Lactation method

The lack of breast milk after childbirth is a worry for many new mothers. In fact, many mothers have insufficient breast milk secretion after childbirth, which can be avoided. In order to make breast milk sufficient, we should pay attention to other aspects besides ensuring postpartum nutrition.

Breastfeeding and colostrum

The natural process of lactation is not only the process of delivering food to the newborn, but also an ideal way to convey emotion. The "colostrum" initially secreted by the mother's breast is a yellow substance like water. It contains rich antibodies and nutrients, which is extremely important for the health of infants. Therefore, infants should be fed early. Most new mothers, regardless of the size and shape of their breasts, can breastfeed their babies as long as they get the correct guidance. The mother produces milk, and the child sucks it when he is born, which is a natural instinct. The mother should be confident that the baby can eat well.  

Maternal nutrition should be adequate

·Increase the number of meals: 5 to 6 meals a day is appropriate, which is conducive to the recovery of gastrointestinal function and reduces gastrointestinal negative tans.

·Dry and thin: dry can ensure the supply of nutrition, and thin can ensure the supply of water.

·Combination of meat and vegetables, avoiding preference for food: different foods contain different types and quantities of nutrients, and the nutrition needed by the human body is multifaceted. Only by taking food in an all-round way can the body's needs be met.

·Light and suitable: It is generally believed that people should eat light and suitable food during the month. Light and appropriate, that is, the amount of onion, garlic, pepper, wine, pepper, etc. on it should be less than that of ordinary people, and the amount of salt should also be less.

·Spleen and stomach conditioning: During the month, you should eat some food that can strengthen the spleen, stimulate the stomach, promote digestion and increase appetite. Such as hawthorn, mountain medicine, jujube, tomato, etc. Hawthorn can stimulate the stomach, help digestion, and promote uterine recovery.

Appropriate supplementation of lactating food

·Eggs: Eggs contain high protein, iron and other nutrients. Eggs are easy to be absorbed and used by the human body, which is very beneficial to the recovery of the maternal body and the secretion of milk. There are many ways to eat eggs, either boiled or steamed. You can eat about 4 eggs a day, divided into several times. Eating too much at a time is not fully absorbed by the stomach and intestines, which is harmful to the body.

·Nutritional soup: The egg tastes delicious, can promote appetite and milk secretion, and is conducive to maternal physical recovery. You can also use pig's trotter soup, crucian carp soup, ribs soup, beef soup and chicken soup in turn.

·Brown sugar: The iron content of brown sugar is 1-3 times higher than that of white sugar, which can enrich blood. Brown sugar is warm and has the function of promoting blood circulation. It can promote the discharge of congestion and uterine involution, and promote the secretion of milk.

·Rice porridge noodles: porridge or millet porridge not only contains a variety of nutrients, but also contains high cellulose, which is conducive to the excretion of stool. Rice porridge is thin and contains more water, which is conducive to digestion and absorption, and is conducive to the secretion of milk. You can also eat more noodles during the month: noodles are nutritious, and eggs are added to the soup, which is convenient to eat, nutritious and easy to digest, and is conducive to the secretion of milk.

Tips for effective methods

Oral Chinese medicine

People with weak qi and blood can use the method of supplementing qi and nourishing blood to increase fluid and unblock collaterals, and traditional Chinese medicine can take Tongru Pill; Those with liver qi stagnation can use the method of soothing the liver and relieving depression to dredge the collaterals and lower milk, and the traditional Chinese medicine can use the lower milk Yongquan powder.

External application

20 grams of fresh castor leaves, 400 ml of water, 150 ml of decocted, soaked with cloth while hot and then applied with milk.

Bake the wooden comb, lay the breast flat, gently massage it up, down, left and right, and repeat several times.


Use a clean towel dipped in warm water to wipe in a circular pattern from the center of the nipple to the areola for 15 minutes on both sides:

Circular massage: Place both hands above and below the breast and massage the whole breast in a circular direction;

Spiral massage: Hold the breast with one hand, and massage the index finger and middle finger of the other hand in the direction of the nipple in a spiral shape;

Finger massage: Place your hands on both sides of the breast and squeeze from the breast to the nipple.

Nipple correction

All kinds of problems related to mother's insufficient milk can be improved, and nipple correction can be used:

Place the index finger and thumb of the left or right hand on both sides of the areola, press down first, and then push away to both sides;

Or take the nipple as the center point and massage in a symmetrical way from left to right, up and down. This method will make the nipple easier to protrude. You can also pay attention to breast and nipple maintenance before delivery.

Let the baby suck on the mother's nipple more

In fact, the less the mother's milk, the more times the baby sucks; Don't stop the baby from sucking the nipple because there is no milk at the beginning. Let him touch the nipple more often, and gradually the baby will learn to suck on his own strength.

Try not to supplement formula

If the mother has no special conditions such as mumps, fever, nipple rupture, etc., she should try to let the baby eat breast milk. Eating infant formula will make the baby lack hunger, thus reducing the chance to suck the mother's milk, and the mother's milk will be reduced.

Adjust your mind and mood and have a good rest

The good mental state of the mother is an important guarantee for adequate milk secretion. The wilting mental state and bad mood will affect the endocrine system of the parturient, thus causing problems in normal lactation. Therefore, new mothers should pay more attention to the adjustment of mentality and maintain a stable and happy mood and mental state. In addition, new mothers should also pay attention to the combination of work and rest in their daily life, adjust their work and rest time, get enough sleep, and eat regularly.

Avoid nipple injury

If the nipple of a new mother is injured, cracked, chapped or bleeding and causes inflammation, stop sucking the injured side temporarily, let the baby suck the breast on the healthy side first, and then feed after the wound is healed. In order to avoid nipple injury, it is recommended that mothers adopt the correct feeding posture and control the unilateral sucking time, otherwise it is easy to get injured repeatedly, affecting the mother's confidence in feeding.