-15.2 kg for boys; 9.4-14.5 kg for girls.

Height: 80.9-94.4 cm for boys; 79.9-93 cm for girls.

tooth: 18 baby teeth.


This big baby starts I like somersaults When turning over in bed, it is easy to fall under the bed. You can put bedding on the floor to let the baby turn over. The mother must protect beside it to prevent bumps and falls. Can throw the ball into the basket , which is much harder than throwing the ball to my mother.

Generally, babies I like the feeling of riding a tricycle From sitting and rubbing forward to crawling forward, to formally climbing forward, walking and running, now you can lift your feet off the ground and walk with the help of wheels. Of course, babies like it.

Physical skill development

Start trying Install the disassembled toys The baby has shifted from "destruction" to "construction". The improvement of the baby's hands-on ability has made the baby not satisfied with playing with toys with fixed shapes Transformed toys start to arouse baby's strong interest Toys are no longer external things, but the creativity of the baby. At this time, the cultural content contained in the toy itself is particularly easy to affect the baby's newly formed spiritual world. When choosing deformation toys, mothers should pay special attention to the cultural connotation and value orientation hidden in the toys. If there is a bad cultural orientation, they should not choose to play for the baby.

By this month, the baby has been able to skillfully open and close the door Can lock the door For safety reasons, mother should place a key that can open the door in a fixed place, so as to help the baby open the door at any time.

baby I can read books page by page and imitate my mother's origami The building blocks with different shapes will be put into the hollowed out position through the holes with corresponding shapes. He will stack objects of different sizes together and likes to put the ring on the pole. They will connect building blocks and toy cars, and push them forward from behind. Like to stack things high, then push them down and start again. Can rotate various knobs The baby may use both left and right hands, holding the pen with his right hand for a while, and then turning the pen to his left hand for a while. Parents do not need to correct the baby. As long as the baby plays normally, applaud him and praise him for playing well, and his mind will develop healthily.

Language development

At this month's age, half of the babies Can use 200~300 words, can say sentences composed of 3~5 words, most babies can use sentences composed of three words , express what he has seen, heard or felt, such as "the baby is sleeping", "he is crying", etc. The baby began to express his requirements in a single language, and No longer always rely on body movements The baby has learned enough words to express his daily life. The baby with developed language can also say some words that can attract parents' attention and win their parents' appreciation.

Babies not only know what their parents' names are, but also can tell others. More challenging is that the baby may Call your parents by their first names Can you accept it?

Babies gradually have their own value indicators. When such value indicators are achieved or not, they will have emotions, or happy, or angry. The baby can express happiness or anger in words.

Cognitive state

This month old baby, Can concentrate for about 10 minutes Teaching children to read nursery rhymes and recite poems are all good choices. The baby may recite a poem fluently today, but if he doesn't repeat it for a few days, he will forget it completely. Constantly take out the poems your baby has recited and repeat them to strengthen your baby's memory.

23 month old baby, You may also know that you are a boy or a girl If the baby shows interest in gender, wants to know whether he is a boy or a girl, and wants to know the difference between boys and girls, parents have the obligation to tell the baby accurately, correctly and concisely, and never be vague.

This month old baby, More intense feelings of pain, cold and heat Not only that, he also knew to take "measures": when it was hot, the baby would take off his clothes and kick the quilt; When it's cold, they will ask for clothes, get into the quilt, or even bury their heads in the quilt. It has a strong reaction to pain, has a very accurate location, and can tell mother where the pain is.

Most babies know the front, rear, left and right directions If the mother says to raise her right hand, most babies will accurately raise their right hand, but the baby can't tell which shoe is on the left foot and which is on the right foot.

Social skills

When children are about two years old, they do not know what is polite and kind, especially when dealing with other children. This is because children are inherently self-centered. So at this age, should the baby contact other children more? Playing with other children has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, the baby will be very happy when playing with other children. On the other hand, they always have conflicts when they are together. When he is with different children, he will show interest in one of them. Generally, children with common hobbies and similar temperaments, but the true friendship will be gradually established after one to two years.

Emotional development

Children are afraid of their relatives' leaving, and their mother is most afraid of leaving. Children can't live without their mothers, which is a sign that the emotional world is gradually enriched and developed. When a baby shows attachment and closeness to his parents, if he is often ignored or even impatient by his parents, his emotional development will be limited. When he grows up, he may become a cold person, difficult to get along with others, unable to love or be loved. Parents should give a positive response to the baby's feelings. They should not only actively respond to the baby's emotional expression, but also actively express their parents' love for the baby, so that the baby's feelings can develop healthily.

Expert Reminder

Babies should be respected, especially in public If you take your baby to the supermarket for shopping, you should be prepared in advance. Your baby may "cheat" because his parents do not agree to buy things he likes. If the baby cries loudly and cannot communicate with him, the effective way is to wait for the baby to calm down. The blame and reprimand will put the baby in an awkward situation. Although it may stop the baby's "unreasonable demands" for a while, the baby has planted the seeds of revenge inside.

The parents' trust and encouragement to the baby play an important role in the baby's growth. A word of encouragement, a nod of approval, a loving look, and a gentle touch from the mother will leave a beautiful mark in the baby's young heart, which will accompany the baby's growth throughout his life. A baby who fully enjoys the love of his parents when he is young, will not only know how to love himself, but also know how to love others when he grows up

If the baby talks late, or even far worse than the surrounding baby, whether it is normal physiological differences or medical problems, parents must not talk to everyone, let alone let the baby feel that he is a poor baby, just like in school, the teacher cannot let a student feel that he is a "poor student".