Ovulation period calculator

Normal women of childbearing age come to menstruation once a month, from the beginning of this menstruation to the first day of the next menstruation, which is called a menstrual cycle. For example, from the perspective of contraception, each menstrual cycle of women can be divided into menstrual period, ovulation period and safety period.
The ovulation date of women is generally about 14 days before the next menstruation. The eggs can survive for 1-2 days in the fallopian tube after being discharged from the ovary to wait for fertilization; The male sperm can maintain the fertilization ability for 2-3 days in the female reproductive tract, so sexual intercourse is easy to conceive in the days before and after the egg is discharged. To be on the safe side, we call the first 5 days and the last 4 days of the ovulation day, including the ovulation day, a total of 10 days as the ovulation period. Because it is easy to conceive during the ovulation period, the ovulation period is also called the easy pregnancy period or the dangerous period. Generally, arranging sexual life during the ovulation period can improve the pregnancy rate.

There are many methods to determine the ovulation date, such as calculating the ovulation period according to the menstrual cycle, measuring the ovulation period using the basic body temperature measurement method, measuring the ovulation period using the cervical mucus observation method, ovulation test paper, etc.

Average menstrual cycle Average menstrual period of balance day

Last menstrual period year month day

 two  one

  Safety period
  Dangerous period
  Menstrual period