The 19th month of the infant growth calendar: like "moving"

Such a big baby is most willing to move things. It is a great pleasure for your baby to move everything. It is a way for your baby to exercise, and it is also a way to build a sense of balance. Therefore, the mother should not restrict the baby to move, but also deliberately prepare some items for the baby to move. This is also a potential development training. Why not?

Body appearance and growth

Weight: 9.4-14.4 kg for boys; 8.8-13.5 kg for girls.

Height: 77.9-90.6 cm for boys; 76.6-89.2 cm for girls.

tooth: There are 16 baby teeth.


During this period, children became very skilled in walking and running. They could jump, squat skillfully, climb onto chairs to pick up things, and pick up things from the ground; Able to go up and down stairs alone and skillfully use cups and spoons; Can play and throw the ball. Like physical activities such as dancing, clapping, climbing and running.

Physical skill development

Can draw lines and circles with crayons. I will try to get enough of what I can't reach. Be interested in things that can be pushed and pulled, such as a car with wheels. This month's baby's balance ability has been further improved, and can go back several steps. When the baby goes back, the mother should protect the baby.

Language development

baby Can't fully understand personal pronouns When the mother says "you" and "we", the baby can't know who it is. The baby doesn't know that "you" are himself, nor that "we" are himself and his mother. If "you" is replaced by the baby's name, it will be easy for the baby to understand.

The baby has a certain ability to use language In terms of communication with parents, he has made remarkable achievements, and even tried to "debate" with his parents. They will contradict what you said, defend themselves, and divert your attention.

When the baby is energetic and happy, he will be immersed in Ask and answer with parents In the game. This form of question and answer can not only exercise the baby's ability to use language, but also exercise the baby's thinking ability, and help the baby understand the phenomenon and nature of things.

Cognitive state

baby They prefer symmetrical, colorful and abstract patterns. Babies are more willing to read pictures and books upside down Some babies can tell stories to books Although he did not know the characters, the baby pointed out the characters on the painting book word by word with his small hand, telling the story that he had heard so well, as if he knew the characters. Babies can also read pictures and tell stories, and often play by themselves, "making up stories" according to their own ideas.

Babies will build blocks very early, but different ages have different ways to build blocks. At this month's age, the baby will follow his own understanding, Use building blocks to build the objects he has seen. The newly built building blocks will be destroyed immediately by the baby This is the baby's confidence. The baby believes that he can build something better than this, so the mother does not have to worry about the baby's impermanence or destructiveness. Without such spirit, babies have no creativity.

The baby may have been born several months ago Shape perception At this month's age, most babies have significantly improved their shape perception, and can distinguish more than three object shapes. Babies can accurately put objects of different shapes into containers through different shapes of notches. The easiest shapes to complete are round, square, and triangle, and the speed of completing irregular shapes should be relatively slow.

Social skills

At first, I felt close to children, but I didn't take the initiative to play with them. You still play with you, and I play with mine , may stop to watch children play, but will not actively participate in. With the increase of month age, the baby gradually likes playing with children and gradually learns to share. This is very important for the baby's psychological development. Learning to share with others is the beginning of good interpersonal relations.

"My" consciousness became stronger It is not easy to ask for things from this month old baby. But compared with the previous months, the baby will no longer cry because others want his things. He will use his brain to make others no longer want his things.

Emotional development

This month's baby has a rich emotional world in his heart, and the love between parents and children is no longer one-way, The baby's young heart is also full of love for parents When your baby puts something delicious to your mouth and says "Mom eats", you will be moved.

Compassion begins to grow in this month Mom should take the opportunity to cultivate slowly. For example, when a baby bites someone while playing with other children, he should tell him that it will hurt if the child is bitten, and he should not bite again in the future.

Expert Reminder

Parents should not raise their baby with dissatisfaction or suspicion. They should believe that their baby will grow well. This kind of trust attitude not only makes raising a baby easy and happy, but also has great benefits for the baby's personality and mental health.

In addition, in the formation period of baby's self-consciousness, on the one hand, we should understand that some of the baby's behaviors are not due to the "selfish" character, but the inevitable process of the formation of self-consciousness. On the other hand, you can't be too obedient and indulgent to your baby, which will make your baby become overly self-centered.