The 17th month of the infant growth calendar: make parents excited and tired

The walking baby should observe every corner of the house, want to see everything, touch everything, and try everything. The things in the cabinet were taken out one by one by the baby and lost all over the floor. If the baby can reach the bookshelf, he will take down the books one by one, which is a good way to "destroy".

Body appearance and growth

Physical standard:

Weight: 9.1-13.9 kg for boys; 8.5-13.1 kg for girls.

Height: 76.3-88.5 cm for boys; 74.8-87.1cm for girls.

tooth: About 12 deciduous teeth have grown.

Development rule:

The dietary structure should be reasonable. Those who eat too much high calorie will be overweight but not healthy. Protein and vitamins should be taken in a balanced way.

Generally, the front fontanel of the baby is completely closed at the age of 1.5


Now the baby can stand and walk for several months. His feet are more and more stable, and the number of falls is less. He can pass the turn smoothly, and he can also walk with things in his hands. Even if there are some obstacles or irregularities on the ground, the baby can walk safely. The baby moves freely and has a wide range of interests, so it becomes Like to "wander around" , look for opportunities and do what you can.

Baby can already Step up the stairs , climb the relatively small furniture, so parents must pay attention to the baby while providing practice opportunities as much as possible to prevent the baby from falling. In the world of babies, climbing up and down is a very interesting thing to do every day. He wants to challenge himself whenever possible. In the next few months, the baby will learn some more complex skills, such as Running and jumping Therefore, the baby's strength becomes stronger, the confidence becomes more sufficient, and the body becomes more flexible.

Physical skill development

The baby can eat with a spoon, drink water with a cup, drink soup with a bowl, and take off his hat and shoes,. I can play the game of throwing a ball with my parents. Last month, when I threw a ball, I always fell forward. The ball could only be thrown at my own feet. This month's baby has been able to stand firm, and the ball can also be thrown one meter away.

Can distinguish front and rear directions, the mother said that in front, the baby will walk forward, or look forward; The mother said that in the back, the baby would turn around, or turn around; But we can't distinguish the left from the right, and we have no concept of the southeast, northwest and northwest.

Language development

This month old Baby girls, more than 40% can combine phrases into short sentences and say them However, only 20% of this month old boys may have this ability. In the development of language ability, there are significant differences between boys and girls, and there are also individual differences between same-sex babies. Some babies may have been able to say more than 10 simple sentences as early as a few months ago, and some babies may only be able to say a few simple sentences or just use words to express their meaning until now. At this month's age, if the baby can't say a word, it's time to see a doctor.

The baby can already tell which item belongs to which person, such as "mother's shoes", "baby's hat", etc. I can say my name. For example, if I want to eat fruit, it is no longer "eat fruit", but "Niuniu eat fruit". Reflects the beginning of awareness of their own existence.

Cognitive state

Let the baby look at the pictures of objects in the book, which can be linked with the same objects in real life and pointed out to the mother. Be able to distinguish simple shapes, such as circle, square and triangle. I can find my parents from the photos, and some babies can also find themselves. Can understand the concept of space. If the mother says "the apple is in the mother's pocket", the baby will take out the mother's pocket if he understands the concept of space. The same goes for above and below.

The baby also has the ability to distinguish between categories of items. For example, bowls and spoons are for eating. The baby will not only put the shoes together, but also know that the insoles are placed in the shoes. Socks, shoes and insoles are closely related.

Social skills

At this month's age, some babies begin to like playing with children, while others still like playing alone. Some may also They will attack children or take things from children In the face of the children who were attacked and cried, they were indifferent. Is it because the baby is aggressive and indifferent? Because such a big baby is not interested in children themselves. Play with children because they like the toys in others' hands. Such a big baby still doesn't understand the ownership of things. This period is During the formation of baby's self-consciousness, everything in baby's eyes is his Slowly this situation will change. Parents don't need to be confused or angry. They can share with their babies in life.

At this age, it's time The key period for the baby to establish a good interpersonal relationship The baby should pursue independence, but the parents should guide the direction of the baby and set some restrictions, so there will inevitably be conflicts between the baby and the parents. The good relationship between parents and baby is the basis for baby to learn to establish good interpersonal relationship. From the parents' attitude towards him, the baby learns how to treat the people around him. In the process of baby's growth, parents' speech and behavior, conduct, always affect the baby, play a subtle role in the baby. If parents' words and deeds are inconsistent, the baby will be at a loss. Baobao is in the critical period of establishing good interpersonal relationships, when the role of parents is very important.

Emotional development

The baby has more and more ideas of his own and starts to like others to follow his own arrangements. They are dissatisfied with the reproaches and criticisms of their parents, such as pouting and screaming. It is easy to lose your temper because your will is often unable to be realized because of your ability. Your self-confidence will be hit and you will feel frustrated. At this time, the baby will relieve the pressure inside by losing his temper.

Expert Reminder

When Baobao loses his temper, the best thing for parents is to keep a calm and peaceful attitude, and patiently ask the baby why he lost his temper when his temper is too high. Persuade your baby in a language that your baby can understand and clearly tell him that losing his temper is wrong. It is not an overnight thing to cultivate the ability of effective communication when the baby encounters problems. Parents should have great patience to deal with the recalcitrant baby.