Do you still think that the amount of milk is natural, and can not be changed the day after tomorrow? Get rid of this outdated idea! Although the amount of milk is determined by the individual's physique, the preparation and efforts of the day after tomorrow can completely change the amount and quality of milk.
Is the baby coming soon? So start quickly and get ready for breastfeeding! [ Comment ]
  · Video: Perfect plan for raising babies - breastfeeding Cooperation support: Mother and Child World

1. Early breast care
Strictly speaking, breast care should start from adolescence. When girls' breasts begin to grow and bulge, they should not wear too tight bras and underwear to avoid affecting the normal development of breasts and causing nipple depression, which will cause difficulties for future breast feeding.

2. Don't sleep on your stomach
Girls should adopt proper sleeping posture when sleeping, and it is better to lie on the side or on the back. Sleeping on the stomach is easy to squeeze the breast, make the blood circulation blocked, and can not guarantee the hormone delivery to promote the development of the breast, thus affecting the development of the breast.

3. Learn about breastfeeding
From the beginning of pregnancy, expectant mothers should actively learn the basic knowledge and relevant information about breastfeeding. Recognizing that breastfeeding is one of human instincts and an important biological activity in the reproduction of mammals. Almost every healthy mother can complete the task of feeding her baby.

4. Selection of bra
Wearing a proper bra during pregnancy is necessary to ensure smooth breast. The shape of a pregnant mother's breast is easy to change, and a suitable bra should have the characteristics of being flexible at will; With the increase of bust, the size of bra needs to be adjusted accordingly. The correct position of the breast support nipple should be the horizontal position of the nipple line between the elbow and shoulder to prevent the weight of the breast from pulling the breast toward the back.

5. Correct the inverted nipple
If the mother's nipples are invaginated, the baby will be unable to hold them, and the milk will not be able to be sucked out. After seven or eight months of pregnancy, expectant mothers with inverted nipples must do this every day: press the fingers of one hand on both sides of the areola, and gently lift the nipple with the other hand, or gently push the nipple on both sides and up and down to extrude it. However, we should master the degree, first, to avoid premature delivery, and second, to avoid too large nipples that make the baby unable to hold.

6. Appliance pulling
For mothers with deeply depressed nipples, they can use a breast pump to attract the nipples so that they will not shrink back. If necessary, they should do it 2-3 times a day, and also pay attention not to over stretch the nipples.

7. Keep clean
The pregnant mother's sebaceous glands secrete vigorously, and there are often scales and crusts on the nipple. After the early pregnancy, the pregnant mother should often scrub the nipple with soap water and clean water. If the crusts are difficult to remove, you can first use vegetable oil (olive oil is the best) to coat the nipple, and then clean it with clean water after the crusts are softened.

8. Massage smooth breast
Massaging the breast during pregnancy can promote the production of milk after delivery, and can make the breast tube unobstructed, which is conducive to postpartum lactation. After cleaning the areola and nipple, the mother can use her thumb and forefinger to massage from the breast root to the nipple, twice a day, 20 times a time. You can also use a wooden comb with blunt teeth to gently comb from the breast root to the nipple.

9. Don't be afraid of childbirth
Pregnant mothers often have fears about childbirth, which may affect the secretion of postpartum milk. Pregnant mothers should have a correct understanding of childbirth. They should not listen to unscientific rumors too much. Instead, they should greet the arrival of small lives in a relaxed and happy state of mind and assume the sacred and glorious mission of feeding babies.

10. Increase nipple toughness
Babies can suck very hard and often break the skin of their mother's nipples. However, the infection caused by the broken skin of nipple often affects the secretion of milk. Therefore, we need to find ways to increase the toughness of nipple skin during pregnancy. In the last 3 months of pregnancy, the pregnant mother can use a dry towel to rub the nipple, which can increase the toughness of the nipple and the root skin.

11. Nutrition reserve
Malnutrition of pregnant mother will cause fetal intrauterine dysplasia, in addition, it may also affect the secretion of postpartum milk. During the whole pregnancy and lactation, pregnant mothers need to take in enough nutrition, and eat more foods rich in protein, vitamins and minerals, especially soy products, because of their high protein, minerals and vitamins. More importantly, isoflavones can regulate estrogen, help breast milk secretion, and prepare for postpartum lactation. In addition, eat more fruits and vegetables to ensure nutrition and detoxification.

12. Regular prenatal inspection
Pregnant mothers should carry out prenatal examinations regularly, correct problems found in time, and ensure healthy pregnancy and smooth delivery, which is also an important prerequisite for mothers to secrete sufficient milk after childbirth.

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