Is there any way to "get rid of both at once" when all the stars have twins?

06:30, February 22, 2018 Surging news
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   Q: The star is so easy to give birth to twins. Did he do IVF?

   Answer: The success rate of IVF is 30% each time. In addition, considering that ovulation promoting drugs are actually harmful to the mother's body, it is recommended that women who can conceive their own babies conceive naturally.

 Is there any way to "deal with two at once"? Is there any way to "deal with two at once"?

Recently, there was good news from the entertainment circle that Xie Na had twins, a pair of lovely little princesses! Congratulations! There are indeed many stars with twins in the entertainment circle, such as Fan Weiqi, Lin Zhiying, Zhang Yuqi, Yang Wei, Song Xiaobao, etc.

Many people began to speculate that the stars were so easy to give birth to twins. Did they use any "means"? Others wonder if they have made IVF? Why is it easier for IVF babies to have twins? Some people say that test tube babies can be twins at one time, and two can be done at one time. Is this idea correct?

Shen Jie, Deputy Chief Physician of Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Affiliated to Fudan University, pointed out that IVF is to cultivate fertilized eggs in vitro and then transplant them into women to help them conceive. The reason why twins are easy to appear is that in order to improve the survival rate of embryos in vivo, 2-3 embryos will be transferred each time, so the probability of twins is indeed higher.

"According to the regulations, at present, in vitro babies, patients can only transfer two embryos at most. For mothers with three fetuses, the average delivery time is about 33 weeks, and for mothers with twins, the average delivery time is about 35 weeks. The risk of premature delivery is conceivable," said Deputy Chief Physician Shen Jie.

Some people say that IVF babies can have twins at one time and two at one time. Shen Jie, the deputy chief physician, pointed out that in fact, the success rate of IVF is 30% each time. In addition, considering that ovulation promoting drugs are actually harmful to the mother's body, women who can conceive their own babies should be advised to conceive naturally.

In addition to test tube babies, many people have begun to use their brains. It is said that ovulation promoting drugs can make people ovulate several more eggs at a time, so the probability of having twins is high? Shen Jie, deputy chief physician, pointed out that ovulation promoting drugs may improve the probability of twins to some extent. However, if it is used by normal people, in case of three or four eggs being produced, it will also increase the risk of fetal reduction; In addition, the use of ovulation promoting drugs without the supervision of a doctor is likely to cause serious consequences - ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, which can cause abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, ovarian enlargement, hydrothorax and ascites, electrolyte disorders, blood hypercoagulability, low blood volume and oliguria, and can endanger life in serious cases.

In addition, Shen Jie, the deputy chief physician, reminded that twins would increase the physical burden of pregnant women. Pregnancy itself will cause increased body load, while multiple births will have greater pressure on the load of internal organs, which is likely to cause hypertension during pregnancy, cholestasis of pregnancy, etc.

In fact, the most suitable state of the uterus is to conceive a single baby. When multiple babies are conceived, the fetus will compete for nutrition supply and living space, which will not only increase the burden of the mother's heart, liver, kidney and other organs, but also greatly increase the risk of anemia, abortion, preterm birth and other risks, and may also cause a series of pregnancy complications, which is not conducive to good birth and reproduction.

In addition, twins also bring more risks to the fetus. For example, compared with singletons, the twin stillbirth rate is five times higher, and the probability of cerebral palsy is four times higher.

As for the statement that "test tube babies can choose men and women", Deputy Chief Physician Shen Jie pointed out that three generations of test tube babies can indeed be realized. The third generation test tube, also known as preimplantation genetic diagnosis, refers to gene testing of embryos before embryo transfer, screening healthy embryos for transfer, and preventing the transmission of genetic diseases. Now that all genetic genes can be tested, it's no problem to find out about men and women.

However, the current law of our country expressly prohibits the fetal sex identification that is not required by medicine. At present, hospitals that can be used as the third generation of IVF are mainly to prevent the birth of children with some serious genetic diseases. They aim at good birth and reproduction, rather than selecting men and women!

Shen Jie, the deputy chief physician, stressed that with the poor living environment, the older the puerpera, the more frequent abortions, uterine cavity operations, myomectomy, scar uterus and other pregnant women, it is better not to choose twins. Once these people are pregnant with twins, not only the burden of the puerpera will increase, but also after complications, both children may not be able to get; In addition, twin pregnancy is not recommended for small mothers.

"Of course, being pregnant with twins is also a great joy for many families. For twins and elderly mothers, we recommend starting to use aspirin after 12 weeks to prevent hypertension during pregnancy. In addition, some mothers stay in bed for a long time to protect their babies, which will increase the risk of blood clots. Aspirin will also be good for these mothers."

Shen Jie, the deputy chief physician, said, "Although the probability of twin pregnancy complications increases, it is not necessary to be overly nervous and keep an optimistic and relaxed attitude, which is beneficial to both mothers and babies. Moreover, the above complications may not occur in every twin pregnant woman. At ordinary times, pay close attention to monitoring, and if discomfort and abnormality are found, go to the hospital in time."

Surging journalist Tu Jun

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