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Nutritional Recipe for Children Aged 1-3 in Summer (Picture)

http://www.sina.com.cn    09:25, June 18, 2009    Parents are the best nutritionists for babies 0-3 years old  

   Nutritional Recipe for Children Aged 1-3 in Summer

   Fresh meat and mashed potatoes

Ingredients: 200g mashed potatoes, 50g chopped onions, 100g pork lean meat, 100g milk, 10g flour, 100ml stock.

A little seasoning, cooking wine, salt and vegetable oil.


  1。 Cut the lean pork into beans, draw a pot with a small amount of oil, stir fry with wine until cooked.

  2。 Stir fry the onion with a little oil for several times, add flour to fry until it is light yellow, then add stock, half of milk and salt to mix it into a paste, and add meat particles to mix well to make fresh meat sauce.

  3。 Stir fry the mashed potatoes with oil, add the other half of milk and salt, mix well, and then mix with fresh meat sauce.

   Fresh Fruit Salad

Ingredients: 100g apples, 50g oranges, 30g grapes.

Seasoning yogurt, honey appropriate amount.


  1。 Peel, core and cut oranges into small pieces; Apple washed, peeled, cored, cut into small pieces; Clean the grapes.

  2。 Put orange, apple and grapes into a bowl, add yogurt and honey, and mix well.

   Papaya and pineapple milk

Material: 100g papaya pulp, 100g pineapple pulp, 150ml milk.

A little white sugar for seasoning.


  1。 Cut the pulp of papaya and pineapple into small pieces.

  2。 Put the papaya block, pineapple block, milk and sugar into the blender, stir well, filter and take the juice.

  Stir fried pumpkin with egg yolk

Material: 100g pumpkin, 1 salted duck egg yolk (Note: the egg yolk should be yellow rather than red).

A little seasoning vegetable oil, cooking wine, chopped green onion and ginger.


  1。 Put the salted duck egg yolk and cooking wine into a small bowl, steam them in a pot, take them out, and then grind them into egg yolk mud with a spoon while hot.

  2。 Peel and seed the pumpkin and cut it into thin slices.

  3。 Heat the oil pan, saute chopped scallions and ginger, add pumpkin slices and stir fry for 2 minutes, then add egg yolk paste, let pumpkin slices dip evenly.

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