The 21st month of the infant growth calendar: can jump in place

Most babies will jump with their feet together. If your baby can jump thirty or fifty centimeters, or even more, his physical development is already very good.

Body appearance and growth

Weight: 9.7-14.8 kg for boys; 9.1-14kg for girls.

Height: 79.4-92.5 cm for boys; 78.3-91.1 cm for girls.

tooth: There are 16 baby teeth.

The body proportion has changed fundamentally. The baby is no longer like a big head doll. The chest, head and abdomen are almost the same; The legs are long and the neck is longer than before. You can wear clothes with collars.


Most babies are I can walk freely Some babies can not only change from walking to running, from running to walking, or from standing to running, but also can stop standing when running. If the baby runs fast and stops suddenly, he may stand unsteadily and fall forward.

As early as a few months ago, the baby was able to squat down and maintain a short semi squat state. At this month's age, the baby can It's been half squatting for nearly 10 seconds

Most babies will Jump with feet together If your baby can jump thirty or fifty centimeters, or even more, his physical development is already very good.

The baby doesn't need to hold the railing or even hold his mother's hand I can climb at least three stairs alone , but you may not go up the steps alternately. Holding the railing or holding my mother's hand, I can go down the stairs, but I am still nervous.

The baby will sit on the seat, pedal on the pedal, and pedal the car Most babies ride tricycles, which has no internal relationship with their physical development. If the baby has never touched a tricycle, he may never ride it. Because riding a tricycle is not an innate ability, it needs practice the day after tomorrow.

Physical skill development

If the mother still wants to stop the baby from going out of the house by closing the door, it may not be so easy. The baby will not only close the door, but also open the door; Even if the door has a knob, the baby will open the knob, and some babies can open the latch

This month old baby can almost use his hands to do what he wants. The baby can use both hands to insert blocks of different shapes into corresponding positions. baby Likes to put things in containers , no matter what, they are willing to put them into a container. They will put small dolls, watches, etc. into the kettle, and put sand into the bottle.

The baby will take off his shoes Babies not only take off their shoes, but also are particularly willing to take off their shoes. They like running barefoot. Baby likes Learn to do housework by imitating parents For example, if you use a broom to sweep the bed and floor, use mops to mop the floor, and help your mother wash vegetables, your father and mother will make them, and your baby wants to have a try.

Language development

From this month on, mothers will be surprised to find that the baby's vocabulary has not only increased rapidly in quantity, but also made a qualitative breakthrough. In the past, most of the new words that babies mastered were the names of people and objects they were familiar with - nouns. Now, babies Start to master words other than nouns, such as hot, cold, dirty, afraid, walk, take, play, fight, etc At least 50% of babies can say 120~180 words. At 21 months, there are many babies who can say 200 words.

At the age of this month, there are more than 30% babies, Can say a complete sentence. Will express many daily needs He told his mother that he would eat, drink water, urinate and sleep. still I like to follow my mother and ask questions Don't bother your mother. Your baby wants to know all the things he can see. This is your baby's strong thirst for knowledge and spirit of exploration.

If the baby can Count from 1 to 10 , really good performance. If your baby can count to dozens, even hundreds, it is a proud breeding achievement. If your baby only tells you that he is 1 or 2 years old, he can't count from 1 to 10, or even from 1 to 3. It doesn't matter. Now your baby can't count, it doesn't mean there is something wrong with his IQ.

The baby has been able to I recited a complete children's song If your baby can only recite a few sentences, or even can't recite one sentence, it doesn't mean that your baby has any intellectual problems. Some babies are good at thinking and don't like reciting nursery rhymes; Some babies like catchy nursery rhymes very much, and they can recite them backwards after teaching them several times.

Cognitive state

baby Can distinguish some colors If you cannot distinguish between red and green, you may be red green color blind. baby Can distinguish different objects And match the same objects together. The baby already knows that the child who is the same as himself in the mirror is himself. Now the baby not only knows who he is in the mirror, but also begins to look at his "image".

Babies can distinguish the size of objects and compare the differences between different objects If the mother says "bring the big ball", the baby will not take the small ball; If the mother says "bring the doll", the baby will not take the plastic doll.

The baby has Can draw similar horizontal lines, vertical lines and arc lines, like to draw small animals and other objects in nature Baby's paintings are almost "pictograms", but we can hardly guess the contents of baby's masterpieces. If the baby tells you what he is painting, we will suddenly realize that the more we see it, the more it is, and sincerely admire the baby's ability.

Social skills

The baby's closest person is the mother, and babies aged 1 to 2 years old are particularly attached to their mother. But when I was almost 2 years old, In addition to continuing to attach to her mother, she also began to get close to others Caregivers, dads, grandfathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, brothers, sisters and children around the family who often take care of the baby's daily life will be happy to play with people around if they are friendly to him. If you don't show your closeness to him or play with him often, he will not actively develop close relations. In interpersonal communication, the baby is still in a passive state.

With the improvement of baby's self-consciousness, I no longer regard everything as my own If you tell him that it is a child's thing, the baby is likely to take the initiative to hand it to the child. This is also the beginning of baby learning to share happiness with others.

Emotional development

If there are sad scenes on the TV screen, the baby will also smile and even cry with the characters on TV. The baby is not frightened to cry, but feels sadness through his own senses. The baby's emotional world begins to enrich. Seeing, listening, smelling and smelling are all sensory tools for baby to explore things.

Expert Reminder

With the increasing dexterity of baby's hands, some protective work should be done in advance by parents. In the maternal and infant goods store, there are special counters to sell all kinds of infant safety protection devices, including those in the kitchen, bathroom, living room and bedroom, such as the safety shield on the electric socket in the kitchen, the protective device on the refrigerator door, the protective cover on the switch of the gas stove, the toilet cover card, the anti pinch grip to prevent the door from being blown on by the wind, the protective corner of sharp furniture, etc, Suitable protective devices can be selected according to the home conditions.