
The immunity in medicine is The ability of human immune system to protect itself , one of the main tasks is The body's ability to resist bacterial or viral infections The immune system is a system in which many links work together. Different links play different roles. Human immunity has Part of it is born Of, The other part needs to be improved and matured

Six Steps to Improve Your Baby's Immunity

01. Vaccination

Vaccination is one of the safest and effective ways to enhance the baby's immunity The planned immunization programs currently implemented in China include BCG vaccine, hepatitis B vaccine, etc. These vaccines promote babies to produce Antibodies against corresponding viruses or bacteria So as to protect the baby Protection from specific viruses or bacteria This is the vaccine that the baby must be vaccinated Parents can also choose unplanned vaccines according to different situations of the baby under the guidance of doctors.

02. Manage the diet

For babies whose mothers do not have enough milk or are unable to breastfeed, they should choose the formula supplemented with food that is conducive to improving immunity. diversification as Protein, sugar, fat, electrolyte, vitamins and trace elements Etc. Reasonable collocation Meat and vegetable Matching color and lustre Matching varieties Rationalize the collocation. Pay attention to dining mood In a cheerful mood It can stimulate appetite, It is conducive to the absorption of nutrients Pay attention to breakfast Breakfast can supplement the baby's energy consumption at night, especially the energy needed by the brain.

03. Activities and regular sports

Physical exercise is a kind of exercise, and its intensity is lower than it. Adults can choose the activity content that the baby is willing to accept according to the baby's physical condition. In addition, there should be 20-30 minutes of physical exercise every day. It is recommended to do it half an hour after dinner, which will help sleep and promote the growth and development of the baby.

04. Establish good living habits

The daily life system includes: Rest, sleep, diet, study, activity and exercise Etc. The scientific and reasonable life schedule system can not only improve the baby's immunity but also promote its growth and development!

05. Create a good living environment

The baby's living room is the most important living environment. The sanitary conditions of the house directly affect the formation and development of the baby's immune function. Decorative design Try to reduce indoor pollution.

06. Do not abuse drugs

Many drugs interfere with the formation of immune function Once the baby is ill, he should go to the hospital in time to take medicine under the guidance of the doctor.