Chongqing: Parents make a scene because of one sentence; the boy calls the police for help

01:09, February 5, 2017 Chongqing Business Daily
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 When the police went to Xiaoliang's (pseudonym) home, Xiaoliang's parents were quarreling, and the police intervened in mediation. Map provided by the police in the sand area When the police went to Xiaoliang's (pseudonym) home, Xiaoliang's parents were quarreling, and the police intervened in mediation. Map provided by the police in the sand area

The Spring Festival is the day of family reunion, but Xiao Liang (not his real name), a 12-year-old boy who lives in Shapingba District, dialed 110 for the first time in his life. It turned out that the parents who were resting at home had a big quarrel because of a joke. Xiaoliang had to turn to the police because he was afraid. "Parents should not quarrel in front of their children." The police said that they also criticized and educated the parents' behavior after mediating the couple's conflicts.

   12 year old boy called the police

   Ask the police to take their parents away

"Uncle police, come and take them away quickly, they have been quarreling..." At more than 8:00 a.m. on February 2, the Zhongliang Police Station in Shapingba District received a call from a boy to call the police. In the process of answering the police, the police heard a pair of men and women arguing on the other side of the phone with a loud voice, and the child was crying all the time.

The police immediately rushed to Xiaoliang's home in Yongningsi Village. Before entering the door, they heard a couple quarreling, their voices getting louder and their words getting fiercer. After the police knocked on the door, the husband and wife still kept quarreling. On one side, Xiao Liang, 12, sometimes pulled his father and sometimes his mother, but it didn't help.

The couple were surprised to see the police coming. After the patient persuasion of the police, the young couple temporarily calmed down their quarrel

   Husband earns less money

   Cause wife dissatisfaction

It is understood that the reason for the quarrel between the two was just a joke by Xiaoliang's mother, Ms. Wang. Seeing the Spring Festival coming to an end, Xiaoliang's parents planned for the new year in the morning of February 2. In the process, Ms. Wang suddenly complained about her husband, "You made so much money last year!" Xiaoliang's father was not happy to hear this, and then argued a few words. Unexpectedly, the words were not congenial. The more the couple talked, the more excited they became. Finally, it turned into a quarrel.

"I have to take care of dolls and go to work. As a result, the salary is almost the same as him. Is that annoying?" Ms. Wang told the police that she worked in Zhongliang, and her salary was two or three thousand yuan, while her husband worked outside only two or three thousand yuan. So she wanted her husband to find a job with higher income in the New Year. Unexpectedly, in the process of communication, the two people talked to each other and soon quarreled.

Xiaoliang's father said that his income in 2016 was really not high, but he also worked hard. Unexpectedly, his wife still didn't understand him and had to complain about himself. So when he heard his wife complaining about his low income, he was very angry and couldn't help quarreling with her.

   Reminding by the police

   Don't be in front of children when parents quarrel

At the scene, the police patiently persuaded the couple and comforted Xiao Liang. The couple also realized their own problems, felt that they should not quarrel in front of their children, and said that they would deal with family conflicts in the future.

The public security organ reminds that in family life, all kinds of contradictions can not be avoided. When there is conflict between husband and wife, first, they should understand each other and think more from the other's perspective; The second is to try not to quarrel in front of the child, which is bad for the child's growth and avoids leaving psychological shadow on the child; Third, we must avoid escalation of conflicts, violation of the law, and domestic violence, or the public security organs will deal with it according to law.

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