The 22nd month of the infant growth calendar: can stand up from the sitting place

The baby can stand up from the sitting place. The baby may put his hands on his knees or lean his body forward slightly before he gets up, or stand up easily without any help. At this time, the baby seldom falls down due to poor balance.

Body appearance and growth

Weight: 9.8-15kg for boys; 9.3-14.2 kg for girls.

Height: 80.2-93.5 cm for boys; 79.1-92.1 cm for girls.

tooth: There are 16-18 baby teeth.


can Run freely, stop running, and learn to run The baby will use objects of different heights to climb high and get what he wants. Baby has courage and ability Jump off a high object.

If the baby was able to take off in situ last month, it may have gained new skills this month, not only taking off in situ, but also Standing long jump Has. If I could jump far in situ last month, I would jump farther this month. Babies with strong athletic ability may jump forward in running. The baby has been able to go up and down stairs freely, but it is better to hold the baby's hand when going up and down steep stairs. This month's baby has been able to Bend down freely to pick up things Instead of falling forward.

Baby can Stand up from where you sit The baby may put his hands on his knees or lean forward slightly before getting up, or stand up easily without any help. At this time, the baby seldom falls down due to poor balance.

Physical skill development

baby Can use building blocks to build the house, train, car, or other objects he has seen A few months ago, when the baby finished building blocks, he would immediately destroy the "masterpiece" and appreciate the excitement of the moment when the blocks collapsed. Now the baby is completely different. He starts Protect your "masterpiece" and begin to cherish the fruits of your work, which is the bud of baby learning self love

Baby starts Practice using child safety scissors to cut paper If the baby learns to use scissors, the items in the home may not be safe. When no one finds out, the baby may use scissors to cut books. The baby with strong ability may also cut his own clothes or sheets. However, such a big baby can't cut a big hole in clothes, sheets and tablecloths.

Baby starts Have a strong interest in plasticine , use colored plasticine to pinch objects of different shapes, but the baby can't yet squeeze objects like real objects, just use his own imagination to squeeze objects that adults can't guess, and the baby will usually tell you what he is pinching.

baby The posture of holding the pen to write and draw has been very standard The baby's favorite painting is the sun and the light emitted by the sun. Now is not the time to teach the baby to draw. Let the baby paint as he or she likes. There is no need to teach him or her by hand. What parents need is to prepare enough pens and paper for the baby.

Language development

Baby starts Understand mother's language, make association and make corresponding actions : The mother said that the baby would take the initiative to sit at the table after eating; The mother said that when she went to kindergarten, the baby would take her own small schoolbag; The mother said that she would go out to play, and the baby would take what she wanted.

Looking at pictures and talking is the key point of learning for this month old baby In fact, the baby can make up stories with his own imagination without looking at anything. Now it's the turn of parents to be listeners. If parents can be a loyal listener, it is the greatest support and encouragement for the baby.

At this stage, baby The most common words may be "no", "I don't want", "I don't want to eat", "I don't want to sleep", "I don't want to wash my face" ... The baby wants to refuse all the demands of his parents, unless they are interested in it.

The baby's pronunciation begins to become rich. He will imitate other people's pronunciation and intonation, express anger and sadness through intonation, and express happiness through pronunciation, Be able to use language with both voice and emotion He can imitate his father's cough and hum one or two lyrics.

Most babies have mastered 200~300 words, half of them can use more than 300 words, and about half of them can use sentences composed of 3~5 words.

Cognitive state

Baby starts Know the difference between day and night The baby prefers daytime. When night falls, the baby will have a vague sense of fear and almost never leave his parents or caregivers. In the daytime, the baby will play by himself for a while. Most babies start Know sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy and snowy days The smart baby began to know the season, knowing that it snowed in winter and rained in summer.

Baby almost Be able to recognize all the animals you have seen and name them They can also imitate the sounds of some animals and draw the images of some animals with their own imagination. The baby can also know some plants. Generally speaking, babies are less interested in plants, because plants can't move, and their vitality is not as intuitive as animals.

On a clear night, baby Can see the shining stars and bright moon in the night sky And can leave an impression on this natural scene. If parents always take the baby to see the stars and the moon, the baby will be able to draw the stars and the moon in his imagination with his own impression, and thus the artistic creation of childlike innocence begins.

The smaller the baby, the less able to concentrate. With the growth of months, the time of concentration gradually extends. This month old baby can Concentrate for about 5 minutes

Social skills

Baby can Call out the names of the children he is familiar with, which is another step forward in the baby's ability to communicate with people. When the baby leaves the child he is familiar with, he will occasionally call the child's name. As the baby becomes familiar with the children around him, he gradually integrates into the infant society.

The baby's "possessiveness" begins to weaken, and he can give his own things to the person he likes The weakening of "possessiveness" is the beginning of the baby's learning to share happiness with others, and the beginning of playing with children. Even so, the baby's desire to share things and happiness with others is weak. In many cases, the baby still protects his own things and cares about others' things.

Emotional development

This month old baby is still unwilling to share toys and food with children, but he has begun to learn to be humble to the younger baby. If the baby grabs the thing in his hand, he may just look at his mother instead of competing with the baby. This does not mean cowardice, but Love

baby Begin to express love for parents and kiss their parents on the cheek The baby looked after by the nanny may not be very close to the parents, but as the baby grows up, he has the ability to express his feelings. Even if the parents don't accompany him often, he knows his parents. The baby will not only laugh happily, but also show sad expression from time to time, especially when the parents go out, the baby will show an unhappy expression.

Expert Reminder

But for such a big baby, it is not always relevant to mother's words. The mother should help the baby think about what should be done, but the baby didn't think of it. The mother had better remind him Don't do it silently Silently, when the baby was small, there was no problem; The problems begin to emerge when we go to kindergarten; When the baby goes to school, the problem becomes serious. The baby doesn't know what to do, and the parents don't know what to do. The teacher told the students what to do. Can parents accompany the baby to school all day? Therefore, it is of far-reaching significance to cultivate your baby's language association ability from now on. When the baby grows up, if he does not form a good self-discipline habit, his parents will have an endless heart.